Hyaon's Fury

A while ago I mentioned I was getting my unique sword made for real to be my family heirloom. I didn't faff about and have gone with a proper scottish swordmaker who works in a castle, even though there was over a year waiting list.

This is the progress so far, some small changes to the original unique but overall similar! He is shaping the wax design before making the pommel hence the blue pieces.


I have asked for two words to be engraved on the pommel in Short Twig Younger Futhark rune words. The words will be 'Defy Pain' :)

If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
looks bad
those guys have no idea XD.

Great sword and the wax look promising. She will cut?
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on May 9, 2015, 2:57:06 PM
Loving the idea! I like the ingame 2D art of that sword the most. Make sure to show us the finished product. :)
With the blue parts it kind of reminds me of Link's Master Sword.
IGN: Yookikoo | CET
This is amazing. The nerdy is intense. Love it!
I am a shadow. I was born the youngest daughter of a respected family, raised to fight, weep and bleed for God and the Order. I would have died to keep my mouth shut. Professional integrity, it's called. That lord sang a different tune once I had taken their children.
That's gonna be pretty sweet.
Fantastic, nice heirloom lol

i love the sword in-game, nice to see it irl.
Very nice Hyaon!

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