(2.2) Juggernaut Crit Staff Earthquake. 6k+ HP, 60k+ ar, 58% Block, 100+k dps, 90+% crit, 90+% Hit

This guide is for Crit Staff Earthquake that uses Hegemony's Era, Abyssus, and Rumi's Concoction to achieve very high damage while being extremely defensive. It is very open ended, you can choose more damage, defense, or utility with a few diverted points and gear choices from the core build.

*****************************The Core Build*****************************

If you follow this core guide you should be able to get up to 6k HP, 30k base armour (60k w/flask), 100k tooltip, and 28% block (58% w/flask).

Normal: Oak
Cruel: Oak
Merciless: Oak

Normal: *Unbreakable
Cruel: *Undeniable
Meciless: *Unstoppable

*Unbreakable is where the majority of our armour comes from. Double chest provides over 20k base armour with a 2k armour chest piece. Add in cannot be stunned, this is a no brainer.

*Undeniable allows us to completely ignore accuracy on gear. We are crit based so again, a no brainer.

*Unstoppable is extremely useful for mapping. It allows you to run temporal chains maps without a downside, in fact, it becomes a buff as anything that has a duration will last longer for you. Things that slow your move/attack speed will not affect you anymore.You can change this to either of the other two pointers but I feel this is much more useful.

Weapon: Hegemony's Era - Minimum 8.5 crit
Helmet: Abyssus - As close to 40% as you can get
Chest: Astral Plate - Armour%, Flat Armour, Life, Resists, Str (Minimum of 2k armour)
Gloves: Armour Based - Life, Resists, Flat Phys, Dex/Int, *Mana Leech
Boots: Armour Based - Life, Movespeed, Resists, Dex/Int
Amulet: Dex/Int Based - Life, Flat Physical, Resists, Armour%, Crit Multi, Crit Chance
Rings: Diamond Base - Life, Flat Phys, Resists, Dex/Int, *Mana Leech
Belt: Rustic Sash - Life, Flat Armour, Resists, Flask Duration
Jewels: Life, Damage, Crit Chance, Resist, Armour, *Mana Leech

*You will need at least one piece of gear with mana leech, after you get one ignore it on the rest of your gear. I would try to get the Ascendancy enchant on boots as it's guaranteed on anything you get depending on how many times you want to run the lab.

Life #1: Seething Divine of Staunching
Life #2: Catalysed Eternal of Warding
Utilty #1: *Rumi's Concoction
Utility #2: *Chemist's Basalt of Iron Skin
Utility #3 Chemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline

*Flasks are very important to this build. We try to keep up the Basalt and Rumi's at all times. You cannot attack a single physical reflect monster without these up, be warned.

Main Skill Links
6L Weapon/Chest: Earthquake - Increased Critical Strike - Less Duration - Increased AOE - Melee Physical Damage - *Fortify

*If you choose to use fortify on leap slam, replace it with added fire for a large dps boost. You can also use increased crit multi but would need to recolor your 6l. Keep in mind that if you use added fire, elemental reflect will be a lot more dangerous.

Utility Skill Links
4L Gloves: Lvl 20 CWDT - Ice Golem - Molten Shell - Enfeeble
4L Boots: Blood Magic - Enduring Cry - Blood Rage - Increased Duration
4L Helm: Vengeance - Life Gained on Hit - *Blind - Increased Critical Strikes
3L Weapon/Chest - Leap slam - Blood Magic - Faster Attack

*You can choose any utility you want here. Blind, Innervate, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun, Knockback, Ice Bite, Culling Strike, can all do something. You can also just use damage gems.

3L Weapon/Chest: Determination - Hatred - *Lvl 3 Enlighten

*Using a lvl 3 enlighten will free up 3 passive points as you can spec out of the aura nodes it take to run both 50% auras

*****************************End of Core Build*****************************

As I said in the opening, this build is very open ended depending as to what you favor more. This is the current version I am using.


This version gets more defense by adding Blasphemy+Enfeeble to the build. It costs a lot more than the core build because it requires a 10% Reduce Aura enchant on the Abyssus, two -8 Elreon rings, and a Lvl 4 Enlighten.

Normal: Oak
Cruel: Oak
Merciless: Oak

Normal: Unbreakable
Cruel: Undeniable
Meciless: Unstoppable

Weapon: Hegemony's Era - Minimum 8.5 crit
Helmet: Abyssus - 10% Reduced Determination or Hatred Enchant, As close to 40% as you can get
Chest: Astral Plate - Armour%, Flat Armour, Life, Resists, Str (Minimum of 2k armour)
Gloves: Armour Based - Life, Resists, Flat Phys, Dex/Int
Boots: Armour Based - Life, Movespeed, Resists, Dex/Int
Amulet: Dex/Int Based - Life, Flat Physical, Resists, Armour%, Crit Multi, Crit Chance
Rings: *Elreon Diamond Base - Life, Flat Phys, Resists, Dex/Int
Belt: Rustic Sash - Life, Flat Armour, Resists, Flask Duration
Jewels: Life, Damage, Crit Chance, Resist, Armour

*You will need 2 -8 Elreon Diamond Rings. Look for Flat Phys, -8 to mana cost. You then craft life on them and/or multimod things you need. You can also look for Life, -8 to mana cost but those rings are very very pricey. With two of these you can ignore mana leech as your cost will be 1 which is perfectly fine even if you have extremely low mana after reservation (which we will).

Life #1: Seething Divine of Staunching
Life #2: Catalysed Eternal of Warding
Utilty #1: Rumi's Concoction
Utility #2: *Chemist's Basalt of Iron Skin
Utility #3 Chemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline

*This can/should be switched out depending on the map mods. I usually kepp the of Iron Skin mod on this flask just for reflect purposes.

Main Skill Links
6L: Earthquake - Increased Critical Strike - Less Duration - Increased AOE - Melee Physical Damage - Fortify

Utility Skill Links
2L/2L: Lvl 20 CWDT - Ice Golem / Faster Attacks - Leap Slam
4L: Vengeance - Increased Critical Strike - CoC - Blood Rage
4L: Vengeance - Increased Critical Strike - CoC - Molten Shell

5L/1L: Determination - Hatred - Blasphemy - Enfeeble - *Lvl 4 Enlighten / Enduring Cry

*A lvl 4 Enlighten is a must for us to run Blasphemy+Enfeeble, Determination, and Hatred. Using a lvl 2 Enlighten will allow use of one of the 25% reservations skills without blood magic on the main skill.









Last edited by Sentracer#4714 on May 8, 2016, 9:14:18 PM
Last bumped on Jun 13, 2016, 5:03:23 PM
Looks just like the other Hege Eq Guide on here
The perfect build to one shot your self to reflect!
sethbine wrote:
Looks just like the other Hege Eq Guide on here

I'm not sure which one you're referring to.

captainxx wrote:
The perfect build to one shot your self to reflect!

That's why flask management is key and was mentioned. With flask up, you will not take any damage.
you really dont need abbysus to do enough dmg.
why the increased crit gem? just for crit cap to generate flasks faster on boss fights?

also, you run to the scion life cluster from 2 sides, you can remove 2 str nodes to 1 of the sides.

Also, i feel the 2 accuracy/ms nodes at templar is kind of useless, should not give you more then 1% chance to hit for 2 nodes. I gues for speed farmign low content the MS can be usefull.

Last edited by Nisseonbeer#5663 on Mar 28, 2016, 2:46:09 AM
Nisseonbeer wrote:
you really dont need abbysus to do enough dmg.

Abyssus is the biggest DPS increase you can get for a physical crit build. Along with its massive armour roll, it's a no brainer for this build.

Nisseonbeer wrote:
why the increased crit gem? just for crit cap to generate flasks faster on boss fights?

Without the crit gem, you would struggle to reach even 50% crit without using multiple uniques/items for crit. Most of those items are dex based anyway which do not fit this build. This is also a no brainer for crit builds on the left side of the tree.

Nisseonbeer wrote:
also, you run to the scion life cluster from 2 sides, you can remove 2 str nodes to 1 of the sides.

It's not connected from two sides, you can however connect by going up from Mara start and grab +10int +10str instead of the scion wheel.

Nisseonbeer wrote:
Also, i feel the 2 accuracy/ms nodes at templar is kind of useless, should not give you more then 1% chance to hit for 2 nodes. I gues for speed farmign low content the MS can be usefull.

You'll need dex, what better way to get it than adding in a large amount of accuracy, movespeed, and attack speed that comes with those nodes. Versatility at Mara would probably be better for gearing purposes as it gives +20int as well.

Last edited by Sentracer#4714 on Mar 28, 2016, 3:20:07 PM
Well I respec one of my SC lvl 95 maurauder into Hege earthquake, wearing 40%/220% abysus, 30% lightning coil, and in passives I take both soul of steel and indomitable armour cluster, also 6 endur charges, and almost always have my (legacy) surgeon 98% iron skin granite flask on. oh also fortify on main link

And still on a specific rare mob with many damage mods in a multi damage mod T13+ map, I reflect more than 75% of my health in one hit(6.2k life pool, so that one reflect is 4.5-5k dmg on a heavy armour char)and then take a flameblast from Magnus then burn to death in half a second later , did have ass's mark curse on me, out of warding pot, with my iron skin granite I have freaking 82% phys mitigation

my damage is 135k with taste of hate, all charges, blood rage, atziri's promise and melee totem, didn't use silver flask

The point is, your defense is really weak, that is absolutely a must-not-do when making a good end-game char,even in SC or SC temp, you really don't want your char to die to something so obvious.

Lightning coil is a must, there's no way around, unless you only want to push your level to 90.

Last edited by TravisL#2218 on Apr 6, 2016, 7:20:42 AM
TravisL wrote:
Well I respec one of my SC lvl 95 maurauder into Hege earthquake, wearing 40%/220% abysus, 30% lightning coil, and in passives I take both soul of steel and indomitable armour cluster, also 6 endur charges, and almost always have my (legacy) surgeon 98% iron skin granite flask on. oh also fortify on main link

And still on a specific rare mob with many damage mods in a multi damage mod T13+ map, I reflect more than 75% of my health in one hit(6.2k life pool, so that one reflect is 4.5-5k dmg on a heavy armour char)and then take a flameblast from Magnus then burn to death in half a second later , did have ass's mark curse on me, out of warding pot, with my iron skin granite I have freaking 82% phys mitigation

my damage is 135k with taste of hate, all charges, blood rage, atziri's promise and melee totem, didn't use silver flask

The point is, your defense is really weak, that is absolutely a must-not-do when making a good end-game char,even in SC or SC temp, you really don't want your char to die to something so obvious.

Lightning coil is a must, there's no way around, unless you only want to push your level to 90.

He actually leveled to 95 already with that build. I guess you did not have flasks up when you took the reflect hit since you should have really high mitigation % with all those flasks on. Also, were you using a basalt flask? That flask is amazing against phys damage as it works just like an additional 5 endurance charges even without rolling inc. effect on it.

Edit: LC might actually weaken your defense if you can achieve more than 75% phys mitigation because you will normally only have 75% res.
Last edited by joeshinつ#2318 on Apr 8, 2016, 9:41:30 PM
nice build, i made a very similar one with 8kish life. however i run double curse war/enfeeb or war/ass or enfeeb/temp and artic amrour/herald of ash. I dont worry about armour and rely on infinite 8 charge 5 second immortal calls. i get back up to 8 charges before the immortal call runs out.

everyone seems to hate on defense with abyssus, they always tend to be the ones who haven't tried the builds ;)

currently saving for atziris acuity to see how that goes with reflect maps, since im crit capped all the time, ill be critting all the time.

my only deaths in T12-15 maps are from non-physical damage, where i stood in dumb stuff.
TravisL wrote:
Well I respec one of my SC lvl 95 maurauder into Hege earthquake, wearing 40%/220% abysus, 30% lightning coil, and in passives I take both soul of steel and indomitable armour cluster, also 6 endur charges, and almost always have my (legacy) surgeon 98% iron skin granite flask on. oh also fortify on main link

And still on a specific rare mob with many damage mods in a multi damage mod T13+ map, I reflect more than 75% of my health in one hit(6.2k life pool, so that one reflect is 4.5-5k dmg on a heavy armour char)and then take a flameblast from Magnus then burn to death in half a second later , did have ass's mark curse on me, out of warding pot, with my iron skin granite I have freaking 82% phys mitigation

my damage is 135k with taste of hate, all charges, blood rage, atziri's promise and melee totem, didn't use silver flask

The point is, your defense is really weak, that is absolutely a must-not-do when making a good end-game char,even in SC or SC temp, you really don't want your char to die to something so obvious.

Lightning coil is a must, there's no way around, unless you only want to push your level to 90.

You weren't playing this build, I assure you. First off, you were using Lightning Coil which doesn't have very much armour. Lightning Coil isn't the end be all chest versus physical damage like many believe. It's extremely good if you have low armour (cough evasion builds cough). If you can scale armour high enough, armour becomes better. That and a combo of flasks is what we do in this build. A LC build would be different as you would run Grace, spec into Iron Reflexes, and get the Evasion/Armour nodes. So no, Lightning Coil is not a must in this spec, it's actually terrible for this.

You can't simply state "your defense is really weak" when you didn't even play this build. It seems like all you did was equip Hege's staff, go crit, and expected Lightning Coil to protect you. You would have to get a lot of armour with LC to get the same amount of physical mitigation I have currently. Keep in mind Coil becomes even less effective in minus max maps whereas armour doesn't. I have no trouble in high level maps, in fact, it's extremely defensive so much that I get a little careless from time to time because you can go several maps without ever taking any damage. I'm much more terrified of extra life volatile than I am a single physical reflect monster. At this point in the spec I'm running, level 96 btw, I don't even have to use flask vs reflect. As long as my endurance charges are up, I take very little damage.

Here's a 2+ minute video of me attacking reflect.

Reflect Video

Last edited by Sentracer#4714 on Apr 19, 2016, 5:21:36 AM

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