Cast When Damage Taken - HeartBound Loop


Im«'m doing an auto caster build using the above items plus the army of bones jewels to get 98% reduced duration.

At the moment I only have 1 cwdt lvl 2 + a summon skeletons lvl 1 to see if the loop happens. What I saw is that if I have 9k armour(even 2.3k) the loop does not happen (well it cast 1 time and then stop). But If I have 900 armour the loop happens. So this leads me to understand what a Hit is and how the cwdt mechanic works.

Each linked skill has an internal damage counter that tracks the total accumulated damage taken from hits right? So I'm taking a hit of 700 physical damage (2x350 from a pair of skeletons), and a cwdt lvl 2 requires 583 total damage (the requirements are met!) independent of the armour that I have since the mitigation only occurs after the hit (that already occured), am I wrong?

So why is the second/third and so on not entering the loop and only the first? why does it stop after the first cast with cwdt?

Best Regards,

Last bumped on Mar 24, 2016, 4:49:52 AM
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Because your Armour is mitigating all the Damage...
CwDT counts Damage you take, meaning it counts Damage after mitigation.
On top of armour mitigating damage, if you have fortify up (champion?) I think that will reduce hit damage as well.

Also another thing to mention, idk if it's any help here, is that if somehow you take three hits to occur, it will be equivalent of 4 hits due to one of the skeletons not being tracked after cast occurs (cooldown).
First of all, thank you for replying.

Now what is considered damage " you take"? it can mean before mitigation or after mitigation. That's not very clear.

Is this how the cwdt works? All the linked skills counts the damage that Is taking life and not the damage from the initial hit before mitigation?

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