[2.1.+] The GSTD Diary & Journal (Ground Slam Guide & Build) [Daily Update]
----- 1. INTRODUCTION -----
1.1. First of all let me start by presenting myself and what this thread will be "made of". * I’m Axel (well…Axel is kind of my alter ego, or maybe I’m his alter ego…who knows) and I am here to present a build, a guide and a journal that I made up when I found (by mistake of course) this little item called: Geofri’s Baptism on another character of mine.
Why this all started with the Geofri’s Baptism? Well because for a level 27 item it has like tons of damage !!! So… why not make use of it ?
The moment I asked myself that ("why not make use of it?") I just stoped leveling the character I was on that moment and Alt-Tabed the game so I can get myself on this page right here: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree and create something different. What I had in mind at that moment ? I just wanted a character that can handle End Game (Guess that’s what everyone wants right ?) in terms of damage, defense, cost (to be extremely cheap) and the most important thing: to have FUN with it and be DIFFERENT (not like all the freakin' cycloneers and other things going around at the moment)! That is what this build is all about and I won’t spoil anything until later !!! 1.2. Secondly let me explain what GSTD stands for right ? Because you probably wonder what that thing up there means. If you don't want to spoil the name DON'T CLICK the next Spoiler Show Button !!!
Answer : GS, you probably managed to figure it out already, stand for Ground Slam, and TD stand for Tank & Destroyer, so…. The Ground Slam Tank & Destroyer Build that’s the GSTD for you !
1.3. And last but not least…
...well I already made a character with this build and I already know like 60% of what it is capable of, BUT (because there is always a BUT) I will start another character right know while I wright this things right here so I can hold a DIARY/JOURNAL of this build from which you guys will see what items I used, how much they costed and most importantly how the attack and defense scales.
1.4. Don't forget:
* The thread will be updated daily/constantly (so better keep an eye on it or else...).
* The build itself will be updated daily/constantly together with my character's progression (so don't expect a build from the start, just be patience because it will come little by little) * I'll keep a LOG of all the updates and changes that I will make so that you guys can keep track of them. * If you have questions just ask and I'll answer to them as accurately and as fast as I can. * As well if you have any suggestions I'm eager to hear them ! Make them come ! ----- 2. LOGS (Last update: 05.02.2016 - 22:36) ----- * The log will contain: date, modification, explanation
[28.01.2016 - 22:21] "Key Entry" - the GSTDestroyer sees the sunlight for his 1st time ! [29.01.2016 - 19:18] "The Tenth (10th)" (Updated Diary + Normal Act 1 Build). [29.01.2016 - 20:16] "The Twentieth (20th)" - Reached level 20 (Updated Diary). [29.01.2016 - 21:11] "The GSTD's Baptism" - Reached level 27 and upgraded to Geofri's Baptism (Updated Diary with Pictures + Passive Tree). [29.01.2016 - 23:12] "The Thirtieth (30th) - Reached level 30 (Updated Diary with gear & stats + Normal Act 3 Build). [30.01.2016 11:35] "The Chaos" - Dropped some good currencies while proceeding to Malachai's area. [30.01.2016 12:28] "1st Rebirth" - Reached level 39 and completed the Normal Difficulty (Updated Diary/Build). [30.01.2016 17:19] "2nd Merveil" - Finished Act 1 Cruel (Updated Build). [30.01.2016 18:09] "Pyramid Destroyer" - Finished Act 2 Cruel (Updated Build). [30.01.2016 18:28] "DOMInator" - Finished Act 3 Cruel (Updated Build). [30.01.2016 18:51] "Half Way There" - Level 50 stats (Updated Diary with pics). [30.01.2016 19:19] "2nd Rebirth - MALIcious " - Reached level 55 and completed the Cruel Difficulty (Updated Diary/Build). [30.01.2016 20:15] "3rd Merveil - MERVElous" - Finished Act 1 Merciless (Updated Build - IMPORTANT). [30.01.2016 20:40] "Geofri's Struggle" - Finished Act 2 Merciless with Geofri's Baptism (Updated Diary and Build) [30.01.2016 20:49] "GSTD's 1st Death !" - R.I.P. [31.01.2016 00:02] "Geofri's Limit" - Limit finally reached ! (Updated Diary) [31.01.2016 00:34] "Merciful" - Finished Act 3 Merciless (Updated Diary and Build) [31.01.2016 00:42] "The DD Part 2" - A first look at the improved damage and defense. [31.01.2016 01:47] "The Funny Part" - Time to exchange currency and buy items ! [31.01.2016 13:09] "White Night - Stats" - I've been awake all night in search of items (Updated Diary & Updating Build in few moments). [31.01.2016 13:55] "The Gear" - Added info of passive, skill links, stats. [01.02.2016 N/A ] "The END" - Finished Merciless (lvl 70), added info of passive skills & items. [03.02.2016 N/A ] "Level 75" - Added info: passive, stats, items. [05.02.2016 22:36] "Level 80" - Added info: passive, stats. ----- 3. THE BUILD ----- * Here is where all the build informations will be posted (skill tree, bandits, items etc.). * Will be divided in 3 main parts (one for each difficulty), each mai part will be diveded in 4 (one for each ACT). A. NORMAL, CRUEL, MERCILESS Difficulties (lvling up).
3.1. NORMAL Difficulty - Finished at level 39. * Here you can find everything you need to know about Normal Difficulty.
* 3.1.1. Act 1. - Finished at level 12.
Quest Rewards:
* You get Heavy Strike for starting as a Marauder - We gonna use it to kill the 1st boss, keep it and level it up for later (this will be our secondary skill).
(Q) Enemy at the Gate - We pick Ground Slam (our main skill) and we start killing/leveling with it. (Q) The Caged Brute - We gonna pick Leap Slam (our 3rd skill and also our movement skill) (Q) The Siren's Cadence - Whatever you want...useless for this build. (Q) Breaking Some Eggs - We pick Molten Shell, we level it for later, don't forget to level it up as well. (Q) Mercy Mission - Pick up the Quicksilver Flask so that we can move our asses faster... (Q) The Marooned Mariner - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill Point. (Q) The Dweller of the Deep - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill Point. (Q) A Dirty Job - Standard reward +2 Passive Respec Points. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing ACT 1 and all quests you have 13 passive points (at lvl 12):
Standard End of Act 1 (Normal - lvl 12) Hardcore End of Act 1 (Normal - lvl 12) Items used:
* Just use whatever you find, but keep it mind we need a Mace/Staff to be able to use Ground Slam, also get armour base items.
* 3.1.2. Act 2. - Finished at level 22.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Way Forward - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill Point (this is a quest from Act 1 that you will finish in Act 2 by killing a nerd).
(Q) The Great White Beast - I suggest getting the Rustic Sash for more damage. (Q) Sharp and Cruel - We pick Melee Physical Damage. (Q) Through Sacred Ground - Standard reward +2 Passive Respec Points + whatever you want from the jewels. (Q) Intruders in Black - We get the Herald of Ash and we start using it because it boosts our dmg. [BANDITS] (Q) Deal with the Bandits - We gonna help OAK to get +40 Life. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing ACT 2 and all quests you have 24 passive points (at lvl 22):
Standard End of Act 2 (Normal - lvl 22) Hardcore End of Act 2 (Normal - lvl 22) Items used:
* Just use whatever you find, but keep it mind we need a Mace/Staff to be able to use Ground Slam, also get armour base items.
* 3.1.3. Act 3. - Finished at level 30.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) Victario's Secrets - Standard Reward +1 Passive Skill Point and +2 Passive Respec Points.
(Q) A Fixture of Fate - You can choose between: Increased Duration or Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (both of them are usefull). (Q) Piety's Pets - Standard Reward +2 Passive Skill Points. * You can get whatever you want for the other quests I didn't mention. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing ACT 3 and all quests you have 35 passive points (at lvl 30):
Standard End of Act 3 (Normal - lvl 30) Hardcore End of Act 3 (Normal - lvl 30) (Important!) Items used:
* At level 27 I started using Geofri's Baptism which I self-found on another character of mine, you can buy one from someone for max 1chaos (an already 4linked one). You can find pictures with my gear at this point in the Diary/Journal Section.
* 3.1.4. Act 4. - Finished at level 39.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Eternal Nightmare - Get the Multistrike, don't use it, level it for later because we gonna use it when we get a 5link.
(Q) Breaking the Seal - Pick up the Summon Flame Golem, we can start using it right away. (Q) An Indomitable Spirit - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill Point (don't forget to complete this quest !!!). Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing ACT 4 and all quests you have 45 passive points (at lvl 39):
Standard End of Act 4 (Normal - lvl 39) Hardcore End of Act 4 (Normal - lvl 39) Items used:
* Continued to use Geofri's Baptism and just yellowish items u can find on the ground that have armour, some resists and life.
** What I've learned so far while playing a slow style build in Normal Difficulty:
- Always pick up yellowish items, identify them and sell them.
- Always pick up scroll/portals. * Added pictures in Diary about why you should pick those up. 3.2. CRUEL Difficulty - Finished at level 55. * Here you can find everything you need to know about Normal Difficulty.
* 3.2.1. Act 1. - Finished at level 43.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Caged Brute - Pick one of those: Faster Attack, Melee Physical Damage or Melee Splash (because we gonna need in the end 2 x FA, 2 x MPD and 1 x Splash).
(Q) The Marooned Mariner - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill Point. (Q) The Dweller of the Deep - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill point. (Q) A Dirty Job - Standard reward +2 Passive Respec points (those are important don't forget about them, we gonna use them later). * Pick whatever you want/need for the other quest rewards. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing Cruel ACT 1 and all quests you have 51 passive points (lvl 43):
Standard End of Act 1 (Cruel - lvl 43) Hardcore End of Act 1 (Cruel - lvl 43) Items used:
* Still using Geofri's Baptism and items from the ground.
* 3.2.2. Act 2. - Finished at level 47.
* Took me about 30-35min to finish ACT 2. I'm kind in a hurry so you guys can see the END result of this build !!! Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Way Forward - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill point.
(Q) Sharp and Cruel - Choose one from those: Add Fire Damage or Cast when Damage Taken (we need 2 of each in the end). (Q) Through Sacred Ground - Do it for the Standard reward +2 Passive Respec points. [BANDITS] (Q) Deal with the Bandits - My opinion is to help OAK for 16% Physical Damage (this is what I picked); but we can also help Kraityn for 8% Attack Speed if you prefer speed. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing Cruel ACT 2 and all quest we have 56 passive points (lvl 47):
Standard End of Act 2 (Cruel - lvl 47) Hardcore End of Act 2 (Cruel - lvl 47) Items used:
* Geofri's Lovely Baptism and items found on the ground...just the usual "trick". Because we are doing a cheap build right?
* 3.2.3. Act 3. - Finished at level 52.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) Victario's Secrets - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill points and +2 Passive Respec points.
(Q) A Fixture of Fate - Pick one of those: Endurance Charge or Increased Duration. (Q) Piety's Pets - Standard reward +2 Passive Skill points. * Whatever you want for the other quests. Passive Skill Tree:
* At this point we have a total of 64 passive points after finishing ACT 3 and all quests(lvl 52):
Standard End of Act 3 (Cruel - lvl 52) Hardcore End of Act 3 (Cruel - lvl 52) Items used:
* Just as usual...Grofri's + what you can get from the ground.
* 3.2.4. Act 4. - Finished at level 55.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Eternal Nightmare - Get the Blood Magic gem.
(Q) An Indomitable Spirit - Standard rewards +1 Passive Skill point (don't forget about this quest). * Pick whatever you like for the other quests. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing Cruel Act 4 we gonna have 68 passive points (at lvl 55):
Standard End of Act 4 (Cruel - lvl 55) Hardcore End of Act 4 (Cruel - lvl 55) Items used:
* Same as always...Geofri's + whatever you can find with armour/resists/life. Added a picture of the gear I had in the Diary Secton.
3.3. MERCILESS Difficulty. * 3.3.1. Act 1. - Finished at lvl 57.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Marooned Mariner - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill point.
(Q) The Dweller of the Deep - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill point. (Q) A Dirty Job - Standard reward +2 Passive Respec points. * For the other quests pick whatever you like. Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing Merciless Act 1 and all quests we gonna have 72 passive points (at lvl 57):
* After reaching lvl 57 our build will suffer few modification so that we can improve our defense/offense while using the Marohi Erqi Mace. * At this point both Standard and Hardcore builds will look the same. Standard/Hardcore End of Act 1 (Merciless - lvl 57) * We gonna respec the 5 passive points that once connected the Marauder build to the Duelist build and we also respec the 4 passive points (Melee Damage passives) from the start of the Marauder build. Items used:
* Used the same items I didn't changed to Marohi Erqi. I want to play with Geofri's Baptism untill it becomes worthless and can't do sheet!
*Keep in mind that you don't have to do what I do. At lvl 57 you can just switch to a 4l Marohi Erqi (you can find a 4l Marohi on http://poe.trade for max 1chaos so go ahead and buy one. * 3.3.2. Act 2. - Finished at level 60.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) The Way Forward - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill points, don't forget about this quest !
(Q) Through Sacred Ground - Standard reward +2 Respec Skill points. (Q) Intruders in Black - Pick Granite or Jade Flask (We ar using Iron Reflexes at this point so it doesn't matter...). [BANDITS] (Q) Deal with the Bandits - Help Kraityn for +1 Max Frenzy Charge (you will understand why later). Passive Skill Tree:
* After finishing Merciless Act 2 we gonna have 76 Passive Skill points (at lvl 60):
Standard/Hardcore End of Act 2 (Merciless - lvl 60) * At this point we start getting the +1 Max Endurance Charge passives. Items used:
* I was still using Geofri's Baptism at this point. Adding pictures in the Diary Section with defense/damage stats.
* 3.3.3. Act 3. - Finished at level 63.
Quest Rewards:
(Q) Victario's Secrets - Standard reward +1 Passive Skill point and +2 Passive Respec points.
(Q) Piety's Pets - Standard reward +2 Passive Skill points. * For the quests that give accesorrie rewards pick what resists you miss and you need. Passive Skill Tree (Important !):
* After finishing Merciless Act 3 we gonna have 82 passive skill points (at lvl 63):
IMPORTANT: So with get those: the last +1 Max Endurance Charge, +1 Max Frenzy Charge, +1 Jewel Socket (in this Socket we gonna put a Jewel that has +%mana leech, this way we won't need mana flasks anymore). Standard/Hardcore End of Act 3 (Merciless - lvl 63) Items used:
* Except the change to Marohi Erqi...the same gear you last seen, nothing changed.
* At this point we have 18k dps (without multistrike and with 4active Frenzy Charges, changed it with Endurance Charge of Melee Stun) and 71% Physical Damage Reduction with 6 Endurance Charges. Watch the Diary for pictures! * 3.3.4. Act 4. - Will finish it after I wake up (so lvl 70). Finished at lvl 70 !
Intermediary Details:
* At this point I did the next thing: Leveled up to 65 and farmed a bit in The Dried Lake and exchanged almost all my currency for Chaos Orbs (more details in the Diary Section).
Quest Rewards:
(Q) An Indomitable Spirit - After reaching lvl 65 in The Dried Lake, I finished this quest for the +1 Passive Skill point (all you have to do is save the spirit). After finishing the quest go and get the Teleport in The Crystal Veins zone to make your life easier later.
Passive Skill Tree:
* After leveling up to 65 and finishing the "(Q)An Indomitable Spirit" quest we gonna have 85 passive skill points:
* Time to improve our HP now. Standard/Hardcore Intermediary Act 4 (Merciless - lvl 65) Items used:
* Same items I had at level 62/63, nothing special.
Merciless Finale Details: * As I said previously I finised Merciless Malachai at level 70 in the next day (on 01.02.2016) but I didn't had time to post because I had some real life issues.
The Merciless Finale Passive Skill Tree: The Gear:
* Used the gear that I talked about earlier, that I bought in "the white night". Nothing less, nothing more.
* Finishing Merciless Malachai at level 70 with that passive tree and items was preaty easy... At this point I managed to tank all 3 Malachai's Guards (Doedre, Maligaro and Shavronne) without any problems. Even Malachai himself was preaty easy, I think the only attack that can kill you is probably the Slam one if you don't dodge it. I didn't get hit by it so idk, maybe I will test it and let you guys know. * With all that said. I managed to finish Merciless Difficulty with only 1 death which was a freakin' mistake that I made...leaving my character afk after entering a new zone... B. SPECIAL (END GAME). * Skill Gem Links: (!) In order of importance:
1. Weapon (5L): Ground Slam -> Melee Physical Damage -> Multistrike -> Faster Attacks -> Added Fire Damage -> (for 6L I suggest either Empower or Enhance) + AoE from Marohi Erqi.
2. Helmet (4L): Hatred + Herald of Ash + Fire Golem + Enlighten. 3. Body Armour (4L+1+1 or 4L+2L): Leap Slam -> Faster Attacks -> Endurance on Stun -> Fortify + Blood Rage + whatever you like. 4. Gloves (4L): CWDT(lvl 9) -> Immortal Call(lvl 11) -> Increased Duration(max) -> Blood Magic(max) 5. Boots (4L): CWDT(lvl 15) -> Molten Shell(lvl 18) -> Blood Magic(max) -> Increased Duration(atm) Current gear linked:
* Passive Skill Tree Progression:
* Items Used:
* Stats:
Level 70:
Level 75: Level 80:
Last edited by SingingGames#1872 on Feb 6, 2016, 4:19:09 PM Last bumped on Mar 6, 2016, 10:14:53 PM
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----- 4. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS -----
* Here I will add the questions that you guys will have and my answers so that can everyone can keep up with them. ----- 5. DIARY, JOURNAL, PROGRESSION ----- [ARCHIVE] From level 1 to level 39.
[28.01.2016] "The start" - Here comes the GSTD - The Ground Slammeriono is here ! HYPE !
[29.01.2016 - 19:18] "The Tenth (10th)" - Reached level 10...and a little further...
[29.01.2016 - 20:16] "The Twentieth (20th)" - Reached level 20. [29.01.2016 - 21:11] "The GSTD's Baptism" - Reached level 27 and upgraded to Geofri's Baptism.
[29.01.2016 - 23:12] "The Thirtieth (30th) - Reached level 30.
[30.01.2016 11:35] "The Chaos" - Dropped few goodies ! [30.01.2016 12:28] "1st Rebirth" - Completed Normal Difficulty
![]() ![]() * Also you can see my inventory, that's all the currency that I got while leveling from lvl 1 to 39 (End of Normal Difficulty). * How I got them ? Simple...picked up yellow items ID them and sell them, pick up scrolls/portals, pick up RGB linked items (Red-Green-Blue) and sell them for chromes. At this point I already had over 10chaos in other currencies !!! [30.01.2016 18:51] "Half Way There" - Level 50 stats. [30.01.2016 19:19] "2nd Rebirth - MALIcious " - Completed Cruel Difficulty
[30.01.2016 20:40] "Geofri's Struggle" - Reached level 60 and killed Vaal. [30.01.2016 20:49] "GSTD's 1st Death !" - R.I.P.
[31.01.2016 00:02] "Geofri's Limit" - Reached level 61 (limit finally reached!)
* Well this is it guy...this is Geofri's Baptism Limit... R.I.P. ...you where quite a beast mate ! Time to say goodbye to Geofri and change to Marohi Erqi. Going to put some pictures here with the damage improvement.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [31.01.2016 00:42] "The DD" - A first look at the improved damage and defense.
[31.01.2016 01:47] "The Funny Part" - Time to exchange currency and buy items !
* After exchanging everything I got from leveling/farming (from level 1 up to level 65) I got those: 44chaos, 1regal, 1alchemy, 4gemcutters, 9jeweller, 1fusing, 1vaal, 25chance, 2regret, 13chrome, 2scour, 9alterations, 5chisels.
* What we have to buy: a.) We already got the Marohi Erqi(weapon) - 1chaos max (perfect roll one for like 10c) b.) We gonna need Daresso's Defiance(body armour) - 1-10chaos (1chaos for a 5socket one, 5-10chaos for a 6socket one); Keep in mind we don't need it 6linked we gonna need a 4l+2l or a 4l+1+1. c.) We need Abyssus Ezomyte(Helmet) - 1chaos (for the 40% increased physical damage taken). TOTAL: So we can buy all these with 3chaos. * With the rest of the currency we gonna have to get: gloves,boots,belt, 2x rings and amulet. What we should look for? a.) BOOTS - We gonna look for boots 1st because they give movement speed in order of importance we need: - Life (60-70 at least); - Movement (30% at least) - we can use either Evasion or Armour/Evasion based boots. - Resists (at least 25% resist on 1 element) and keep in mind to have a free spot for a 2nd element that we gonna craft. * I've searched poe.trade for some realy good ones and they are between 1-5chaos. b.) GLOVES - Life (60-70 at least) - Resists (at least 25% resist on 1/2 elements) - Add Physical Damage or Life leech; try to leave a spot free either for a 3rd element resists or for adding one of those two (physical or life leech). * Searched poe.trade and found some very very good ones for 4-5chaos. c.) BELT - We need a Rustic Sash Type because it has a base %increased physical damage. - Life (70 at least) - Resists (at least 25% on 1/2 elements) same try to leave a crafting spot. - + to armour (optional). * Lots of good betls on poe.trade for 3-4chaos. d.) RINGS - Life (50 at least) - Resists (at least 25% on 1 element), have a free spot for a 2nd resist - Add Physical Damage * Good ones for like 5chaos e.) AMULET/TALISMAN - Life (50 at least) - Resists (at least 25% on 1 elemtn), have a free spot for a 2nd resist - Add Physical Damage * Good ones for around 4-5chaos. TOTAL: Lets say around 30-35chaos, so we are in budget. [31.01.2016 13:09] "White Night - Stats" - I've been awake all night in search of items ! * This is the most important part so far...gearing for End Game.
* Well...last night I kind of didn't sleep at all so that I can level a bit more and have time to search for items. AT LAST at this hour I finally managed to find the LAST PIECE and complete the MONSTER ! (While searching for items I've reached level 70). * Current gear after the White Night that I had (keep in mind that I used more currency because I want to see the full potential of this build, I will let you know exactly how much I've spent so far):
![]() * COST/PRICES: Weapon (1c), Helm (1c), Body Armour (1c), Boots (15c), Gloves (25c), Belt (1divine), Pauna Ring (13c), Coral Ring (4c), Talisman (around 1ex, but I think it's actualy worth more), Viridian Jewel (5c). * TOTAL: ~ 160 in chaos (~2ex in current league) - Tho I think I got them cheap, my opinion is that those items are much more expensive than I managed to get them for. * The Passive Skill Tree:
Standard/Hardcore Geared (lvl 70) * Got the Blunt Instrument Passive from the Templar area (because... offence & defense). * Completed the Juggernaut Passive Wheel (because... life & armour). * Going for the Executioner from Duelist area (because... lots of offence). * The Damage Test: * 37.5k GS dps | 66.2k HS dps | 85% Physical Damage Reduction | Caped Resists (except chaos).
[03.02.2016 N/A ] "Level 75" - Reached lvl 75, discovered a new thing !
* While leveling up to 75 I was just wondering "how to be able to use both Ground Slam and Heavy Strike without changing the gems between them constantly ???" and I was like "how the actual F word should I do that???"... Well it was preaty simple but I was kind of Simple Minded untill now... The Answer: I (We) buy a freaking new Marohi Erqi !!! Why? Because it is freakin' cheap? Yeah...cheap as sheet, just as finding junk all over the streets in almost all towns in real life nowadays. This is what I bought (and in the meantime I also 6socket it):
* Yeah that's right this is a freakin' PERFECT rolled Marohi which costed only 8c. Preaty cool right ? * Also ignore the current gem setup, just using those gems because it is not 6linked yet... [05.02.2016 22:36] "Level 80" - Was needed to do...
* Before reaching level 80 I was needed to get +30 dex passive because I couldn't level my Faster Attack Gems. Atm I am searching for some gear so I can get dex from items and get rid of the passive. * At this point I took a 2nd Jewel Socket in which I added a damage jewel with +8% melee +12% two handed damage which I found while leveling...so nothing realy special. * Also took the +10% melee passive node from Duelist area so I can go for the Armour, Eva, Life nodes next (in my opinion those passive are kind of OP, they are like an All in One thing, especialy for this build because in total it will give us 12% life and 18% armour/eva). * I also did some maps from Tier 1 up to Tier 9 atm (didn't manage to get my hands on higher maps). What I can tell you untill now:
- Maps with reflect are no problem (I had a tier 8map with both melee+elemental reflects and also found 2 mobs with some more reflect in this map, still didn't died). It was also a preaty fast clearing...so kind of a no-problem.
- Maps with No Mana/Life regen, a bit more difficult but still with the mana/life leech I have atm I had no problem in finishing them. - Maps with -(minus) Resistances, no problem because we have 6 endurance charges that are constantly UP so we get resistances from them which cape up back up. No problem ! Last edited by SingingGames#1872 on Feb 6, 2016, 4:48:23 PM
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Very interesting journal. Wish I would have caught this sooner. Keep up the good work.
Last edited by Dongaldo#4708 on Feb 2, 2016, 2:56:59 AM
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Hello guys,
Sorry for being late with an Update on my build. I had some real life issues but here I am right now. For the past week I didn't had time to post on forum but I continued leveling this character. At the moment he is level 82 and going up up up. I also did 3 updates right now: The level 70 - Kill Malachai and END of Merciless. The level 75 - With some "idiotic" discovery that I couldn't figure untill that point. The level 80 - With some stats and statistics. At the moment I am thinking of a new way to "list/display" this build so that it will be easier to follow and be understood by most of the players (from beginners to experts). Hope I will figure this thing fast enough so that I can update it untill tomorrow night. Thank you very much guys for keeping an eye on this thread and if you have any questions don't forget to just leave a message here on forum so that I can answer to the questions here for other to see them as well. |
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Just wanna say I'm following this, and it's working super well, just figured I'd let you know :P
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I'll add that I'm using this in Ascendancy and it's working amazingly well in softcore with Berserker
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