[2.1] ₪ WIP ₪ ekSi ☠ Shrapnel Shot CRIT CLOSE RANGE THC
Progress : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ekSi/characters/ekSiGGBUILD
Lvl 68 Fun fact, the chest I wear was a rare 2 sockets, 1 jewel = 5s 1 fusing = 5L. Don't bother about gems slotted right now its just about testing and leveling :)
------ Introducing ------
Hello everyone, i'm ekSi and i'm playing this game since the beta. I enjoy a lot doing originals builds who are still viable and also good ! I'm only HC player dont even talk to me about SC.
I'm streaming here sometimes : www.twitch.tv/tvekSi Mainly on the evening EUROPE TIME
------ Main Idea ------
The challenge here was to do a Shrapnel shot build in HC but not like everybody is doing "FULL TANKY MELEE MARAUDER/DUELIST 100% SAFE". I wanted to play it Crit as a ranger and still being 99.9% safe :P
The idea is to stack % more damage/Crit chance/Crit Multi for achieve an insane shrapnel shot burst.
------ Gear ------
Helm : Rat's Nest OR Alpha Howl (~ 30c)
Nothing too complicated, Rat's Nest if Alpha Howl isnt needed for auras thats all :) Chest : Lightning Coil (~ 4ex) Why LC ? Come on dude u're better than that :) Boots : Blood Dance (~ 20c) Generate Frenzy Charges and having a rly great movespeed ! Weapon : Chin Sol (~ 5c) Obviously for the 100% more damage at close range OffHand : Drillneck (~ 1ex) 100% increased damage with SS (We need a corrupted one since we dont need the implicit pierce chance so buy cards and be lucky, I got 3% chaos res i'm rly sad) Jewelry : Any crit / life / resists (bonus WeD / AS / Accuracy) Belt : Any Armour / life / resists (Rustic Stash if possible) Somes Talismans can be awesome for this build especially the Global defences one since we are hybrid EV + Armour. Otherwise %life always good or %phys damage or % physical reduction
------ Jewels ------
Jewels : % life (~ 1 alch) then upgrade it with phys damage / projectile damage / AOE etc ...
------ Gems Links ------
Main Attack : SS + Slower Projectile + Conc Effect + AoE + WeD + PPAD
Main Attack2 : AOE SS with LMP or GMP I guess ! Aura : AA + Hatred + Purity Of Lightning + Enlighten CWDT Setup : CWDT + IC + Increased Duration + Golem Movement : Blink Arrow + Faster Attack + Vaal Haste + Blood Magic
------ Bandits ------
Normal: Oak
Cruel: Oak / Kraityn Merciless: Kraityn
------ Defensive Things ------
Playing Hybrid EV/Armour WITHOUT ACRO. We gonna evade most of the hits and even when it gonna touch us we will mitigate it. With 5-6k life, depends of the gear.
So AA = 13% less phys AND 12% less fire damage LC = 30 % phys taken as lightning damage PoL = +4 max res lightning Dont need to explain the synergy ... U can see it by yourself, also I dont wanna play "Phys to lightning" for keep that phys part of damage. I think if I go full lightning damage I can OS myself on reflect and since I play Vaal Pact the last thing I want is to being one shoted, till I leech I gonna survive (Only talking about Reflect). About other damages of the game those defensive mechanics seems more than okay.
------ Offensive Things ------
258% more damage on everything (Chin Sol + ConC + Slower Proj + PPAD)
And another 59% more damage on the lightning part (WeD) U add from that almost 200% multiplier and u have an insane dps on monotarget. We gonna have less on multitargets cause of GMP/LMP but who care's ... The damage gonna be already insane.
------ Credits ------
Thanks to Kuza, Goratha and the HighLife guild !
Obviously this needs a lot of testing and since i'm only level 60 atm it gonna change quickly, i'll keep u informed on the thread tho ! Don't hesitate to discuss with me and to point out my mistakes. ekSi - making GG builds since 1999 Last edited by ekSi#2802 on Dec 22, 2015, 9:08:32 AM
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Ideas In Progress :
1/ Drop Blood Dance and play with Blood Rage if the life degen isnt too hard. = Darkray Vectors ? (8 frenzy charge + high MS + 16% Dodge Attack AND Lightning res for LC) 2/ Taking ACRO and forget about Hybrid EV/AR since I won't have that much AR. ekSi - making GG builds since 1999 Last edited by ekSi#2802 on Dec 22, 2015, 9:10:49 AM
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nice build i will try it
Last edited by AaaaDova#2873 on Dec 21, 2015, 12:04:30 PM
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Nice build Eksi , keep doing , the build is a bit expensive! but tanky with a nice dips :)
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Your tree is 120 points :) Has to be good 110 points or less IMO...
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" Yeah, I always do 120 points tree cause I know what to take in last like jewels etc .. ekSi - making GG builds since 1999
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Hey eKsi you should go for arrow dancing keystone for 1 point since you are using lightning coil.
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" I don't wanna nerf my evade of melee attack maybe will think about it when I gonna have a taste of hate ! ekSi - making GG builds since 1999
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Streaming the build atm !
http://www.twitch.tv/tveksi ekSi - making GG builds since 1999