[1.2] Rampage Firestorm Build Log
Build Overview:
I've been wanting to play with firestorm for a while now, and after seeing the extra cluster of duration nodes in the 1.2 skill tree my decision was solidified. This build is focused on scaling the stacking mechanic of firestorm, utilizing duration nodes and a lot of cast speed to increase damage, consistency, and utility. This build was designed to suit my lazy playstyle by stacking defenses, but the mechanics of firestorm allow you to continuously deal damage while playing very defensively as well, resulting in a very survivable character. As a block build, I feel like this character is very far from being optimized for firestorm, and I would honestly not recommend it... The main reasons being that I did not make this build with general clearing in mind, and we have to go out of our way to get skill duration nodes that other block-based casters can do without. If you are interested in firestorm, here are some general tips: -Get skill duration nodes. -Mana consumption is huge, EB highly recommended. -Get quality ASAP. -Use conc effect and pick up aoe nodes. -Perm immortal call is attainable with 3 endurance charges. -Stay mobile. With a duration based spell you do not need to keep casting until mobs are dead, most enemies will not survive a single cast if they stay in the aoe.
My Gear
Potential Upgrade Paths: -3 Craftable Resistances. -Corrupted 4% implicit block Anvil -> 25% spell block Rainbowstrides -> 60% spell block Rathpith (76/75 block/spell block) -6L Cloak of Defiance -> Level 4 Enhance (lolnoway)
My Build
Level 91
Ended up dropping Three Dragons+static blows. It can be pretty strong in groups, but I cannot shock most bosses with it. For general clearing I would add it back in along with the witch aoe nodes, at the expense of some block. OAK - ALIRA - SKILL POINT
At this point in time it is extremely unlikely that I will get a 6link before I stop playing this character. If I do get lucky however, a level 4 enhance is the best option by a large margin. More realistic options include increased duration and added chaos, but enhance (3) looks to still trump the others in most scenarios. My reasoning: It is not likely that I will be stacking 11+ firestorms on a single boss as most things either move, or die before reaching that point. Enhance not only adds dps comparable to added chaos, but also makes hits more consistent. ELE WEAKNESS DISCIPLINE/PURITY OF LIGHTNING - CLARITY - REDUCED MANA LEAP SLAM - FASTER ATTACKS - ARCTIC ARMOUR TEMPEST SHIELD - LIFE LEECH/PURITY OF FIRE - MANA LEECH - REDUCED MANA ENDURING CRY - VAAL HASTE - INCREASED DURATION - ECHO/CONVERSION TRAP Having a 23+ second converaion can be pretty funny in some scenarios (energy shield mobs granting over 9000 mana, storm heralds, totems, etc). However it is not useful enough to earn a permanent position on my skill bar when you clear faster by just holding down one button. Vaal Molten Shell can grant an insane damage+survivability boost. Vaal Storm Call is up very often and is a solid boost to general clearspeed. I chose Vaal Haste as sort of the middle ground, currently at 16 second duration which isn't too shabby. CAST WHEN DAMAGE TAKEN/IMMORTAL CALL (manual) - ENDURING CRY - INCREASED DURATION - IMMORTAL CALL (level 8)
Notable Stats and Build Achievements
Currently at:
~4.4k life ~1.2k unreserved mana (700 with double purity) ~340 mana regen (300 with double purity) ~1.1K firestorm tooltip 3.7 casts per second 62/74 block/spell block Completed: -Apex of Sacrifice -Death and Taxes -Olmec's Sanctum -Mao Kun -All regular map bosses Uncompleted: -Poorjoy's Asylum I am done with this character for now. Firestorm is pretty fun and I may try other build variations in the future, crit specifically.
109 Points 3.9k incinerate tooltip with gmp 13.5 casts per second Overall feels stronger than firestorm, but something about it makes me feel sleepy...Probably not enough screen shake l0l. Despite incinerate dealing boatloads more damage, I am strongly considering switching back to firestorm. May upload an atziri vid of this character, but it feels pretty sketchy solo. Helping other players kill her I have died twice due to running out of flasks during split phase, whereas I almost never even use my flasks while playing firestorm. Tl;dr firestorm safest build I have played in my life. Not set up properly for incinerate. Getting stunned is especially annoying, so I will probably spec into the casting interuption nodes and see how that feels. My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1629242 Last edited by Seinfire#2745 on Nov 16, 2014, 2:06:27 AM
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Why would you use Cybil's paw? even at 70% block you have a mediocre wand. Seems kinda silly considering at best its like 90% spell damage and 12% cast speed. You can buy a much better wand than that for 1 chaos if I'm not missing some glaringly obvious thing.
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Most probably its about healing. Cybils is mediocre dps but extreme healing esp in dual setup
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On top of my other defenses Cybil's is noticeable healing, but not nearly as much with some other spells (incinerate/ball lightning).
I agree that it is not ideal with this build, but the claw was cheap and I am not really concerned about minor upgrades at this point. There is also the matter of mobility to consider. Lightning warp is not an option as the travel time is increased by my duration nodes. My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1629242
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Bump for interest.
My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1629242
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I'm curious about your build but I can't seem to get it to open. I keep getting an error: "Failed to load build from URL. Please make sure it was copied correctly"
I just right clicked and copy and pasted. Haven't seen that error before today. |
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Tree should be fixed now.
My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1629242
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ive built my own firestormer - currently 71 - and im yet to start picking up damage but i run 70 maps comfortably with.. 2400hp
i use two mechanics: 3Dragons + Added Lightning (quality) for 10% chance to shock. this means pretty much everything is shocked all the time - 50% MORE damage and Curse on Hit with another copy of firestorm applying Assassins Mark and Flamability (or Warlords mark) - way of feeding Power Charges as ive decided to go ~25% crit, because why not With 1% life leech from belt it is enough for me to survive no problems (And die from time to time to Thena Moga and her sick degen) small difference - i replaced Fire penetration with Incereased duration. now my Firestorm has ~3.6sec duration and damage it deals is INCREDIBLE.. |
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Gonna give an RF variant of this a go - this league has very much been a time of RF experimentation, and I don't wanna put the gems to waste. Will report back with results.
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In your recommendations for a firestorm build you say to pick up some aoe nodes in the tree. this will effectively increase your clear speed for trash mobs but at the same time lower the single target dps. In your passive tree you didn't pick up any aoe. Would you recommend doing this if you were to make a new build? |
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