Hi guys! After months of testing and theorycrafting finally I, with the collaboration of 0Nemesis, buillt something playable about Vigilant Strike. In order to create something playable we built all the possible trees for each class. Then we concluded that the Duelist has the best tree. Actually I'm playing with a Marauder instead of a Duelist because has an higher level.
Pro & Cons
- high pDps - A goal, at least for the creator of it - Atziri viable - Quite expensive - Sometimes it jams There are two version for this skill: the first use the stun to recover Endurance Charce and reset the skill cooldown time; the second one is through the crit to generate endurace. In my opinion the second one is more efficient but more expensive. The first one has too many condition and map mod that counter the build (for example "Cannot be Stunned" on a yellow pack). With the annnounce of the Acendancy release I thought about the better subclass and the Jaggernaut is my choice. I chose it for the EC interations and the Fortify ones. But with the 2.2 I think another option is open: the stun version. For the second version of the build you can choose or the Slayer (Duelist subclass) or the Ascendant, with Slayer and Jaggernaut, (Scion subclass). The stong think of the Slayer is "Always stun enemies on full life" that works greatly with the gem "Endurance charge on melee stun" but the problem with bosses remains or also in the maps with "cannot be stunned". Gear
In order to build this PG there are some core items: Voll's Devotion and Romira's Banquet.
The iteration of this two items guarantees the continuos refilling of Endurance Charges. For this build there some teorically good unique body armors: Daresso's Defiance or Voll's Protector. I test these two items. For Daresso the bonus of Endurance Charge on kill doesn't compensate the malus of loss of Endurance Charge when you are been hit. For Voll the bonus is good but, if you wear it, you could have some problem to set the res.
There are two main setup for the gear: more aggressive and unstable, with Abyssus, or more stable, with Rat's Nest. Another troublesome thing is to set up the elemental resistances because there aren't too many gear pieces that can have the res. Levelling To level up a new character, you can use Cleave with dual wiel. [link armi usate per levellare] Cleave was linked with Blood magic, Faster Attacks, Multistrike and Melee Physical Damage. Then, when I have the required level, I put a Vigilant Strike in the second weapon slot to level up in wait to use it. More or less at level 60 I switched to Vigilant Strike because at that level you can play Romira. Tree
For this patch i thought about three trees: dual wielding dagger, dual wielding with the Rigwald's weapon or dagger + shield. Obviously all three are crit.
For the duelist I have in mind two different types of gameplay: the first, more aggressive, but it isn't my ideal gameplay; the second, more defensive, looses a bit of damage to gain Iron Reflexes and this suits better my gameplay.
I link both the trees so you can choose with option is better for you. the actual tree I use: Other tree for the classes: The stats of the best tree( In my opinion) and the tree I actually use:
Tree stats
Duelist: 535% Increased Critical Chance 115% Increased Critical Multiplier 78% Increased Attack Speed 326% Increased Physical Damage 143% Increased Life 9 Movement Speed 4 Jewels +1 Power Charge +1 Endurance Charge Marauder: 425% Increased Critical Chance 90% Increased Critical Multiplier 61% Increased Attack Speed 256% Increased Physical Damage 143% Increased Life 4 Movemet Speed 5 Jewels +1 Power Charge +2 Endurance Charge Gems I have two setup also for the gems: to clear the maps i use Melee Slash instead of Added Fire Damage and I swap these two for boss fight or single target.
Gem setup
5L: as sixth link you can add Power Charge on Crit or Increased Critical Damage 4L: 3L: Others: Stats Unbuffed: 66k pDps with 61% crit chance and 594% multiplier. Buffed (with Hatred, Ice Golem and Blashemy): 93k Dps with 64% crit chance and 594% multiplier Defences: 4,8k Armor, 4k Life, 25% block and 75% all Res. Playstyle To play this build you have to consider the fact that the Pg sometimes jams; so, I put Enduring Cry to selfcast it in case of lack of Endurance Charges. Shortly the gameplay is to enter in the pack with Whirling Blades then spam Vigilant Strike or Enduring Cry. With my setup this build can't do Reflect Physical Damage mod. Changelog: 11/02/2016 Build Created 12/02/2016 Tested on Atziri and it is viable 15/02/2016 Updated the gear and included a section about the versions of this build 10/03/2016 Updated with the 2.2 17/03/2016 Updated the gear Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir Last edited by Mordenkran#3471 on Mar 17, 2016, 8:05:03 AM Last bumped on May 9, 2016, 10:55:52 AM
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Hey Mordenkran, thank you for sharing your theocraft!
I guess Vigilant strike is one of the most underrated melee skills. It has huge(best?) phys dmg per hit, cant be evaded(!) and grants fortify. Endurance charges are normaly used to boost your defense, but with this build it also has quality in offense. In this league i played a crit vigilant striker for a few days and its verry interesting gameplay. I used hegemony´s era and the crit-knockback mechanics. Biggest problem is to have enough endurance charges. in mops it is no problem, enduring cry, warlord´s mark and crit-mechanics gain a lot of charges, but boss fights are a bit annoying. Your build is fine, but voll´s devotion is so expensive... and no crit ;). So i still prefer a crit-vigilant build. problem to solve is the endurance charge mechanic. Maybe endurance charge on Stun could help, i will test this. I have no idea about stun-crit mechanics, but it should work. So for single-target it would help. Last but not least: i really like good clearspeed, a problem for any melee builds(except flickerstrike and reave). So i started play a hybrid build and added vaal-groundslam to my build. This is epic! like vigilant strike it cant be evaded, has good dmg and huge aoe. plus se vaal-critchance-jewel, its perfect to improve your clearspeed. Vigilant strike would be perfect if you can gain enough charges to facetank singletargets. aoe will be solved with vaal groundslam. last one.. : the ascendancy classes should help with the endurance charge problems. for example the juggernaut can gain e-charges if he gets hit. and! it will improve the fortify effect. I hope i could add some points to your thoughts ;) later i will try to post my build too. |
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Thanks for the support, mate!
" I liked Vigilant too from the early beginning and I starded to build something " When I thought about the weapn style Hegemony didn't come in my mind; the only two handed weapon that I thought is Marohi Erqi, but I wanted a crit, so I chose the dual-wielding. Probably also with Hegemony this build is playable. " I thought a lot about the single mob and the only safe method to gain endurance is Voll's Devotion + Romira, as for Mjolner builds. The great quality of Voll's amulet is the continuos regain of charges but you don't have crit stats on hit. In my opinion is a great compromise. I don't want to play Vigilant stun based because the mod "Cannot be stunned" is too common, not only as map mod but also as single monster mod. The only other way to play it with the current items is crit. With this in mind the only thing that can gain charge without kill is Voll interation. " I really like the Juggernaut ascendancy for this build and I think is a great boost to this underrated build. Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir
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JUST use enduring cry for the charges.
go FOR berserker and get the nod that reduces CD on warcries. that will free you from all the limitation regarding endurance charges. 1. no endurance charge on stun gem needed. therefore more dmg. vigilant - melee dmg (change this with fire dmg for reflect mod) - multi strike - faster attack - melee splash ( change this with fire dmg for boss ) - increased critical chance (change this for physical to lighting for reflection). 2. no voll's devotion and romira. you can buy 6L Lightning coil with 2/3 price of that expensive amulet. you can go for nice phy dmg amulet and ring with good life,resistance, and some stats. Remember voll's devotion is good for discharge. not that much synergy with vigilant. even though you use that expensive amulet, the rotation of the two charges are still bumpy. 3. with 20Q enduring you almost always get 5+ charges around packs of mobs. with 2sec CD on that you can just press W(warcry)Q(Vigilant). cuz warcries dont have delay. it is like you shout and hit at the same time. 4. against boss? No problem. many of bosses in maps are with mobs. thats enuf for at least 3~4 endurance charges for just 1 use of EC. For those who dont have mobs? no problem. for example atziri. you can just gather 4~5 charges and give her 12~15 hits with some crit in less than 2sec. cuz boss fighting is not like just walking into it and pressing one button. I dont know why people want automatic refill for endurance charge that much. at LV91. i use one hand sword and shield. against boss i DO 200K dmg. for aoe setting i do more than 150k with 60block chance, 6k hp, and 26% crit chance on vigilant. atziri TOO easy. |
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Your idea is good. Personally i prefer autorefill my charges to slim down the map clearing; the berserker ascendancy is in my opinion the best marauder subclass and it will be always strong in nearly every build. With vigilant i chose jaggernaut obviously for the endurance interations.
Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir
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