[2.1]HC Phys Dual Siege Ballista | 49k DPS nice clearspeed | VIDEOS

First of all i would like to mention that i want to avoid text of walls in this guide, so let's start.
English isn't my native lanugage.
This build have high endgame potential and scales really well.

feel free to ask questions and leave Feedback for improvements!!!

Idea of the build:

--> wanna play "no-panty-templar" :D


--> Resolute Technique
--> Ancestral Bond


CANYON (27-01-16)

more vids soon.
Twitch Shaarq --> if u wanna see some live action.

+ map content - alch them and go (only exception is ele reflect)
+ nice damage
+ good defensive mechanics (life reg, armour, etc...) and the fact that we are playing a totem build
+ lots of fun (íf you like playing totem builds)
+ easy to play
+ easy to equip

- have to level as flame totem
- don't recommend playing totem Setup under 5 link (get a tabula)
- no leech mechanics (totems)

Current gear:

there are 2 options:
1) Lioneye's Glare
I highly recommend this bow for beginners, the attack speed is amazing! Also we save up 1 passive point (RT).

Downside: to low damage for really highend maps

2) crafted rare high pdps (at least 350) / attack speed bow
Prefered bow bases are Thicket / Imperial Bows, they have the highest base APS, keep in mind that we don't need crit!

We want:
Attack speed, Flat Phys, Life, Res, Armour

1) Devoto's Devotion
--> get it as early as possible

2) Rare Helmet
Life, Res, Armour

We always (!) pierce boys!!!

We want:
WED, flat phys, life, res, attack speed

We want:
WED, flat phys, life, res
Best bases (in terms of implicit) in Talisman leagues are Breakrib / Mandible / Writhing Talismans

as required: res, life, armour

1) Kaom's Heart
Will be my endgame setup! But keep in mind we need a 6Link Bow! --> Expensive

2) Lightning Coil
Best Damage mitigation ingame, the other endgame option.

3) Rare Chest
as required: Life, Res, Armour

Removes Bleeding, Anti Freeze, Removes Curses, Additional Armour
Because we get enough Mana reg from tree we can sustain Totems and Frenzy without mana pot.

4 (!) Jewels Slots available. 2 Slots are reserved for:

1) Rain of Splinters
This Jewel is mandatory for additional projectiles.

2) Lioneye's Fall
This Jewel is also mandatory, look at the tree for right positioning!!

5 / 6 Link
Siege Ballista > Faster Attacks > Physical Projectile Attack Damage / LMP > Weapon Elemental Damage > Physical to Lightning > Added Fire

If you swap phys proj gem for lmp you get the same effect as gmp for maximizing cleaspeeed in maps (high dps required).
The combination of Rain of Splinters / LMP is much better than GMP in terms of damage!

4 Link
Frenzy - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Faster Attacks - Faster Proj

4 Link
Cwdt - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Enfeeble

4 Link
Vaal Haste - Enduring Cry - Increased Duration - Blink Arrow

others (no links needed)
Herald of Ash, Hatred

current build lvl92

help oak - kill all - help Kraityn

Leveling should be a breeze, go straight up ancestral bond and use flame totems in combination with Night's Hold Talisman.
I think i swapped to Siege Ballista in the 60s.
if the Feedback is great enough i can add a detailed leveling section how i leveled up in current league.
Last edited by Shaarq#6619 on May 9, 2016, 12:31:45 PM
Why dont try to build with WIndripper and go for MF?
pretty neat build. havent seen a siege ballista build in a while. Especially on the templar forums
Last edited by cookees#6375 on Jan 27, 2016, 8:06:05 AM
Hi. Seems an interesting build. Still i don't get it why do u have so many nodes with two handed melee wep? U have master of the arena, splitting strikes, wrecking ball, destroyer...How this points help u in a bow build?
Lioneye's Fall

with the right positioning this jewel converts melee modifiers in bow modifiers, it's also mentioned in the build section "Jewels".

Hi, Nice build. I respected a lvl 90 templar it out. Having a lot of fun with it. I have a 330 dps lioneye glare doing about 17.5k tooltip dps w/hatred, does that sound about right? I have to burn 2 points to get enough dex to use the bow. Here's my gear.

Thanks for posting.
IchiMorghulis wrote:
Hi, Nice build. I respected a lvl 90 templar it out. Having a lot of fun with it. I have a 330 dps lioneye glare doing about 17.5k tooltip dps w/hatred, does that sound about right? I have to burn 2 points to get enough dex to use the bow. Here's my gear.

Thanks for posting.

thx man, really appreciated!

it sounds okayish, keep in mind that u also need a phys proj gem which u can swap for lmp for bosses.
in terms of dmg you are missing flat phys rolls on jewellery.

for a bow upgrade instead of lioneyes you are looking for a pdps 350+ high APS bow, with open prefix for WED! it outdps 400 pdps bows and you save a lot of currency as well.

Last edited by Shaarq#6619 on Jan 28, 2016, 5:19:12 AM
Thanks man. The only thing i didn't look at was the jewels section. Silly me.
Build looks solid. Just one question. Why no IR?
Sorry for the basic question, but are you using Frenzy just to build up frenzy charges? It's still usable even though you have Ancestral Bond?

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