Just did the math on Inquistor's inevitable judgement. RIP any hope of pvp balance lmao.
Assuming Target at 75% resistance, and you deal 100 dmg (the actual dmg ofc doesn't really matter but just using it to show the calculation.
A 21/20 Elemental penetration gem gives a dmg multiplier of x2.4.
Normal resist: take 25 dmg/hit
After Penetration (35% pen): take 60 dmg/hit. Therefore by adding in penetration, we can say that the dmg dealt has been increased by 2.4 times At around 40% crit chance Inevitable judgment outscales penetration and gives x2.44 more dmg (once again assuming the other player has 75% res at least).
To calculate this one:
step by step explanation--> 1) .4 * 100 = 40 //this is the crit chance * the normal 100 dmg (because resistance is ignored so enemy takes 100% of the 100 dmg; ignoring the crit multiplier for less complications) 2) .6 * 100 * .35 = 21 //this is the chance that you don't crit * the normal dmg * the effective dmg that goes through (because the node only gives 10% penetration on a noncrit, so only 35% of the dmg will get thru on a noncrit) 3) 40 + 21 = 61 // on avg, your hits will be doing 61 dmg. which is a x2.44 improvement from the original 25 dmg dealt if this node were not taken. Following the same calculation method, at around 60% crit chance, IJudgment gives x2.96 more dmg, thus one who's character is dedicated to pvp can realistically expect this ascendancy specialization to become a complete (and better) substitute for the penetration gem, freeing up 1 support gem slot for something else! I was also interested in seeing how assassins would in fair pvp so here is a ample comparison to Assassin if you want to see:
In Comparison to Assassin's deadly infusion:
assuming 7 power charges, total 900% increased crit strike chance, using a typical 6% crit chance spell again. And a total 5x dmg from crit multi. Without deadly infusion (normal bonus dmg multiplier from criting):
.6 * 5 + .4 = 3.4
//60% of the time you are criting, during which you do 5x the damage, 40% of the time you don't crit, during which you only do the regular dmg, thus you get a x3.4 effective dmg multiplier thanks to your crit%/crit multi. Now Spec into deadly infusion:
Your crit chance is now 95% (thanks to 3.5% base crit added from 7 power charges).
.95 * 5 + .05 = 4.8 //Thus getting this spec has upped your overall dmg by 41% more damage (from 3.4 to 4.8)!. Now to compare to templar:
//Now for assasin, tack on penetration gem multiplier of 2.4 you get a total x3.384 dmg by taking both penetration and deadly infusion in comparison to your regular non-boosted dmg.
Thus in this specific case, for the templar's IJ to outscale the assassin's DI, the extra gem slot freed by not using penetration would have to give more than a 14.3% more damage boost (from 2.96 to 3.384). Of course remember that these are only sample cases; actual dmg multiplying going to vary if any assumption changes, particularly if you add in things like reduction of extra crit dmg from a belt of the deceiver or something. I chose a 6% base crit, because that is where most of the spells are at (namely spark for the elemental pvp spell choice, as most arenas are small). For the wide range, no-cover type fields, skills like lightning arrow, etc will dominate even more. The path of 1 shot pvp with this ascendancy spec now looks* stronger than ever (that is of course until further dmg tweaks are made)! Last edited by SIQI#7936 on Jan 25, 2016, 9:01:31 PM
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And they've never made something less effective against other players? Get a grip before you claim RIP and wait to see what they do.
And even if they were to leave it as is, there would be defenses against it. Permanet Fortify for example. Incandescent Heart for example. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN> Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Jan 25, 2016, 9:15:30 PM
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Devs can actually nerf keystones for pvp only (Clever Construction fro example). Are they going to do it ? That's another question but the fact that Chris responded to my question about that in the first part of the recent Q/A make a bit more optimistic about it than before.
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