Ash Crash, One Swing per Screen

This could be a budget build with any slow swinging 2hander and a 4L or 5L.

So this is a rework of the crit build with Hege's Era that I originally built around and posted a guide to. u/BioSemantics from Reddit suggested trying it with RT and a Marohi Erqi and the gameplay is definitely smoother this way, although the damage numbers aren't quite as impressive. This version of the build is also less strapped for nodes on the tree, resulting in more life and more AOE.


Screenshots of listed damages

No charges



The idea here is to take one big swing and light the entire screen on fire. The primary mechanisms at play are:

Ice Crash - excels at delivering single large hits, which is how ignite has to be optimized. Ice Crash is balanced around not being able to be supported with multistrike, which is why it delivers massive damage but at a slower pace than most other melee skills.

Herald of Ash - for massive ignites in packs or against bosses that can be lured in range of weak monsters.

Fire conversion - via the newly improved Cold to Fire Gem and Avatar of Fire.

Elemental Prolif - Supporting Herald of Ash.

None of the gear is absolutely essential. I couldn't get Hatred + HoA (Ele Prolif + Inc AoE) without Alpha's, but only HoA is core to the build.

Current Gear

Ideal Gear
Probably includes a 6L Marohi and a Cloak of Flame



6L - Ice Crash - Cold to Fire - Melee Phys - Conc Effect - WED - Fire Pen - If you only have a 5L you drop Conc effect
3L - HoA - Inc AOE - Ele Prolif
*Optional but recommended*
A 4L CWDT setup - probably CWDT - Fire Golem/Chaos Golem - Blood Rage - Ele Weakness
3L - Leap Slam - Fortify - Faster Attacks

why not use pyre?
Pyre destroy ignited corpses, and cold2fire gem is just great right now, check it again :D
Need a purpose in life...
Masterempun wrote:
why not use pyre?

I have tried it. Almost no DPS increase. It also destroys a huge percentage of the corpses
Is the weapon mandatory for your build, or would it be ok to use another 2 hand weapon?

I have 2 hand ax with all pdps, that does a bit over 550 pdps and is 6 linked. I really could not see any reason why not, but figured I would ask before allocating my points on my char.

I have the chest, helm and other items.
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Sep 29, 2015, 8:00:56 PM
Ishkabibble wrote:
Is the weapon mandatory for your build, or would it be ok to use another 2 hand weapon?

I have 2 hand ax with all pdps, that does a bit more damage than the weapon you are showing and it is 6 linked. I really could not see any reason why not, but figured I would ask before allocating my points on my char.

All the other gear I have.

It works just fine with a nice axe. Obviously you'll want to change the tree around a bit.
I'd be curious if Hrimsorrow gloves boosts your damage output by much.
Given Cold to Fire's extra damage is based off of original cold damage I would suspect it will be a boost.
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Mute your ****ing mic.
Rufus82 wrote:
I'd be curious if Hrimsorrow gloves boosts your damage output by much.
Given Cold to Fire's extra damage is based off of original cold damage I would suspect it will be a boost.

It's a small one. About 2k DPS without charges.
So I've been testing this build. My Templar is 70 and haven't yet been able to work in leadership and an Aura, but overall it works really great.

My Gear:


This just some stuff I threw together along with a 5-Link Marohi I already had. The Amulet is the only I've bought for the build.

I found linking CWDT - Immortal Call (for big alpha bursts) - Phase Run - Increased Duration to really help the build keep moving in between packs. Just using a perpetual Quicksilver is fairly good as well. I am going to also run Blood Rage when I get my links worked out properly as it will generate Frenzy charges that will allow me to do more damage and keep Phase run up longer.

Some key points about the build:

* This is a proliferation build. Everyone says its dead, I think this build, and other Herald - Proliferation builds breathe some new life into it.

* You do your damage in three concentrically larger areas. First is the Ice Crash's three waves of DPS which should just about kill anything but a Yellow by itself. Then comes the overkill on anything that survived which will do a decent about of damage, and then finally is the Proliferation which will finish off most yellows and kill anything that comes anywhere near you for the next ten seconds or so.

* Bosses are a little bit of a challenge at times. Usually taking 4-5 Ice Crashes. I use Vaal Molten Shell, a Lion's Roar, and that seems to be enough. Though I've been skipping bosses likely to one-shot before I even get an Ice Crash off. You can actually get an occasional good stun against a boss with this build. It seems to have a weird interaction with Lunaris Piety, as you stun her and she sort of hangs for a bit.

* The only real difficulty of the build is finding a good balance of grabbing defensive versus offensive nodes while you level. I wouldn't switch to Avatar of Fire right away. I would make sure to have at least two wheels of Fire Damage nodes before switching. The reason you take Avatar of Fire is purely because you're already scaling Fire Damage. The more you scale Fire Damage, the more Avatar of Fire (AvF) becomes the obvious choice. The Ice Crash cuts your base DPS in half essentially, turning half to Cold damage from Physical. With Avatar of Fire (50%) & Cold to Fire (50%), all your Cold damage is converted to Fire and 50% of your Physical is converted to Fire. This means, depending on how the conversions work, either all of your Physical is converted or 75% is converted. What ever DPS you lose to AvF (in this case I am not sure there is any) is blown away by the fact that the converted damage is increased by your scaled fire damage. Someone asked why take Avatar of Fire in the reddit thread, and so I though I would include an explanation here.

* Added Fire is not as good for this build as you might think, at least not without a Melee Physical Gem in your link setup. It sort of depends on which Aura you run (Hatred or Anger) and what level your Cold to Fire is in comparison to your Added Fire. Both are good.

* Get a Quality HoA and a Quality Elemental Proliferation. The Q-HoA increases global fire damage, and the increased duration of burn is really nice from the Prolif.

The BiS Weapon for this build would probably be a 6-link Axe with a GG Physical Roll, Fire, Cold rolls, and Attack speed.

My 6-link axe would be:

Ice Crash - WED - Fire Pen - Cold to Fire - Melee Physical - Increased AoE

For a 6-link Marohi:

Ice Crash - Wed - Fire Pen - Cold to Fire - Melee Physical - Added Fire
Last edited by BioSemantics#5620 on Oct 2, 2015, 1:21:51 PM

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