[2.2]Dual Bino's Crit Flicker-insanely fun, fastest clear speeds, Tested to Tier 12 maps

Sethbine's Flicker til you drop

So you wanna get a ton of currancy and level past 70 like the wind? Try the fastest clearing map Melee skill bar none, youll find more currancy and clear maps quicker then you can change your pants.

Suggested Gear for Best results

You can off hand the Bino's and Main hand allot of options that will greatly help this build or you can do like I have and double the pain with Dual Bino's.

Offense at level 89


Defense at level 89


Now Im sure your'e gonna ask how do we level up to use Flicker. I suggest you level up til you can at least Blasp-Poacher's Mark for frenzy charges. As a bow user-Split Arrow or Ice Arrow either one will work fine. Since the builds mostly based around crit,life and evasion you can pretty much use any bow skill without having to respect much or little to none once you have Bino's and Blood Dance Boot's.

Suggested Weapons if you choose to Flicker Early

You can level with Flicker just fine using the curse but, I suggest having a 4 link Frenzy skill set up to grab a few quick frenzys as needed, Dont under estimate this skill, it does very nice damage too. Also youll need it vs bosses, if you have a deadhand talisman you can give to boss he will spawn worms that you can kill for charges and just keep on rolling over him.

Gem Links

Flicker-MultiStrike-Faster Attacks-Melee Splash-4 link
Id use Melee Physical in 5th link and Physical to Lightning in 6th, if you cant get a blue theres always Fortify which will also give you a nice boost to defense or WED if you use Fortify in Whirling.

Whirling Blades-Faster Attacks-Fortify

Frenzy-Faster Attacks-Melee Physical-MultiStrike(now you can use WED or Faster Attacks)

CWDT-Immortal Call-Increased Duration(optional)

Aura's Hatred, Ash, Option to go with Blasp(curse of choice) Arctic Armor for none curse maps.

Optional-Vaal Haste and Vaal Reave- I use both love how they help dps or clearing packs.


Attack speed/Physical or point
Frenzy charge.

Passive Tree


I suggest you get life nods and other physical damage nods and worry about crit later, you may have to take a couple extra leech nods under duelist or essense sap to maintain mana until later, I used eleron rings to keep mine down and only had to take the one and now Im not even sure I need it.

Gear Im using

Well guys thats about it for now, I plan to use this build in he New League and Expansion as I decide my path Ill update the guide. I hope you like it my first real guide. If you have questions or comments you know what to do. Thanks for Looking. Sorry I dont have a clue how to do a video if someone does and wants to help me get one going Ill be happy to show a bunch of maps.

Link to Ranger version


Update for new Expansion Assassin tree will be taken-Ambush, assassinate and toxic delivery will be the tree skills taken. Crit performance on first hit while mobs are 100% should make clear speed very good as well as more crit on low life bosses with culling strike allows us to quickly finish off bosses. Toxic will give us 30% more poison damage from Bino's and 10$ of physical damage is give as extra damage with chaos. So our 16,5k base will get an instant 1650 more base dps at around 6 hits per second thats another 10k dps just from toxic. And it also gives a small amount of defense agaist damage we take over time from bleeding and poisons.

Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Mar 3, 2016, 10:02:34 PM
Last bumped on Mar 13, 2016, 4:14:43 AM
Sorry guys for some reason I had to redo this it was broken, now everything should be working, Ill save this for use in future updates.
Why dual wield daggers for a flicker build? Sure you get the attack speed bonus, but wouldn't it be better to have a sheild so you can get more crit and damage elsewhere?
I tried both ways and I believe both options are viable if you take the correct passives, But its hard to match passives like Twin Terror's in regards to crit all other one handed crit nods were taken, If I make 2 changes on my build with other items I have my crit goes from the 72% I have now to over 85%. You can take passives on the duelist and ranger side that allow dual wield to get a decent amount of block add in rumi's flask and you can increase defense allot. Flicker mostly doesnt need huge defenses since you are constantly moving and the mobs even bosses have a hard time targetting you except with aoe, But like any build you need to take the good with the bad and work them into a good build thats able to farm fast and survive most fights, With daggers I can Whirl my movements decent too plus flicker allowing me to clear full maps packed with mobs like dried lake in under 2 mins. While this doesnt sound like much, let me put it this way I hit level 70 and went to level 85 in under 2 hours just doing dried lakes over and over it was a rush, I had 2 exalts and a voltrix bow drop in that two hours not to mention all the other currancy I didnt pick up.

I wanted to level fast and kill fast but didnt want to miss any key drops so I turned up my filter sound for special drops and speed leveled. Never had so much fun.

This talisman gives me a big boost in dps and crit/crit multi but right now I need the resists.

Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Mar 1, 2016, 12:28:24 AM
Hey interesting Flicker build. I plan on going from noncrit 2-handed weapon flicker to a crit based flicker build because of the lategame potential of crit, so I got a few questions:

-Physical to lightning. It may "add" alot of paper dps but is it really great regarding monsters resistances? Or is this "just" taken to shock the enemy. Does Hatred deal less bonus dmg with this?
-Defense stuff: Yeah it is flicker so we dont need to be a shieldwall, but what do you got against physical spells or spells in general? Since you arent going for acrobatica and phase acro which would hurt the block chance but you arent even blocking at 30% and theres no spellblock.
-Powercharges. Not worth getting? Whats with assasins mark? Any way to get around the frenzy charge from poachers?
-Ascendancy classes: Assasin looks like THE critmonster but trickster got multiple things which really seem interesting: no mana cost for flicker strike (movementskill), extra frenzycharge, more dodge... Whats your favorite for a crit-flicker build? And why?

Yeah sorry for the 1001 questions but Ascendancy is near and I would love to try something critbased this time :)
Ezrael49 wrote:
Hey interesting Flicker build. I plan on going from noncrit 2-handed weapon flicker to a crit based flicker build because of the lategame potential of crit, so I got a few questions:

-Physical to lightning. It may "add" alot of paper dps but is it really great regarding monsters resistances? Or is this "just" taken to shock the enemy. Does Hatred deal less bonus dmg with this?
-Defense stuff: Yeah it is flicker so we dont need to be a shieldwall, but what do you got against physical spells or spells in general? Since you arent going for acrobatica and phase acro which would hurt the block chance but you arent even blocking at 30% and theres no spellblock.
-Powercharges. Not worth getting? Whats with assasins mark? Any way to get around the frenzy charge from poachers?
-Ascendancy classes: Assasin looks like THE critmonster but trickster got multiple things which really seem interesting: no mana cost for flicker strike (movementskill), extra frenzycharge, more dodge... Whats your favorite for a crit-flicker build? And why?

Yeah sorry for the 1001 questions but Ascendancy is near and I would love to try something critbased this time :)

PTL was chosen based on playing around with a tabula looking for the most dps I could muster basicly off a 6 that didnt add anything to socketed items. If I had an empower 4 I would probly use that 2 add 2 levels to all the gems for better results but I couldnt test this since I didnt have one. Also the more elemental types of damage you have the more results you get from using wed such as hatred ash ptl etc etc.

As for defense well I have allot more then it seems but this is still very easy to get killed if you run out of charges hitting a boss or big pack. Theres 28% block off dual wield, 3 endurance charges always up thats 12%, you can run arctic armor on this build flicker is more like teleport so it works perfectly. You get around 36-50 evasion chance depending on your gear. and some armor gives you a little less physical damage as well as Whirling Fortify for even more. 50% movement speed allows me to manually dodge allot of issues too and I can whirl through and away from packs since I us blood magic its quicky done without messing with my mana. As I get better gear I will improve all these defenses and this is all without any of the new stuff or items.

As for power charges I have 72%-74% crit without charges so I dont feel I need them, frenzy also gives me a decent boost to damage and I am considering adding 1-2 more frenzy charges. I like assassin with the big crit to full life and low life with culling for flicker but I also like the free cost to movement skills, would be nice if it worked to clear cooldown then you could endless spam flicker without worring about charges at all and have allot more options as far as weapons and build design.

Basicly with all builds its a work in progress that each player helps the design by adding feedback and as they learn new ways that improve the build. I encourage players to give it a try and if they find a better way of doing it please post about what you know.

My favorite part of this design is the abilitie to change to several skills without changing the tree and only swapping out a few gems. I can run viper strike, reave, cyclone, cleave, flicker and other green gems and all will do decent or incredible damage. I tested Viperstrike and had 110k dps on the tooltip and that doesnt include the dot which works really well vs allot of bosses. People say you cant flicker Aziri and they are mostly correct but with the quick changes to a few leveled attack gems you can have allot more options to work around certain bosses.

Please keep asking questions, or making comments I love helping people or finding a better build for the one Ive come to love and play. Hope I was able to help.
Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Mar 1, 2016, 12:07:12 PM
Updated the dps still one of the strongest flicker builds Ive seen, no other dps showing more. Still trying to figure out how to do videos.
I dig this. I'm guessing the mana leech may not be as necessary if one specs into the 'Aether Walk' node for Trickster Ascendancy class.

A few questions:
-Have you done Atziri on this build?
-What's the weakest part of this build in your opinion?
Dyssolve wrote:
I dig this. I'm guessing the mana leech may not be as necessary if one specs into the 'Aether Walk' node for Trickster Ascendancy class.

A few questions:
-Have you done Atziri on this build?
-What's the weakest part of this build in your opinion?

I have done Atziri with this build but I couldnt use flicker for anything more the trash mobs, I used reave and viper strike for the bosses, used decoy totem, vaal skeletons and flicker reave/vaal reave on trio which makes it possible to reave the whole room with crit knock back and then only used viper strike and reave on Atziri herself. Its not easy I did try to flicker on trio but kept getting stunned. But until they give us a better way to use flicker on a solo mob I dont see anyone flickering Atziri without other options in the build. Even Oro's cant flicker since the bosses cant be ignited.

The weakest part of the build for myself is bosses, sometimes I rush in an have no problems same boss next run Ill run in and get stunned or hit really fast vs a phyiscal boss with abyssus you die really fast. Maybe changing to rats nest and the crit gloves would keep us around same dps and allow us more defense as well. I tried taking off the Abyssus but the dps drop scared me allot. I believe assassin will greatly improve the performance with the crit to full life and low life mobs with auto culling, Since you get so much more crit off assassin you could possibly use fortify in the main gem set up and not lose any dps while making it more defensive. As well as allowing us to use rats nest and Maligoro gloves and ice bite instead of faster attacks for a good freeze chance which could give a few seconds to frenzy attack between flickers on most bosses. This of course is all a theory until we can use one of the subclasses.
Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Mar 2, 2016, 5:59:30 PM
Updated to 2.2 by theory but will be able to start testing it completely within the next couple of days.

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