Low fps or fps drops.
So i started to get these fps drops a while ago. My fps started dropping lower than 60 (had vsync on) so i turned it off and started watching.
Its bounsing between 30 and 100 when im in (small) combat. about 120-220 in town. My rig has adm FX-8350, gtx 970, 8gb ram and everything is up to date. Running win7, 64bit, 1920x1080 resolution and all video settings maxed. It used to be way more stable before and im pretty sure my rig should own this game and have stable fps with vsync on. So im wondering if its about awakening and poe or something wrong with my rig? Or poe and nvidia drivers disagreeing or something?! Any ideas or similar problems? Gta v online and witcher 3 seem to to run smoothly with high+ settings and vsync stable 60fps. Help a poor exile please. Last bumped on Dec 24, 2017, 1:45:24 PM
I am having a similar issue. Awakening launch weekend, I had consistent 120 FPS, with a few dips here and there when things got spicy in combat. Now, my FPS is jumping all over the place, dipping from 40 to 120 and back, or just hovering around 60 for a little bit before jumping all over the place again.
What type of monitor do you have, and what is the refresh rate set at on that monitor?
It's an Asus, 120Hz 3D ready. Refresh rate set at 120.
I have a similar issue. 780ti here. Just walking around town, I get 18-90 fps with vsync on. This started to happen after the latest patch. Wasn't this bad two days ago. I even did a reformat to correct a different issue and I'm still dropping mad frames.
No you are all wrong. This has started when they implemented awakening beta and i remember there was so small pathces. I think those patches did the thing for me too. I can not believe that my pc fps spikes like this, but i think this is form GGG part, they did not optimised this game.
Yup all the same here
Pretty much post patch, I just didn't notice it as much untill playing act 4. Act 4 is definatly crushing my gameplay. It tends to happen (still frequently) on lower acts, but its playable |
Same here.
The item is yours when it is in your bag.
This is happening to me as well, I can put the game at highest settings (what I used to play with) and it shows max fps 100+ but current fps will go between 10 and 200. At the moment I am standing in the middle of an empty town and my fps just jumps around like crazy.
I lowered settings to 800x600 resolution, windowed, lowest everything post-processing off (no vsync, not before either) max fps is 250 lowest is around 45. My damn fps monitor graph in game looks like its the heart monitor of someone running for their life. The game ran great when awakening first came out, it was only after one of the recent patches that this started to happen. I mostly have lockstep enabled, but this happens with and without. My connection is a stable 35ms. Last edited by Athian#0505 on Jul 15, 2015, 12:02:42 PM
" " Exactly the same thing here |