[2.0] [HC] Devvvour's Dual-Wield Crit Sword Reaver
Hey guys, just recently died on Tempest to a disconnect(with cwdt immortal call, temp chains and aa against some white mobs, so I must've stayed in the instance for a bit..), decided to put up this build over here anyway since I had a lot of fun with it and I think its definitely very cool and one of top tier builds.
Pros and Cons +Pros +Very high damage and clear speed +With Vaal Reave, very high AOE +Chills/Freezes mobs since it's a crit build +Very fast movement speed with Whirling Blades +In the end, very high life(can get up to around 215% life if you spec heavily into it after crit) +Uptime of all charges(3 Endurance Charges, 3 Power Charges, 5 Frenzy Charges) +Lots of damage mitigation(Acrobatics, Spell Acrobatics, Evasion, Endurance Charges, Arctic Armour, Fortify, a little bit of block) +Slows down attacking monsters A LOT with chilling, Abyssal Cry and CWDT Temp Chains +Rewards momentum based play, need to keep up your Reave stacks and charges and carry on killing mobs quickly, which is quite fun +Very fun to play -Cons -You can't really stop doing a map since you started it to trade or chat or whatever, unless you run into a period without that many mobs since your Reave and charges are ticking to expire. -Not really a cheap build -The evasion of the build is on the lower side(Should be around 5.5k with good gear without Grace) -Lockstep is GREATLY prefered to play with this build, in order to not desync and miss your Reave losing your Reave stacks, as well as to not desync with Whirling Blades. -Not really an "afk" type of build Tree @ lvl 70
Note, that I've primarily focused on life because I was playing on HC. If you're not on HC, you can definitely spec more damage instead of some life nodes. Tree @ lvl 86
Here we have most of the damage we want to take and the damage should be REALLY solid. From here we probably go for more life nodes all around the chosen pathing, finishing out Spell Acrobatics at some points(I didn't really find it that useful over life/dmg when leveling, so that's why its not taken, personally I'd probably just take more life instead of it since that is available, up to you though) and get jewel sockets. Bandits: Oak, Kraitlyn, Kraitlyn Gear
Reave links in order of priority: Reave-Multistrike-Melee Physical Damage-Fortify-Critical Strike Damage-Increased AOE(swap in Concentrated Effect for bosses)/Hypothermia There is also an option of putting Blood Magic on every single active skill you're using and using Hatred and Grace for your auras, but IMO the Arctic Armour + Hatred and not BMing all your gems is a much stronger combo(Also, with the new AA you can whirling blades through a boss and chill him with the chilled ground effect for around 4 seconds, very strong!) You can also drop Fortify if you want, and just keep it up with Whirling Blades/Vaal Reave, but I found it rather annoying to do with all the buffs I need to keep up already, so I just stuck Fortify in the main links. Other Links: Whirling Blades-BM-Fortify-Faster Attacks - Helps us move around, gives us Fortify while we're doing so, allowing us to go through mobs if desired, pretty nice. very high mobility. Also, you can whirling blades through an enemy to apply AA chill on him, pretty neat for bosses sometimes. The Vaal Reave links are temporary, I'd probably switch it to a 3link and run my utility spells on BM(would help a lot with mana, also enable using Abyssal Cry, which is a very nice utility skill with this build, but I had to drop it due to the heavy mana cost). Assassin's Mark for when extra single target DPS is needed, Leap Slam to jump over obstacles/cliffs. I like Abyssal Cry a lot with this build, since it slows down enemies a lot, which helps with kiting and against bosses, as well as the on-kill effect is not too shabby with Increased AoE % taken in the tree. Also, against Porcupines, it will remove (!!!) the on death spike explosion, which can be very important as an evasion character! For Auras I'm using Hatred, for extra DPS and chilling/freezing monsters and Arctic Armour for mitigation and chilled ground/chill on getting attacked. Notes about Gear The important slots here are the Dresso's Defiance chest(a little bit of everything, endurance charges for when you do get hit and basically old CWDT Immortal Call, pretty nice to start out until you get Lightning Coil, which is your end-goal) and the crucial piece is the Death's Hand off-hand, granting you free power charges and Unholy Might(30% of phys as chaos) up at almost all the time, as well as getting the dual-wield damage bonus(20% MORE physical melee damage and 10% MORE attack speed) and being able to access dual-wield bonuses(Twin Terrors, which is a lot of extra crit chance and jewel mods). Note, that the Death's Hand itself is not being used when attacking with Reave, since it's not one of the eligible weapons that can attack with Reave, so we're just getting the two very nice stat bonuses from it and not actually using it with its' pretty mediocre DPS. For jewels, you'd want to use 1 Chill of Corruption jewel to have the almost constant uptime of Vaal Reave, since you should be shattering mobs all the time. You also want to get 1 jewel with Mana on Hit, and preferably one jewel with mana leech on it. The rest should be Increased Life and DPS stats(ideal jewel would probably be something like life, crit chance with onehanders, crit chance while dual-wielding, crit multi/attack speed while dual-wielding) That's about it, if you have any questions or feedback let me know! Last edited by ColdCurve#0867 on Aug 10, 2015, 4:24:00 PM
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So, 150+ views, no comments, really? Any feedback or suggestions guys? :D
Last edited by ColdCurve#0867 on Jul 17, 2015, 7:28:40 PM
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Hey, interesting build you got there. I was looking for a 1h sword crit guide when I chanced upon this.
Maybe you can put up a stat sheet for our assessment? Like your health, ev ratings and dps. It looks like it is very capable of clearing packs but I worry for its survivability against high end map bosses. Also, how do you deal with reflect mobs? |
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I was looking for a DW sword reave build for a while, but couldnt find any for 2.0... Started my own. Then this shows up, heheh.
What would you recommend for the off-hand while leveling? Do you think there are other viable off-hand alternatives for late game? Ty for the build! <3 |
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" I'll put screenshots off my offense/defense a bit later, but for the moment, the defense is sufficiently described in the "+Pros" section. If you're talking about reflect rares, it wasn't a problem so far. If you're talking about Thornflesh, haven't had a chance to meet that, since I've just started mapping with this character, but if you keep your damage within reason(so like, around 400-500 crit multi?) with all the mentioned defenses before and cwdt Immortal Call, that should be enough against reflect, since your IC should trigger from the first attack in the multistrike(unless you luckily avoid all the damage). For a reflect map, if you want to be super safe, you can always swap around some gems to lower your damage of the appropriate type.(ex. added fire or life leech instead of melee phys for a phys reflect map, things like that) " For leveling I've been using level appropriate unique weapons, I'd recommend just buying a bunch of unique leveling 2handers and switching between them if you can afford it, with Rigvalds at 44 so you can make use of Brutal Blade sword nodes and have pretty effiecient clear. In terms of skills, I used Frost Blades, then Sweep, then Ice Crash all the way till I could start Reaving. As for other viable offhands, 3G Prismatic Eclipse is pretty good, however you'll have to not use Reave, since it attacks with swords, you'll have to be using Ice Crash. If you have the templar AoE nodes its pretty good, I leveled with it for about 10 levels before getting the Death's Hand. Relentless Fury is what seems to be popular for these types of builds for early game, but I'm not really a fan, since you actually have to cull the target, so you have to hit a target at 10% HP or less to get the Onslaught buff. In my experience, that doesn't happen that often, perhaps in a party it's a little bit better. Not really a fan. Ungil's is decent, but again, got to use Ice Crash. New mace Lavianga's Wisdom is actually pretty good as well, since you get more AoE%, if you want to start Reaving early, this would probably be the best option. But again, I'd just go with 2handed Ice Crash for leveling, it's really strong. For late game, Death's Hand is BiS off-hand hands down. It basically gives us the benefit of 2 gems(30% added damage and basically free PCoC), which no other offhand can really match. Both of these give us the aura flexibility, not having to run HoT CoH Assassin's Mark, and being to run AA instead. Last edited by ColdCurve#0867 on Jul 18, 2015, 4:43:13 AM
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hello, your build seems awesome and fun, but the 2nd link aint working. if you could fix that i would be a very happy man, thank you.
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Just so you know the Lvl 80 tree doesn't load. Just says that the tree is an old version of the tree. At least for me it doesn't.
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Hey guys, sorry for no update for a while, updated the 80+ tree, also updated lvl 70 tree with some slight changes.
Last edited by ColdCurve#0867 on Aug 10, 2015, 4:24:26 PM
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I've made a few improvements to the tree
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAAYAXgDuBLMGIAguC2ENjRQgFSAV9hmOI_YknST9Kk0s6TB8MbA1kjfUPAU8LT7PPydKfUrITZJQR1FHWHVfP2JaYnlnm2jybqp0oHfXfXWBrINfg8yGs4d2jX2Nv5uNogCjiq4-r2yv67Xytz695sBmxq7L9dN-1CPUUti93L3jn-RR5w_nVO0_7YPuDu8O73rvfPAf9qP-Cv66_978xVb6BbXC7LTFYqydqmyMNj1tbLVIKgvz6nBSpn_tQbGzJpUWv2HiVUuMNonTcNUX3Aai for 2% less life crit chance goes from 335 to 415 and multi from 90 to 105, also the points were inefficient by a point near the twin terror nodes |
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