[2.1] The Wild One (WINE) - Dual Wield Daggers Crit Wild Strike (Super Budget)
What is Wild Strike (WS)?
WS is a skill that is divided into two parts: >Wild Strike is a melee attack skill that converts some of the damage to a random element when an enemy is struck. >Then, depending on the element chosen, it releases an explosion, an arcing bolt of lightning, or an icy wave. Sounds cool, right? Well, it actually looks cool, too. Anyways, this skill is already quite unique from that description alone, but it goes a little deeper than that. Each of the elemental secondary effects all have different keywords associated with them. Fiery explosion Fire, AoE, and Attack Icy wave Cold, Projectile, Attack Arcing bolt of lightning Lightning, Chaining, Attack Keep in mind that while whatever it chooses, these are all considered attacks, but only the initial hit has the “melee” keyword. Also, just to get this out of the way, the tooltip DPS is incorrect, so we will not be using that as a reliable measurement of damage for WS.
Well, you may be wondering why anyone would want to play with a skill that's inconsistent. The fact that it chooses a random element causes this skill to be overlooked because it isn't reliable and it's hard to gem for. And that's all true, but leaving it to RNG (luck) gives us benefits as well. It allows us access to every element pretty much all the time rather than a skill that gets stuck to one main element. This means that since we're going crit, we will be constantly applying every status ailment possible (shock, chill, freeze, and ignite). And the way I created my build, gemming isn't terribly annoying at all. If this were stuck to one element with a few set keywords (like other skills), then the choices of gems greatly increase (for better or worse) and thus makes it a lot harder to choose the best possible combination. We aren't relying on buffing a single elemental effect, we'll just be pumping damage into everything by going full physical damage.
So, what's special about this build?
First of all, this was created at the start of the One-Month Flashback League meaning it had no pre-funding. That means this build is VERY budget friendly! Most things are self-found, but you can easily buy upgrades on poe.trade for very cheap (I got the two main daggers I used for literally 1 chaos each). This is also a crit build meaning frozen/shocked/ignited enemies everywhere! Combined with decent attack speed and damage, this is a formidable build. However, this is also a build that relies on evasion/dodge as a primary form of defense, so it has the flaws that are associated with those like usual. This requires good mechanics on usage of flasks otherwise death may be at your doorstep.
Hardcore (HC) viable?
I would not recommend it as this build is for fun and is crit. Evasion/dodge is never recommended for something like HC and even ES is pretty shit. It's armor or bust nowadays with how hard things hit. Pros: >It's fast, it's fun, it's Wild Strike. >Access to every element and their status ailments. >Whirling Blades for movement. Gotta go fast. >It's cheap, good for budget players. $_$ >It's not some mainstream crap you see everyone else play. Cons: >Dodge/evasion build is left to RNG. >Melee – This means that you need to be up close and personal with the enemies. >Jack of all trades, master of none (regarding elements). >Whirling Blades does not allow for jumping over ledges or anything like the other movement skills. >Too cheap. What the hell are you going to do with all that excess currency anyways? +_+
Passive Tree and Bandits
poeurl.com/ubs Bandits: Oak (N) > Oak (C) > Kraityn (M) You can opt for a passive point if you don't want Oak in Cruel, but we don't really need the extra point. Life Probably prioritize these for the most part. We get around 150% increased max life nodes. Intelligence Since we use daggers (for that sexy crit implicit), we need quite a lot of int. I beelined north in the fork to grab all the int in our build. You can put a point into a +30 int node and respec later if your gear does not help you with it. We have a lot of extra points anyway. Crit I got these like midway or so into the build. Whenever you feel like it. After getting WS for sure though, no point in getting it before hand. Strength We get these from the bottom side of the tree. It's next to some nice life nodes anyway, so hopefully you can hold out until then. You can put a point into a +30 str node if you feel the need, but I don't think it'll be that bad if you just hold off on leveling some gems here and there. You should be fine on str and int in the end. Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics Get these midway. Not too early but not too late. Frenzy charges I got these towards the end. But feel free to put these in anytime after you get a pair of The Blood Dance unique boots. We have pretty much 100% uptime on frenzy charges because of those boots alone. Endurance charge This is optional and I'd consider it when you're at endgame with extra points. You get an extra +10 str going for it though if you need it. Power charge Same as the endurance charge. Dagger clusters Get them whenever really. Adders Touch is great with Bino's Kitchen Knife. Even without, it still gives great crit multiplier.
Why Shadow?
Because he has the best lines in the game.
Gems (truly outrageous) all in order of my preferred priority
Color of the word will be the same color of the gem in case you wanted to work out colors on your equipment beforehand.
Wild Strike
Wild Strike – duh :9 Blood Magic – We seriously cannot sustain this mana due to the fact that most of our damage isn't physical. So mana leech is a bust. And mana on-hit doesn't work because we're not hitting with a bunch of projectiles or anything like that. A mana leech support gem is just terrible compared to BM anyway. Multistrike – duh Added Fire – This is a huge boost since it's based off physical damage. Faster Attacks – Helps make multistrike not lock you into place as long. Increased Crit Damage – We are critting almost all the time. There are some more options available, but I feel these are the absolute best 6 in combination for WS.
Whirling Blades
Whirling Blades - Best movement in the game. Blood Magic – Needed, even on a mana build. Faster Attacks – Gotta go faster, fasterfasterfaster. Fortify – This is how we get that OP defensive buff. Pretty basic. We try to get keep 100% uptime on fortify by dashing into everything (and out if necessary just to snag the buff).
Curse on Hit – You'll see… Herald of Thunder – One of our auras, and how we curse. Assassin's Mark – How we generate power charges. Basic setup.
Hatred – Huge damage boost. Herald of Ash – Pretty big damage boost akin to Hatred. THIS is why we go BM on everything. We get both benefits of Herald of Ash and Hatred which scale off phys damage and can still curse with Herald of Thunder. It can be linked with anything that does NOT require mana/BM. I haven't thought of anything yet, so that's a placeholder for whatever you feel.
God Mode
Vaal Grace – God mode for like 6 seconds. Increased Duration – Make god mode last 9 seconds. ~ Vengeance – Trigger skill cause why not and doesn't require many links. Stun – To potentially make Vengeance save your life. Does not need to be all linked together, but it's easier to put onto one 4L.
Summon Ice Golem – This gives nice crit chance and some accuracy. Both very nice to have for free. Enduring Cry – Keep 3-4 charges up at all times. Blood Magic – So that we can use those of course. The last link can be minion life or resistances if you feel the need for it. All that really does is make you not have to summon your golem as often, but I don't find that too bothersome anyway so I haven't bothered with it.
Gearing Prioritization
Aim for evasion on most things if possible since Acrobatics reduces the effectiveness of the other defenses.
1. Resistances 2. Life 3. Int/Str/evasion Basic stuff.
Body Armor
1. 5L+ (get a cheap white one and alch/chaos it for something USABLE) 2. Resistances 3. Life 4. Evasion Getting a 5L will be very beneficial so that you do not feel underpowered. I played with a 4L without BM and Herald of Ash and used a mana pot and it was all right.
1. Resistances 2. Life 3. Something that raises DPS (ie. Atk Spd, Damage to Attacks, etc.) 4. Int/Str/evasion If you're really good on resists, you can try to get some DPS on your gloves.
Do yourself a favor and get a pair of The Blood Dance unique boots. They aren't super expensive (1-10c depending on time of league). I recommend getting at least a 25% roll on the frenzy charge gain. BIG EDIT: These are no longer so cheap anymore as of Talisman League (2.1). Why? No good reason. It's speculated to be droprate, but I find that pretty BS. Unfortunately this being a lot harder to obtain will mean no frenzy charge generation and overall a LOT less damage. Hopefully you can afford these in the future as frenzy charges add a lot of damage.
1. Rustic Sash preferred 2. Resistances 3. Life 4. Str Basic stuff.
1. Str/Int implicit 2. Str/Int 3. Life 4. Resistances Best place to get your attribute requirements settled.
1. Two-Stones are the best 2. Resistances 3. Life 4. Str/Int Best place to get a shit ton of resists and life. But also can be expensive to buy.
1. Try for at least 60% implicit crit 2. Increased Physical Damage % 3. Adds x-y Physical Damage 4. Local/Global Crit 5. Crit multiplier 6. Attack Speed 7. Resistances/Str/Int I would advise just buying daggers that have over 200 on the physical damage. I got two that were around 250 physical damage (20% quality) for about 1 chaos each. Physical damage daggers seem to be quite cheap. You can even get a Mark of the Doubting Knight since they're extremely cheap but strong.
This is up to you. My preference is at least one seething flask. Also a Jade Flask with surgeon's on it since we're an evasion build that crits a lot and the number of charges it uses is ridiculous. Also, make sure to have a staunching (cleanses bleed) flask somewhere as well as one to remove freeze. Atziri's Promise is a very cheap but amazing flask. I recommend it. All in all, cap your resists! Get a bunch of life!
Demo videos!
[2.0] T6 Catacombs (The Crimson Sky felled)
[2.1] T11 Springs (no regen)
Might add some more as time goes. I am having bad luck with higher tier maps dropping.
My Current Gear as of 10/11/2015
Lots of improvements can still be made of course. Things are never perfect. Eventually you'll want better items of course. Once you get the luxury (everything beyond this point is luxury), get a Bino's Kitchen Knife. It synergizes extremely well with Adder's Touch in the passive tree and it's just a pretty good dagger overall. There are other unique items that you can replace some gear with if you're rich such as Maligaro's Virtuosity, Lightning Coil, or Rat's Nest. Anyways, thanks for checking out my guide whether you liked it or not! Any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to let me know and I'll respond as soon as I see it! xD ~ Like, follow, subscribe! It really helps me out! ~ xD Last edited by BluuS#1243 on Jan 2, 2016, 7:02:38 AM Last bumped on Nov 7, 2016, 6:38:15 AM
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is it atziri viable?
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no Elemantal Equilibrium??? i thought it was the purpose of the creation of WS...
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" You'd think that, huh? But the truth is that EE is actually one of the most useless and most situational keystones out there. The problem is that most builds will run an aura, especially if you're going crit. Most auras give you some elemental damage to all your attacks and spells. So if all of your hits are going to be applying every element anyway, it'll give the worse part of EE, that which the enemy resists every element a lot. Even if you somehow planned ahead and had no extra elemental damage added to any of your attacks, if you were to party with someone who did have something like Hatred, Anger, or Wrath, it would ruin EE right away. In this particular build, we run Herald of Thunder, Hatred, and Herald of Ash as our auras. That means we're doing every element on every single attack or spell. I really wish EE wasn't so poorly designed, but that's just the way it is. tl;dr: Most of the time EE will be causing you to do significantly less damage in most common situations. Last edited by BluuS#1243 on Oct 14, 2015, 6:43:11 AM
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The upcoming poison changes are good news for this build since we have Adder's Touch. With such a high crit chance, poison will make single target a lot easier and faster. Pretty awesome!
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Would you recommend a Doryani's Catalyst as a off hand for this build? It is a mace but it gives 100% extra elementall damage and 40% global crit chance.
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" Probably not. You get an equivalent or more global crit chance off of any old dagger already. Since elemental damage of WS is scaled from physical damage, it doesn't do much to increase just elemental damage because that would be ignoring the physical damage we're doing as well. It's like only upgrading half of your potential. Also, we get a lot of dagger clusters from the tree so it's best to go full double daggers to take advantage of them IMO. Also, it doesn't help that the level requirement for such an item is so high without giving significant returns. Last edited by BluuS#1243 on Oct 20, 2015, 10:13:20 PM
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I'm super new but how does the life sustain since theres no life on hit or anything?
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" There is a decent amount of life regen % from the passive tree. Then along with the unique The Blood Dance boots, it adds a lot more life regen % since you'll always have max frenzy charges. Then if you have a Bino's Kitchen Knife, it gives you life regen whenever you kill a poisoned target which is almost always. Not to mention I run 3 health flasks which is probably more than enough for most situations. The regen alone is definitely enough to sustain a 5L Wild Strike with Blood Magic. Just remember the the life regen is based on your max health, so the more health you have, the more regen you get per second. Last edited by BluuS#1243 on Oct 30, 2015, 3:49:55 PM
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Gonna play this for Darkshrine...
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