[Fan Art] Alt Arts

Divinarius Alt Art

          Void Battery          
Tiny Version:

Big size: http://i.imgur.com/m02sHEY.jpg?1
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Last edited by Jideament on Mar 9, 2015, 5:54:10 AM
very nice...

Fist I looked at it it look abit off - but after few seconds I saw the beauty of it.

Love the personal touch with "roughness" and "intentional inaccuracy". Really makes me in mood for some Fatnasy.

Great job man!

ps. after visualizing it for a while - the Depth in the dark parts is almost perfect. Would tattoo such great percetion of depth. The head on the other hand doesnt have as nice depth what is propably because the contrast of it with the Dark part. Kind off get abit off a feeling that the head and rod part are two separete pieces - other giving 3d perception and the other unfortunately remains 2d.

Just my thoughts.
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Last edited by Cudez on Mar 1, 2015, 4:51:57 AM
Might I suggest brightening the piece to make the finer details more clear?
Cudez wrote:
very nice...

Fist I looked at it it look abit off - but after few seconds I saw the beauty of it.

Love the personal touch with "roughness" and "intentional inaccuracy". Really makes me in mood for some Fatnasy.

Great job man!

ps. after visualizing it for a while - the Depth in the dark parts is almost perfect. Would tattoo such great percetion of depth. The head on the other hand doesnt have as nice depth what is propably because the contrast of it with the Dark part. Kind off get abit off a feeling that the head and rod part are two separete pieces - other giving 3d perception and the other unfortunately remains 2d.

Just my thoughts.

Jid is my first ac, same guy here :)

Ty so much for your "improving" comments. I dont wanna try something better on that one because GGG dont care non-sup players proposals or maybe i didnt see idk. Ill share my other alt-art works in here for players like me.

Moonyu wrote:
Might I suggest brightening the piece to make the finer details more clear?

Open ps, push "ctrl+l". Details embedded in dark portions. The reason for darker details game concept and my gothic style.
The void is a calculated mass.
Being Gothic and being too dark for the viewer to see detail clearly without having to manipulate the image are two very separate things.

I can respect your decision and your work, but if I have to work too hard to enjoy it, I won't.
Moonyu wrote:
Being Gothic and being too dark for the viewer to see detail clearly without having to manipulate the image are two very separate things.

I can respect your decision and your work, but if I have to work too hard to enjoy it, I won't.

You misunderstood me moon. While drawing it i disabled ambience light (other light points) There are only 2 light points in, first one crystal on the head and second one is a circle light point far from model. So we ve one sharp light point on the head and one pale circle light line in the space.

Here is the modelling/drawing sample template used by me on that altart:

So when the light fittings hit the surface with the laws of physics, my personal touch is in the shadows except to draw an existing. One hand is "roughness" because Void Battery gives "Nothing", and the other hand is "rough" because Void Battery gives "Everthing".

"The trick is to give nothingness, and to receive everything in return."
- Inquisitor Maligaro

I grabbed that motto with two different light spots in working space with different dark/gothic style. Do some sculpt/model art and understand the principles of lighting.
The void is a calculated mass.
My apologies.
Divinarius Alt Artwork added. Modelling + ps in 1 hour. Hope you like it.
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Last edited by Jideament on Mar 9, 2015, 5:54:50 AM

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