Some paintings I'm working on

EDIT: This post is getting cluttered so I'm going to use this one strictly for my most recent paintings/updates.

I'm nearly done with this painting, it's taken quite some time, but it's certainly the furthest I come with my work I think.
Here's a higher res version

Prior posts on this painting:


Last edited by Chthonian on Oct 26, 2015, 12:49:51 PM
I figure in case anyone is interested, I'll make this post as a reserve for updates.



I don't know why these img links aren't working but I posted the link down below.

little more detail think I fixed the colour in the working area.


Dabbling around


Last edited by Chthonian on Oct 23, 2015, 4:29:17 PM
wow really impressed!!! I like these alot. Sick style

E: id love to see updates or future works
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Last edited by TheWretch on Mar 4, 2015, 9:13:47 PM
These are really impressive! You've definitely got the right sort of aesthetic going.
Sorry for not updating for some time, but I haven't been incredibly motivated lately, that and I'm pretty busy looking for work, then most of my free time ends up going towards PoE or running errands. I also have a pretty bad habit of getting tired of working on something then moving on, and never going back.

Just started something new though, here's what I'm currently working on, trying to get it to look like a old slightly tarnished bronze. Can't seem to get the colours right, it should be browns with a pinkish orange colour for the highlights, but I keep picking too close to yellow and comes out looking gold or brassy -.-

Last edited by Chthonian on Jun 7, 2015, 8:44:53 PM
Last edited by Chthonian on Oct 22, 2015, 11:10:34 PM
Nice! keep up the good work!
Thanks LordHannu, I'm not particularly good, but I'm working at getting better. Though you may notice with a lot of my stuff, I'm pretty bad about not completing stuff. Some I have legit excuses for, such as .psd files no longer working, or lose their layer information for photoshop (I have no idea how this happens, and it's pretty discouraging), but it's mostly because I get bored, or stuck with what I'm doing.

Here's a few OLD paintings that I've come closest to completing one being under a time constraint for a League of Legends contest.

Contest Painting Link Under Spoiler

I actually really like these despite not being good, because I got to experiment with stock photos for texture sampling and what not, something I don't do much.

Random face I started that I can't find the files for:
Okay this might actually be the closest thing I've come to finish in a long time. I've been working on it almost all day today, and I think I like where I'm going with this so I'm going to try my best to finish it. (Just a snip, not the whole image.)

Here's an update, working on the background a bit. Doing a bit of cheating, copy pasted those arches a long a perspective line. It won't be perfect, but it's not really the focus of what I'm doing.
Last edited by Chthonian on Jul 6, 2015, 4:38:25 PM
nice art, you keep improving.
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