Elemental Cyclone with COMK Shock Nova

This was an experimental build for me. Thought it would be fun, and might synergize well with the Inquisitor Ascendancy talents specifically Instruments of Virtue and Pious path lines once that is released.

The build went well beyond my expectations and absolutely destroys mobs and is pretty tanky to boot. I tore through the game on hardcore and made it to level 76. I died on a Phantasmagoria map because my character got stuck on terrain (a little pebble) and stopped cycloning so I just stood there taking hits from 2-3 revenant packs while I spammed my attack button.

This is also a super cheap build. The only unique item it uses is Oro's Sacrifice, which is pretty darn cheap because most builds can't make use of an ele only melee weapon.

Current Gear: (which is not very good)


This build only uses one piece of gear that is 6L it can be either on armor or weapon. Everything else is 4 link or less. Early leveling is also fine with a 4L, but really gets going once you get that 5L.

6L: 1.Cyclone 2.WED 3.COMK 4.Shock nova 5.Increased AOE 6.Fire Pen (other options:Innervate/Life Leech/Life on hit)
For single target swap out Shock nova for Conc Effect and COMK for Life on hit or LL.

4L(a): 1.CWDT 2.Immortal Call 3.Molten Shell 4.Inc Duration

4L(b): 1.Curse on hit 2.Vengeance 3.Warlord's Mark 4.Endurance charge on melee stun
I used this set up to curse tougher mobs that took a while to work down, I found cursing large groups via Herald of thunder to not really be worth it because they die so fast anyway.

2L(a): 1.Leap slam 2.Fortify

2L(b). 1.Enduring Cry 2.Inc duration (get that extra healing)

Mandatory Gems that only need 1 socket: 1.Wrath 2.Herald of thunder 3. Arctic armor 4.Fire/Chaos Golem (again your choice on defense or offense)

Optional Gems for fun: 1.Abyssal cry 2.Any Vaal skill you like

Current Passive Tree:

Passives while leveling:
30 points:

60 points:

106 points:

Normal: Oak
Cruel: Kraityn
Merciless: Kraityn or Oak, your choice to be tankier or do more damage.

Why Oro's Sacrifice?
A few reasons actually:
1. By using Oro's sacrifice I don't have to worry about investing in any phys damage nodes or converting that phys damage to ele. This becomes a purely elemental build.
2. Easy way to build frenzy charges. No poacher's mark, frenzy or blood rage needed.
3. CULLING STRIKE: You don't need to waste a socket on this support gem anymore. Oro's does it for you, with a 20% ignite chance just about everything gets lit up. This combined with wrath's MORE damage multiplier for lightning spells effectively give you an 8 link for your main attack.
4. But what about that 10% increased phys and fire damage? That's why we have arctic armor, completely negates the drawbacks of Oro's on hits. Burns and bleeds can still be annoying, but that's what flasks are for.

How does it play?
Cyclone towards a mob pack. Laugh.

Seriously though, this build wrecks large packs of mobs. It is not quite as good at single target, but if you just pull a pack to any tougher mobs the AoE is usually good enough to take out a good chunk of their HP, if not killing them outright. This is especially true if you pop abyssal cry before going completely HAM.

Tooltip screen shot with max frenzy charges:


Happy to answer any questions or hear suggestions. Thanks for taking a look!
Last edited by Hantastic#5760 on Feb 11, 2016, 4:05:59 PM
Last bumped on Apr 27, 2016, 12:01:09 PM
Instruments of virtue procs on triggered cast? Thanks!

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