[FAN ART] Submission Scion

Here are my submissions for the Fan Art Comp.

I only just read about the competition while browsing reddit a few days ago. So these are my submissions done in Photoshop, once the competition is over, I will probably refine and paint the main scion one properly and add some more ideas that i was conceptualising for some ideas for the comp :P.

(GrayScale Value Painting)


(Colored Piece)


(Quick Portrait concept (more an extra :P)


Overall this was an interesting challenge to work to a very narrow deadline (for me at least - 2 days) and I keenly enjoyed the process
"The question I must ask is, not what I can gain but what can I do."
Last edited by Heliosia on Feb 18, 2015, 7:46:24 PM

It's a beautiful composition! The dynamic posture is lovely, but... the perspective seems a bit off, the proportions strip the model of believable 3-dimensional presence; her hand is much larger than her face, her waist, and her feet. I imagine the part of her that's closest to the viewer is her feet/foot and leg(s) if those were brought into the foreground more and the hand shrunk you would have an amazing picture. Actually.. You kinda need to fix the position of the head.. as is she is breaking her neck! I don't know about you but I find it pretty darn hard to put my right ear over my left should let alone have them be completely, perfectly, and horizontally parallel. I know "proper" proportions, anatomy, and perspective aren't on everyone's artistic agenda but your image would be more with it. Maybe try hard brushes to create soft forms, too...

I think that's about it.. wait

I think it would be better if you painted over the thick line work, even if just a little bit to thin them out. Line thickness is an important aspect especially when lining soft-forms and rounded shapes like cloth and humanoids, the transition between thick and thin denotes curvature via shadow; alternatively you could just paint the shadow and/or bounce light that line work typically implies where they need be.. I personally think either solution would really make this painting stand out even without proper proportions.

On a positive, overall it's a great composition; like a blossoming flower, I also love the posture of the scion, and her searing touch/fire dancing design is remarkably enticing.

I r8 4/8. The creativity is there, but the fundamentals are muted.
Last edited by Do_odle on Feb 19, 2015, 12:19:32 PM

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