2.3 Triple Ranged Attack Totem's with elemental Splittarrow and Minionblockers
v4.0.4 beta
Inspiration and basic concept Hey mates, this is my new Guide for my farvorite build. The basic concept and the inspiration become I from yojimoji. He play a Ranger as a dual Range Attack Totem with Splittarrow and elemental attacks. All infomations for this build beome you in his 2.0 guide. Thanks yojimoji for the great idea. But I think Templar is better as starting position as a Ranger. While in the near is: → Ancestral Bond, → Equilibrium, → Totem Skills, → Elemental Damage and → Minion Skills. Prophecy Rework - What is new? He, on all player the have played my old builds. New is: → 4 new Unique Items. → New way for the passiv Skilltree (no witch and shadow). → Hardcore: realistic Life up to 180% from passivs. → Softcore: more safty, more damage and critical strikes. → Animate Guardian. → Boss-killer not required compellent. → Only one Ascendancy classes: Inquisitor. → No high-lightning version more. Pros + An elemental build is rare. That is good for you! The equipment is then cheaper. + You dont need compellent a 6 link weapon (3-5 link is good too). + You dont need compellent a 6 link armour (6sox = 4link + 2sox is good too). + Softcore: 4-5k life and +5,2-7% (9,2-11% with Consecrated Ground) life regeneration. + Hardcore: 5-7k life and +5-8,6% (9-12,6% with Consecrated Ground) life regeneration. + Safty by 7-8 minions and phase run. + Damage reflection have no effect on you, only on your totems. + Second slot for leveling (selfuse or sell). + Alone: can your fast and safty clear maps. + In a party: Good Supporter - you have good blockers, auras, one course and can safty boxes open. Cons - In a party: have the most other builds a higher damage output as you. - Life Leach gem and Life on Kill have no effect on you. - You have a problem with bosses with a shield. - Harder to kill are bosses with: → Area attacks / spells (minions go faster done). → Faster movement, spring or flicker strike (focus faster you).
Skilltree - Versions
Normal → help Oak +40 life Curel → help Kraityn +8 attack speed Merciless → help Kraityn +1 frenzy charge
Ascendancy class
Instructions Manual After completed the quest "Trials of Ascendancy" in the current difficulty level, then can you enter "the labyrinth" through the "statue of the goddess" in "the Sarn Encampment". When you completed "the Labyrinth" can you choose a Ascendancy class for your Champion and 6 Ascendancy skillpoints invest. The Last 2 skillpoints become you when closed the 6 "trails" in maps and completed the "Endgame Labyrinth". The Inquisitor For this build is the Inquisitor my choice. He is good for more securty, elemantal damage and a critical choice.
The first skillpoints go to Sanctify. With "Consecrated ground" become you 8 seconds a regenaration from 4% of your maximum life per second. On kill heal your minions and on hit do it you more safty. Additional become you 40% more damage. The second skillpoints go to Righteous Providence. Increased the critical chance but no multiplier (see keystone elemantal overlord). The third skillpoints go to Inevitable Judgement. Mega damage with keystone "elemantal overlord" on cirtical strikeand with no-critical strike give a little damage bonus. The last skillpoints go to Augury of Penitence. 16% (1/8) from your elemental damage go to splash damage to nearby enemies. Additional become you 8% lesser damage from enemies - that take it safty too.
The first skillpoints go to Sanctify. With "Consecrated ground" become you 8 seconds a regenaration from 4% of your maximum life per second. On kill heal your minions and on hit do it you more safty. Additional become you 40% more damage. The second skillpoints go to Pious Path. Immum to elemental status is very good for playing maps. Mana and Energyshield regeneration - good. Additional 25 attackspeed for faster kill and 25 castspeed for faster minion cast. The third skillpoints go to Augury of Penitence. 16% (1/8) from your elemental damage go to splash damage to nearby enemies. Additional become you 8% lesser damage from enemies - that take it safty too. The last skillpoints go to Instruments of Virtue. When you cast a Totem become you 20% attackspeed and when cast a minion or take a hit become you 50% damage for 4 seconds.
Begin - 27 Skillpoints The frist way give you all what you need as a melee Templar. When you have to reach level 8 then trade 1 Ranged Attack Totem and Split Arrow (Templer havent it as quest reward) or play a Ranger and kill in normal Brutus for quest reward. Then you go to Ancestral Bond. Pick Elementalist and the jewel socket up your way. Good unique jewel become you in the quest Through Sacred Ground in act2. Survival Secrets is the first choice, Survival Instincts only when you have dexterity problems. With the many mana regeneration from Clarity you dont use Mana Flask more. The new place spend it in a second Quicksilver Flasks. End Normal - 47 Skillpoints The first way goes to the 1,5% mininon life regeneration. There must not so often healing or cast new. We are lazy ... and in the future it the regeneration with the lot of extra life from the minions higher (life/second). After this skill "Herd and Flok", go to "Agility" and then to "Puppet Master". The next stop is the Dexterity Point "Expertise". As last go you to "Quick Recovery". The additional life regeneration reduced damage over time effects (bleeding, poison, burning, etc.) and with the life flask your only source to become new life! End Curel - 72 Skillpoints The second jewel socket equip with the very good unique jewel "Poacher's Aim" form the curel act2 quest reward. The strongest Keystone in this build is Equilibrium. Equilibrium have a ramdom chance that one of three elements have +25% resistance and the other two -50% resistance. The monster take here 75% more elemental damage (2x(-50%)-25%=75%). Then go you over "Shaper", over "Constitution" to "Totemic Zeal". This Skillpoints do it simple gameplay. The Next Skillpoints come in life around "Constitution". The last way In curel prepare "Purity of Flesh". In act2-3 need you latest a body armour (chest) and minions with Fority and Minion Life! End Merciless - 91 Skillpoints After "Purity of Flesh", the Chaos Resistance you should be the Cirtical Stirk Chance with "Shaman's Dominion" and "Overlord" increased the damage output significat. In act2 to be happy with the third jewel socket. After this come "Totemic Mastery", "Sentinel" and the final end "Precision". Endgame - 120 Skillpoints The last Skillpoints to Level 100 is a support for spend the rest. It give you a abstract for your choice. For more Mana and Skillcost reduction I have skill "Righteous Decree" for one life skill under "Discipline and Training". When you have enough Mana for place 3 Totems then have you a choice for this 2 points: * 8% elemental damage over "Elementalist". * 6% elemental damage between "Celistal Judgement" and "Celistal Punishment". * 5% life under "Discipline and Training". * 15% Totem life and 5% resistance near "Ancestral Bond". * 10% Totem life and 8% resistance beside "Totemic Mastery". * 6% increased Aura effect beside "Sorvereignty". When you have enough Dexterity from your Items then can spend the points from "Agility" (1 Skillpoint) and "Expertise" (2 Skillpoints) also in the 6 points or all 3 points in a new Jewel socket over "Sentinel".
Begin - 27 Skillpoints The frist way give you all what you need as a melee Templar. When you have to reach level 8 then trade 1 Ranged Attack Totem and Split Arrow (Templer havent it as quest reward) or play a Ranger and kill in normal Brutus for quest reward. Then you go to Ancestral Bond. Pick Elementalist and the jewel socket up your way. Good unique jewel become you in the quest Through Sacred Ground in act2. Survival Secrets is the first choice, Survival Instincts only when you have dexterity problems. With the many mana regeneration from Clarity you dont use Mana Flask more. The new place spend it in a second Quicksilver Flasks. End Normal - 47 Skillpoints The first way goes to the 1,5% mininon life regeneration. There must not so often healing or cast new. We are lazy ... and in the future it the regeneration with the lot of extra life from the minions higher (life/second). After this skill "Herd and Flok" and "Resulute Technique". The next stop is the Dexterity Point "Expertise". With "Puppet Master" become you the fifth Zombie and "Agility" for more Dexterity. As last go you to "Quick Recovery". The additional life regeneration reduced damage over time effects (bleeding, poison, burning, etc.) and with the life flask your only source to become new life! End Curel - 72 Skillpoints The second jewel socket equip with the very good unique jewel "Poacher's Aim" form the curel act2 quest reward. The strongest Keystone in this build is Equilibrium. Equilibrium have a ramdom chance that one of three elements have +25% resistance and the other two -50% resistance. The monster take here 75% more elemental damage (2x(-50%)-25%=75%). Then go you over "Shaper" to "Constitution" and the lifenotes around it. The Next Skillpoints come in "Sentinel". The last way In curel prepare to "Totemic Zeal". Then this Skillpoints do it the gameplay simple. In act2-3 need you latest a body armour (chest) and minions with Fority and Minion Life! End Merciless - 91 Skillpoints The first way go to "Profane Chemestri" and "Juggernaut". There give you 70% more healing from flask. A sample calculation: * Divine: 2400 Life * 1,2 (quality) * 1,7 (bonus) * 0,33 (Prefix: Seething) = 1615 Life instantly. * Eternal: 2080 Life * 1,2 (quality) * 1,7 (bonus) * 1,50 (Prefix: Saturated) = 6364 Life in 4 second = 1591,2 life per second. * Hallowed +20 charges: 1990 Life * 1,2 (quality) * 1,7 (bonus) = 4059 Life for 10 charges and for 50 charges 20295 life. After the many numbers come I to the Skilltree back. Pick the third jewel socket near Juggernaut and incrased the Chaso resistance with "Purity of Flesh". That last points goes in the way to "Totemic Master". The Totemskills increased attributs from main concept - Ranged Attack Totems. Endgame - 120 Skillpoints The last Skillpoints to Level 100 is a support for spend the rest. It give you a abstract for your choice.
Legend First gem high priority - last gem low priority! -- = starting a new linking gem combi + = adding a gem to the combi R = Red gem (strenght) B = Blue gem (intelligenz) G = Green gem (dexterity)
3-6 link --R Range Attack Totem +G Splittarrow (middle click) +R Weapon Elemental Damage / B Elemental Focus (hardcore only) +G Chain +G Faster Attacks / G Faster Projectile +R Knockback / G Blind / G Chance to Flee * The Range Attack Totem is the main skill. You can combinate with all Bow- and Wandskills. But we use here ... * Splittarrow gives 5-7 spreading projectils. We save here LMG / GMP! For each projectile do we elemantal damage to the enemies. * With Weapon Elemental Damage increased the elemental damage from your weapon. * In hardcore can you use Elemental Focus. With "Resolute Technique" don't become you alliments status effects and with elemental flat damage from your equipment is the gem better as W.E.D ... * Chain is the best support gem for projectils. For Every hit become 2 new targeted shoots of enemies. * Faster Attacks - the name is program with level 21 become your totems 45% more attackspeed and with 20% quality additonal 10% faster attacks. * Faster Projectile from level 21 become your totems 70% faster projeticles, additionl 30% more damage and with 20% quality 10% faster attacks. * With the Gem Knockback you are harder to kill. You become 45% chance to hit the enemie back and with 20% quality 10% more. * You can use alternate a Blind gem, its take the gameplay safty. Blinded Monster have 50% lower hit chance and a lower critical chance too. Who use a "Cloak of Tawm'r Isley" then use an other gem here. * Chance to Flee is undervalue and had a negative Image. I think the problem come from Diablo2. There run the flee monsters 2-3 screen length bevor there come back. But here isn't so! Here run there perhaps 1 second back. The pro is that the gem become with 20% quality a chance to flee from 65% that is a higher chance as from Knockback! But the con, magic monster become only the half chance and rare or unique monsters have an zero chance. Indeed you can handling the boss or rare Monster better. Your Minions block it and the flee monster trouble lesser. 6sox = 4-6link --B Raise Zombies (Q Key) +R Animate Guardian +B Minion Life / B Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance +R Fortify / R Summon Stone Golem (W Key) +G Summon Ice Golem / G Blind or G Enhance (W Key) +B Vaal Summon Skeltons (T Key) * Zombie is a perma blocker. You need corbs to create it. Maximal number ist 5 for this build. For 6 see "Equipment/from Merciless/Body armour (Chest)/alternate - Rare" but this is very expensive. With each 1% quality become the Zombie 1% faster movement and 1% more life. * Animate Guarian - my new insight. Many physical damage for my minions and with each 1% quality become all linked minions 2% faster movement too. And the best is when you give a staff "Dying Breath" and helmed "Leer Cast" become you the auras too. When you go out and come back can you cast the Guardien again. Only when he die lost it the items. There is a perma blocker and maximal number is 1. * Minion Life gem the first choice and is good for all. Harder to kill and increased the minions life regeneration too (passiv skilltree 1,5% form minions maximum life). For each 1% quality become all linked minions 0,75% more life. * You can use alternate a Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance gem. With level 21 become your minions 45% elemental resistance and for each 1% quality become you the 0,5% more elemantal resistance. * The Golem is a perma blocker too. You can create all 4 seconds one and the maximal number is one. For each 1% quality become the Golems 1% more damage and life. Two Golems can you use on this build: --* The Ice Golem is the fastest, there use "chilling spinning dash" and slow there with chilling with a ranged attack. In hardcore dont become the bonus to crit and accuracy → because "Resolute Technique". The green Gem can you change with Enhance or Blind Support. --* The Stone Golem give a extra life regneration and taunting the enemeys with AoE attack, but is slower. The red Gem can you change with Fortify. * The Blind gem take the gameplay safty. Blinded monster have 50% lower hit chance and a lower critical chance too. The status blind become the monsters 4 seconds. With level 21 become you 40% more duration and for each 1% quality become you 1% more durataion. Who use a "Cloak of Tawm'r Isley" then is the Enhance gem the first choice. * Enhance give all linked gems quality and with 20% quality form the gem 100% more experience. * Fortify give your Minions 20% damage reduction over 5 seconds and with for each 1% quality 0,05 seconds extra. * Vaal Summon Skeletons is a Skill there give you a short time (20 seconds) a big army. There need collectet souls from dying enemies. With Vaal Summon Skeletons can you safty open boxes. When you found a box and dont have not enought collectet souls from monsters, then come later back to the box. When you found a strong Rouge can you use Vaal Summon Skeletons too! Or for map bosses! That take it esay to win. Armoured1 --B Clarity --B Wrath / R Anger --G Herald of Ice / B Herald of Lightning --G Blink Arrow (E Key) * With Clarity become you from begin a mana boost. I play with level 4 Clarity. That is for me enough. * The Auras have you to be spoilt for choice: --* Wrath + Herald of Ice → with Vaal Summon Skeletons become you the Anger aura too and the enemies take here prisma damage. --* Anger + Herald of Ice → Destroy minions coprs on crit - do it safty ((Vaal-)Detonade Death, revitalization form Strong-Boxes, Necromancer, etc.). --* Anger + Herald of Lightning → Destroy vase, barrel, boxes and is a eye-catcher --* Wrath + Herald of Lightning → Old high-lightning version - but no increased fire and ice damage! * Blink Arrow is your teleporter. When the monster around you, then come you out with it. Armoured2 --R Cast when Damage Taken +G Phase Run +B Ice Nova --G Desecrate (R Key) * Cast when Damage Taken is your first-class safty skill. Let it of Level 1. You dont need higher damage output form this skill - better is often use it. * Phase Run give you the mod phasing. That reduced the Visibility to Enemies for 80% and give a run speed boost over 30%. Phase Run do it safty. After a hit can you first run back, then out safty distance can healing, cast new totems or minions. Phase Run is on Level 3 on max. You can stack this short time with Franzy-Charge over 6-7 seconds. But the con is the long Cooldown from 4 seconds. When there is cooldwon then have you the second skill ... * Ice Nova Chilling the enemies around you and is on Level 8 maximum. * Desecrate give you Corps for summon Zombies. Good for start playing and with bosse there no cast minions or the minions dont let corps after dying (Izaro, Koam, Daresso, etc.). Armoured3 --G Frenzy (right click) +G Lower Multiple Projektile / G Greater Multiple Projektile +B Curse on Hit +G Temporal Chain / B Enfeeble / G Projectile Weakness / B Assassin's Mark / B Elemental Weakness * first use LMP and when you can use then GMP * Temporal Chain → safty → slowed. Good for fast enemies! * Enfeeble → safty → reduced damage. * Projectile Weakness → safty and offence → pierced, knockback and increasd projectile damage. * Assassin's Mark → offence → more crit and gain Power Charges * Elemental Weakness → offence → increasd the elemental damage
optional - Armoured1 - Auras
Alternate1 - Enlighten Level 3 + Auras (40% + 20% + 20% = 80% reseved) --B Enlighten Level 3 +R Anger +G Herald of Ice +B Herald of Lightning Ring1 - Rare - Unset --G Blink Arrow (E Key) * When you have a good mana regenaration for fast cast 3 totems at time? * Optinal need you the passivepoints 14% mana resered from "Sovereignty" and the 2 others, optional max. mana from "Righteous Decree" or the unique helmed Alpha Howl. * The enemies take here prisma damage permanet and you become the good effects too: --* Herald of Ice → Destroy minions coprs on crit - do it safty ((Vaal-)Detonade Death, revitalization form Strong-Boxes, Necromancer, etc.). --* Herald of Lightning → Destroy vase, barrel, boxes and is a eye-catcher. Alternate2 - Enlighten Level 3 + Auras (40% + 40% = 80% reseved) --B Enlighten Level 3 +R Anger +B Wrath --G Blink Arrow (E Key) * When you have a good mana regenaration for fast cast 3 totems at time? * Optinal need you the passivepoints 14% mana resered from "Sovereignty" and the 2 others, optional max. mana from "Righteous Decree" or the unique helmed Alpha Howl. * With this alternate become you a good damage output and you dont need a Unset-Ring.
optional - Rings - for Minions
When you dont have a 5-6sox for minions: Ring1 - Rare - Unset --G Summon Ice Golem / R Summon Stone Golem (W Key) Ring2 - Rare - Unset --B Vaal Summon Skeltons (T Key)
optional - Bosskiller
Note * Use the bosskiller only for slow bosses! Great replacement When you use a bosskiller you need 3-4 linked socket! Following combination is good: 6sox = 2Link + 3-4Link --R Cast when Damage Taken +G Phase Run --X Bosskiller Gem Y +X Supported Gem +X Supported Gem +X Supported Gem Ring1 - Rare - Unset --R Summon Stone Golem / G Summon Ice Golem Ring2 - Rare - Unset --B Vaal Summon Skeltons (T Key) Helmed - Rare: +2 to minions --B Raise Zombies (Q Key) +R Fortify / G Blind +R Animate Guardian / B Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance +B Minion Life Bosskiller Gem 1 - Elemental Hit --R Range Attack Totem +G Elemental Hit (W Key) +R Weapon Elemental Damage +G Point Blank 3-5link + 1sox --G Desecrade (R Key) * Elemental Hit is with Point Blank very strong! The Monster take here 40% (with level 21) + 10% (with 20% Quality) + 50% (with totem near the target (see the picture here) = 100% more elemental damage Bosskiller Gem 2 - Rain of Arrows --R Range Attack Totem +G Rain of Arrows (W Key) +R Weapon Elemental Damage +G Faster Projectile 3-5link + 1sox --G Desecrade (R Key) * Rain of Arrows is pleasing to the eye and have a small AoE effect (good to clean the spawns in the near from a boss), but for fast bosses not enought Bosskiller Gem 3 - Barrage --R Range Attack Totem +G Barrage (W Key) +R Weapon Elemental Damage +G Greater Multiple Projectile 3-5link + 1sox --G Desecrade (R Key) * Barrage have a lots of Projectiles = +1 base +3 barrage +4 GMP = 8 projectiles per shot. That is 600% = 8 projectiles * (100% - 25% (GMP malus lvl 21)) more damage in the same time. The con is a 20° spreding shoot. There hit a small boss not so good, but a big boss hit all projectiles. Bosskiller Gem 4 - Searing Bond --R Searing Bond (W Key) +R Increased Burning Damage +G Rapid Decay --G Desecrade (R Key) * Searing Bond is from begin a strong gem. You can cast it as extra totem and can kill monster faster. First with the unique Quiver Skirmish is the bonus totem form searing bond not available. In the endgame is the splittarrow stronger. There become no bonus damage from many passives (projectile, to attacks) only spell damage and elemental damage boost it.
Max. Attribute Requirement
Strength → 100 from LvL 21 Animate Guardian → 100 from LvL 21 Anger → 100 from LvL 21 Searing Bond → 072 from LvL 21 Ranged Attack Totem → 072 from LvL 21 Weapon Elemental Damage Dexterity → 222 from Maraketh Bow → 212 form Imperial Bow (with Weapon Elemental Damage) → 159 form LvL 21 Split Arrow → 159 form LvL 21 Frenzy → 159 form LvL 21 Elemnatal Hit (Bosskiller only) → 159 form LvL 21 Rain of Arrows (Bosskiller only) → 159 form LvL 21 Barrage (Bosskiller only) Intelligenz → 159 form LvL 21 Raise Zombies → 159 form LvL 21 Wrath
Note * For Rare: First P (Prefix) and S (Sufix) high priority - last P and S low priority! * When Dexterity and/or Resistance is max, then can you use alternate Sufix Rarity or Life Regeneration on all Items or Mana Regeneration of Rings and Amulets.
Start Equipment
Weapon Unique - Storm Cloud (3-4 sox) Body Armour (Chest) no Chest use (for faster Run), use a Chest compellent in curel act3 Boots Magic, Rare - with Movement Speed Unique - Wanderlust Amulet Unique - Karui Ward Unique - The Ignomon Flask Life Flask + Immunity and Removes Bleeding Life Flask + Grants X% of life recovery to Minions Mana Flask + Immunity and Removes Burning Quicksilver Flask + Immunity and Removes Freeze and Chill Quicksilver Flask + Increased Movement Speed
from Merciless
Rare - Imperial Bow P +3x Elemental Damage S +1x Attack Speed S +0-1x Local Attribute Requirements -% (good for high Dexterity Bow Requirements) S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-2x Resistance
Unique - Skirmish * From this source become you a extra Ranged Attack Totem! Alternate1 - Rare - Penetrating Arrow Quiver / Fire Arrow Quiver P +0-1x Weapon Elemental Damage P +2-3x Elemental Damage S +1x Attack Speed S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-2x Resistance Alternate2 - Unique - Drillneck
2. Slot
2x One-Handed weaopon - with 3 Sox Training here Gem Levels: → for selfuse → for sell
Body Armour (Chest)
Unique - Lioneye's Vision * When you use Lioneye' Vision can you (optional) replaced Chain in Added Cold Damage. There you have a 70-85% Chance to Pierce (70% Lioneye + 15% Poacher's Aim). Alternate1 - Rare P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Haku Craft → Weapon Elemental Damage (cost: 1 Divine) P +0-1x Evasion + Stun Recovery S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance S +0-1x Stun Recovery Alternate2 - Rare P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Haku Craft → Weapon Elemental Damage (cost: 1 Divine) P +0-1x Catarina Craft → +1 to Maximum number of Zombies (cost: 4 Chaos) S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance S +0-1x Eleron Craft → Can have multiple Crafted Mods (cost: 2 Exalted)
Rare P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Haku Craft → Weapon Elemental Damage (cost: 1 Divine) S +1-3x Resistance
Unique - Wake of Destruction * There very strong but you are very slow with it. When you use it you will love your Quicksilver Flask's. Alternate1 - Rare P +1x 30% Faster Run P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Haku Craft → Weapon Elemental Damage (cost: 1 Divine) S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance S +0-1x Stun Recovery
Unique - Winds of Change Alternate1 - Rare P +2-3x Elemental Damage P +0-1x Life S +1x Attack Speed S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance Alternate2 - Rare P +2-3x Elemental Damage P +0-1x Life S +0-1x Haku Craft → Attack Speed (cost: 3 Chaos) S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance
Rare P +0-3x Flask (reduced Charges Used, increasd Charges Gaind and Effect Duration) P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Weapon Elemental Damage S +0-3x Resistance S +0-1x Stun Recovery Alternate1 - Rare P +0-3x Flask (reduced Charges Used, increasd Charges Gaind and Effect Duration) P +0-1x Life P +0-1x Tora Craft → Elemental Damage with Weapons (cost: 4 Alchemy) S +0-3x Resistance S +0-1x Stun Recovery Alternate2 - Unique - Prismweave
Ring1 and Ring2
Rare P +0-1x Weapon Elemental Damage P +2-3x Elemental Damage S +0-1x Attack Speed S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance
Rare P +0-1x Weapon Elemental Damage P +2-3x Elemental Damage S +0-3x Elemental Damage Scaling S +0-1x Dexterity S +0-3x Resistance
Unique - Poacher's Aim → very good, only Rare with 4 Affix from list is better Unique - Assassin's Haste → good for start, Rare with 3 Affix from list is better Unique - Survival Secrets → good for start, Rare with 3 Affix from list is better Unique - Survival Instincts → when you have dexterity / resistance problems, Rare with 2 Affix is better Rare affix list - selection 2P (Prefix) and 2S (Sufix): P Humming - (14 to 16)% increased Lightning Damage P Chilling - (14 to 16)% increased Cold Damage P Flaming - (14 to 16)% increased Fire Damage P Masters - Minions have (8 to 12)% increased maximum Life P Shaman's - (12 to 16)% increased Totem Damage P Vivid - (5 to 7)% increased maximum Life P Volleying - (6 to 8)% increased Attack Speed with Bows S of Archer - (10 to 12)% increased Projectile Damage S of Berserking - (3 to 5)% increased Attack Speed S of Dexterity - (12 to 16) to Dexterity S of Raiding - (4 to 6)% increased Rarity of Items found S of Recovery - (10 to 14)% increased Stun Recovery S of Resistance - (8 to 10)% to all Elemental Resistances S of Wounding - (8 to 10)% increased Damage S of the Wall - Minions have (2 to 4)% Chance to Block
Regular - Maigc - Hallowed Life Flask + 20 Extra Charges + Immunity and Removes Bleeding Regular - Maigc - Eternal Life Flask + Flask Amount 50% To Recover + Flask Recovery Speed -33% + Grants 60% Of Life Recovery To Minions Regular - Magic - Divine Life Flask + Flask Recovers Instantly + Flask Amount To Recover -66% + Grants 60% Of Life Recovery To Minions Regular - Maigc - Quicksilver Flask + 20 Extra Charges + Immunity and Removes Freeze And Chill Regular - Maigc - Quicksilver Flask + 40% Increased Charge Recovery + 30% Increased Movement Speed Alternate1 - Magic - Sulphur Flask + 20 Extra Charges + Immunity and Removes to Curses / Burning / Posion / Stun Recovery Alternate2 - Magic - Silver Flask + 25% reduced Charges used + Immunity and Removes to Curses / Burning / Posion / Stun Recovery Alternate3 - Magic - Diamond Flask + 40% Increased Charge Recovery + Immunity and Removes to Curses / Burning / Posion / Stun Recovery Alternate4 - Magic - Amethyst Flask + 40% increased Charge Recovery + 30% additional Elemental Resistances Alternate5 - Unique - Divination Distillate Thanks all my buddys there help me and thanks you for watching my guide. I hope you have fun with this build too. Haliconigen Last edited by Haliconigen#3449 on Jun 26, 2016, 9:06:22 AM Last bumped on Jun 16, 2016, 11:20:05 AM
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complete rework for 2.2
What is new? + Passive-Skilltree rework + Ascendancy classes have fun ;) Last edited by Haliconigen#3449 on Jun 16, 2016, 11:23:12 AM
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Complete Rework for Prophecy 2.3!
What is new? → 4 new Unique Items. → New way for the passiv Skilltree (no witch and shadow). → Hardcore: realistic Life up to 180% from passivs. → Softcore: more safty, more damage and critical strikes. → Animate Guardian. → Boss-killer not required compellent. → Only one Ascendancy classes: Inquisitor. → No high-lightning version more. Last edited by Haliconigen#3449 on Jun 16, 2016, 11:20:21 AM
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