Silly Stream Challenge: Keystone-Only Char

A silly challenge for all you streamers: get a hardcore character to possess all the keystones simultaneously.

1. Passive skills points may only be allocated to keystones and basic stat points to get to keystones.
2. From whatever starting position in the skill tree is chosen, passive skill points must be allocated to go directly to the closest keystone without breaking rule #1 (in most cases it won't).
3. Once any keystone is acquired, passive skill points can only be allocated to get to the next closest keystone, without breaking rule #1. If two keystones tie for closest, the player may choose which to pursue.
4. Solo play only, no getting carried.
5. Trading/twinking is allowed (and god knows it will be necessary).

This would be brutally difficult because not only will your skill points be mostly wasted, but most of the keystones will actually make your character worse as you acquire them (CI? Ancestral Bond?)

I doubt anyone will do this, but I think comedy might ensue.

Good luck!

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