[FanArt] The Meadows - Unique Map and Unique Belt

I've been sitting with this idea for qhite a while... a Unique Map, a (RNG-based) Map Only Unique and an additional little "hidden" Map Mod.

I'm on holiday and now that I finally had some time on my hands I decided to have a go for it.
(the Spoilers include a sort of "High Resolution" of the images)

Here it is Exiles, "The Meadows"

Unique Map: The specialty about this little thing is, that you will drop your pair of Gloves if you happen to die in the Map.

Unique Map-only-drop.

little Extra.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little idea of mine :)!

PS: Thanks Havoc6 for the chill streams at night, your jukebox filled with classic music fkin rocks! http://www.twitch.tv/havoc616
PPS: The whole thinig is on Reddit aswell, do me the favour and give it a little upload if you liked it, thanks :)! https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3k54sh/fanart_the_meadows_unique_mapdesign_including/
Last edited by SkintickeT5#7724 on Sep 8, 2015, 4:13:38 PM
Last bumped on Sep 12, 2016, 3:20:53 PM
Wow this looks really good, loved the Headhunter-like unique :p

The art is amazing
Last edited by mandodiao#6579 on Sep 8, 2015, 4:56:42 PM
Love it! The stats are ultra though.
Is this inspired by Floki in Vikings? :)
Is this inspired by Floki in Vikings? :)

the name is inspired by it to some extend, I just liked its pronounciation and I figured my made up Boss needed a Name ;)

glad everyone is happy with my work so far!
I really appreciate the kind words.
Last edited by SkintickeT5#7724 on Sep 8, 2015, 6:34:46 PM
Cool concept! Unyielding seems to be a must ;)

Any flavour text for map / belt coming? I can imagine something like "What is the sound of one hand clapping? Flokir knew it just too well."
Last edited by Kazanian#3324 on Sep 8, 2015, 7:19:38 PM
Brilliant. I love this. The art is amazing too.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Blue come in packs. How to solve the stacking problem?
Kazanian wrote:

Any flavour text for map / belt coming? I can imagine something like "What is the sound of one hand clapping? Flokir knew it just too well."

oh boy, I love that flavour text! :)

go and bring some more everyone!!
Since blue come in packs I would suggest: when u kill a magic monster, a random ally will get its mod. This way you solve the problem addressed by terrornoid and also take advantage of things like chaos bond. It seems nice as a concept but it's too bad magic mob mods are mostly "on death" bonuses.

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