[Fan Art] The Duelist & The Shadow

more photoshop doodles with the bamboo, because reasons.

Shadow somewhere below.





Last edited by Snorkle_uk on Jun 6, 2015, 2:30:53 AM
Awesome! I really dig your style. I like how this piece is different from the last one that you posted, but it's still recognizably yours.
^^ Yes Im not sure which I like more-this or the witch... magnificent works!
thanks for the kind words.

I did use the same rough techniques for both of these and the ranger pic I did for the compo way back. I dunno, I sort of like working this way, I dont rly see other people doing it so part of me wants to do it just to be different, but its somewhat similar to how we used to work at art college, in a way. I think most people use a graphics tablet to paint pictures like its a brush where I use it like a pencil/biro/line pen crosshatching and combine it with vectors and textures. nothing wrong with using a tablet like a paintbrush I just enjoy messy crosshatching, im inherently slapdash.

Actually my old art teacher stuart would completely disown me if he saw what Ive done here and would be mortified that I suggested it was anything like our college work. I think he would lambast me at length for being "appallingly neat" and "painting dragons and little monsters with swords", both of which were beyond pet hates into some sort of supreme artistic heresy for which no punishment could be too severe.

Back then we used to sketch with biros making really rough, dense, scribbly crosshatching and then build up colour and texture with paint, polyfiller, sand, glue, varnishes, ink, anything that would make a unique sort of mark, just making really densely textured messes. So its sort of funny you say you can tell theyre mine, I like that but theyre soooo far removed from what my art teachers would have recognized as something I would make. That spirit of complete multimedia, throw everything at it where it seems to fit the bill approach is there still I guess, sort of.

I feel like as soon as you bring vector shapes/masks into play you get this sickening level of precision that allows you to make the most unholy mess of pen marks and textures and it contains it all in these perfect, dainty little shapes. Part of me wants to go back to making a gritty mess but I feel like you just cant make a digital mess that really has the depth and texture of an irl mess of polyfiller and acrylic attacked with biros and ink. Maybe Ill give it a go for lols, no promises tho.

edit: we now have mess

The Shadow



Last edited by Snorkle_uk on Jun 6, 2015, 2:19:36 AM

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