3ex Atziri smasher "Chin Sol crit DoT 2.1"
Anyone knows about oldschool Chin Sol build using iceshot railgun and puncture trap, smashing atziri's face till they nerfed crit area at skilltree. This build allows us to reveal 2.1 skill tree potential with a minimum expense.
Main idea
Chin Sol is one of the most interesting bows with a unique mechanics "100 more bow damage at close range". That means it gives twice more damage than tooltip says. It affects the most bow skills. Exception is caustic arrow. Also, there is nice node "Point Blank" at the bottom of skill tree with the same mechanics for projectile attacks(not only bows) which gives us 50% more damage at close range. So we have 100%*2*1.5=300% of tooltip damage. Bow skill with trap is always considered as close range cause game count range from projectile start point, not from player. Poison. It's an OP option for our build. Poison have similar to bleeding(puncture) mechanics. Poisoned enemies take 10% of damage taken as chaos damage. Unfortunately, it doesnt gives extra damage while movingm but there is one nice plus. Fatal toxins node gives us insane DoT increase. And we have crit. Nice crit. So combine puncture dot, poison dot and imagine about giving a critical attack and see results in my Atziri running video at the bottom of the thread. Also we should be fast like a ninja to survive cause of very low lifepool. So we have lots of ms.
Tooltip offence+defence
Rain of arrows: ![]() Puncture trap: ![]() Defences: ![]()
Leveling tips
Use nice rare bows and deathharp for leveling. Lightning arrow, blast rain and rain of arrows are the best leveling skills. Look for hp+res on gear, should have res overcapped to deal with huge packs easily. Try to look for +maximumum mana/mana regen(or both) rings/amys if u feel uncomfortable with manacost. Or just spend 2 points on tree. At start, while u dont' have insane movespeed, pick fast dagger/sword for other weapon slots to move faster with whirling blades. Don't stay. You are ranger, not a melee. This means you should move to survive. Tatctis is easy: shoot a pack of mobs, run forward a little, shoot the pack again(with new incoming mobs), move further, etc. Don't shy to use siege balista, It has insane dps for ranged attack totem and can be linked with such gems as GMP/LMP, blind, stun etc. It is more preferable to use puncture+proj.phys+slower proj.+posion instead of trap to kill bosses/fat rares till u have chin-sol+pointblank node. Also u can use vaal lightning trap for killing them faster(shocking ground).
Skill tree
We should take movespeed. As much as we can cause ms is the main survivalability option for this build and Atziri runs. Bandit rewards: 1. Oak 2. Oak/Eramir 3. Eramir
23 pts, eagle+herbalism
42 pts, hunted+harrier
79 pts, getting duelists' nodes
106 pts, final tree, got point blank, bowdmg+ms, crit and toxins, rdy to farm Atziri
Ideal tree, int and str on gear, ms belt and amy(no need ms nodes)
Take attention on 4 main items:
3ex summary
Chin Sol - the heart of the build. Tabula is a free 6-link with white sockets. Very usefull for swapping gems before and after boss fights. Other two items give us rly high crit, needed for high solo target dps and as+ms is a very nice bonus.
My current gear
For mobs: rain of arrows - faster attacks - phys. proj. dmg - added fire - wed - phys. to lght/lifeleech/increase aoe For bosses: puncture - trap - phys. proj. dmg - more trap and mine dmg - poson - slower proj Any 4l: siege balista - gmp/lmp - blind - faster attacks and 3l: enlighten - hatred - herald of ash any 4l: cwdt - immortal call - increase duration - warlord's mark
Atziri kill guide section
Well, we are going to farm Atziri, the Queen of Vaal. She is very complicated woman so we can't stay close to her for more than few seconds. This means we should obtain her recognition. Don't shot her! She is a girl. You better drop her some puncture trap presents. She likes such respect and melt down in a seconds. And don't forget about her ex-bfs. Twins are really easy, trigger one of them only. It will take about 5 seconds to autotrigger the second. It gives us opportunity to throw three traps in a row to the first one and then recharge for tri-trapping another one. Easily kill the second after that. Tripple is the easiest part, just kill sad rainy girl first. Than kite and kill other two guys.
Good luck and stay safe, brothers and sisters! And dont forget to visit and bookmark my twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/cowboyhadjis and my youtube channel too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2OG2tI06tJ50gPWb6WJ1rQ ^^ bye Last edited by didPULL#3831 on Feb 25, 2016, 5:25:33 AM Last bumped on Mar 27, 2016, 12:05:25 PM
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Have you tried blast rain + conc effect + bow phys damage + poison + trap + trap and mine damage?
It does 4 hits, playing with my voltaxic ranger it is OP as fuck against bosses, would be good to see how much damage you can squeeze using the chin sol This is a tree i came up with for the trapper, what do u think?
Last edited by DutchRudder#4293 on Feb 9, 2016, 9:52:00 PM
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" Yes, it is op, but don't forget u r using voltaxic rift. It means u have tons of chaos damage which is source of poison damage. But, blast rain converts 50% of phys dmg to fire so it is not so op for boss killing traps on phys bows. Calculations say that puncture trap+poison is more profitable in dot way for bosses. And don't forget that proj. damage nodes has double effect for puncture. They improve initial hit at first and dot part of damage at second. Last edited by didPULL#3831 on Feb 10, 2016, 5:14:43 AM
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I just wanna put this in here:
You do not need 3ex to make this work. At the beginning of talisman league I ran Atziri with 2 x 4L items. Bought 1 item (Chin Sol) and rest was random self found items. Total budget: 5C. Not that it makes the guide any worse. It just makes it better :) Last edited by Frankenberry#0590 on Feb 10, 2016, 5:15:25 PM
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" Thanks a lot for your reply. Yes, you are right, it works with 4l items, but main purpose of my guide is making maximum comfort for atziri running. And yes, you have highlighted atziri-ability and cheapeness of this build. :D Last edited by didPULL#3831 on Feb 11, 2016, 2:44:08 PM
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Why not abyssus bro? i'm following this build, seem nice
My IGN: ExaltedPetyrBaelish.
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" Take abyssus and say hello to insta rips. But maybe you can use safely if you have lightning coil -but maybe- Btw nice build and one question, why not use acrobatics and phase acro? I mean its give us 40% doge and 30% spell doge its realy good for me and many players, who cant stack evasion. And cost only 5 sp. Last edited by Carnoso#0886 on Feb 15, 2016, 1:54:29 PM
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" You die so much and reflect would become even more dangerous. |
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" i dont think damage from trapped can be reflected to you :) My IGN: ExaltedPetyrBaelish.
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