[2.0] [Warbands] The Public Party Prince - Introducing the Maraura-mancer

First of all, this build is NOT for everyone. To enjoy this build, there are a few things you must ask yourself:
Do you enjoy effectiveness, even if you aren't the one actively doing the damage?
Do you enjoy supporting others?
Are you ready to lose a 1v1 versus white mobs, and as a result not fight alone at all?

If this sounds like you, and/or you just have an awful computer like I do, then this build is maybe for you after all!
I've tried multi curse supports, and in previous leagues i ran an all aura, perma freeze quad curse character, needless to say, that was squishy.
This character runs the essential auras, buffs them up massively, and lets people do their own cursing. So far, people seem to enjoy playing with this character more than any of my old ones.
Attack based characters have reported over triple tooltip dps when I'm nearby.

So basically you HAVE to go templar now, which is really silly. Look up my templar PantslessAuraBro on my profile for tree and gear.
Lowlife with shavrone's is also possible for a bigger lifepool, but losing out on warcry.
I lose acendency for everything except auramancers. It's stupidly strong, 16k armor, 16k evasion, dual curse and all the old good stuff. Simply stronger, but auramancers are now all identicle.

Lets get down to it.
The passive tree


Oak on normal for flat HP.
Kill on cruel and merciless. You could do oak on merciless endurance charge, but that is preference.


To make this work the way I wanted it to, we need:

After the nerf to mortal conviction on the passive tree, and the murder of Reduced Mana, we got this baby! All this thing needs is a 4 link, with our offensive auras in it, for reduced mana reservation, and a free generosity. I'll admit, a 5 link with a higher level generosity would be slightly better, but I'm not there yet in wealth.
EDIT: I was informed that 2x3 links could do the trick, so, psudo 5 link is an upgrade here, but only a little bit :P

Reduced mana reservation. It may seem little, but it allows an additional aura, in this case Grace.

This is where we put our 3 purities for some defenses. At the moment I have an all resist of 82, and with lvl 21 gems I should get a massive 84 all resist for me and my whole party!

The rest of my gear looks like this, it really doesn't require much, just HP, a bit of resists perhaps to overcap yourself (I'm grossly overcapped at the moment), and stats to run auras.

I run 3 instant flasks, because I don't often take damage, but when I do, I want to be back to full quickly, due to a slightly low health pool. A granite flask lets us be fairly tanky, along with the fact that I can't be frozen, have high evasion chance, and a secret survival trick.


Body armour: Wrath, Anger, Hatred, Haste
Helmet: Grace, Chaos Golem, Blind, Enduring Cry
Shield: Purity of Fire, Purity of Lightning, Purity of Ice
Boots: Cast when damage taken(lvl1), Tempest shield(lvl7), Immortal call(lvl3), Phase run(lvl3)
Gloves: Faster casting, Increased duration, Vaal Haste, Vaal Haste
Weapon: Clarity, Blood Magic, Whirling blades

Helmet may seem wasteful, but we're running out of slots to put in our gems in. Chaos Golem is more survivability, and blind because why not? Enduring cry because we can, and have conduit, plus its nice to have something to do on the character once in a while.

In gloves we run a dual Vaal Haste setup. Here's why we pick increased duration on the tree: Vaal haste lasts for 15,5 seconds, and due to our aura effectiveness, gives almost twice the stated values, meaning around 70 cast- and attack speed, on top of our already hyperactive normal haste.
Ideally, we could get a +2 to vaal gems corruption, but, thats luxury.

Boots, this is where I keep my hidden gem, and why Chaos Golem is even better. CWDT whenever we get hit, procs a tempest shield for +3% chance to block.
Immortal call, because we have 3 endurance charges at all times.
Phase run, because it lasts for ages, and enemies think we're dead, and goes to attack someone else(hint Chaos Golem)
It seeming works wonders, because I don't have to use an attack ability to stop the invisibility.

For weapon, We have to run a Blood Magic + Clarity. This reserved a bit of life, but with the amount of cast speed forced on people, their own weak Clarities don't always keep up. This is a situational aura, and I don't run it often.
Also, whirling blades is nice to have when Vaal Haste is running.


Though probably unnessesary, I like to complete a theme. Therefore I take these jewels:

I use the unique ones for flask effect as a bonus, but the aura effect, aura reservation and skill effect duration are key.
The other two are just life and stats, to help maintain the needed int and dex for gem levels.


Alright, the problem with a character so weak it looses to white monsters is, how do we level it up to where it's useful?

Option 1!
Public Parties! You can get really far in this game by teaming up with random others that also want to team up. It's not fast, but it's steady.

Option 2!
Get a friend to level a character along side you! This is my favorite way of leveling this type of character. This also works perfectly at the start of leagues.

Option 3!
Strap on all the leveling uniques you can find and farm efficient zones for levels using something like flame totem, firestorm or some other powerful-on-its-own skill, and progress using friends or public parties. The second you reach level 52, you can run all 4 offensive auras, and suddenly people start having a genuine interest in playing with you, and from here on, you'll start getting friend invites from people in public parties at a steady pace ;)

Hardcore Viable?

Absolutely. I'm planning on remake it on Tempest when I find someone to play Tempest with. As you might have noted by now, leveling alone is impossible ;)
For hardcore, I'd run only the required purities for maps. Meaning no reason to run a Purity of Ice in a +lightning damage crematorium. This way, the healthpool should range from 4-5k, which I think is alright for a build that never needs to be in any sort of danger. I never really die on standard with a gimped healthpool like in the first screenshot, and that's playing really recklessly due to it being standard.


Note that this is with Granite Flask up, and Clarity on. Granite flask is almost always popped, but Clarity is a rarity.

Screenshots from a friend to show the effective power:
Offence self buffed: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/434947880628121869/F5B014D1AD221A2CD5E0F885DCD74F310E48FBA3/
Offence with my buffs: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/434947880628122946/C747D6BED3BDBB78E1D04FC7AFDA9C3955557EE1/

Defense self buffed: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/434947880628122444/00907ECB011C5209A12D8DD3F6E255A9FFCBB320/
Defense with my buffs: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/434947880628123332/39024E06A28CF337C50F6965DCC108C4CFFAA201/

Though no screenshots, another example of effectiveness:
feelgod wrote:
up for gg build

my current off and def stats near this aura mara; i am running budget(my own build) dual crit ele claw st

98k gmp spectral throw 5link - 145k spectral throw if i replace gmp to added cold/cull strike/fast projectiles

%64 chance to evade attacks %75 chance to evade with good roll jade ! its %41 when i am alone



If you happen to have an endless amount of currency, and would like to take this build to the limit, here's what I have yet to get.

+1 all gems Victario's Influence, 5 linked with a generosity.
+1 all gems Prism Guardian
lvl 21 gems across the board
+2 vaal gems gloves
lvl 100 for higher health pool.

Hope you enjoyed this little rant of what I enjoy spending my time doing these days!
If any have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below :)
Last edited by zaygone#5998 on Mar 31, 2016, 3:14:17 PM
Last bumped on Mar 16, 2016, 5:01:58 AM
i generally map with this guy and his build his hillarious, able to run us any map mods eyes closed.
defence: all ele res auras + grace: IMBA
dmg: all dps auras on generosity : IMBA

sup builds needs more love and this build confirmed legit and op!

keep up good work bro.. peace
Last edited by KasLeberKas#3815 on Aug 6, 2015, 9:33:34 AM
KasLeberKas wrote:

I have no idea about mjolner, but that item in itself is so strong, it could probably work.
Your passive tree has a few jewel sockets allocated, but no mention of jewels in your write up. I assume life and primary stats for rare and magic jewels, but would you go into a little detail about any jewel recommendations (unique jewels, or affixes) which you have found helpful to the build.

Thank you for sharing the build.
ChronoExile wrote:
Your passive tree has a few jewel sockets allocated, but no mention of jewels in your write up. I assume life and primary stats for rare and magic jewels, but would you go into a little detail about any jewel recommendations (unique jewels, or affixes) which you have found helpful to the build.

Thank you for sharing the build.

Oh right! I forgot about those. I'll update it right away :P
This might be useful as well
IGN : SiconIsME (Domination League)
I love it. Have you attempted to use a wand so you can use Power Siphon and Frenzy?
Very cool build! How item dependent is this build? Looks like Victario's/Alpha's/Prism are all required for this to function. Any advice for lower budget gear to get rolling or is it pretty set in stone?
Well. When soloing just summoning some crap should at least be enough to get somethin done.

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