Arid Lake

Can't move through the map like there is wall or something,wasted my first 76 map =(
Last edited by Desire61 on Jul 18, 2015, 2:25:19 PM
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same Problem.
IGN: inDane
Have same problems with the map and only a small area is playable and the rest is totally bugged and its like a hidden wall all over the place and you can only move in a small area (in the north in my case). I have the map through a Zana mission,found her in Arachnid nest map.

Same Bug for me.

Report bug 730 504 477
same happened for me.

Bug number 1075719531
last report on july 18. one month later today september 12 the bug is still present in the game.

i recorded 1 min 22 seconds gameplay trying to showcase the bug.

i am walking near the invisible barrier/border trying to illustrate where it is. if you can see where the dried out lake is. the shore line. that's also where the invisible border/barrier is.

got the map via a regular arid lake 76. not from zana daily. launched the map from my hideout.

any words on when this can be patched? doesn't this fall under critical enough bugs?

bug report reference number 1 568 910 114
Last edited by kompaniet on Sep 14, 2015, 12:04:21 PM

same thing happened to me, couldnt go past an invisible wall, lost half my map

bug report # 3,485,137,734
Last edited by XStinger on Sep 14, 2015, 6:30:03 PM

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