[1.3] The Green Tornado (10 Frenzy Charge, Crit Bow Frenzy Ranger)
The Green Tornado: A Build Guide
![]() " Overview *** This build is currently out-dated for 2.0! ***
The Concept
This build is all about the Frenzy Charge. Like it's sibling charges, Power and Endurance, the Frenzy Charge is a stacking self-buff that can be obtained through various skill and item interactions. Normally, a Frenzy Charge gives your character +5% attack speed and +5% cast speed per charge, up to three charges. But through the passive tree, items and skills, we can squeeze a lot more use out of them than just some measly attack speed. Here is what I'm able to get per charge after all that is factored in:
Here is the number is charges I'm able to get:
Here is what I get total with all ten charges up at once:
Yum. Now all that needs to be done is actually generate those ten charges and keep them up 100% of the time (or as close to). This is actually extremely easy. I use the attack skill Frenzy as my AoE and single target damage ability - one in my bow and one in my chest. Every time I hit a target with Frenzy, I gain one Frenzy Charge (though, in the case of AoE, you can only gain one per attack, even if you hit multiple enemies). This means I always have my charges up. It should also be noted, if you attack with a skill other than Frenzy, you don't benefit from the 9% extra attack speed and 12% physical damage bonus per Frenzy Charge. This makes it more or less a no brainer. We use Frenzy. To makes things even more fun, I stack extra move speed and projectile speed for a total of 90% and 70%, respectively. These stats synergize really well with Frenzy since I essentially becoming a speeding bullet. And that's the basics of the build! Go fast, basically. Passive Tree
105 Point Tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAm42v6wgu7YMZjgBe037ven115wr-ugqbu-N468Si_MXcFVb6Z6DdDafUd9eHdluv_sh_KznU459OKiF2GwHh2zB81op290p9tkGGzhn-oaRRR419MfpaGo1-wTOVBT7Pjb_nVCP2oJ_NmNnGveYFtST9TZLqYjKUwuzUI__edct_AipbDPIwcb6npuB59qXL3ahlTW5pQzZtbEt4vTbV-FLstUg2PTpCR34GI_Pq7LDjhJ2qH0EqC4wLwJxirGyMAx5wUrl8pzQWvyaVYeJVS4w2 A taste of what you get:
Leveling Progression
I did not keep track of how I put my points in as I leveled, so this is a very rough estimate. Please, feel free to choose your own way (or even your own tree). This is here for people who absolutely need or want something to follow. ...from there, you can probably figure out the rest :) Gear
This build is planned with four uniques in mind. Darkray Vectors (Corrupted: +1 Frenzy Charge) * By far the most important unique in the build, and the only one I would say is 100% required. It gives you +1 Frenzy Charge, and can be corrupted for an additional +1. Just as importantly, it gives us 5% movespeed and 2% attack dodge per charge, for a whopping 50%/20% at full charges. Yea; it's good. Karui Ward (Corrupted: +1 Frenzy Charge) * Maybe one of the only builds to ever use this thing at mapping level. My initial reason is that I wanted a cheap unique amulet so I could reliably find a +1 Frenzy version of it. But actually, every stat on it is useful and the synergy with the build is pretty great. Flat strength is something this build is in dire need of, accuracy is vital at end game, projectile speed makes offscreening things half a map away possible, and movespeed makes you feel like you are truly in a frenzy. If you can find a GG rare amulet that happens to be corrupted +1 frenzy, go for it. Otherwise, I think this unique amulet beats all the other similar price +1 frenzy unique amulets on the market. Rat's Nest * Just an overall amazing item for evasion crit builds. The only thing here that stands out apart from the obvious is the movespeed. Paired with the other uniques, you are getting a total of 70% movespeed with all charges up. And that's not including ant movement from the passive tree. Being tiny also kind of suits the build, imo. Romira's Banquet * A funny little unique, but I couldn't play this build without it. Crit chance, crit multi and accuracy are three of the best stats I could ask for. The mana leech and flat mana go a long way to sustain the insane cost per second of the frenzy skill. And the power charge interaction is basically a reverse Power Charge on Crit Gem. Since I don't pick up any extra power charges and don't get near the crit cap, this item is perfect for me. It probably averages out to something like +75% crit chance. But I'm not a math person, so I'm not sure exact #s.
Other uniques to note (that I've chosen not to use)
Daresso's Defiance * A popular chest to use in tandem with Darkray Vectors - and used in another 10 frenzy build by ZenocideGenius. It's an excellent defensive option that gives you endurance charges and more dodge, as well as some good offence by giving you a way to gain the Onslaught buff. However, I feel this is suited more towards melee frenzy builds rather than bow. I do not get hit as much, so the Endurance/Onslaught mechanic and the phys leech are of less value to me. In addition, this chest has only mediocre life and evasion rolls and no resistance. If you choose it, you may need to give up another unique. Maligaro's Virtuosity * A popular glove to use in many different crit builds. All the stats are wonderful for this build. The way I looked at it though is I had to choose between Rat's Nest and this, since neither give you life or resists, and the build is dangerously low on both. Between the two, Rat's Nest gives a lot more evasion, crit and attack speed, as well as move speed bonus. If you were to drop a different unique, running both is definitely nice. The Blood Dance * An alternative to Darkray Vectors. It can also be corrupted for +1 frenzy, leaving you with a respectable total of 9 charges. It also gives you move speed per charge, though only 2% instead of 5%, and has base move speed on it as well - this is 12% less at 9 charges. And you lose 3% attack speed per charge for a whopping 27% less at 9 charges. Instead, you are getting 1% life regen/sec per charge. This makes it an interesting defensive option. Still, it does not really suit the needs of our build, and much of the good about this boot is wasted on us. Snakebite * Seems great. Extra attack speed and accuracy per frenzy charge and a poison effect on max charges! But 10% reduced frenzy charge duration per charge x 10 charges...yea...and that's before the 50% reduced from Darkrays. You won't be able to keep charges up. So it isn't an option, sadly. For the rare slots...
For flasks... The only two I would recommend are a Surgeon's Jade Flask of Reflexes and an Atziri's Promise. For the other three slots, it's totally up to you. Instant life flasks and flasks that dispel bleeding and curse are all great, as well as perhaps running a Diamond flask if you feel good on defence. I wouldn't recommend using a quicksilver, personally, as you should have roughly 90%~ increased move speed already. Skills
5/6L Frenzy + GMP + Phys Proj Att Dmg + Added Fire + Phys 2 Lightning [+ Wep Ele Dmg / Inc Crit Dmg / Add Acc] * My AoE Frenzy. The goal here was to keep the mana cost low while still using good supports. This is why I do not use Faster Attacks or WeD in my 5L. I've chosen Phys2Light over Crit Dmg because it provides me with reliable shock, still gives a good dmg boost, and costs less. If I upgraded to a 6L, I would use quality Acc if I wanted to keep the mana cost the same, otherwise WeD or crit dmg (both insane dmg boosts). 5/6L Frenzy + Phys Proj Att Dmg + Added Fire + Phys 2 Lightning + Wep Ele Dmg [+ Inc Crit Dmg / Faster Att / Add Acc] * My single target Frenzy. I replace GMP with WeD since it scales so well off my auras and other supports. As far as a 6th link, it's the same as above. 4L Reduced Mana + Hatred + Herald of Ash + Clarity * My auras. I keep clarity at a very low level (depends on your mana pool, but generally lvl 8 or less). If you get Frenzy running off pure leech, you can drop HoA and Clarity for Grace if you want the huge evasion boost. 4L Mirror Arrow + Trap + Multi Trap + Inc Duration * This is just pure cheese, but oh boy it is such tasty cheese. These traps give you up to 3x3 clones of yourself on demand. Tossing out some of these if you are against flicker, charge or leap mobs can save your hide. They also keep a boss good and occupied. Don't underestimate their damage, either. It's not worth using on every pack, but they can hold their own. 4L CWDT + Temp Chains + Vaal Haste + Inc Duration / Blink Arrow * Temp chains is a great curse for this build. It gives your freeze and shock the extra duration they need, and it makes kiting with all your move speed and projectile speed that much easier. Vaal Grace is mostly for spell dodge since spells are the build's largest weakness. Vaal Haste can also be an option, but increases your mana use per sec during the effect. If you have no where else to put Blink Arrow (such as the 6th slot on a 6S5L chest or bow) and you want it, you can replace Inc Dur with it. Important Gems to Quality: Virtually Essential...
Quite Handy...
Bandit Choices
This build is life starved, so getting the extra life is really good (if we take a point in Normal, there are no spare 5% life nodes laying around to put it into). The frenzy charge in Merciless is a no brainer. In Cruel you can take either an extra point or some phys damage. The phys damage is better than our average bow node, but the build is also point starved, so that extra point can go towards utility, mana or crit instead. Extras
Notes on keeping it 'Budget'
I know for a lot of players a physical crit build can seem way out of reach due to the insane costs of a high end, GG crit bow. This build probably doesn't make it seem any easier with multiple, specific corrupted items and expensive uniques. If you think you might be interested in trying this build, but don't have a lot of currency to spare, you can still do something similar and effective. Budget Tips: #1: Skip out on the corrupted Darkray. ...The only expensive frenzy change in the build is the +1 frenzy Darkrays. A +1 Karui Ward can be as low as *one* chaos! And a non-corrupted Darkray is only about an alch. Right there you have 9/10 frenzy charges. Not bad at all. #2: Switch to non-crit. ...You have a lot more budget options available if you decided to skip the crit. You can pick up a Lioneye's Glare unique bow for only a few chaos, and you can skip out on the Romira's ring and Rat's Nest. That saves you a *lot* right there. On the passive tree, all you need to do is get rid of all (or most) of the crit nodes (and accuracy, if you are going Lioneye's) and place them into more bow/physical damage - and there is no short supply of those nodes around! #3: Run a 4L. ...Don't feel like you absolutely need a 5 or 6L to kill stuff. Running a 4L frenzy is going to make your mana costs very manageable and your DPS will still exist. (If you follow all that, you can put something together for around 10~ chaos.)
Notes on leveling
Leveling with a bow can be a pain, but here are a few tips on how I went about it: 1-23
My Stats
Current level: 86 Current Bow PDPS: 325~ Current Bow Crit: 7.4% Offense
My Gear
71 Strand (Char Level: 80) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8bJtD5UGs0 * First test video. Gives a decent idea of what the build is like. 75 Plateau (Char Level: 80) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYUDnsGaEaU * Higher map. Still without a single target set-up, though. Boo/hiss. 76 Precinct (Char Level: 81) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFKyyfbfPaI * My first 76 map this league, sadly. Went really well, though. 77 Shipyard (Char Level: 85) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZqy1CZ_vy4 * More footage. Got my first 78 map drop during it, too.
My Other Builds
Current (2.0)
* [2.0] Hidden Potential Poison Arrow (100% magic gear!) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1330650 Out-dated (Pre 2.0)
* [1.3] Purple Rain; a shockingly chaotic Voltaxic Rift build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1096864 * [1.3] HybridFlicker (life+es w/ Incandescent Heart) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1194915 * [1.3] POTCG DomBlow https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1119480 Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Jul 24, 2015, 5:01:55 PM
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Hi. Im thinking of trying this. Any reason you cant go frenzy earlier instead of tornado shot? Reason being im just kinda burnt out on tshot.
Thanks for your post! |
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I totally get that, Gibbons. I am burnt out on tshot, too. Hence the frenzy build, haha :)
You can switch over as soon as you pick up the pierce nodes (and prob. a penetrating quiver) and a GMP, really. At that point, the big issue is that you won't have a lot of frenzy charges or a lot of mana regen, so you probably won't be able to sustain a 5L and your dps isn't going to be near what it should be with full charges. I found it was just a lot easier to slap on a boring tornado shot and fire away until I got all my ducks in a row to make frenzy shine. It was more a "this is just easier" than you *need* to level tshot, so feel free to switch over sooner. You can also lways level with LMP Ice Shot or something if you want a different experience. |
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Added a 77 Shipyard run under the videos section.
Longer video & probably the best example of the build so far as I tried to use everything the build has instead of just cruising through. Though I still forget to pop Vaal Grace 99% of the time. Oops. |
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Sorry for getting back to you on this so late; been taking a break.
With all three up, I'm at 53% crit with a 7.1% crit chance bow. I already have power charges in the build, so I don't need PCOC to get them. I use a Romira's ring to get charges. Since I only have 3 max charges anyways - and bows don't have as much base crit as something like a dagger - the ring is super effective at its job. You could ditch the ring and use Assassin's Mark to keep 3 charges up if you wanted to. That is a good choice if you need the ring slot for resists. I'd warn caution about getting rid of the mirror trap link, though. I went very light on life, so I rely heavily on the trap set-up to deal with many bosses and exiles that would otherwise one shot me. It's very key for 77/78 maps - I'm not sure I could survive them without it. As for how to curse if you do go Assassin's Mark, I'm not sure Herald of Thunder is a great choice. You will most likely have to get rid of Herald of Ash for it. So you are trading added % damage for added flat damage. On a phys build, that flat will do almost nothing, and you lose not only the 15% added fire, but the overkill damage; I've noticed it does a good amount, even with no investment into burn or fire. You also have to remember that Herald of Thunder is a very ineffective way to curse in many situations. One of the strong points of this build the INSANE range and ability to off-screen with +70% projectile speed and built-in knockback. Your HoT only curses things in a tiny area around your character with it's base AoE. I'm also not sure how cursing will let you drop Added Fire? Maybe you meant Herald of Ash? |
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Thanks for sharing your build, I'm tempted to try it.
Your build is one of the few (I can remember) that actually has a section for "budget" options, so kudos to you! Edit: Wait! I remember my question! The boots have "25% reduced light radius" - no issues? Last edited by FireAtWill#0624 on Mar 2, 2015, 12:41:39 AM
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I think this build is pretty clever and very well thought out, I just have some suggestions. I think daresso's defiance is a pretty good armour for this build. With the 6% dodge from daresso's you reach 66% attack dodge. Since daresso's defiance gains an endurance charge per kill and loses all on hit, with high evasion and dodge you will always be on max endurance charges. This means when a hit does land on you, the damage will be cushioned by 12% and an immortal call with 3 charge duration will activate. I also feel Maligaro's virtuosity might be some good gloves to use with this build. Also drillneck could be a strong endgame quiver and then you can run pierce over physical to lightning for higher pierce chance and more damage. Anyways great build :D
Last edited by monstahz#3961 on Mar 2, 2015, 9:39:31 AM
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Daresso's isn't a bad choice, but you actually don't gain as much from the 6% dodge as you might think since your evasion roll is quite meh - giving up evasion % for dodge % is kind of a bad trade, since you *really* want evasion to dodge your own reflect (a big up-side for being bow frenzy). Then the fact I have so much range and movement means I also don't get hit quite as much (if I'm doing things right) as a melee frenzy build would, so I don't make use of all the other stats that make it shine - they are still good stats, of course, just not as important for ranged characters.
And the big reason I don't use it, or Maligaro's, or Drillneck, is that I simply can't afford to use that many uniques. If I used all those, I would have *seven* uniques, leaving one ring, a belt and a bow to cap resists - not to mention all the missed life rolls and other nice stats like chaos res. And all the other uniques were much higher on my list than these. That said, swapping a Rat's Nest or Romira's out, or getting a different +1 frenzy amulet, is a perfectly good option. Last edited by Yordle#4292 on Mar 4, 2015, 8:08:47 PM
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Just upgraded my bow by another 50 PDPS since the Torment > Standard switch. It's still very much a low/middle-end bow - and my gems still need some love&levels - but at least this gives a much better idea of the solid DPS this build can pump out. Don't underestimate a non-TS bow skill!
Won't be playing the character much after this point since a new one month league is starting up. I plan to re-visit the character when Act 4 comes out and see if I can improve on it anymore. |
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This just in from the "pre" act 4 beta patch notes:
"Frenzy charges (more damage per frenzy charge, attack and cast speed bonuses have been reduced)." It's not very clear if this will be an overall buff or nerf to my build, but I am excited to see where it takes it! I expect the build to undergo a complete overhaul. |
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