My Experience Trawling Through Wraeclast (Jun 30, 2017)
Alternatively titled, So You Want to Find a Fishing Rod..
Greetings fellow exiles. This is a fishing post. If you are not interested in the theories, ramblings, and experiences of a naive, possibly foolish, gamer about the acquisition of Fishing Rods in Path of Exile this might not be the post for you. To those of you still interested, let us begin…
Disclaimer The current theory is really all the information you need you to try and find yourself a Fishing Rod in game. It takes some time, is not guaranteed, and requires the use of a unique hat which really becomes outclassed after the Dominus fight in normal difficulty. Fishing rods are not convenient to find, and can be a big source of frustration if grinding is not your thing. This optional hunt might be one of the most annoying carrot on a stick elements in the game. Thankfully the item filters make them much more obvious.
Current Theory
For the purpose of this hunt there are three different fishing rods; the base fishing rod, Song of the Sirens, and Reefbane. Fishing Rod In order to find the base fishing rod a Fairgraves’ Tricorne must be worn, and they only drop from ‘unique’ monsters. If the monster has the unique frame around the life bar/name it can likely drop one(warbands, map bosses, ghosts, etc). I have recorded the different unique monsters who have dropped a fishing rod for me. The list can be found at the end of the trophy post. NOTE - The exception to this rule is the 'Perandus Tackle Box' which has a set drop table of a Fishing Rod, Slither Pinch, Fairgraves' Tricorne, and an Albino Rhoa Feather. Song of the Sirens The unique fishing rod Song of the Sirens, has a different set of drop requirements. The only accounts I have seen of SotS dropping are from Infector of Dreams, boss of The Coward’s Trial. Other than as a drop SotS has been obtained by Chance Orbs on the base item type, Divination Cards (The Vast and Jack in the Box), The Mysterious Gift Prophecy, Offered from a level 8 Forsaken Master, and from Cadiro Perandus. Reefbane The unique fishing rod Reefbane, has no requirements to drop. This unique item follows the normal process for every other unique item in the game. This is why they are so common compared to the base item and SotS. I've been made aware of Reefbane dropping from normal, magic, rare and unique monsters as well as from environmental elements (breakables, chests and trunks). Other than as a drop Reefbane can be obtained by Chance Orbs on the base item type, The Mysterious Gift Prophecy, and Offered from a level 8 Forsaken Master. While I think Cadiro or the Jack in the Box Divination card could offer Reefbane, it has not been confirmed. There now exists a legacy version of this item. Relic Reefbane Due to the changes to the "##% increased Quantity of Fish Caught" at the time of the 2.6.0 patch, a legacy version was created. Reefbane was one of the legacy items to receive a foil treatment. These can only be obtained from the Relic Chest inside the Ancient Reliquary, a zone created by using an Ancient Reliquary Key in the map device. Angler's Plait The unique and corrupted Unset Ring Angler's Plait has little known information at this time. It was a supporter created unique item, and had two 'early' versions drop with incorrect names and flavor text. Three finished versions are known to exist. Background During one of my early races, I found an Albino Rhoa in the Mud Flats. I had no idea they even existed, but when you see something rare the first instinct is to kill it right? So that is what I did and I acquired my first Albino Rhoa Feather. I had no idea what it did, and neither did race chat at the time. Afterwards I stashed it away and proceeded to research into this strange occurrence. This is where the rabbit hole truly started. The searches yielded way more text on the topic than I thought existed. The results also re-directed the search into the concept of fishing. After devouring all of the information I could get my hands on through the official forums, Reddit, and YouTube videos, I was left with a theory consisting of some strange and expensive requirements. I continued to keep an eye out for more information, or a way to reduce the requirements from my initial list. Most of the information was presented with sarcasm or the intent to mislead, this made finding helpful sources a small challenge. However, there are still some exiles not jaded by the fishing elements in the game. One such streamer was lucky during the 1-Month Flashback event (2015, May), and posted the highlight on Reddit. He found a fishing rod from a corrupted boss in Act 1 Cruel. I was able to watch the vods from character creation through the the fishing rod drop, and could eliminate the strange and expensive requirements from the theory. This was the final piece of bait I took before getting involved to my current level of tracking the different ‘Easter Eggs’ in the game, and testing different elements of the theory.
June 30th, 2017 - Known information about Legacy League added in History, Relic information added to Background, and Trophy post is updated for Legacy and Mayhem.
February 9th, 2017 - Fishing related Achievement from DB has been added(under Atlas of Worlds in History), and the known Breach information has been added. December 14th, 2016 - Further clarification of the Fishing Ring, and a screenshot of what it should look like (Name, Flavor, Stats, Art). November 21st, 2016 - Hallowed Ground Unset Ring in history post, and in the 'other' Reference spoiler. November 2nd, 2016 - Updated theory in this post to account for unique items. Completed the Prophecy Section in history post. Added the Atlas Section in history post. Reformatted my testing post to reduce the wall of text with spoilers. Reformatted the trophy post to be more consistent with spoilers. May 30th, 2016 - Added a Pre Prophecy section to the History Post May 6th, 2016 - Updated unique monster spoiler. Updated Perandus information in the History and My Tests by Event posts. Added Hundred Foot Shadow, and Aurora Cultist to my drop list. Added Perandus drops to Trophy post. Resources & References updated with Perandus league links. March 7th, 2016 - Updated Talisman information in the History and My Tests by Events posts. Added Voll to my drop list. Added Talisman drops to trophy post. Resources & References updated with Talisman league links. Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Jan 22, 2022, 1:44:21 PM Last bumped on May 29, 2018, 9:07:58 AM
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History & Timeline Closed Beta The idea of Fishing and Fishing Rods have existed in the community since the original closed beta. This is evidenced in the Anybody Catch Anything Good Yet? Thread. During the open beta an unfinished version of the fishing rod was accidentally added to the game for a weekend. This caused a lot of speculation and conversation from the community, but the sword version of the fishing rod was eventually removed from the game. Found A Fishing Rod. NO IDEA WHAT IT IS (no more rod in my stash). The conversation in this thread is mixed with some wanting the fishing joke to die, and others more excited by one actually being found. Additionally Chris Confirmed in the Developer Q&A Answers, a two part question I had about Albino Rhoas. " Official Release Patch 1.0.0 brought the game out of beta adding the rest of act 3, the Scion class, and the Domination/Nemesis challenge leagues. Fishing Rods as we know them with their correct art and weapon icon were added to the game at this time. Since the official release almost every major content patch, and even some shorter events, have expanded on the fishing element in one way or another. Many of these mysteries have not been solved, if solutions even exist for them. Sacrifice of the Vaal Patch 1.1.0 ushered in the Sacrifice of the Vaal mini expansion and the Ambush/Invasion challenge leagues. With the introduction of the Vaal orb new implicit mods could be added to items via corruption. Fishing rods were not left out. Besides some of the corruptions available to other weapon types they have corruptions unique to the item type:
Forsaken Masters Patch 1.2.0 introduced Wraeclast to the Forasken Masters. These masters brought with them the Rampage/Beyond challenge leagues, and likely the biggest fishing related addition to the game, Krillson. He has been the source of much debate and a greater amount of frustration. I have never found him, but there are plenty of examples of his existence and some of the ideas people have had to complete his quests. Still no recorded instances of a Krillson quest being completed. He has his own section in the Resources & References post. I do not know of any instance when an exile with a fishing rod has found Krillson. Players were able to add KrillsonOfWindingPier to their friends list through an effect of a Darkshrine. The account status message, “I wait but nobody ever comes back with a Rainbowstride.” " Forsaken Masters Redux Patch 1.3.0 added Leo, the Player vs Player master to the game, and started the next set of challenge leagues, Torment/Bloodlines. Unless there is something in Bloodlines which has not yet been found, the fishing reference in this patch was limited to the Torment league. We were given the Tormented Illegal Fishermen. These have been chased into rare mobs and exiles alike with no fishing related outcomes. The secrets of the Illegal Fishermen are still a mystery, but for now I conclude it is just an ‘Easter Egg.’ The Awakening Patch 2.0.0 the most content of any expansion since the release of the game. New act, new bosses, new challenge leagues, and one new fishing reference. The challenge leagues for this patch were Warbands/Tempest. Continuing in the trend of a league specific fishing reference, there was the Tempest of Angling. Or at least that was the information on the now down datamine website. I have not seen anyone report video or screen shots of this tempest, and with the future plans of the Tempest properties being unknown, this could be one lost to the annals of the past. Darkshrine Patch 2.0.5 started the Darkshrine event, and with it the seven fishing related effects obtained through sacrifice. Here is the list of the Darkshrine generated messages, the effects they created, and the required affix (if known). Effects
Talisman Patch 2.1.0 had a new take on the challenge leagues. Instead of a different mechanic for the Standard and Hardcore leagues there is Talisman for both. There are exclusive talismans for each league, however, the fishing talisman can be found in both. Giving Standard and Hardcore anglers alike access to the Rot Head Talisman. When enchanting a monster the Rot Head Talisman does not seem to do anything special. With the limited testing done during the league with the Rot Head Talisman it appears the item is just another nod to fishing. Nothing special happened when a monster was holding onto to talisman, and there were no special drops recorded. My conclusion is this just a simple ‘Easter Egg.’ Ascendancy Patch 2.2.0 was the large content update for the Ascendancy launch and the Perandus challenge leagues. Ascendancy added the trials, Lord’s Labyrinth, and Ascendancy Classes to the core of the game. The Perandus challenge league, continuing with the same league for default and hardcore play, introduced Cadiro Perandus, Perandus boxes and their guardians. Cadiro could sell all manner of fine antiquities, including Song of the Sirens, and one of the Perandus boxes was specifically themed around fishing. The Perandus Tackle Box has a set drop table of; Fishing Rod, Fairgraves’ Tricorne, Albino Rhoa Feather, and Slitherpinch. The inclusion of Slitherpinch is a new twist on the hunt for answers, and might be a preferred glove when using live bait. Prophecy Patch 2.3.0 introduced Wraeclast to Navali and her skill of soothsaying. Silver Coins and Prophecies are the core feature of the Prophecy Challenge league. These elements end up in the core game at the conclusion of the league. Due to the information coming out as build up of the prophecy league continued, we knew the new fishing Easter Egg before the patch even went live. ItsYoji's Reefbane reveal.(reddit conversation) While the Reefbane unique item had been posted to reddit back in March this was the first confirmation of the new fishing rod making it into the game. Like the other unique fishing rod before it, Reefbane follows different drop restrictions compared to the base item type. Specifically, there are no drop restrictions. Reefbane follows the same pattern all other non-restricted unique items follow. It can be found from any monster of any rarity, and even from environmental items like breakables, chests and trunks. The video states there is a way to more deterministic way find Krillson. Given the information gained and the prophecies run during the league, I do not think there is a current Krillson specific prophecy. Additionally, there do not seem to be any more deterministic way to find the Master Fisherman at this time. During the week leading up to the Prophecy Challenge league, Chris was working on a shared document of the Prophecy patch notes. While this is no longer included in the document, there was a short lived fishing Easter egg, under the 'New Features' section. Atlas of Worlds Patch 2.4.0 ushered in a new endgame for those exiles looking to challenge themselves further. Maps and the map system were reworked, providing players with the Atlas. A new endgame boss encounter was added in the Shaper and his Guardians. The Atlas could be altered directly; by changing the levels of maps, what could and could not drop, or added modifiers to the atlas itself providing those bonuses to the maps in range. The new fishing Easter Egg for this expansion is in the form of a Cartographer Sextant Mod, "Areas are Alluring." Currently the only instances of this sextant mod spawning are from the Master Cartographer Sextant. Like will all fishing elements it is extremely rare, and its effects on the game are currently unknown. Additionally at this time it was noticed in the DB files a fishing related achievement was mined. Nothing confirmed for the achievement, but the requirements can be found in the spoiler below.
Catch These Fish
The Ring that Shouldn't Patch 2.4.3 might have accidentally introduced a working version of the Angler's Plait, Unset Ring.
Hallowed Ground, Unset Ring
This ring was generated due to some issue with the game code (think Kiwihalt), and only two were generated. Additional information and a screenshot provided by the item creator, "Screenshot Breach Patch 2.5.0 returned us to the realm of beyond. However, a little different than the first encounter. The Angler's Plait ring (the correct version of Hallowed Ground), was introduced at this time. None were found during the Breach League, or at least none were showcased here or on reddit. Legacy Patch 2.6.0 Legacy League, or the Grand Flashback. Leaguestones could be used to modify the areas and maps your character explore, adding the league to the zone. Think Zana mods, except up to three could be applied to a single zone at once. There were no leaguestones found with fishing specific mods (no Perandus stone with a Tackle Box, Talisman stone with a Rothead Talisman, Torment with Tormented Illegal Fisherman, etc), I was unable to find anything in the datamine information either. The fishing element for this league was a reduction to the quantity modifier for the Reefbane fishing rod. Before 2.6.0 the range was 30%-40%, Post 2.6.0 the range was changed to 10%-20%. I believe this was done to create the Relic version of Reefbane. Also, at least three of the correct Angler's Plait rings were found during Legacy League. Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Dec 6, 2021, 7:14:30 AM
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My Testing and Conclusions When I started looking into the acquisition of fishing rods, there was a laundry list of superstitions and instructions required to have a fishing rod drop. Through my own play, and the experience of other exiles, I have attempted to prove or disprove the theories I have come across on the forums or on Reddit. This post will track the theories on my starting list, as well as additional points or questions that have arisen since. I will do my best to keep this in order of event, and explain how and why I came to a particular conclusion. Just know the current theory in the top post is all the information you need to have the chance at finding one, and recorded here is the path I took to arrive at the current theory.
Rampage & Beyond(w/Theory)
This was the challenge league that changed my opinion on the fishing elements in this game. Once I was made aware of Krillson, the active hunt for information started. Combing through the forums and Reddit I start my journey with the following list:
Most of these requirement came from the posts of the user MonstaMunch, or from the long standing threads linked above or in the resources section. However this starting list had a few problems; the list is really vague, there is a reference to a blue shark that plays the drums, MonstaMunch had long been accused of false information and trolling, and the cost of the Eternal Orb is really high. I do not have enough to cover the cost of the Eternal Orb just for this task. The actual finding of a fishing rod will have to wait.
Torment & Bloodlines
The theory list stays the same but I am mentally starting to weigh the items on the list for what is unlikely versus what could actually be a requirement. I wear a Fairgraves’ Tricorne during much of my play this set of leagues, but eventually the leagues end and I have found nothing. Torment & Bloodlines end and The Awakening announcement is made. The Awakening expansion is still a ways off and a pretty decent schedule of in-between events is announced.
1-Month Flashback Event
It was during the 1-Month Flashback when the video of the fishing rod drop is posted to Reddit. I find the stream and watch from character creation to the drop. This video lessons the importance of the Eternal Orb in my mind. With the biggest cost obstacle out of the way I decide to give the Flashback event a shot. I create a character with the sole intent of finding a fishing rod. At level 12 purchased a Fairgraves Tricorne. Due to superstition I did not complete the “Marooned Mariner” quest in normal difficulty. Cruel difficulty Brutus was kind enough to drop a magic Fishing Rod for me. To gather additional information about the ‘only one drop per account per league theory’ I wore the Tricorne for the duration of the league. I did eventually complete all three “Marooned Mariner” quests. No other Fishing Rods dropped for me (that I saw) during the rest of the event.
The Awakening Beta(w/Theory updates)
After the Flashback event I had access to the closed beta for The Awakening. I was casually playing until a Fairgraves’ Tricorne dropped. After the drop I quickly created a new character and wore the Tricorne until the boss of The Mines Level 1 Corrupted Zone (normal difficulty) dropped a Fishing Rod for me. This time rather obvious, as the item filter functionality was active in beta. Again due to superstition I did not complete the “Marooned Mariner” quest. There was a reset shortly after this, so I could not test out the one per account/character per league restriction. Theory Refined:
It was shortly after revising this theory the news about the Eternal Orbs being discontinued was published. This completely put to rest, any lasting notions about their influence in regards to drop rates.
Warbands & Tempest
With the above list in hand I started thinking about the new challenge leagues, and Warbands specifically, as a place to test a few of these theory points. During the league I gathered a lot of information to help answer three questions I wanted to test. Most of the information was personal experience, or the experience of a guildie who was willing to humour me. The three points I set out to test during this challenge league; Does Fairgraves the NPC actually matter? What counts as a Unique Monster? Is there truly an account or character restriction? Does Fairgraves actually matter?
What counts as a Unique Monster for the purpose of fishing rod drops?
Is there a drop restriction for fishing rods during a league?
1-Month Flashback(w/Theory updates)
Starting this event I felt pretty confident in the current theory, and initially published this post to the official forums, and through Reddit. I still wanted to get more data points for additional verification, so I set forth the following list of questions at the onset of the 1-Month Flashback: Are Warband members still able to drop fishing rods?
Is there an account restriction on fishing rod drops?
Can Exiles, Beyond, or Invasion Bosses drop fishing rods?
Is a single character able to find more than one fishing rod per event?
As the event continued a large number of Tormented Illegal Fishermen were spotted. I tried a number of different interactions with the ghosts, and found nothing unique or special in all of my interactions with them. There is a Reddit post Here detailing my experiences with them, along with a screenshot album.
5-Week Darkshrine Event
This event was less about testing the theory of fishing rod acquisition, and more about figuring out the effects the fishing specific affixes had from the Darkshrines. I found my fishing rod only a few hours before the hotfix for unintended interactions. This fix removed the ability to “what was that sound” skin transfer fishing rods (as well as demi and victor items). Before the hotfix I was able to copy mine twice, and sacrificed all three to Darkshrines. By the end of the league I had access to the data for 10 sacrificed fishing rods. This was only enough to confirm two of the affixes and their results with any level of certainty. If we ever see this event type again, I will continue with my list to confirm the rest of the affixes, and hope to add Krillson to my friends list.
A big thanks to reddit user CaptainKwilis for initially testing any interactions between the Rot Head Talisman and the elusive Albino Rhoa native to the Mud Flats. His reddit post (found in the 'other section' in references and resources) started a lot of the ground work. I’ll admit I only found one Rot Head Talisman this league, and it was in The Belly of the Beast in Cruel difficulty. Wearing a Tricorne as my usual protocol, but most of the other community members I talked with found one without the help of Fairgraves, so I surmise the talisman is just a rare spawn. I noticed nothing special from the mob holding onto the Rot Head, and subsequent monsters picking it up did nothing special as well. Just a fun little item added to the collection of fishing themed elements in the game. However if Talisman is added to the game or a league/event in the future, there are a few things I am looking to test.
Other than finding the new fishing ‘easter egg’ and a continued hunt for more fishing rods and Krillson, I did not set any specific goals or questions to test for Perandus. No luck in finding the Perandus Tackle Box for myself, but a number of them were found and posted on reddit. I will continue the search for the Tackle Box as we move into the Perandus Flashback event, but I am not sure what else can be tested with those items without a Krillson encounter.
Prophecy(w/Reefbane Theory)
The red herrings within the fishing element are a lot of fun, and the Reefbane unique fishing rod is such an item. Reefbane has no drop restrictions, look at the listings on .trade and compare the numbers between the unique fishing rod and the non-unique fishing rod. It is the most common fishing rod an exile can find. Mathil found one from a random pack of monsters (cannot find the video at the moment), and Ziz found one from a chest. It is possible this was added specifically to cause more confusion with the fishing elements, or to make some element of this more accessible. Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Nov 2, 2016, 10:14:15 AM
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Obligatory Trophy Post My collection of fishing rods, or in the cases of void events or those pesky Darkshrines, screenshots and sacrifice information.
One Month Flashback Leagues
The first fishing rod I ever found was during the One Month Flashback Leagues. This was the flashback event that took place during the downtime before the launch of The Awakening.
The Awakening Beta
Due to the beta realm being purged at the end of the testing period I only have my screenshots of the event to show the fishing rod I found. Thankfully with the Item Filter available seeing this one on the ground was much easier compared to the first. Imgur Album (2 images) of the fishing rod found during the beta. Character is appropriately named. Beta Fishing Rod.
Warbands Challenge League
My first league running a dedicated Magic Find character, and I tried to engage with the Warband packs as much as possible. The result was a windfall of drops.
One-month Flashback Events
With all of the active mods during this set of Flashback Events there was ample opportunity to continue the hunt for fishing rods.
Darkshrine Event
By the end of the league I sacraficed all three of my fishing rods. I reported all of them through If you look on the 'list of reports' page I am user 828, and you can see the stats of the three fishing rods.
Talisman League
A new fishing themed item was added.
Perandus League
No Perandus Tackle Box for me, but I did find two as random drops.
Prophecy League
Essence League
Breach League
Didn't find any myself this league, but a friend gifted one to me. Here is hoping super flash back league has better results.
Legacy League
2 Week Mayhem Race
Soon to be Void Fishing
My Drop Locations
This list tracks the monsters who have dropped a fishing rod for me
Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Jun 30, 2017, 7:23:05 PM
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References & Resources
Because it is always a good idea to cite your sources. Or in this case how to get lost in the madness. There are way more posts in both the official forums and on reddit than I am linking here. These are mostly the ones I found when I was first searching, and then again after I started to piece this together. The Krillson links are pretty exhaustive, as it is still a pretty big outstanding mystery.
General Fishing Posts
Path of Exile Official Forums
Krillson, Master Fisherman
Path of Exile Official Forums
Tormented Illegal Fisherman
Path of Exile Forums
Random other links:
Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Mar 24, 2017, 6:19:27 AM
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if you want to find a shav, you need to have a couple wisdom and portal scrolls in your inventory because whenever a person posted a pic on reddit about their newly found shav, they all had the said scrolls in their inventory..
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" And if u will have 30 stacks of each in ur inventory, than the drop is basically guaranteed. Trust me. |
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That was a rather good read, thank you!
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Awesome. I might use the last few days of the leagues to try and get lucky with my Tricorne!
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Thank you for this ! POE living history lesson :)
"The templar is the perfect choice of an honorable man, a true gentleman.
He is a man of god. His words are true and pure. Finally, he wears no pants because he has no shame to hide." Aerthas, 2014 |
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