FoxTactic's BlitzArcer 63-75k+ dps arc build. LVL94
Hello everyone!
Updated: 2015-08-26 Well it's that time again. Time for another arc build! This one gonna be good. Come check the build Forword: As my first build this league i attempted a noncrit arc build which focus lied into a more strenght\armour based variant. After playing to lvl94 with this char i realised i had almost reached the roof of my potential with that build and it still had a lot of flaws i couldnt really iron out. After playing some maps with a guy called Sutters_ he inspired me to make a crit build, which i now am very thankfull for, Big thanks to him. So what did i want to do this time around?, Well staying true to my original arc build was still the plan with the dual wielding weapons and having a very high castspeed "around 5.0 casts per second" and some active skill to be able to move forward quickly that didnt revolve around high movespeed. So this build that's in the pogress of having it's flaws ironed out is coming around very nicely, its a 3 day old scion thats lvl88 atm, using mainly gear from my old noncrit arc build so a lot of the items are going to be replaced. It's still an armour based dual wield arcer, it uses 1 Dagger and 1 scepter. The dagger is to be able to use whirling blades which is ridiculously fast for moving around in comparision to Lightning warp with reduced duration, The scepter is to be able to have Castspeed roll, and scepters are generally cheaper than wands and you can dual wield dagger\scepter so the choice is simple. Atm im pushing 52-56k tooltip dps with Arc \ Echo \ Lightpent \ Bloodmagic \ lifeleech \ Added lightnig damage, but the dmg will keep increasing due to items being swapped out and optimizing here and there. I'll divide it into sections and explain why i picked the items i did and what im gonna be changing in the near future. I think i should also mention that the reason i am so fascinated with arc is the nature of the skill to auto target and is über easy to use and people were saying arc was terrible back in anarchy league and then my challenge began. With that said 1, Stats 2, Passives + Bandit rewards 3, Gemlist 4, Items/Flasks 5, Tactics 6, Q&A 7, Map Mods ---------------------------------------- 1, STATS Lvl: 94 Class: Scion "Jewels are op" Hp : 5200 TOOLTIP Dps atm : 63000 "75k if i use bloodrage to snowball or blooddance" Armour: 4000 Resistance : 75% Fire, 75% cold, 79% lightning Mana : - "bloodmagic" Manaregen: - "bloodmagic" Auras : Wrath + Herald of lightning + Purity of lightning Phys Core-survival : Lightning Coil + Armour based items ---------------------------------------- 2, PASSIVES My Scion is lifebased, so i set out to grab every life node that is on its way towards crit in the shadow section, along with most reachable jewel slots. Arc used to have 4% base crit and now it has 5% which makes it acceptable for crit builds. My noncrit build allways had trouble shocking necromancers and unique bosses, with high crit / multi shocking bosses is actually within reach and most bosses i play against is getting shocked. BANDITS: NORMAL - OAK "LIFE" CRUEL - ALIRA "CASTSPEED" MERCILESS - ALIRA "POWERCHARGE" ---------------------------------------- 3, GEMLIST A full list of the gems i currently have equipped and their lvl in their items <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Helm: Utility Armour: Main Spell Gloves: Utility Boots: Utility Wep1 Dagger: Utility Wep2 Scepter : Utility <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 4, ITEMS This is where it gets interesting *** Helm *** High armour, life and resistance, str if possible for more life. *** Weapons *** Dagger with spelldmg, flatlightning, crit chance, crit multi and attackspeed for whirling blades, if shoppin you will prob have to compensate at bit on the flat lightning or spelldmg. Scepter with spelldmg, flat lightning, crit multi and crit chance, would like to have castspeed aswell. *** Armour *** Avg 1200 Chromes to roll 4 blue, use vorici master and roll atleast 2 blue. *** Belt *** Leather belt for life, with armour, more life, and res. *** Rings and amulet *** Crit based diamond ring, with castspeed, life and res. Amulet with crit chance, crit multi, life and castspeed, spelldmg is a big plus if found. *** Boots *** High armour boots with high life and res, str if possible, no ms needed since we use whirling blades to move. *** Gloves *** Gloves with high armour, life and res. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4b, FLASKS Thats all for now.. got a serious headache ill continue later =O. ill get pics and vids aswell. Last edited by FoxTactics#5240 on Aug 26, 2015, 3:12:56 PM
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why cast speed nodes over spell damage?
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No Aura Nodes anymore ?
Last edited by Cthullu_MV#1277 on Jul 14, 2015, 11:07:00 AM
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" I feel castspeed is better when it comes to clearspeed. cast speed is used in movement ability aswell as the main dmg spell, it also cuts the animation time shorter so i can move faster. Lightning warp isnt in yet since its a bit bugged with lockstep, rubber banding issues. |
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" Nope, no aura nodes. |
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" how can you sustain 3 "auras" AA, HoT and Wrath... afaik its 25+25+50 if you don't have any reservation nodes/enlighten... halp... also, my arc was sorta based on your build.. mixed with ZiggyD's build... and all my equips are ES/Eva based... and i have a Doriannys, can i keep using it? if i get another to dual wield? also.. won't i be too squishy to reflect? without a saffels/lightcoil/purity of light ? i rlly want to play my witch again (yes, i'm a filthy casual, sorry) but i can't cuz i'm w8ing for pasives... yours actually makes sense, but i have this questions... =D |
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Could you also use this tree for ball lightning?
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i respect my witch 87 for your build. My gear:
I would like to change my tabula but complicated to find a chest with 5B1R armor except Kingsguard. Although I have the budget, I find that investment is too large 55-60ex in standard :) My Jeweller atm : 3% Cast speed with lightning skill 12% Shock Duration 2% Shock chance (Probably regal later) --- 4% Cast Speed 13% regen mana --- Energised Armour --- 15% Spell Damage with dual wielding 5% Knock ennemies back on hit Thanks for your build. Last edited by vick666#4139 on Jul 16, 2015, 11:33:22 AM
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" Hi, i think you can either get hybrid armor/ES chest with high armor rating or get Cloak of Flame unique chest. In some cases it might even be better (for example arctic armor) |
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" Well when i run 3 auras "buffs" i swap iron will out for bloodmagic, and i can reserve all my mana. But i usually only do it on curse immune maps since warlords mark leech wont work. Im still theorising using EB later on and reserving all mana. Doryanis scepter is nice but its not gonna compare in dmg to the new mods on rare weapons, though the leech is allways welcome. I have around 34k non crit dps atm, not really scared of reflect since its a non crit build. Pop a topaz and get to it, shooting a few times on a single reflect mob wont kill you. |
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