838 Rarity 182 Quantity Solo MF - Kek Loot Filters RIP

Heh even loot filters cant save you from the spam this much mf generates. (using neversinks default)


MAP: Mealstrom Of Chaos Unique Map.


NEW PIC TODAY MAP: Corrupted Museum With Insanity Mods.






DMG PICS with 5 frenzy and 3 power charges. No Slouch for this much MF.

77% crit. 474% crit multi.

As a note, yes i have 2k life, yes you CAN get 1 shot and it happens regularly, BUT i can still clear 77 maps maybe not every boss and i can clear them fast since my deeps is good.

You learn to have quick reactions and smash the 1->5 keys a lot :)

Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Aug 17, 2015, 7:18:07 AM
OMG, how did you achieve these values?
CadEx wrote:
OMG, how did you achieve these values?

The values are a combination of gear + the large rates the map comes with.
I overlooked this, thanks.
And probably only 1-2 items that dropped have stats worth 2 chaos sell-price, rest is Chaos-recipe junk.
Ever since I've enabled a loot filter, I've noticed how absolutely bad the game handle droprates.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
Why is your orb of fusing and your orb of chance different colors? You know you can vendor them for a fusing... right?
Shagsbeard wrote:
Why is your orb of fusing and your orb of chance different colors? You know you can vendor them for a fusing... right?

He's using a loot filter, changing the sound of noticeable loot and color/size of icon so it's easier to see and hear it.
However loot filters also made me realize how much items being dropped, actually are worthful, I think I ran a map the other day, where only 13 items were dropped that I picked up, because the loot filter removed all the trash.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
I understand loot filters. I just don't understand why his highlights Fusings but not Chances. Chances trade for a fusing... so they're worth at least that.
What's with the lower mana gem and 3 auras?
If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.
Hyaon wrote:
What's with the lower mana gem and 3 auras?

Was about to ask the same.

Your reduced mana gem up there isn't doing a damn thing lol
IGN: HotnessEverspleen

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