GGG is giving up on PvP balance efforts ? ( Recent announcement )
" What's wrong with GGG, is it too hard to understand that to attract attention into PvP you need proper balance ? Hire some people, stop putting so much efforts into shit MTX'ses and give jobs to people who can properly balance PVP, imagine the amount of attraction it could get with a properly balanced gameplay and meta, people would stream pvp, they would make guilds for it, what the fuck do you expect from two unbalanced seasons ? Only hardcore pvper's will play the unbalanced and tests seasons. It sounds like this was just a bait and a time buyer so you could keep our mouths shut with false hopes. I'am really disapointed, was it so hard to listen to what people had to say ? BALANCE WHAT IS BROKEN AND YOU WILL HAVE MORE PEOPLE PLAYING PVP. GET RID OF THE 1 shots and 1/2 life pool shots skills. I just cant believe such a good company decided to screw pvp over when it could have became such a great portion of poe. Saying you will keep working a bit on pvp is just a screw over, you are not going to do shit anymore. Was reducing skill damage by 10% The real efforts you guys gave us, is that a joke ? Some damage nerfs did not even make any sense nor changed anything, did you even test it out ? Oh my god. The disapointement is real, what has GGG become, giving up on what actually takes some effort to balance, is it too hard to put money into pvp balance ? Did not sell enough MTX ? Lol I'm just confused right now is this fucking unreal or something ? GGG giving up after two tests seasons because people did not want to play the unbalanced ones, what a fucking joke this is. PvP is great in this game, IT IS TOTALLY INSANE, I LOVE IT REMEMBERS ME D2. I'm sure a lot of people agrees that it is great in this game, THERE ARE JUST NO EFFORTS GIVEN BY THE DEVELOPPERS, DO SOME WORK, LISTEN TO PLAYERS, BALANCE WHAT'S BROKEN AND YOU WILL ATTRACK PLAYERS ! OHHH MY GOD DO SOMETHING, GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF YOUR SHORTS FOR ONCE. Nerf molten shell, nerf traps, nerf cyclone, nerf smoke mine, nerf EE, nerf shotgun dmg, nerf tempest, nerf cws, nerf ice shot, nerf crit, reduce chill duration in pvp, reduce stun threshold, increase armor effectiveness, nerf ondars, reduce elreons so people cant spam anymore. Really easy balances out of my head that would help pvp in the long end, there are much more to enumerate. Oh and sword and board according to someone. The more important part is : BUFF BALANCE EFFORTS ! GGG Please, from all the pvpers out there, DO NOT FUCK US UP, PVP IS GREAT IN THIS GAME AND IT COULD GO FAR, YOU JUST GIVE UP WAY TOO EASILY OVER BIASEDS SEASONS BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT WANT TO PLAY INTO IMBALANCE !!! On another note i need to specify that i am not only playing sword and board ( LLD ) and i've been playing a HLD caster for many years already on standard, i'm well aware of every other build out there. My perspective is well rounded over many experiences, not only this melee lld build i did for s2. I might sound like a raging dude, but after the many experiences i've had over the past with pvp balance and GGG pvp statements, i have no other reasons but to rage this much. Apologize in advance if this sounds harsh and intense, shit needs to shake for changes to come right ? Please i encourage you to post according to GGGs decision upon future pvp balance and the fact that they basically give up on it due to bad numbers and complains about it and not the fact that i am raging a bit, thanks. COMON GGG !!! IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:57:39 AM
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![]() Giving up on balance efforts? Sorry, but I didn't see any effort to begin with. Lackluster work to begin with and now its paid the toll. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:51:38 PM
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![]() SHOTS FIRED IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 9, 2015, 11:43:09 PM
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" So nerf everything but sword and board (which needs to be nerfed)? I'm not sure your posts have much credibility because they all come solely from the swoard/board perspective. Try playing some of the builds you feel are imbalanced and see if u maintain the same position. Most of the builds considered "OP" or "broken" are moreso users that are op/broken. I'm just as guilty as calling x build broken because x player can play the hell out of it. That being said that are a few things that need to be balanced but the majority of them weren't issues last season so you cannot particularly blame GGG for these imbalances. edit: like others have said, it takes time. I don't remember u trolling sarn arena all day pvping with the 10 or so regulars all day. the current state of pvp is definitely a step up to where it came from. You may not know, but there used to be 20 chaos crit/wb shadows that could destroy 95% of LLDers (65% block 40% dodge 1 shot wb shadows). Puncture/tornado bowers could wreck everything 1-2 shots. FP was killing 2 shots. Last edited by bigfoot312#3283 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:01:21 AM
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Sword and board perspective ? To me sword and board looks pretty balanced, is there any sword in the current invitationals ? No.
You may not know but i've been playing ranged build caster HLD and been reking everything like you probably never even saw for multiple years already ? Come try out HLD and play my build, you will change position pretty fucking quickly. i was well aware of the broken stuff way before trying out LLD sir, sword and board is complete garbage in HLD except for crit ci and does okay in lld, current positions in ladder easily proves this. There is no need for credibility in this post, just frustration upon bullshit decisions. Are you really gonna act like the dude that is gonna close his eyes and keep thinking that there's a future for pvp and keep the hopes ? You have obviously not played PvP long enough to keep such a hype, the hype was gone for years already. Its DEAD now. How are we even supose to be hyped with such announcements ?, saying pvp is going to be a little part of theirs efforts or almost no time invested in it anymore due to biased numbers is supose to bring hype into my head ? Hell nah, im more hyped about my dog taking a shit than GGG's state on PvP. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:50:21 AM
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so no HLD season 3 goodies? you guys for sure wanna punch someone after waiting 2 years.
Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:44:32 AM
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" There will be a HLD season 3, but GGG clearly stated that they wont put as much efforts into PvP anymore due to bad partitipation numbers and the pve community constantly talking shit about pvp. Just the fact that GGG gives up on balance efforts is enough to make anyone who played for this long like me really fucking mad. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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pvp has come a long way. Once it becomes less segregated and more social with a slightly lower gear barrier, like rare corrupted items, more people will play and beg GGG for updates. I know they dont wanna take away from pve which is fine. Hire more people to do pvp and invest into it because it adds longevity to the game. I have only spent 160 on this game for MTX for pvp, I usually never spend money on f2play games...but I think GGG deserves it with their awesome game and its the one way I can support them. Wish the community was more constructive and less destructive. Seems like a ton of people trying to bully the smaller devs with all sorts of threats and feedback. Not sure if this is the most constructive way to inspire them to work and create artistically.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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Im so sick and tired of these whiny little girl posts. Like I stated earlier somewhere, its a really good thing you are not balancing this game. It must be so tedious for the GGG staff to read threads like this.
I still think pretty much every step GGG has made after 1.2 regarding balance have been a step to the right direction. If you had ever tried balancing a truly complex thing such as poe pvp you wouldn't make such hasty accusations. The sheer amount of variables and mechanics is just ridiculous. Im actually in awe how LLD is so close to a really good balance. Of the top of my head, I can think of like 5 completely different bis geared builds that can take each other out with no clear favorite. Add all the variations in gem choices to that list and we have a huge number of competitive chars. Now, although I have never played HLD, I know all the mechanics of the game well and I can only imagine the pain in trying to balance a concept like HLD for poe. Trying to achieve a perfect balance (something, which many of you ludicrously consider achievable) is just impossible in HLD environment. That being said, Im intriqued by the future HLD balance changes. Im sure GGG will do a fine job regarding that as well, in time and patiently. Also if the HLD community had actually stepped up earlier and created a scene of more than 3 people, balancing the game would also be a lot easier. Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Mar 10, 2015, 4:17:43 AM
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It's not hard to realize why GGG is giving up on PvP this quickly. They secured sponsors, hired streamers, set up ladders, season prizes and tried to balance. There biggest mistake was trusting the community. It's obvious with things like people Ladder exploiting, [Removed by Support] and working their best to get other viable builds nerfed so they can dominate and sweep over $1000 in prizes. People complaining nonstop on forums that they're build is underpowered and everything better is overpowered.
We as a community failed GGG, they trusted us to grow and nurture PvP and we treated it selfishly, unsympathetically and uncompromising. GGG you failed us, but we failed you first. Last edited by Gary_GGG#0000 on Mar 10, 2015, 12:18:17 PM
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