What is the point of PvP?
Like really, why do you PvP? If there weren't any season rewards that are available only for PvP will you still PvP?
Why does PvP exist in PoE? It's something that is a failure, something that can never be balanced and obviously can not be real PvP because it will affect PvE which is "not allowed..." loljokes 1.3patch. Why spend resources and time to build PvP when it's impossible. Why build on something that can never be balanced? Aside from smacking each other, showering wealth, admiring the low latency vs high latency, effects of desync, effects of one of the worst clients in history of gaming and flopping the e-peen.... What is the point of PvP? I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Feb 6, 2015, 5:21:44 PM
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" Yes I would, been pvping for a year before these rewards so don't get why I wouldn't continue. It's the real endgame imo It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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How can it be the real endgame when most builds are incompatible with each other for PvP <-> PvE?
I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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" Yeah I would still continue pvp even if there were no rewards, I pvp since OB and there were no rewards at that time. Even though it is imbalanced atm, it is still fun to play against people. I mean what's the point in pve too? getting wealthier, theory crafting interesting builds and sink your wealth in those builds... I don't see much difference with pvp honestly in terms of goals. I read everyday both pvp discussion and feedback, and everytime I see you posting something it's always to complain about the game and not bringing any solution. Honestly if you dislike pvp that much why don't you just walk away from it and even bother with it. IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
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take a chill pill already. Enough with the constant negativity.
Its obvious that you don't find any fun in pvp as most of the people that did it before season 1 so why even do it. ps. If you quit after season 2 as you say all the time the complaint threads will drop by 50% LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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Most people that came with 1.3 seem to quit early, only the true vets stay!
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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The point of pvp is for the people who work at GGG to challenge each other to see who can make the most unbalanced piece of garbage of a pvp and skill system. It's basically their way of showing people who played the game for a long time to make a good pvp character how stupid we all are for playing this shit ass game.
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PvP never needed an incentive for real PvP'ers to do it. Now if only GGG would let us pk kids, id be a happy man.
Oh and If you can't do PvM with your PvP character, you messed up bad. I can't think of any build that with a simple gem swap cant do both easily. Edit: People need to appreciate this game more, honestly. If you've played as many games as I have for xx amount of years you start to appreciate things that aren't shit. This is easily the best game ever made in this genre, easily. 98% of the hate around here is ignorance and lack of effort to actually get "good" at PvP in the first place. You have guys in high level that think they don't need to level to be competitive, want to just log in at level 80 and roll bitches with their crap gear/lack of game knowledge. You have guys in lld, where level isn't an issue but still bitch about so many things that legitimately have work arounds with some effort. Ya some shits truly in need of work on GGG's end but seriously ease the fuck up on the tissues. GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 6, 2015, 9:24:32 PM
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Let's face it. Pvp is not for everyone. The point of pvp to me is to test my build agaisnt an actual opponent that thinks and not some dumb ai that I farm.
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Only reason i make a lld pvper is for the fun of it. I like poe but mapping all day seemed boring to me.
I got tired of mapping and was watching willys stream and he was in a lvl 28 pvp match and from that day i started preparing my lvl 28 lld. Ye pvp right now isnt as fun but back when there was no multimod or masters, it was really fun to play and compete against other guys for bragging rights. We had 5v5 and 3v3 that we organized just to see who was the best. We didnt compete for rewards or any alt arts. We only competed because it was fun and enjoyable beating our opponent and killing lvl 40s in sarn arena and watch them rage quit and call us nerds. I think after the master patch hit pvp turned to shit because all you had to do was craft a perfect wep and craft the best gear and you are good to go. What i liked was going on poexyz and msging ppl to buy their lvl 28 lvling swords and get great deals on them and then using the weps i just bought to beat my friends and see how strong i got as the days went by. We all had fun and helped each other with our builds but now its just a bunch of people who craft the highest lvl of gear and when they get defeated come straight to the forums and complain about ppl 1 shotting them and asking to nerf on a specific gem/skill. If you tried pvp before the master patch, you would have had alot more fun than you would have now. Last edited by ChainBlade#4495 on Feb 6, 2015, 11:50:02 PM
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