[1.2.0] Strength-Crit Reave Block Tank 8k+ HP, 50k-180k+ DPS. [1.3.0=RIP]
Rest in Peace. It was a lot of fun to play.
Update 1.3.0 Killed This Build
![]() “Stand your ground, child, keep your senses. The pain is fleeting, but victory is forever.” - Unwavering Stance *Average party dps without charges or Conduit is over 50k. Goes higher or lower depending on party composition. Solo self-buff DPS is 33k without DPS-Aura's.
Let me just do a quick gear-swap
Full size image
![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARPG’s for me usually mean one thing: Balls-deep Melee Carnage. This is an unequivocally perilous paradigm so being a tank is nothing short of mandatory. I always find myself drawn to melee gameplay because of its intimate and engaging (and to an extent, unforgiving) nature. This build combines exciting gameplay with tactics and precision in order to smite hordes of mobs, all whilst feeling like an absolute Juggernaut. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO(S): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atziri Kill 1080p - Double Flameblast tanked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD GOALS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since I washed ashore in the Twilight Strand that first time I’ve been attempting to find or create a melee build that was enjoyable and viable. I theory-crafted this character with the following goals in mind:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MECHANICS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Blocking an attack (or spell) prevents all damage and harmful effects including status ailments.” Given the current balance of the game I find that block chance is easily one of the best defensive options available to melee builds. It provides exceptionally strong eHP (see below) for the investment required. This allows more flexibility in the allocation of passive points.
With a capped block chance, 75% of all attack damage is mitigated completely. Spell damage is mitigated by 38% chance to block spells, high elemental resistances and in some cases, Immortal Call.
Once you start getting into Path of Exile’s end-game you may hear players discussing “Effective Health Points” or “eHP”. Basically this refers to methods one can use to increase the survivability of their character beyond stacking more and more Life or Energy Shield (which may already be done to the greatest extent possible). Some examples include: Mind-Over-Matter, High Life Leech, Instant Life Leech, High Regeneration, High Max Resistances, High Life/ES Pool, Block, Armour/Evasion/Dodge. Although such a high percentage of incoming damage is completely or drastically mitigated, occasionally some big hits or a succession of hits will penetrate the defences. For this reason it is necessary to have quite a high Maximum Life total in addition to high Maximum Resistances. The more HP you have the harder it will be for you to be the victim of a 1-hit Knock-out/Instagibbed etc (one of the very few weaknesses an Aegis build has – if you know of any 6L Aegis builds with >8k HP let me know ASAP) With 8296 HP and a 20/20 Blood Rage I can leech life at a rate of 1659 HP/s (20% - The rate all Life Leech defaults to) so even large hits to my life pool are being healed exceptionally fast. For extreme circumstances or intensive physical damage reflection I have made sure I have an Immortal Call which lasts longer than 5 seconds. Potential recovery during Immortal Call = 20% per second x 5 seconds = 100% of Maximum Life recovered. During this time all of my other forms of damage mitigation are still 100% active. The result is a character which is neck-deep in dangerous situations yet incredibly survivable. One thing to be aware of is that you need to deal enough Physical-Damage-Per-Second (pDPS) to stay above the leech cap. With 10% physical life leech you need to deal at least 200% of your Maximum Life as pDPS. Basically your pDPS*Life Leech needs to be greater than 20% of your Maximum Life. Some attempt, at least, must be made to maintain a balance between offence and defence. To facilitate the use of Blood Rage it is necessary to have some resistance to Chaos Damage, as well as some Life Regeneration from passives, and if necessary, Auras. I currently regenerate 524.5 HP/s which is equal to roughly 6.3% of my maximum life. This is enough to sustain Blood Rage whilst cursed with Vulnerability but not quite enough when subjected to Half-Regen (only degenerate a few HP/s now). With Blood Rage off I regenerate 100% of my maximum life every 15.82 seconds. UNWAVERING STANCE – Cannot Evade enemy Attacks, Cannot be Stunned: This keystone deserves its own subsection. Quite simply, being immune to stuns is one of the most powerful survivability mechanics in the entire game. Getting desynchronised from stuns will always always fuck your shit one day. Shit just happens and being stunned whilst it’s happening can only make it so much worse. When you need it most (big hits and dangerous fights) Unwavering Stance allows you to stand your ground, back yourself and fight tactically. The alternative is running (like a bitch), or recognising you are stun-locked and out-of-sync and logging off (like a bitch). To reiterate, when you need it most stun-immunity will enable you to win with skill, rather than lose with desync. Unwavering Stance also prevents the block animation from playing due to hits that would have stunned. It should be noted that I did not allocate Unwavering Stance until my late 80’s, levelling with CWDT + Firestorm + Blind (or later on Tempest Shield + Blind) was simply too strong. Even with such high HP certain bosses could still stun me. Fortunately the Unwavering Stance Keystone is a perfect fit for the theme of this character and build. Despite not wanting any Keystone Passives allocated I couldn’t be happier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSIVE TREE(S): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 100 Tree The Unofficial Offline Skilltree Calculator was used throughout all stages of character development to optimise the build. I would highly recommend its use to all players.
With Elemental Adaptation so close it would be really nice to take it, but I cannot decide what would be worth dropping in order to reach it. I can drop one +30 Intelligence node but still need to find one more point somehow.
With recent buffs to Marauder area, starting as a Marauder is possibly more efficient depending on itemization. I plan to do some variant skill tree's later on. Also, I anticipate Duelist's getting a buff soon, so they may be a viable/optimal choice for this build in the future. Variants Coming Soon
Level 100 Tree v1.1.5
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Normal: Oak, for Life.
Cruel: Oak, for physical damage. Merciless: Skill, or Alira for Power Charge if you can generate them reliably or always play with a Conduit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER SHEET INFORMATION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet information displays my TOWN DPS. Party DPS goes over 50k even with Added Fire swapped for Blood Magic (to prevent desync mana issues). Defence Tab shows my overcapped resistances and Life Regeneration with Vitality.
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Incredibly survivable. High eHP Solo’s really well. Handles all map mods Scales really well in groups, getting massive benefits from party DPS auras Easy to gear defensively. You can wear just about anything that will give you the right socket colours Generates flask charges quickly and easily STUN IMMUNITY Weaknesses: Melee (as much as GGG might hate to admit it, this is undeniably 100% a weakness) Low DPS output compared to most builds. It outperforms most Soul Taker-Aegis Aurora Characters that I know of, them being one of the most comparable builds I can think of. Harder to gear offensively (see Dagger below) Starved of Intelligence. Needs a tier-1 Intelligence roll on at least one piece of gear in order to use certain gems at level 20+ Since you still want to leech as much HP as possible between missed blocks, anything that inhibits leech rate or regeneration can prove to be troublesome. Half-Regen is the most annoying currently since I can’t quite sustain Blood Rage yet, and I need a Blood Magic gem for Reave In no-regen I turn off Vitality and use a Life-Leech gem in Reave. No mana problems Blind! Getting blinded is devastating; your accuracy will be rubbish -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKILLS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With 120% of mana reserved (before Reduced Mana) Blood Magic Gems provide nearly free use of all utility skills leaving all mana as fuel for Reave.
Reave + Multistrike + Melee Physical Damage + Additional Accuracy + Increased Critical Damage + Added Fire/Blood Magic - Primary DPS skill for AOE and Single-Target. Blood Magic is used in parties for ease of use and to prevent running out of mana due to latency/desync.
Gem Choices
Listed above in order of priority.
Multistrike: Across any build, I believe Multistrike to be Reave's only truly mandatory support gem, gameplay without it is simply painful. Melee Physical Damage: All my damage and leech scales off of physical damage. Additional Accuracy: Accuracy nodes from the passive tree have the opportunity cost of HP, Block, or base DPS, therefore they are not very competitive/desirable. Since we need to get Accuracy somewhere this support gem is amazing. Not only does it have 0 Mana Cost Multiplier (keeping Reave cheap), the quality bonus gives me more chance to score a critical strike. Having >90% chance to hit ensures I am almost always leeching mana. Increased Critical Damage: With a lack of Critical Strike Multiplier from passive tree or gear this gem provides much needed scaling to my critical strikes. Added Fire Damage: This is basically the highest-dps Strength (Red) support gem available at this point. It adds more than 39% of physical damage as fire, this is huge. A red socket helps to preserve supports when Blood Magic is needed. Blood Magic: This gem is used for maps with Half-Regen, and in parties for ease of use. Min/Maxing my DPS in parties is mostly irrelevant because there will usually be a Low-Life build doing most of the heavy lifting. Life Leech: Useful in very difficult maps with No Regeneration. Replace Added Fire/Blood Magic and turn off the Vitality Aura. Double Strike: If needed Double Strike can be gem-swapped with Reave for pure single-target DPS. Optional Gems: Concentrated Effect: I dislike it for both the reduced area of effect, and the increased mana cost multiplier. I'm not sure if it's a bug with some of Reave's code but sometimes you won't actually path close enough to hit monsters with it. (This can be seen happening in my Atziri Kill Video). Having a smaller area of effect will mostly serve to exacerbate this issue. Increased Area of Effect: An absolutely lovely support gem if you already have nice DPS on Reave. Clear speed on end-game builds usually comes down to mobility and area of effect (not necessarily DPS). At this stage I consider this gem a luxury I cannot afford. Faster Attacks: Synergises extremely well with Multistrike and building Reave stacks. Boosts sheet-DPS greatly but also increases mana-cost-per-second greatly. Power Charge on Critical: A fantastic support gem. When supporting Reave it will ensure almost 100% uptime of maximum Power Charges. However, the only support gem it can hope to replace is Additional Accuracy if enough accuracy is acquired on gear, even then its hard to compete. (Chance to Crit = Chance to Hit * Chance to Crit * Chance to Hit) Accuracy is weighted pretty heavily in Attack-Crit builds so I prefer to make use of this gem with a secondary/utility skill like Whirling Blades or Flicker Strike. Added Lightning Damage: A more potent support gem than cursory inspection may lead you to believe. It will drastically improve capacity to shock monsters. The competitiveness of this gem is heavily mitigated by getting Lightning Damage on gear, being affected by the Wrath Aura, and the Mana Cost Multiplier/general utility (red socket vs blue socket) in comparison to Added Fire Damage. Increased Critical Strikes: Cheap, but rubbish. Made completely obsolete by Power Charge on Critical (see above). Most other support gems are hardly worth consideration. If I have forgotten any, or you feel this is not the case let me know ASAP! [Gloves] Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Power Charge on Critical + Blood Magic - Primary mobility skill. Useful for generating power charges on the move and leeching mana if needed. [Dagger] Flicker Strike + Blood Magic - Secondary mobility skill. Useful for quickly snapping to next pack/overcoming stairs/walls/fences. Additionally, it forces synchronisation to an extent so utility is high. Blood Rage + Blood Magic - Primary Source of Life Leech. Huge boost to eHP. Frenzy charges are a nice bonus. [Helmet] Enfeeble + Critical Weakness + Enduring Cry + Blood Magic - Utility Spells. Enduring Cry helps improve damage reduction and fuel Immortal Call. [Shield] Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Cast When Damage Taken - Utility buff. Completely trivialises reflected damage, undying evangelists, and Atziri Trio. [Boots] Purity of Fire + Purity of Lightning + Vitality + Reduced Mana - The hardest bosses in the game deal Fire and/or Lightning Damage. Vitality makes running Blood Rage easier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the exception of Dagger, Chest, and Atziri Gloves, all gear was found/purchased for under 10 exalted.
Those 3-off-colour shields though.
Full Gear Costings
Dagger: 210 Exalted 2nd-hand (Standard League). My previous Dagger was bought for 9 Exalted (Domination League) and carried me to level 98. Bino's is a solid option also.
Chest: 20 Chaos. 6-Socketed in 479 Jewellers. 6-Linked in 117 Fusing. (Domination League) Helmet: 3 Exalted. (Standard League) Gloves: 10 Chaos. (Domination League) Boots: 2 Exalted. (Domination League) Shield: Found. (Domination League) Belt: 8 Chaos. (Standard League) Ring: 6 Chaos - Diamond Ring. (Domination League) Ring: 2 Exalted - Amethyst Ring. (Domination League, friend alched it, insta-bought) Amulet: Found. (Domination League) Atziri's Acuity: 99 Exalted. (Standard League pre-merge) Rathpith Globe: Found. (Standard League) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASKS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am of the opinion that choosing the right flasks is of critical importance. I put a lot of thought into precisely which affixes I wanted to roll on each one. Using Surgeon’s flasks was one of the first established elements when I was theory-crafting this character.
Flask #3 changes between Ruby/Sapphire based on map mods. In exceptional circumstances I will drop the Quicksilver in favour of having all three elemental flasks. Atziri-Specific: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMIZATION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most gear choices are extremely straightforward: Find the highest Life/Strength items with the resists you need, preferably on a base which will be easy to roll the correct colours on. As far as potential Maximum Life goes I am only missing tier-1 Life and Strength on a few items so at best I can squeeze out maybe a few hundred HP more. I doubt I can break 9k HP with current Passive Tree. I have more or less achieved a gear level where upgrades are only available through (self) crafting.
As you can probably see from my gear I have both Life and Strength together in almost every slot. Getting high Strength on gear not only provides flat Life bonuses but also increases my melee damage output. On just about any given item Strength + Life + Two Resists far surpasses Life + Three Resists, since most people seem to fap over their Tri-Res items you can grab some amazing deals on gg gear. Sol Thread Leather Belt cost 8 Chaos. LOL.
Amulet and Shield: (only slots with unique items currently) - Block, Spell-block, HP, Resists Per build goals I originally wanted to use zero unique items. After playing this build extensively I have concluded that Stone of Lazhwar is the best possible amulet for survivability and is irreplaceable. A crafted Vaal Buckler can compete with Crest of Perandus but the cost/benefit payoff is on the low-end. The ideal Vaal Buckler would have 38% Block Chance, 99 HP, 30% Chaos Res, and either 50 Dexterity (Accuracy) or +16% to All Elemental Resistances (Or a Lightning Resist roll to replace Crest of Perandus). The two remaining prefixes are inconsequential due to a Pure-Evasion Shield and my Unwavering Stance Keystone. Typing this up has made me realise that crafting a passable Vaal Buckler might not actually be too difficult (Regal of Destiny). Getting 30% Chaos Resistance outweighs the 1% chance to block attacks I would lose (1% overcapped currently). However, if I am able to corrupt 4% Chance to Block Spells implict onto an 80HP Crest of Perandus a rare shield cannot compete. Depending on personal preference Rathpith Globe is also potentially irreplaceable. In addition to my dim view of Aegis Aurora, the idea of stacking block and armour did not appeal to me, and does little-to-nothing to protect me from me massive hits. Palace Dominus Touch-of-God can be tanked (after getting past block). Weapon: - Damage, Crit, Attack Speed Loath Bane Ambusher is the highest DPS dagger in all of Path of Exile currently. It provides excellent mobility, great critical strike chance, and makes reflect more manageable vs a dagger like Dragon Hunger Platinum Kris. The high attack speed helps build Reave stacks quickly to maximise area-of-effect. I chose Critical Strikes over Resolute Technique because Critical Strikes scale easier at end-game, also being able to recharge flasks over the duration of an engagement is not to be scoffed at. Synergy in groups is not to be discounted either. Critical Weakness is a very strong curse for groups, often the optimal curse. In groups I will shock, freeze, and ignite most mobs. Helmet: - HP, Resists, Mana Really difficult to improve on current helmet whilst I can sustain 6L Reave on mana, the most significant improvement would be getting tier-1 HP vs current top roll tier-2 HP, and tier-1 Chaos Resistance vs current bottom roll tier-2 Chaos Resistance. The flat max mana really helps to sustain my attacks. An Increased Item Rarity roll would be preferable to the existing % Increased Armour and Energy Shield. Don’t ask me why but I simply hate BoR. Fortunately it isn’t very competitive in this build because we want overcapped resistances and Unwavering Stance, smell ya later! Chest: - HP, Strength, Resists Tier-1 Life and Strength above all else. Astral Base for the extra resistances, we want to make sure we don’t need any resists on rings. With no fire resistance on rings I am still overcapped by 1%, it’s possible that I may decide to scour my chest and roll higher tier resistances. I have an imprint of my chest without the 47% Armour roll (Eternal’d for Challenge League) so it can still roll two tier-1 armour affixes. I may do this eventually but the cost/benefit payoff is pretty low. I do need to Divine the Life rolls higher eventually though. A Belly of the Beast is also a pretty solid option (provides more life than my chest depending on the roll) but I want to avoid unique items as much as possible. Gloves: - HP, Strength, Resists Same deal as chest. Tier-1 Life and Strength are the first priority, then whatever resistances you need. Hybrid bases are the easiest to roll colours on. The two best prefixes after Life? Probably some combination of rarity/physical/lightning damage. Boots: - HP, Strength, Resists, Movespeed Top-tier Life and Strength (see the pattern?). Get the resistances you need and as high movespeed as possible. Increased Item Rarity is quite a nice option for the final prefix (unless you really really want armour rolls to maximise all possible damage reduction) Belt: - HP, Strength, Resists, Weapon Elemental Damage Leather Base. Tier-1 Life and Strength. Two Resistances you need. The two remaining prefixes are Weapon Elemental Damage and Armour (or Flask Life Recovery Rate, ew) The belt is actually a really strong slot providing more maximum life than my chest, and some impressive DPS from the Strength and Weapon Elemental Damage affixes. My current belt can still roll tier-1 Weapon Elemental Damage but I am in the process of crafting the perfect belt for this build so why do it twice? (Unleashing is also really hard to land, even on last open affix) Rings: - HP, Strength, Intelligence, Mana Leech, Accuracy, Damage, Chaos Resistance The area I have allowed myself the most flexibility in itemization is jewellery, thus there are many viable alternatives. One of the core themes in my itemization is attempting to balance offence and defence (strength, critical strikes, life, block) so the ideal rings come as a pair. One Diamond base (offence-centric ring), one Coral base (defence-centric ring). Diamond Ring has: HP, Lightning Damage, Weapon Elemental Damage, Strength, Accuracy, Attack Speed/All Attributes Coral Ring has: HP, 2% Mana Leech, WED/Lightning Damage, 50 Intelligence (Gems), Accuracy, Chaos Resistance Getting Lightning damage on gear allows you to shock monsters without relying on the Wrath Aura. Weapon Elemental Damage will scale party DPS like crazy. Getting sufficient accuracy on gear may allow me to substitute the Additional Accuracy gem in my Reave for Power Charge on Critical. Alternatively I could substitute Additional Accuracy for Faster Attacks and Added Fire for Blood Magic and gain an additional prefix on the defence ring and never need to gem-swap for half-regen maps. I don’t think I would gain enough attack speed to justify the loss of Added Fire though. If I decide that the Additional Accuracy gem is going to stay forever and ever those two Accuracy suffixes might be better utilised as Attack Speed/All Attributes/Strength rolls. It’s difficult to determine this, or at least I’ve been too lazy to thus far (also a function of not being prepared to craft these bad-boys which is what I’ll be required to do). Currently there are no Diamond Rings on the market which surpass mine, same story for my Amethyst Ring/Coral Ring. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY & TACTICS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming Soon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVES: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaleat's 1H+Shield Block Reave/Cyclone Duelist - Has not been updated for level 100 yet (See 2nd post for level 99) Kaleav and I mapped together quite a bit before we both hit level 100. I took great interest in his build because it achieves a lot of the same goals I set for my character, but arguably better. Works extremely well on a budget. Oos' Crit Dagger Capped Block Ranger (Reave / Flicker / Double Strike) Acrobatics or IR Despite radically different passive skill tree's there are many parallels between our builds. I would recommend this as a higher-DPS alternative to my build. You get a lot less HP and resistances but you gain more damage mitigation mechanisms (Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics). With lower Maximum Life and no stun immunity, I personally, would expect to have a harder time reaching level 100 with this build (and "balls-deep" play-style). Soul Reaver 328k dps Reave CI crit shadow Updated 1.10!! A Chaos Innoculation very high-DPS Crit-Reave. Instant leech provides most of the eHP in this build. Recommended for higher gear levels than mine. IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle. You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta. Last edited by Ashen_Shugar_IV#4253 on Aug 13, 2015, 11:23:16 PM
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To-Do List:
Blood Rage section - couldn't even run blood rage until very late-game (with old passive tree)
Gameplay and tactics Q&A Section. Block builds without Aegis etc. Maybe add some gameplay videos too Levelling guide/How to level as this build and why I chose Scion. GORGE RUNS?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contains Character Progression from 95-100 as well as some notes. Definitely worth a look if the build interests you. I will eventually get around to having all pertinent information under relevant headings but for now the Notes Sections of the Archive contains some good miscellaneous information.
Level 95
Weapon Swap:
Main Five: Full Roster:
Town Character Sheet
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*I use Saffells for some bosses depending on party configuration. *Character sheet accuracy is vs (theoretical) level 95 mobs. In 78 maps that chance to hit is around 92%? Can't remember. *Switch out Flasks 3,4 based on map mods. *I probably don't need that Granite Flask on my belt any longer, it would be better to swap it for a Ruby/Sapphire/Diamond Flask. *Currently have Scion's "Shaper" Regen node in favour of Duellist's "Fencing" node because it allows me to drop Vitality and still sustain blood rage. I am still using Vitality in Vulnerability maps to fully sustain Blood Rage. With more chaos resistance I can drop those three nodes for "Fencing" and 0.4% Regen from Duelist. *Except for my dagger and chest this char has been really cheap and easy to gear. *5 second Immortal Call with 3 Endurance Charges and Level 2 Enhance. Makes reflect almost a non-issue (Can crit cursed packs safely with full AOE) unless its double/triple phys + vuln, in those cases I sometimes swap Increased Critical Damage for Power Charge on Crit or let my party carry me a little ;) *Despite 20/20 Added Fire in my Reave, "Lava Lash" is not a good node. *Can swap Reave for Double Strike for single-target DPS. *Weapon Swap Sword ideally has highest possible speed for Leap Slam. *Levelling various gems in weapon-swap. Ideally Leap Slam would be supported by 20/20 Faster Attacks and Blood Magic also. *Levelling without Unwavering Stance and using a blind gem is so OP. I used to use level 1 CWDT + Firestorm + Levelled Blind, you had to be careful of Lightning Thorns but other than that stuff would just never hit you. Unwavering Stance provides much more safety in maps though (desync etc). *Can reserve 120% of Mana. Running Hatred + Wrath would yield excellent dps due to shock stacks. I normally rely on my party to run those auras so I can keep my Purity's. Using Abyssus + a decent crit mult amulet more than doubles my town dps.
Skill-bar Configuration
Updated for v 1.10
Weapon Swap:
Passive Tree(s)
Town Character Sheet
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Sometimes I change my aura's and/or use Abyssus + Amulet for Dominus runs or to more than triple my solo DPS (with substantial risk, of course). They are linked above. I no longer use a Granite Flask at all, an elemental flask is much preferred. Change in flask loadout has nothing to do with the increases to armour I received (see below). Eternal/Exalted my chest to complete a challenge. I can still attempt to craft top-tier armour rolls if I so wish. (Unnecessary, definitely won't be doing this) Overall I got nerfed not-insignificantly. If I recall the pre-1.10 passive tree correctly a quick comparison at level 100 would yield: 1% additional chance to block attacks (0.5% chance to block spells) 1% additional life regenerated per second 5% less critical strike multiplier (Marauder's "Cruelty" notable passive) 5% less Increased Melee Physical Damage (Scion's starting node) 2% less Maximum Elemental Resistances 18% less Increased Maximum Life (Nerf to Scion HP Wheel and slightly different pathing) 46% Increased Armour Gained "Bloodless" - enemies cannot leech life from me Lost "Blood Drinker" - 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life Gained +30 flat base maximum life somehow To conclude: Quite pleased with the extra percentage life-regeneration since I no longer need to run Vitality for Vulnerability maps. Elemental Adaptation is now completely out of reach/impractical. There are more HP nodes available in the new tree but the nerf to Scion's HP wheel more than counteract this. (Can no longer make it to Templar's "Holy Strength" HP cluster at level 100) Gains in armour go largely unnoticed since my base armour rating is so low.
Updated for level 98 + Atziri Farm v1.1.4b
Part 1 - 1080p
https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=UOshLNK9a_E&vq=hd1080 Part 2 - 1080p https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BBmpZvBR1hk&vq=hd1080
Atziri Specific: Leap through Apex:
Character Sheet Info
Regular Gear
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Atziri Gear
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Double Vaal is quite straightforward. Atziri Trio is challenging and unforgiving of mistakes. I've found the easiest order of operations for me is to kill the Cycloner > Rain of Arrows > Dual Striker. Immortal Call makes the entire fight pretty easy (my Immortal Call setup is currently specific to mapping) Atziri: Queen of the Vaal I use Abyssus + Temporal Chains Totem to kill the minions during the Atziri healing phase more easily. Rathpith Globe gives me a little extra spellblock whilst I try to test face-tanking her split phase (need specific flasks + Blood Rage). It would be nice to have the same gem configuration in both my shields, but I don't see the value in trying to get a GGR Rathpith Globe at this time. I swap my Quicksilver flask for an additional HP flask for Atziri's split phase.
Skill-bar Configuration
![]() Atziri: ![]()
Atziri Kill Log
Kill #01: Atziri's Step Slink Boots
Kill #02: Doryani's Invitation Heavy Belt (Fire) Kill #03: Doryani's Invitation Heavy Belt (Cold) Kill #04: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask, White Sacrificial Garb Kill #05: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask, Mortal Rage Kill #06: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask Kill #07: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask Kill #08: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask, Mortal Ignorance Kill #09: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask, White Sacrificial Garb Kill #10: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask, White Sacrificial Garb Kill #11: Atziri's Step Slink Boots Kill #12: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask Kill #13: Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask Kill #14: Still farming my own Midnight's because I simply do not wish to buy them at this time. (Not going to be updating this very often - if ever :P)
Updated for Level 99 v1.1.4b
Atziri Kill - 1080p
Atziri Specific:
Character Sheet Info
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Currently prefer "Born to Fight" from Marauder to the extra 6% HP node I can reach. The dps increase is quite nice and the Sword/HP node only gives me 60 extra HP.
Character Sheet information displays my TOWN DPS. Party DPS goes over 50k even with Added Fire swapped for Blood Magic (to prevent desync mana issues). Defence Tab shows my overcapped resistances and Life Regeneration with Vitality. *See Notes Section(s) from Archive for more detailed information. IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle. You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta. Last edited by Ashen_Shugar_IV#4253 on Aug 1, 2014, 12:52:15 AM
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"running like a bitch" or "logging off like a bitch"
try adding "playing on softcore like a bitch" |
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The current 1.3.0 passive tree completely bricks this build. Any attempt to salvage it results in a mere shadow of its former state.
Quick overview: Extremely hard to cap block at 75%, doing so would result in sacrificing roughly 1k HP and/or significant damage output. Significant levels of Crit-chance and Crit-multi no longer exist. Not going to do a detailed breakdown here but the build is currently FUBAR. 1.1.0: Got nerfed. Managed to adapt and survive. (This is Wraeclast after all) 1.2.0: Got nerfed even harder. Lost HP, DPS, Block, and Intelligence. Overall passive allocation was much more inefficient. Again, I managed to resurrect the build. 1.3.0: Build is FUBAR. 100% beyond redemption or salvation. I'll try to throw in a 1.2.0 update later in the week. IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle. You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta. Last edited by Ashen_Shugar_IV#4253 on Dec 3, 2014, 11:36:23 PM
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