[2.2] Rowan's Cyclone CoC Discharge-Tanky, High Damage, Life Based (Even Budget)
This general type of build is not unique, but this is my personal take on the classic Cyclone CoC Discharge that has been popular for a while. I will be updating and improving this guide. If there is something you wish for me to add to this, message me or leave a comment.
Note: Will update for 2.4. Support Gem recommendations will be updated soon. Current ones still apply if you choose Assassin. I'll be making some more changes to this over the next few days, such as adding a flasks section to the gearing section.
Ascendancy Classes
This is the one think I'm on the fence about in terms of what is best. Trickster and Assassin are both very good for this, however which one is better depends on the person in my opinion, such a league and gear. The following spoilers contain the pros for picking each Ascendancy class.
Picking Assassin means TONS of crit. Hitting crit cap becomes incredibly easy, so easy that it's even possible without increased crit chance on your dagger. You're also able to get very high crit on your discharge and blade vortex (I managed about 88% on discharge), as well as a nice amount of crit multi from the nodes as well.
Also, if you go Assassin, you can skimp out on gear as well. Diamond rings no longer become necessary, nor does a Rat's Nest, as the base crit you get from power charges more than makes up for it. This can be a good budget option. This is definitely the glass-cannon/higher dps option. You'd want to pick Deadly Infusion, then after that whatever you want. Toxic delivery will give you some defenses for poison and bleeds on you, while Ambush will give you some more crit (I personally don't like it. The 3rd option is to be like me and get neither, but instead the starting/travel nodes for the crit chance and crit multi.
Trickster is the defensive option in my opinion. I would pick this if you are planning to play Hardcore, as you get dodge and spell dodge, as well as MORE chance to evade and a huge chunk of flat ES and Evasion.
The most attractive thing about this Ascendancy Class is the "movement skills cost no mana" of "Walk the Aether." This means NO BLOODMAGIC support gem on either cyclone or whirling blades, so you can go ahead and replace that gem with something else, aka a DAMAGE support. The problem is, there are quite a few great support gems, and I personally cant decide what is best. If you only have a 5 link, then you'd want to put in Blade Vortex as that will give you massive power charge generation, even on single target. With a 6 link, you can put in a whole assortment of support gems, ranging from increased crit damage, increased AoE (this one feels AMAZING for mapping), or one of the MORE damage supports from 2.1 or 2.2. Another great option is to throw in another spell such as Shock Nova or Ice Nova for EE maps. You'll want to pick "Walk the Aether" and Shade Form.
Leveling can be a bit of a pain. I leveled using molten strike with daggers, picking up some melee and physical nodes/clusters while mainly following the linked tree below. I would suggest getting the 5 phys nodes coming out of shadow, as well as Will of Blades, Sleight of Hand, and Fangs of the Viper. After that, go up towards Nightstalker and Written in Blood, then grab Phase Acro, and finally start heading left across the tree. You can finally switch to CoC discharge around the 50s or even 40s if you get a high crit and high aps dagger at that level. Once you do switch, simply respec the phys damage nodes mentioned above. Bandits Normal: Life/Oak Cruel: Attack speed/Kraitlyn You may also choose to kill all if you prefer the skill point. Merciless: Power charge/Alira
Passive Tree and Defenses
Level 90 Tree Important Totals: +210 Strength +160 Dexterity +80 Intelligence +170% Life +22% All Resistances +2 Power Charges +1 Endurance Charges +3 Jewel Slots Defenses As any good build, you want to incorporate multiple layers of defenses, just as this one has done. We have the Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics clusters for 40% dodge and 30% spell dodge. This adds on to the mainly evasion gear that you want to go for. Then we have Vaal Pact and a life leech gem, so whenever we do take damage, we instantly heal back up to full health. Finally, there's 83/79/83% elemental resistances. This is thanks to a lv20 Purity of Fire, and lv20 Purity of Lightning, coupled with a Saffell's Frame to give us +8 max fire and lightning res, and +4 max cold res. Having such high elemental resistances makes us virtually immune to all elemental damage, and makes it even more of a joke if you have surgeon's flasks of the appropriate elements. This also lets us deal with reflect very easily, as we take much less damage from reflect compared to most people, not to mention we have a LL gem and Vaal Pact there to instantly heal us. The combination makes reflect a joke, even to the point that you can do reflect maps without elemental flasks(though still recommended)
Gear Information
Minimum Required Gear/Uniques
Starkonja's Head is a great and cheap replacement for Rat's Nest.
Current GG End Game Gear
Note: Because I personally dont want to die since I'm lv92, I've gone and added chaos res to my gear, not to mention I'm 30% over capped on my ele res so as to be able to do ele weakness maps with no problem. I also carry around flask switches, so when something dangerous comes around, I can easily switch and be prepared. Deadhand Talisman: I carry this around for single target purposes. Simply drop it onto a tough unique or rare, then whenever you hit it (cyclone, blade vortex, and discharge all proc it) it drops a worm, which will grant you flask charges, power charges, and best of all, SOULS for Soulthirst. My current record is 183 souls on Necropolis Map boss.
Gear Explanations (each individual gear slot, such as what you need/want)
Here, Your best friend is a high crit and high attack speed dagger. The best base is an Imperial Skean. Despite having .05% less APS than an Ambusher, the .3% higher base crit on the dagger more than makes up for this difference, as you'll be getting WAY more proc of Discharge. with that. High Crit and APS are your primary stats to look for, after that you want spell damage, crit multi, spell crit, or damage added to spells. All are good. The Best in Slot dagger however is a Vagan one, preferably a Skean or Royal Skean. They can be a pain to get a hold of, especially a good rare. I personally went through about 8 blue Vagan daggers before I got mine. When you Regal the dagger, you HAVE to hit either a prefix or APS/Crit Chance in order to be able to properly multimod the dagger.
Why is a Vagan Dagger best? Because of the unique mod of "hits can't be evaded," This means that you don't have to worry about accuracy, which is huge for two reasons. The first is that is makes gear a lot more expensive. You'll want to go for high accuracy, something like 90% or close to that so that way your hits don't miss much. The problem is that high accuracy is expensive on good pieces of gear, so that increases the price of the build. Secondly, it's because accuracy counts against you twice with crit. First, the initial hit needs to hit, then the game checks whether or not this hit is a crit, then it checks if this crit will help as well.
Math Explanation
Lets say you have a non-Vagan dagger and have a 70% chance to crit with it., and then have 90% chance to hit. That comes out to 0.9*0.7*0.9=0.567 That means on any given hit, you only have a 56.7% chance that that hit will be a crit that can proc the CoC gem.
However, with a Vagan dagger, you now have 100% chance to hit, for both the initial and crit. Lets also say that you also had a high crit roll on the previous dagger, and now only have a 60% chance to crit with the new master crafted crit on the dagger. That comes out to 1.0*0.6*1.0=0.6 This means you now have a 60% chance for any given hit to crit for CoC gem, PLUS you get to save money on gear by not having to worry about accuracy.
Shield/Saffell's Frame
Saffell's is AMAZING for survivability, not to mention it gives some damage. The +4 max all res helps to make almost all elemental damage laughable, as well as help with reflect quite a bit. The spell damage it gives is a nice bonus, in addition to the +14% all res it gives. This Item is non-negotiable and a must have for the build.
Rat's Nest is amazing for this build. It gives you basically everything you could want (except life). It has a huge amount of crit(which we all love) as well as attack speed for more crits per second, and finally movement speed for faster clearing of the area. The high evasion is very nice as well, as evasion gear is what we primarily want. If you cannot afford one, a rare with high life and accuracy works, but I would suggest a Starkonja's Head. It could even be replaced for the Rat's nest due to high life it gives, not to mention it still gives crit chance and attack speed. I recently switched to this, as the 50% crit Rat's Nest gives is less important than the 100 life. Also, Assassin more than makes up for this lost crit.
Your main goal is to have Diamond Rings. These are by far the best option for any ring base. Here, the mods you want are high life, int, as you'll need quite a bit to make up for the high int requirement of PoL and discharge, and then any resistances that you need to make up as well. If you don't have a Vagan dagger, you need to try and get high accuracy here as well. If you don't need very much on your rings, then just try to get some more strength(for more life), attack speed, or master crafted crit chance(costs 1 divine, so kinda expensive). Increased lightning damage or fire damage(if you have a voll's devotion) is also another good mod. If you chose assassin ascendancy class, Diamond rings aren't as important, and I would suggest coral rings instead for more life.
THIS is going to be THE BIGGEST upgrade for the build. If you're doing a budget version, then get a rare which I will cover soon, but here's why the Voll's is so good. A Voll's Devotion basically DOUBLES your damage, not to mention it gives you a huge survivability boost in multiple areas. Because you're constantly consuming power charges thanks to discharge and Voll's Protector, you in turn constantly generate endurance charges. These charges don't add as much damage as power charges, but they still add a large amount to the damage of discharge. Now since you're doing even more damage, you now leech even more instantly thanks to Vaal Pact and a life leech gem, which in turns means it's harder to insta-kill you so long as your attacking. Secondly, because you're generating endurance charges, it gives you lots of small frames of additional physical damage reduction. Since we're also running a 3 link CWDT immortal call, having these constant frames of endurance charges usually means your immortal call will consume these for a hopefully 4 second immortal call. (results may vary based on amount of endurance charges Now if you don't have a Voll's Devotion, this is for you. The basic description is the same as the rings, the only difference being you want to have a lower priority for resistances, and instead try for damage. If possible, get high crit and crit multi, as those will be great damage boosts. Also feel free to help fill in any more missing stats you need.
Leather belt base is what you primarily want, due to the implicit life. Here, you want High life, as much as you can get, and any resistances you need as well. This is a good spot to fill in those missing ones. A lightning Doryani's is OK, but because of the lack of life, I would personally prefer a rare rustic, but these will work as well. A third belt that I've been experimenting with is the Soulthirst Unique Belt. When used with a 20 quality Quicksilver flask, you get around 4-5 seconds to kill things and generate souls. Why are souls good though? Every soul grants you 4% attack and cast speed, 4% elemental resistance, and 4% physical damage reduction, as well as increased player size. The attack speed boosts your clear speed, and the phys damage reduction makes you even tankier. As an added bonus even, the belt has 60-80 life, and +15% all res. The belt's very solid, and of course, the ultimate goal would be +1 endurance charge, though +3-4% aoe is fine if you dont have a Devotion. If you have the currency, a +1 endurance charge belt is ALWAYS the best belt for this slot. High life and resistances are always preferred, but these can be hard to get a hold of. NOTE: These +1 end charge belts are for high budget only. Example:
Here you actually have some freedom of what you want to have. The two best gear choices are either Maligaro's or a pair or rares. Maligaro's are the damage option. Rares if you're like me and want life. You can also fill in resistances here, as well as get accuracy if you still need it and get attack speed. You can also get int if you need it or str for more life. Both are equally good and come down to personal choice, so long as you can fit all your resistances in.
Once again, you have the freedom to choose between uniques or rares. Atziri's Steps are a very good option. They have high life, a sweet 30% movement speed, not to mention 14-16% spell dodge and high evasion. If you opt for rares, what you want here is much like the other rare gear slots. You want high life and movement speed, and then resistances or stats that you need. Both are equally good and come down to personal choice, so long as you can fit all your resistances in.
This gear slot is NON-NEGOTIABLE. You HAVE to have a Voll's Protector. It's possible to do this with only a 4 link, but will be largely ineffective without a life leech gem. A 5 link is basically the bare minimum. The reason a Voll's Protector is so good though is because of it's unique mod "Gain a power charge for EACH enemy hit by a critical strike". This means that with just one crit with cyclone on a pack, you could easily get your maximum power charges for the next discharge. Then with that next discharge, if it crits, you generate power charges for every enemy on the screen basically. This chest is the whole thing that binds this build together.
Here's where you can go nuts, as there's so many good stats. Most important is % increased life, try to get that on every jewel, then after that feel free to get damage, attack speed, crit chance, or crit multi. I would suggest getting crit multi if you don't have Maligaro's, as you'll be generally lacking in crit multi unfortunately.
Gems and Links
5/6 Link Cyclone+Cast on Crit+Blood Magic+Life Leech+Discharge. For 6th link, Blade Vortex is AMAZING. The sheer amount of power charges it generates is crazy, and boosts your single target immensely. You basically have constant max power charges with blade vortex, even on single target. 4 Links Whirling Blades+Blood Magic+Faster Attacks+Fortify 3 Links Blood Magic+Vaal Grace+Bloodrage (this gives us more attack speed plus some frenzy charges for the off discharge) CWDT+Increased duration+Immortal Call Blood Magic+Assassain's Mark+Ice Golem(can be replaced with a flame golem if you prefer) Auras Purity of Fire and Purity of Lightning. These are really important to have lv20, as they give +4 max res at that point. It's fine to have a lower level one however, just go for a lv20 Herald of Thunder-The reason we use this is because the "damage added to spells" is a very nice damage boost, not to mention quality gives %increased lightning damage, which is quite a bit of our damage. I personally have culling strike linked to it because it makes it so I can easily break boxes or barrels while running, as well as to be able to kill troublesome rares or bosses. The damage boost it gives to the lightning strikes is also nice as well. That and I had an empty green socket. Alternative Auras: 4 Link: Purity of Fire, Lightning, and Cold, with a lv3 Enlighten. I recently changed to this as having +4 max all res from purities is very nice defensive wise, and also makes me much less fearful of elemental damage in general.
Offense/Defense screenshots
Note: I had three unspent skill points at this time so as to showcase what the stats would be like with a level 90 tree/char. ![]() Cyclone with zero power charges ![]() Cyclone with 6 power charges and 3 frenzy ![]() Discharge with 5 endurance and 6 power charges and 3 frenzy charges ![]() Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game. Last edited by Rowanbladex#7614 on Jul 6, 2016, 7:35:57 PM Last bumped on Aug 11, 2017, 8:51:27 PM
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Do you think it's Atziri/Uber viable?
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It's easily Atziri Viable. In 1.3, I killed her probably 70+ times with this char/build, with most being deathless. I have yet to test it in 2.0 as I've been either busy with the temp leagues or instead focusing on leveling, so doing a test run wasn't worth the 10% exp loss. I dont think it's uber viable however.
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game.
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guide completed
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game.
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Thank you for creating this guide, it looks like a lot of fun to play!
Definitely going to try this one as soon as Vagan decides to have a decent dagger in stock :-) The Voll's Devotion will probably be impossible for me to get, but I'll see how it works out without it. |
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will this build work fine in talisman the new temp league?
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This build could be easily played in the new talisman leagues, as I originally made this character back in Torment. All of my gear is obtainable in temp leagues (except for the legacy Saffell's). Also, a Vagan dagger isn't required for the build, it's just a very nice item to have and should be a goal.
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game. Last edited by Rowanbladex#7614 on Dec 16, 2015, 10:38:51 AM
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As a new Talisman player, how important is the required gear? And anything to note about levelling with this build?
Anything else I need to know in regards to Talisman? Thanks for the build guide, I like the style, simple but extremely detailed |
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The only thing that's a must have is the voll's. They're pretty cheap, and if you have to, you could even scrape by with a 4 link by just taking out life leech, though thats pretty dangerous. Also, you could make do with a rare shield with life, red, and spell damage/crit, but a saffell's isn't too pricey either. Finally, with talismans, your single target is amazing compared to what it used to be. Simply carry around the chaos dmg one (forget the name) and drop it next to a boss to pick up. Since the boss will spew out a worm every time you hit him, you not only increase your coc price, but also your damage of discharge since you're hitting so many more targets
Sure, the lab can be hard, but it's pretty easy if you're properly geared, and not terrible at the game.
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I am running this build exactly as your guide. I feel that without voll devotion the efficiency drop by 50%.It's alot better when you have way to generate endurance charges automatically.
Kinda glass canon around 40s and it get better after 59 when you can equip that shield. I am thinking are there any way to improve survivability and make it a "uber" build. Last edited by takashi85#4968 on Dec 18, 2015, 11:30:24 AM
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