[2.0] Grez of Gorz's Elemental Mace Templar
I'll keep this concise, if you have any questions let me know. I recommend readying Sovyn's build. He has written a lot more on the topic and the builds are similar.
My gear, other then my weapon is not something special, and would be accessible to most people fairly quickly. Use this to buy gear you need. The weapon I use is fairly expensive (2ex), but there are cheap options for a single chaos (NOTE: this is not the weapon I use, this is just a cheap alternative) I'll post screenshot of my char. sheet soon, but I have about 5.5k health 20k DPS ice crash (no pen, 4 link only).
Some screen shots
stats on orchard clear ![]() Orchard Clear http://imgur.com/g4I72xd&61d2Syl&J5GewCG#1 stats on atrizi clear and map lvl 77 clear http://imgur.com/g4I72xd&61d2Syl&J5GewCG#2
Click Here for the level 87 build
Poe Builder Link There is still plenty of room to to grow past lvl 87 and build progression should be pretty straightforward. Growth is going to be towards dex/int to make gear easier, 2 5% health in life wheal, life at the start of marauder tree. The build is "finished" well before 87 and you may find several points are superfluous (+30dex/int, all res). Remove them as needed they are there to make gearing easier.
Skill Gems and Gear
Any elemental skill gem will work, for 4 linking and solo play ice crash is the most fun. I recommend leveling other skill gems on the weapon switch so you can change your attack skill for increased variety. For 5 linking or group play I would switch to static strike. Usually groups are over tuned for AoE and under for single target. Static is better for single. For higher maps include fortify skill gem. I use curse on hit as it screws up group play less (CWDT - Curse will override friendly curses on other targets that you are not hitting, if strictly solo-play consider switching). Anger is a great aura to run low level when you don't have enough dex for hatred.
my non skill gem gear
more advanced gearing
Pros and Cons
Pros The build is high health (~+175%) which will be required for high level mapping (mobs get close to hitting for 5k even with 8k armor). There is no weak point leveling wise, the build is steady and the only time you will slow is when your gear can't keep up. You will be between 50-60% block, so while not max it is still very high. Very high strength, gives innate health bonus and damage. Good res from the tree makes gearing easier. A lot of damage comes from auto procs Very versatile in skill choice Cons It is resolute technique, so it will never be top tier damage (which requires critting). It isn't max block. Low Dex/Int. Not focused on skill choice (e.g. fire damage) means less then optimal choices. Really you will just spamming your main attack which can become boring. This is somewhat compensated by the fact you can change out that skill with no (or little) downside. You will have decent endurance charge generation (warlords mark and riposte), but they will be spent frequently on Immortal Call. Last edited by heroine4life#4718 on Aug 5, 2015, 10:02:33 AM
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:D hi. im trying to do your build. But i have a question, about the CWDT gem, should i just leave it level 5 ? :D
Last edited by devilsoul9x#2967 on Jul 18, 2015, 7:20:26 AM
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Yes, leave it at level 5.
Increasing the level of CWDT does increase the damage of molten shield and and tempest shield. For tempest shield this will increase the damage, but molten it will actually decrease the DPS as it wont be triggering as often due to the increase in damage taken needed to trigger CWDT. Also you will be swimming in endurance charges so waiting longer for IK to proc. is not helpful. I will see about updating this post and making it a full build. I can clear lvl 72 maps with pretty much any map mod with ease (have tried only 1 73 as I have only had 1 73). Last edited by heroine4life#4718 on Jul 23, 2015, 10:18:32 AM
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i see :D thank you !
i made a templar and doing exactly like your build. it's lvl58 now. have to say this build is so strong, i can solo every bosses :D |
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Slight change to the build, results in +20 dex -20 str. Helps with dex gems.
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Updated the layout and stuff. What other sections would people enjoy?
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I'm confused. Between your mace and my mace, which one should i use ? :D I've tried to use some maces got better stats but the Ice crash's DPS are lower. So i still have to use this mace.
Last edited by devilsoul9x#2967 on Jul 24, 2015, 3:26:58 PM
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If that is giving you more dps then that is giving you more. There are advantages to doryani's catalyst though, like more damage on the auto procs and the elemental leeche
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my templar is lvl68 . Ice crash DPS is 6075. My HP is 3430. How can your DPS and HP are so high =.="
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I keep getting to lazy to post the pics of this, but I have downed Atziri in normal with little to no change. Highest completed map is now 77. Only thing keeping my progress back is access to higher maps.
more advanced gearing
Last edited by heroine4life#4718 on Aug 4, 2015, 1:13:09 PM
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