(3.0) Best PIERCE LA + BaRrage Guide for Atlas of World (With Video)
Atlas Ready
Twitter AT: https://twitter.com/Man_LvL_Five DISCLAIMER: I just wanted to tell people that i did not break ground with this build, this build has been around for years. Since people keep saying that i make it sound that i was the one who broke ground with the LA Build, i was not. But what i did is too make the build and guide detailed for new and veterans players a like, and i tried to optimize it as much as i can every day and update the build as i learn new things. <3 So hopefully you guys enjoy it and find it helpful ![]() TOOLTIP DPS With An Aurabot ![]() CLEAR SPEED SHOWCASE: T15 Overgrown Ruin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaVuLbfmpOQ T15 Shaped Quay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bC6jzgC6-k UBER LAB FULL CLEAR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz6MwKYjoXk NOTE: We are switching Blast Rain to Barrage now because BR is not meta anymore. Intro: You might be asking me why use LA. Its because after doing research i and looking at builds and items needed. I saw that LA is one of the top tier skills and it will be noob friendly because the VOLTAXIC RIFT needed for it is super cheap. So Voltaxic Rift that only cost 1c min will allow you to do end game content with little currency. You can update the gear later but it seems that the items needed to start this build is affordable and is end game skills. It is also a Tier 1 skill. So super excited to try it out. The Tree also looks like my current TS guide tree and it is a ranger after all. And im super familiar with ranger Crit Builds so that is why i decided to go with LA. Videos for theory crafting will be uploaded every day til AOW comes out. Video Guides will be uploaded also when it comes out for leveling. ASCENDANCY POINTS * i Spent my first two points to get Farshot Then i spend the next two to get Powerdul Precision for Pierce for Crit Chance, Merc points is spent on Endless Munitions, the last two is to Rupture b.>> ![]()
Note: You guys can grab the two +30 intelligence node when leveling if needed. You can also git rid of it after gearing because u only need this to run LVL 20 COH and Assasins Mark, but max COH and Assasins mark is not necessary, even lvl 8 COH is fine for applying the curses. Damage Focus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cZbp-QsVZs&feature=youtu.be Life Focus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cZbp-QsVZs&feature=youtu.be c.>> ![]()
Farming: Your gear should look like this when farming and saving up money. This will have quick clear speed and great damage, so this gear will get you to a lot of content. I decided to have kaoms on the latter gear because i care more about surviving. Tree That Goes great with this gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAQBeBS0FtQceCC4NjQ5IES8RlhPaFr8ZihmOGdchdiPTI_Yk_SaVKgsqOCpbKwouUzB8Mfo2PTnUQzFDNkd-SVFKfUtXTP9Nkk4qUUdS7FPPVUtbr13yX7Bh4mKsZU1l02lObIxvJ2-ecFJxQ3Ttdct293cHefZ67311fyuExYbOhxOHdonTjDaNfY1-jb-PYJAKk5WVLpcGmmqbjZu1nKSdqqCfo4qtM63Cr-uxAbTFtUi74702vqfA48EzwuzDOsSiykrNmNNv037asdrB45_nVOpi62Ptg-4O73rw1fGz_MX-uv_e MID PRICE & SURVIVABILTY:
Bossing and 6k Health: My reasoning here is because i was able to six link my voltaxic and i laready have another 5 link bow and its only been a week :P. Anyways this gear will allow me to do uber lab and will test it out on uber atziri soon. But the idea here is to have 6 link bow with la as main and swap to Blast rain when doing single target,. so i have to bow as a weapon swap. I know its complicated but ask me if you have any questions. Again this gear is not needed til way later into the game.
Tree That Goes great with this gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAdwFLQW1CC4NjQ5IES8RlhPaFr8ZihmOGdcajyF2I9Mj9iSdJP0mlSoLKjgqWysKLlMwfDH6NZI2PTnUQzFDNkd-Sn1M_02STipRR1LsU89VS1uvXfJh4mJaYqxlTWXTaU5sjG8nbztwUnFDdO11y3b3d-N4DXn2eu99dX8rhMWE2YbOh3aJ04w2jX2Nfo2_j2CTlZcGmmqbjZu1naqgn6OKqW6tM7EBtMW1SLXyu-O9Nr6nwBrBM8LswzrEos2Y02_Tfti92sHjn-dU6mLrY-2D7g7vevJF9tr7CfzF_gr-j_66_94=?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_A_MAN_LVL_FIVE *Note: use this once u have a six link and a 5 link bow for switch, this tree is good because it gives me str and it boost your life percent with kaoms heart. But this is for way later once u get rich. I will be doing uber atziri and lab with this. EXPENSIVE AND GODLY:
END GAME: This is my end game gear that basically can do anything, i have 5k health with 120k Tooltip DPS. So when you get rich and lucky go ahead and craft yourself a sixlink Lioneyes chest, it will give you 7 sockets with pierce.
Tree with my gear:https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAdEB3AUtBbUILg2NES8T2hVDFr8ZihmOIXYj0yP2JP0mlSoLKjgqWysKLlMwcTB8Mfo1kjY9N9Q51DpCQzFDNkd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHUuxTz1VLW69d8mHiYqxlTWlObIxuaW8nbztwUnTtdct293fjeA159nrvfXV_K4TFhNmGzod2idOMNo19jX6Nv49glwaaapuNm7WdqqCfo4qpbq3Cr-uxAbTFtUi18rvjvTa-p8AawTPC7MM6xKLNmM9e02_TftQj1fjYvdqx2sHdqOOf51TqYutj7T_tg-4O73ryRfzF_gr-j_66_94=?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_A_MAN_LVL_FIVE GEAR AND TREE TO GET LEVEL 100 and HC GEAR:
HARDCORE: This would be the gear and tree you would use if you never ever want to die. Note the frenzy charges because this tree is best for fast clearing. Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAdEB3AUtBbUILg2NES8T2hVDFr8ZjiF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCypbKwouUzBxMHwx-jWSNj031DnUOkI64T7PQzFDNkd-Sn1KyEt4TP9Nkk3jTipRR1LsU89VS1oaW69d8mHiYqxlTWlObIxuqm8nbztwUnTtdct293fjeA159nrve8N9dX8rhNmGzod2idOKr4w2jX2Nfo2_j2CQEZpqm42dqqCfo4qpbq3Cr-uxAbTFtUi18rvjvTa95r6nwBrBM8LswzPEos2Yz17Tb9N-1CPYvdqx2sHdqOOf51TqYutj7T_tg-4O73ryRfzF_gr-j_66_94=?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_A_MAN_LVL_FIVE Testing For Next League (MF):
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*Just watch the videos for skill tree leveling. Just follow the leveling tree on the videos. LEVEL 10: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCzyjYVy7II VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCzyjYVy7II LEVEL 20: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jURVejP51sw&feature=youtu.be[ VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jURVejP51sw&feature=youtu.be LEVEL 30: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LTn-VULEpk VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LTn-VULEpk LEVEL 40: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23oUv5HgKgk VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23oUv5HgKgk LEVEL 50: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmerobCEo0 VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmerobCEo0 LEVEL 60: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTg4l97E50s VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 60: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTg4l97E50s LEVEL 70: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYiWJtZTgJ8&feature=youtu.be VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 70: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYiWJtZTgJ8&feature=youtu.be LEVEL 80: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk4vD88ifkk VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 80: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk4vD88ifkk LEVEL 90: Tree:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cZbp-QsVZs&feature=youtu.be VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 90: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cZbp-QsVZs&feature=youtu.be FINAL TREE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cZbp-QsVZs&feature=youtu.be e.>> ![]()
*LA + GMP + WED + Added Lighting + Pierce + Void Manipulation ~ NOTE: change pierce support to increased crit strike after obtaining Lioneye's Vision Chest *Blast Rain + WED + Conc Effect + Poison + Added Lightning + Void Manipulation *CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Ice Golem *COH + Assasins Mark + Wrath + HOIce ~ i might also use: COH + Assasins Mark + HOIce + Ice Bite [Will Be trying this out when AOW comes out] *Increased Duration + Vaal haste + Vaal Clarity + Blood Rage * CURRENT LINKS: *Switch temp chains to assasins mark if you want more damage, im using temp chains for survivability. Use Herald of ICE for you guys, herald of thunder is only used when your gear is maxed out. * USE THIS FOR GOOD DEFFENSE SUPPORT f.>> ![]()
+HEALTH (help Oak)
+ATTACK SPEED (help Kraityn) +Frenzy Charge (help Kraitlyn, i think, you have to double check. haha) g.>> ![]()
Use Split Arrow until level 28, then switch up split arrow with tornado shot and LMP, then switch LMP with GMP when available. Really Great leveling gears are as follows. The Roth's Reach is great because it has + 1 chain (works great with split arrow in low levels). Ungil's Harmony Amulet, ull need to use it until u are able to buy rat's nest. The DPS it gives is just too great to not use.
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Guardian Maps: Chimera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAqWhV8sAWI&feature=youtu.be Hydra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIXSp6WYHjc Overgrown Ruin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaVuLbfmpOQ Spider Forest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJr-rawqm-s&feature=youtu.be Uber Lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz6MwKYjoXk Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwx7-RAjQs Residence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsnaGEWctRw&feature=youtu.be Shaped Tropical Island: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqUmkih_uRs&feature=youtu.be Shaped Quay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bC6jzgC6-k&feature=youtu.be i.>> ![]()
~My First Uber Fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P19I6ZLTMR4 I didnt know the mechanics on this, i could do it soo much easier now. ~Gear For Uber Fight: ~Tree During The Fight: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAdEB3AUtBbUILg2NDkgRLxGWE9oWvxmKGY4Z1yF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCyo4KlsrCi5TMHwx-jWSNj031DnUQzFDNkd-Sn1M_02STeNOKlFHUuxTz1VLW69d8mHiYqxlTWXTaU5sjG8nbztwUnFDdO11y3b3d-N4DXn2fXV_K4TFhNmGzod2idOMNo19jX6Nv49gk5WXBppqm42btZ2qoJ-jiqZXqW6tM63Cr-uxAbTFtUi18rvjvTa-p8AawTPC7MM6xKLNmNNv037UI9i92rHaweOf51TqYutj7T_tg-4O73r8xf4K_o_-uv_e?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_A_MAN_LVL_FIVE ~Notes: Remeber guys, you guys dont need two six link, you guys can go ahead and switch the gems on the bow before the Boss fight for all three trials. I used my six linked chest because i ahd it and i was too lazy to switch the gems on each fights (everyones lazy). Also, the most important part about the fight is to have decoy totem, trust me it will make the fight a lot easier. I also switch my phys reduction flask to a life and movement flask when i run through rooms so it will be a lot smoother and less stressful. Let me know If you guys have any questions. Also use Lightning Arrow when going through the room and switch to Blast Rain right before the boss fight. j.>> ![]() Atziri With a 2 Chaos Bow and 5 Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwx7-RAjQs ~UBER LAB VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P19I6ZLTMR4 ~Full Atziri Fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZmUNE5bu-s ~Atlas Of World [Spider Forest Full] Clear With Best Cheap Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJr-rawqm-s&feature=youtu.be ~1st Day Essence Level 68 Showcase and Mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBHwGfxHCBk&list=PLkS4qTKLGbePXNNi8tQH18cANW20CD0MV ~UBER LAB KILLED PRETTY EASY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P19I6ZLTMR4 ~Preview of build on Day 3 of Atlas Of world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJr-rawqm-s&feature=youtu.be ~Low Level With Crap Gear SHOW CASE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBlcHxItxNg ~ ARMORY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_2DKUnt2eE&feature=youtu.be ~Atziri Kill With 5 Link and a 2 Chaos Bow [stormcloud]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwx7-RAjQs *This just show how viable the build is, i will do a white bow later, or maybe just a four link ~ ARACHNID TOMB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VwFMIPJqcA&feature=youtu.be Last edited by Rho378#3649 on Jul 16, 2019, 12:31:05 AM Last bumped on Oct 9, 2017, 2:42:59 PM
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Versions of Builds:
***Version 1.0:*** This would be the main build for starting players Cheap and affordable, the following versions are going to be me just playing around the build. This version is the one on top which is basically the basics of the build ***Version 1.1*** This is the one i am currently playing for now since i bought a six link. This version has Vaal Pack and Tri-Aura Gear:
Passive Tree: Last edited by Rho378#3649 on Jan 9, 2016, 3:32:19 PM
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http://www.twitch.tv/the_real_man_lvl_5 Video GUIDE HERE/Game Play: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFJ-JY24js&feature=iv&src_vid=PHw6POTY-1U&annotation_id=annotation_2588522761 *Mapping Preview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSWMuV_JuOk >>>> ![]() ![]() ![]() >> ![]() Cost of Gear at 30k tooltip = 3 ex
![]() With this build and gears and links, ull be able to run this charges at all times This bow cost me 15 chaos and With my build at lvl 88, i am doing a tooltip damage of 30k + (picture below). The total cost of the gear at the 30k dps is about 3 - 4 ex, 15c for bow, 2ex for rats nest, 30 c for tabula and around 10-20c on others. Really Cheap gearing for end game. Also note that i am not using maligaros because of tabula. This is the cheaper way and more tanky way. I also have 4.2k HP with this gear (picture on the character sheet). I will also link my defensive stat with the current tree and gear i have. ![]() ![]() Gear at the moment the tool-tip DPS and Defensive Stat was taken
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Note: You guys can get rid of the two +30 intelligence node because u only need this to run LVL 20 COH and Assasins Mark, but max COH and Assasins mark is non necessary, even lvl 8 COH is fine for applying the curses. Also you can go ahead and grab life leech on the bottom of the tree near the mana leech if you need it, and if you have points to spare then grab the Aspect of the Lynx near the ranger tree (two points needed). https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I_Yk_SaVKgsuUzBxMHwx-jIBMpQ2PTfUOdQ6Qj7PQzFHfkp9S3hM_02STipRR1VLVYVW-loaW69daF3yYeJh62KsZU1noGyMbWxv8nBSdO11y3X9dvd6U3rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_kAqVBZrxmyabjZ2qoJ-hpKXLpuCn1LIZtUi3trl8u-O9Nr3mvqfBM8MzxKLKqc9602_TftQj1ELWWNaK2cbawd2o4dvjn-dU53To1upi6xTssO0_7YPuDu96_MX-uv7I_94=?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_Kraken_Lvl_Five_ c.>> ![]()
Version One: 2 ex
Version Two: 4 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() Version Three: 5 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() Version Four: 7 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() CURRENT GEAR, TREE, AND DPS (1/13/2015): d.>> ![]()
*Make Sure to look at "CHEAP LEVELING GEAR" section of the guide to be able to level faster and just faceroll all mobs the whole time you're leveling LEVEL 20: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FtQguCIkZjjB8UUdW-l1ofXV_K42_lQWa8ZuNyqnTfujW7YPuDu96 VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn3GYG0CQZM LEVEL 30: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FtQguCIkWvxmOJpUwfFFHVUtW-l1oYeJtbHX9fXV_K4RvjDaNv5UFmvGbjbVIyqnTftQj1ELndOjW7YPuDu96_ro= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByM3bswcjvA LEVEL 40: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FtQguCIkNjRa_GY4hdiaVMHxM_04qUUdVS1b6W69daGHibWxwUnX9fXV_K4Rvhs6J04w2jb-VBZrxm421SMEzyqnTftQj1ELndOjW7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 40: Recorder Broke =[ LEVEL 50: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FZgW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2JpUwfEMxR35M_04qUUdVS1b6W69daGHiZU1tbG8ncFJ1y3X9fXV_K4Rvhs6J04w2jX6Nv5UFmmqa8ZuNtUi3tr02vqfBM8qp037UI9RC1ljgn-d06NbqYu2D7g7vevzF_ro= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBy0lmE5Bnk LEVEL 60: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FZgW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2JpUwcTB8MfoylDnUOkJDMUd-S3hM_04qUUdTu1VLVvpbr11oYeJlTW1sbydwUnXLdf129311fwJ_K4Rvhs6HdonTjDaNfo2_kAqVBZpqmvGbjaCfpuC1SLe2vTa-p7_VwTPKqdN-1CPUQtZY2cbdqOCf53To1upi7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIDLzrOn9Mo&feature=youtu.be LEVEL 70: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FLQVmBbUILgiJDY0WvxmOIXYj9iT9JpUwcTB8MfoylDfUOdQ6QkMxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk4qUUdTu1VLVvpbr11oYeJlTW1sbydwUnTtdct1_Xb3fXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMNo19jX6Nv5AKlQWaaprxm42gn6bgtUi3tr02vqe_1cEzyqnTftQj1ELWWNnG2sHdqOCf45_nVOd06NbqYusU7T_tg-4O73r8xf66_94= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ADT4j3Sudk LEVEL 80: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FLQVmBbUILgiJDY0WvxmOIXYj9iT9JpUqCzBxMHwx-jIBMpQ31DnUOkJDMUd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHU7tVS1b6W69daF3yYeJlTW1sbydwUnTtdct1_Xb3eu99dX8CfyuEb4bOh3aJ04wLjDaNfY1-jb-QCpUFmmqa8Zsmm42gn6bgshm1SLe2uXy9Nr6nv9XBM8qpz3rTftQj1ELWWNnG2sHdqOCf45_nVOd06NbqYusU7LDtP-2D7g7vevzF_rr_3g== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 80: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUC5Fvev3wA LEVEL 85: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIBAF4FLQVmBbUILgiJDY0WvxmOIXYj9iT9JpUqCzBxMHwx-jIBMpQ2PTfUOdQ6QkMxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk4qUUdTu1VLVvpbr11oXfJh4mKsZU1sjG1sbydv8nBSdO11y3X9dvd67311fwJ_K4Rvhs6HdonTjAuMNo19jX6Nv5AKlQWaaprxmyabjZ2qoJ-m4LIZtUi3trl8vTa-p7_VwTPKqc96037UI9RC1ljZxtrB3ajgn-Of51TndOjW6mLrFOyw7T_tg-4O73r8xf66_94= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 85: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4lsGL_UFXE LEVEL 90: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAF4FLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I_Yk_SaVKgsuUzBxMHwx-jIBMpQ2PTfUOdQ6Qj7PQzFHfkp9S3hM_02STipRR1VLVYVW-loaW69daF3yYeJh62KsZU1noGyMbWxv8nBSdO11y3X9dvd6U3rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_kAqVBZrxmyabjZ2qoJ-ly6bgp9SyGbVIt7a5fLvjvTa95r6nwTPDM8SiyqnPetNv037UI9RC1orZxtrB3ajjn-dU53To1upi6xTssO0_7YPuDu96_MX-uv_e?accountName=Rho378&characterName=_Kraken_Lvl_Five_ VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 90: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFJ-JY24js e.>> ![]()
6 Link/Bow and Chest
Tornado Shot TS + GMP + PPAD + Faster Attack + Phys to Lightning + WED Frenzy Frenzy + PPAD + Inc Crit Damage + Faster Attack + Phys to Lightning + WED trap Trap and Mine + PPAD + slower Proj + Point Blank + Puncture + Trap (You pick either Frenzy or trap, doesnt really matter) 4 Links For Support And Auras This will apply the curse that will maintain your power charge This will help with survivability when you dont evade that one melee attack Auras Just have hatred + herald of ICE + bloodrage + herald of ASH later on (make sure not to forget to activate bloodrage when u dont kill anything in more than 15 secs) Other/Movement This Link combination is great because this allows u to hold blood rage for a long time, and mirror and blink arrows is really helpful for diversions when fighting bosses. f.>> ![]()
+HEALTH (help Oak)
+ATTACK SPEED (help Kraityn) +Frenzy Charge (help Kraitlyn, i think, you have to double check. haha) g.>> ![]()
Use Split Arrow until level 28, then switch up split arrow with tornado shot and LMP, then switch LMP with GMP when available. Really Great leveling gears are as follows. The Roth's Reach is great because it has + 1 chain (works great with split arrow in low levels). Ungil's Harmony Amulet, ull need to use it until u are able to buy rat's nest. The DPS it gives is just too great to not use.
h.>> ![]() Casual Gameplay Mapping With This Build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSWMuV_JuOk&feature=youtu.be Torture Chamber Boss (I was in For a Surprise XD) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6MWabA1Xzg Jungle Valley Boss Fight 2.1.0 Tornado Shot Build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_in62lOKhg&feature=youtu.be Here's the THEORY CRAFTING VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3bHVEZTBSo&feature=youtu.be Here's a video why Spectral Throw is back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJtGM-5Zks HERES a quick video on my intro for the new skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VARVeBmVSa8 2.1.0 (Talisman League) First Impression on Talisman League https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuookiCtbFw&feature=youtu.be 2.3
http://www.twitch.tv/the_real_man_lvl_5 Video GUIDE HERE/Game Play: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFJ-JY24js&feature=iv&src_vid=PHw6POTY-1U&annotation_id=annotation_2588522761 *Mapping Preview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSWMuV_JuOk >>>> ![]() ![]() ![]() >> ![]() Cost of Gear at 30k tooltip = 3 ex
![]() With this build and gears and links, ull be able to run this charges at all times This bow cost me 15 chaos and With my build at lvl 88, i am doing a tooltip damage of 30k + (picture below). The total cost of the gear at the 30k dps is about 3 - 4 ex, 15c for bow, 2ex for rats nest, 30 c for tabula and around 10-20c on others. Really Cheap gearing for end game. Also note that i am not using maligaros because of tabula. This is the cheaper way and more tanky way. I also have 4.2k HP with this gear (picture on the character sheet). I will also link my defensive stat with the current tree and gear i have. ![]() ![]() Gear at the moment the tool-tip DPS and Defensive Stat was taken
a.>> ![]() b.>> ![]()
Note: You guys can get rid of the two +30 intelligence node because u only need this to run LVL 20 COH and Assasins Mark, but max COH and Assasins mark is non necessary, even lvl 8 COH is fine for applying the curses. Also you can go ahead and grab life leech on the bottom of the tree near the mana leech if you need it, and if you have points to spare then grab the Aspect of the Lynx near the ranger tree (two points needed). Damage Focus: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZihmOGo8hdiPTI_Yk_SaVKgsqOC5TMHEwfDH6MpQ31DnUOkJDMUd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHVUtW-loaW69daGHiZU1tbG_ycFJ07XXLdf1293rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_j2CVBZcGmvGbjaCfoaSm4KfUr-u1SLe2uXy74702vqfBM8MzwzrEosqp02_TftQj1ELWitnG2sHdqOHb45_nVOd06NbqYuyw7T_tg-4O73r22vsJ_MX-uv7I_94= Life Focus: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZihmOGo8hdiPTI_Yk_SaVKgsqOC5TMHEwfDH6MgE2PTfUOdQ6QkMxR35KfUt4TP9Nkk4qUUdVS1b6Whpbr11oYeJh62KsZU1sjG1scFJ07XXLdf1293pTeu99dX8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_j2CQCpUFlwaa8Zsmm42dqqCfr-uyGbVIt7a5fLvjvTa-p8EzwzPDOsSiyqnPetNv037UI9RC1orawd2o45_nVOd06NbqYusU7LDtP-2D7g7vevba-wn8xf66_94= c.>> ![]()
Version One: 2 ex
Version Two: 4 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() Version Three: 5 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() Version Four: 7 ex
Stats: ![]() ![]() CURRENT GEAR, TREE, AND DPS (1/13/2015): d.>> ![]()
*Make Sure to look at "CHEAP LEVELING GEAR" section of the guide to be able to level faster and just faceroll all mobs the whole time you're leveling LEVEL 20: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEILg2NGY4j0zB8TipW-luvfXV_K49gm42v69N-7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn3GYG0CQZM GEAR: LEVEL 30: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEILgiJDY0ZjiPTMHwylE4qUUdW-luvXWh9dX8CfyuPYJUFmvGbjabgr-vKqdN-2cbtg-4O73r8xf66 VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByM3bswcjvA LEVEL 40: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFtQguCIkNjRa_GY4j0zB8MpROKlFHVvpbr11obWx1_X11fwJ_K4Rvjb-PYJUFmvGbjabgr-u1SMqp037UI9RC2cbndOjW7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 40: Recorder Broke =[ LEVEL 50: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFtQguCIkNjRa_GY4j0yaVKgswcTB8MpQ6Qkt4TipRR1VLVvpbr11oYeJtbHBSdf19dX8CfyuEb4nTjDaNv49glQWa8ZuNpuCv67VIyqnTftQj1ELZxt2o53To1u2D7g7vevzF_ro= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBy0lmE5Bnk LEVEL 60: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFtQguCIkNjRa_GY4j0yaVKgswcTB8MpQ6QkMxR35LeEz_TipRR1VLVvpbr11oYeJlTW1scFJ1y3X9fXV_An8rhG-J04w2jX6Nv49glQWa8ZuNpuCv67VIt7a9Nr6nyqnTftQj1ELZxt2o53To1upi7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 60: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIDLzrOn9Mo&feature=youtu.be LEVEL 70: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I9MmlSoLLlMwcTB8MfoylDnUOkJDMUd-S3hM_04qUUdVS1b6Whpbr11oYeJlTW1sb_JwUnTtdct1_Xb3fXV_An8rhG-GzonTjDaNfo2_j2CVBZrxm42gn6bgr-u1SLe2vTa-p8EzwzPKqdNv037UI9RC2cbawd2o53To1upi7YPuDu96_MX-ug== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 70: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ADT4j3Sudk LEVEL 80: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCy5TMHEwfDH6MpQ31DnUOkJDMUd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHVUtW-loaW69daGHiZU1tbG_ycFJ07XXLdf1293rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMNo19jX6Nv49glQWa8ZuNoJ-m4K_rtUi3tr02vqfBM8MzyqnTb9N-1CPUQtnG2sHdqOOf51TndOjW6mLtP-2D7g7vevzF_rr_3g== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 80: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUC5Fvev3wA LEVEL 85: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCy5TMHEwfDH6MpQ31DnUOkJDMUd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHVUtW-loaW69daGHiZU1tbG_ycFJ07XXLdf1293rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_j2CQCpUFmvGbjaCfpuCv67VIt7a5fL02vqfBM8MzyqnTb9N-1CPUQtnG2sHdqOOf51TndOjW6mLrFOyw7T_tg-4O73r8xf66_94= VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 85: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4lsGL_UFXE LEVEL 90: Tree:https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIAAQBeAdEFLQW1CC4IiQ2NFr8ZjiF2I9Mj9iT9JpUqCy5TMHEwfDH6MpQ31DnUOkJDMUd-Sn1LeEz_TZJOKlFHVUtW-loaW69daGHiZU1tbG_ycFJ07XXLdf1293rvfXV_An8rhG-Gzod2idOMC4w2jX2Nfo2_j2CQCpUFmvGbjaCfoaSm4KfUr-u1SLe2uXy74702vqfBM8MzxKLKqdNv037UI9RC1orZxtrB3ajh2-Of51TndOjW6mLrFOyw7T_tg-4O73r8xf66_sj_3g== VIDEO GUIDE/PROGRESS AT LVL 90: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFJ-JY24js e.>> ![]()
6 Link/Bow and Chest
Tornado Shot TS + GMP + PPAD + Faster Attack + Phys to Lightning + WED Frenzy Frenzy + PPAD + Inc Crit Damage + Faster Attack + Phys to Lightning + WED trap Trap and Mine + PPAD + slower Proj + Point Blank + Puncture + Trap (You pick either Frenzy or trap, doesnt really matter) 4 Links For Support And Auras This will apply the curse that will maintain your power charge This will help with survivability when you dont evade that one melee attack Auras Just have hatred + herald of ICE + bloodrage + herald of ASH later on (make sure not to forget to activate bloodrage when u dont kill anything in more than 15 secs) Other/Movement This Link combination is great because this allows u to hold blood rage for a long time, and mirror and blink arrows is really helpful for diversions when fighting bosses. f.>> ![]()
+HEALTH (help Oak)
+ATTACK SPEED (help Kraityn) +Frenzy Charge (help Kraitlyn, i think, you have to double check. haha) g.>> ![]()
Use Split Arrow until level 28, then switch up split arrow with tornado shot and LMP, then switch LMP with GMP when available. Really Great leveling gears are as follows. The Roth's Reach is great because it has + 1 chain (works great with split arrow in low levels). Ungil's Harmony Amulet, ull need to use it until u are able to buy rat's nest. The DPS it gives is just too great to not use.
h.>> ![]() Casual Gameplay Mapping With This Build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSWMuV_JuOk&feature=youtu.be Torture Chamber Boss (I was in For a Surprise XD) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6MWabA1Xzg Jungle Valley Boss Fight 2.1.0 Tornado Shot Build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_in62lOKhg&feature=youtu.be Here's the THEORY CRAFTING VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3bHVEZTBSo&feature=youtu.be Here's a video why Spectral Throw is back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJtGM-5Zks HERES a quick video on my intro for the new skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VARVeBmVSa8 2.1.0 (Talisman League) First Impression on Talisman League https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuookiCtbFw&feature=youtu.be Last edited by Rho378#3649 on Aug 28, 2016, 6:34:35 PM
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Ignore list for 820
#Type /ignore camrymd (poorjoys party leader,last on list and left when his turn) #Type /ignore boxxers (Poorjoys SCAMMER ALERT left party and put dnd on when its his turn) # type /ignore killasmash (overgrown rota) when his turn other people say he scammed them too not selling only doing it so people can afford to buy from other players so i can have rotations going https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/5641xb/psa_poorjoys_asylum_price_manipulation_in_esc/ Last edited by Rho378#3649 on Oct 20, 2016, 2:21:26 AM
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updated the final tree and uploaded videos
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4L: PPAD + Faster Attacks + Increased Critical Damage 5L: Crit Chance 6L: Accuracy |
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new videos up
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new vid up
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