[2.2, HC] Lv90+ Asta's "Crit Ele WRipper", 30k GMP-Chain IceS, Eva/PAcro/VP [~10 Ex Budget][Vids]

Hellow Exiles!

I just wanted to share one of my current builds in the Talisman league! After dying 2 times (at 91 and 95) with a "super tanky" melee build, i just wanted something more fun. Since i never really tested Windripper and its relative cheap price atm, i just had to go for it!

Why should i play this build ?
- Good mobility
- Decent surviveability (5.5k HP, 10k Eva, Phase Acro, Daresso's Defiance + Immortal Call)
- Excelent/Good DPS (Clearspeed) [Vid section -> Gorge run]
- relatively cheap for what it does, no 6 Link required.
- Can do reflect maps, if you are willing to drop WED for LL in both 5L (4% Instant Leech)
- Everything is chilled
- I think there isn't any nerfable stuff in this build :D

Why shouldn't i play this build?
- Eva Based; it means your 1 shot pool is always pretty damn low
- So many map mods that dumb your DPS (Clearspeed) (E-Charges, x% L/F/C Resist, Enfeeble..)
- Needs a bit management of Power and Frenzy charges
- Needs a lot of Damage mods on gear (WED, flat Ele, crit chance, crit multi)

1.0 Ascendancy Class?

This is totally up to you! All options are very good:
- Deadeye: Ricochet (+1 Chain) + Far Shot (1.3 Multi at long distance)
- Raider: Avatar of the Chase (Buffed Onslaught) + Quartz Infusion
- Pathfinder: Master fletcher (10% ele penetration) + Master Surqeon (Buffed Flasks)

These are in my opinion all viable and would make this build even stronger. Just try and find out what you like more. The +1 chain could be prolly very nice, since your Windripper needs to be only 4L then ;))

1.1 Intro

Not necessary, i think :D

Its a pretty straight forward build, where you cant do much wrong.

1.2 FAQs

- Why clarity and Molten Shell in this stuff?
This is because Mantra of Flames. For any buff you have up, you get a damage boost

- Really? -60 Chaos Res?
You have to take a lot less Chaos damage, because you are Eva/Acro based. However, i wouldnt recommend, to do some o the really hard hitting Chaos DMG bosses. (Jungle Valley, Village Ruin, Quarry)

- Blood Rage without Regen?
Its fine, we have a lot of pots and are instantly full, if we're hitting the first mob

- What map mods you avoid?
Basically, none. But i skip Blood Magic and -max if the map boss is a hard ele hitter

- Whats the interaction of Daressos and Immortal Call?
The basic idea is, that if something hits you with >1k damage, IC is triggered. If the hit is smaller then 1k, you get a nice onslaught buff to burst shit down.

- Is reflect possible ?
- You need to swap WED for Life Leech; with passive nodes you have 4% instant leech. Reflected Damage in mid tier is 15%, thats 3.75% of your damage, so its fine.

- How you feel about your defences?
- Seems okay, HP is little low. You have ~70% attack damage avoidance, 46% Spell Dodge, then IC+3 Enducharges. Feels okay.

1.3 Passive (Bandits: HP, Passive, Frenzy Charge)

1.4 Gems 'n Stuff

Armor: Tornado Shot - GMP - Added Cold - PCoC - Weapon Elemental Damage
Bow: Ice Shot - GMP - Chain - added Cold - Weapon Elemental Damage // 6s: Blood Rage
Helm: Clarity, Anger, HoI, Frenzy
Boots: cwdt lv8 - IC lv10 - Inc Dura - Blink Arrow
Gloves: Cwdt lv 1 - Ele Weak lv5 - Ice Golem lv2 - Molten Shell lv10

1.5 Flasks

1.6 Gear 'n Stuff

1.7 Map Section (Most important Swaps)

- Vulnerability (No Blood Rage!)
Swap Ice Shot for Frenzy; DPS is going a bit down, you loose chill ability

- Reflect (Elemental)
Swap Weapon Elemental Damage for Life Leech. In both 5L !

- Change Pot slot 5 according to Boss damage.
Crema Boss use a Fire Flask. Merveil use a Sapphire, etc.

- Chain
Remove Ice Golem from cwdt setup.

2.0 Character Sheets

Damage (Constant, Peak)

Ice Shot, Note: Full peak DPS is higher, since Molten Shell is missing

Tornado Shot

Defence Tab

3.0 Player Suggestions and Ideas

4.0 Vids


Plateau (3x Mob Dmg Buff, 1x DPS Debuff, Fracture, Bloodlines)

Best Regards
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Last edited by Astarte911#6271 on Mar 11, 2016, 2:13:19 AM
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2017, 10:35:19 AM
A bit too tired right now, will add tomorrow some more stuff!
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

- added DPS, Defence Screenshots
- added some Faqs/most important swaps
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Added Plateau run with Fracture und some stuff.
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Build seems fun.Too poor atm tho :<
Anavels wrote:
Build seems fun.Too poor atm tho :<

Try a cheap ele bow, will work as well ;)

Windripper is really the most expensiv item in this build...everything else just summs up..10c here, 10c there.. :)
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Build looks solid! Would your tree work for a Voltaxic Rift also?
IGN: Dawn_Keebals
papanugget wrote:
Build looks solid! Would your tree work for a Voltaxic Rift also?

Voltaxic's crit is too low, so i would in general not recommend it!
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Last edited by Astarte911#6271 on Feb 27, 2016, 1:10:23 PM
Hey there! I wuold like to follow your build for Hardcore Perandus league that is currently on! My current character is level 30 and a ranger. I urgently need to change a build, as I have figured that I have been following a softcore reave build...
Updated for 2.2
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

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