[COMIC] The neverending Battle

Who doesnt know this situation? ;)

PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
Last edited by DerPizzadieb on Feb 12, 2015, 5:05:15 AM
That was great! Oh how I know that feeling.
seems like you are the only one who experienced that situation aswell ;)
PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
Last edited by DerPizzadieb on Feb 13, 2015, 11:01:14 AM
Nah, just get use to most readers never responding. I have written around forty stories for my friends in Off-Topic, but few of them ever responded directly.

Its better to gauge the views you get. When you start to make a name for yourself here, you will see more and more viewing of your work.
Guess not everyone knows how it feels to get responds, good or bad ones :)
PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
I started a website to post the library of my work after being asked about linking my work repeatedly. I got seven responses on that site.

I don't let it stop me and still write for the same people. But in the end, as an artist, you need to be truthful and know that it is more for yourself than anyone else.

Keep posting your work. I'll look at at.
Guess not everyone knows how it feels to get responds, good or bad ones :)

If you're looking for feedback, I would suggest trying to find the best avenue to your target audience. It's probably always a good idea to post here to contribute to the community, but also find somewhere else that's more tailored to your medium.

From my experience, I've actually found the subreddit to be a positive place (which I know many people would disagree with). My last post (where I made in game 3D art for Rebuke of the Vaal ) made it to the top of the subreddit and generated a decent discussion. The post that I made here currently has less than 200 views and zero responses.

I'm glad that GGG has recognized the community artists - We just need the community to recognize the community artists.

Last edited by justindjg on Feb 13, 2015, 12:37:02 PM
And that means you need support your fellow artists as well. Once you get to know it each other better, criticism becomes more personal and effective.

But if you only post your own work and don't comment on others, don't expect them to comment on yours.

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