[2.2 HC viable - Low budget] Incinerate MF Hierophant Templar

A little bit about me and how I approach PoE: I play temp leagues almost exclusively and that's one of the main factors that goes into my decision making and how I make my builds. The goals I set for each build are based on temp league play.

The base build is very budget friendly because we're going to rely on 4 links for our main DPS setup and we don't rely on any expensive uniques to get the main build off the ground and in working order.
You can expect very decent leveling speeds, but clearing speeds will not compete with more expensive builds like Reave, Vaal Reave, Vaal Spark or other high tier builds. That's the limit of only having 4 linked sockets available.
The build is Atziri viable, but the main focus of this build is letting you build a solid economy for yourself in the upcoming league without sacrificing a lot of dps or needing to invest a lot into getting more dps. You'll have very decent dps combined with good survivability, and at least 250% IIR with some gear optimization.

Passive tree
Until the 2.2 passive tree is available you must open this passive tree in PoESkillTree to view the correct build

Finished build - 109 points

Ascendancy points

Illuminated Devotion - Pursuit of Faith - Conviction of Power


Core items

Geofri's Crest
This item is the main reason why we're rolling a Hierophant and it's going to allow us an effectively 6L Incinerate setup without any significant currency investment. This is the only unique that is mandatory for this build.

100% optional items

Rise of the Phoenix
If you plan on farming Atziri you need this item. It'll put you at 84% fire resistance before Purity of Fire which you'll also be using to get up to 87/88% fire resistance.

Doryani's Invitation (fire variant)
Another fairly big investment. This belt will be a significant survivability upgrade for your build. Even if it's 'only' 0.2% leech. It is a very noticeable upgrade and I've used it in multiple fire based builds before. Combined with 6% life regen this will help keep you safe, and will also help you with difficult map rolls like reduced player regen and no regen maps.

Saffell's frame
If you wish to safeguard yourself against dangerous bosses like for example the Residence or Palace map bosses consider getting this shield. Weigh the costs and deem if it's worth getting depending on your willingness to invest in it.

Greed's Embrace
It's going to push the cost of your build up significantly because you'll need better resist rolls on your remaining rare items to compensate for the resistance loss. This item typically retains some or a lot of its value throughout the entirety of the league and for the start of the league it's going to be expensive. This will likely be one of the biggest investments in your entire build and goes in the optional section for that reason.

If you find this item listed for less than a couple of chaos orbs, buy it and wear it until you replace it with Geofri's Crest.

Gem links


Incinerate -> Elemental Focus -> Faster Casting -> Controlled Destruction

Alternatively you can replace Elemental Focus with Lesser Multiple Projectiles. If you wish to swap between Lesser Multiple Projectiles and Elemental Focus you will have to corrupt your Geofri's Crest with at least one white socket and 3 blue sockets. If you feel like the investment is worth it I recommend that you do it.
Thanks to royc3wicz for pointing this out.

Immortal Call
Immortal Call -> Cast When Damage Taken -> Increased Duration -> Molten Shell

Blasphemy -> Temporal Chains -> Clarity

Blasphemy is optional. You must have fairly good mana regen in order to reserve 85% of your mana, but it will be doable on a 4 link Incinerate. Especially considering all the mana regen we get from our Ascendant subclass.
Alternatively you can run Assassin's Mark if you don't feel the need for a defensive curse. If you choose Assassin's Mark you should also put a passive point into the Elemental Overload keystone because our curse will actually allow Incinerate to crit. Incinerate will then be able to keep the keystone permanently up once we get enough cast speed which is not that much.

Whirling Blades
Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify

Slot this into your main hand weapon.

Flame Totem
Flame Totem -> Item Rarity -> Culling Strike -> Increased Duration

Alternatively you can replace Increased Duration for Reduced Duration, Fire Penetration, Blind or Point Blank.

Anger -> Purity Of Elements -> Purity of Fire -> Enlighten

Get Enlighten if you can afford it. Don't try to run all of these auras at the same time. You're supposed to just enable the ones you need situationally. For end game mapping you most likely will never need Purity of Elements unless you roll a map mod that brings you below standard resist cap.


Here's a spreadsheet that I maintain for this build. It shows you exactly where you go to get all of the skill and support gems required. If you see something that is incorrect in this spreadsheet please don't hesitate to point it out and I'll get around to fixing it.

Last edited by Hallstein#0915 on Mar 2, 2016, 1:46:43 PM
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2016, 2:31:22 PM

Tuesday March 1 2016
Revised completed passive tree.

Wednesday March 2 2016
Updated gem links based on royc3wicz's post.
Updated passive tree again.
Added Doryani's Invitation.
Last edited by Hallstein#0915 on Mar 2, 2016, 1:14:59 PM
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Seems good for the first days of league.
Last edited by uit#7149 on Feb 29, 2016, 4:01:41 PM
@uit This should be fixed now.
Incinirate without GMP/LMP... You wot mate? Where did Your clearspeed go? Where is ur decent clear? There is no cleartime with this gem setup...

This build is meant to be super low budget. The whole build's core item progression ends when you have Geofri's Crest. The build will still have very decent clear speeds even if you do not use LMP or GMP.
With that in mind I didn't include LMP/GMP into the four link setup, the only practical solution for a gem swap is rolling a white socket corruption on the helmet. For everyone but those who get lucky on the first try that means spending their currency buying multiple helmets until they get the correct corruption.
Flame Totem combined with Incinerate is the cheapest possible alternative for some AoE overlap. Of course Elemental Focus can be replaced in favor of LMP/GMP but you're still going to be actively using Flame Totem all the time.

This build is not meant to push level 100. It's not meant to win the race for level 100. It's strong enough to kill normal mode Atziri - but that's also close to the ceiling of what this build can accomplish.

If you wish to invest more heavily into gear, for example a 5 or 6 link setup then no one is stopping you from doing that, or just straight up replacing one of the support gems with LMP/GMP.
Last edited by Hallstein#0915 on Mar 2, 2016, 1:51:23 PM
Mate are ur sure this tree is correct?

Incinerate doesnt crit but you are collecting Power charges all over the tree.Ele overlord would also be poinless(maybe with assa mark)

You could get 4 jewel slots for 7 points, 1slot are about 40% flat dps. So 160% wasted.

You got an insanly high manareg but no MoM?

you have 0% crit in the tree but your build is supposed to be crit this makes not rly sense.. ok i see you will have a bit crit but not enough
Last edited by exorihd#1421 on Mar 4, 2016, 3:41:23 AM
You can see under skill links that the build uses Assassin's Mark. At level one that gives Incinerate 5% base crit chance. It's enough to keep Elemental Overload up.

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