Hope of Balanced PvP
I've been playing this game since closed beta and seen ins and outs of pvp along with game development. As hard as it may sound, my hope is to have more balance pvp environment where everyone (regardless of builds or items) can enjoy and actually win the fight in 50/50 ratio.
Though noticeable effort was made by GGG, arena is empty most of the time and negative feedback prevail (predominantly from people I've met through game). Negativity Summary (direct/non-direct experiences): 1. Game play skill vs Item ratio is tended toward items. Many of which who dominates the arena uses mirrored items or pricey equivalent. 2. Selective advantage of certain builds which not only include low life crit dagger(loath bane for example) EK/ST/Flick/Bleed/Chaos, 2h mirrored sword block pen with legacy Kaom's heart/roots but also perma stun/freeze, bear trap/remote mine, diamond flask/charge on crit and few others. - The reason being: Complete immobilization and one shot death, which prevents players from trying anything and just wait for the death call and frustration. (In the case where no preventative measures are prepared/available) 3. Chat abuse of certain competitive players. I've encountered toxic players on numerous occasion where they would evade personal/ego of the opponents apart from game. Few personal thoughts to improve PvP environment: 1. Compatibility based match selection. For example, you have an option to select match with compatible builds/items/character level and such. 2. More arenas. There is only one open arena in act 3 as far as I know. 3. Ability to spectate the fight. This means you can just walk in to arena and watch other people fight but they can't damage you or you can't damage them for that matter. I know my post might be wrong in many aspects but it's just personal opinion. Any comments or suggestion may be greatly appreciated. Thank you! |
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" There is a pretty well working ability to spectate fights right now. (not sure if it works for ffa in sarn though) " Please no. This is an arpg where you grind for items and improve your characters over time. Im completely fine with being beaten by people who have invested months in their characters. The first pvp patch will be focused on Low Level Dueling and while gearing is still an issue there and well geared builds just stomp freshly created ones its much easier to gear yourself to an extent where you have a chance of winning if you play well. Plus there will be a lot more people playing so chances of encountering someone with a gg geared LLD char during the tournaments will be smaller, and some of them will have a ranking system that will try to match you vs people with similar win ratios. " While this is true when there is a great difference in the gear between two players, when the two people have approximately similar gear levels skill becomes quite important in determining the outcome of a fight, and I think a lot of people underestimate how much skill is involved in a fight. LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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Spectate works for all duels and sarn arena, all it requires is you to be friends with eachother
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" I think he is asking for a better match maker that gives you opponent of the right strength making you win 50% of your matches what ever your level is. Not for items and builds to be all the same to force 50% that way. Sadly that is not possible atm with the limited amount of players pvping currently. " You also have an open arena just like it in act 3 normal limited to lvl 40 (mainly dominated by lvl 28 pvpers) Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Nov 12, 2014, 6:25:44 AM
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" So, why not let people use 6L low life crit spectral throw GMP builds with mirrored daggers in every race event? Multi-Demi Winner Very Good Kisser Alt-Art Alpha’s Howl Winner Former Dominus Multiboxer Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Nov 21, 2014, 9:04:40 PM
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" wrong forum buddy :) | |
" if people can get that going in shorter races than good for them :) Lots seem to be able to do it in the long term races, so clearly its fine with GGG LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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One of the biggest issues is block/acro/evasion in LLD. Idk how they plan on addressing it but switching acrobatics 1/2 armor mod to 1/2 evasion mod would certainly help the "Does not take any damage" argument.
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" I agree, I've argued that evasion + acro is redundent and too good for awhile now. I know theyre 2 different mechanics but 1/2 armor isn't even a slap on the wrist for taking it. Knowing evasion > armor in PvP easily, it makes no sense on this end of things. Like Ive said, currently that whole side of the tree is 100% pvp ideal. While the other side is shit on both accounts, pvm and especially PvP. Edit: phone autocorrect IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 2, 2014, 10:13:11 AM
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Right, the armor nerf makes no sense since acro is on the evasion side of the tree anyhow. Nerfing evasion 50% and keeping armor 100% would help prevent these 5% chance to hit duels.
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