Eyeburn's guide to Echo Incinerate

Hello, my name is Eyeburn and in the Ambush 4 month league I have had a lot of success with my recent incinerate build.

I wanted to incorporate a fair amount of life regeneration into this build as degens bypass all layers of defense. I also tried to add as much health as I could while making the build affordable. This build is not an all out dps glasscannon.

This build uses a combination of high block, AA, and mind over matter for defensive purposes.

(This is my very first guide, so if there is anything confusing let me know.)


+ Works great with around ~5ex in gear(Ambush). 6l or quality gems not required but are beneficial.
+ Easy access to spec into and out of the Mind over Matter keystone. This allows more flexible chest armour choices.
+ Great for solo play.
+ Mediocre life regeneration for minor degens/chaos/DoT.
+ Life leech Tempest and anvil act like an Aegis Auroa. Small hits give this build free sustain.
+ Elemental Reflect is of no concern with Arctic Armour.
- This build is vulnerable to high damage hits and crits.
- Corrupted blood stacks instantly, always bring a bleed flask.
- DPS falls off in 6 player parties due to the increased monster life.
- May have difficulty with extremely high hp bosses. (sorry, I havn't killed atziri with this build yet. Infact, I havn't even attempted this, maybe in the future.)
- Incinerate has a short range, and this build does not pick up ballistic mastery.
- This build has very little dex, so dex from gear is required to use a lv 20 lmp.
- This build has very little armour and evasion.

Required Items

Base -> Es or Es/armour
Look for high life rolls along with resistances.

Base -> Es or Es/armour or armour
Look for high life rolls along with resistances. Dex is also welcome.

Base -> Leather belt or Heavy belt
Look for high life rolls along with resistances.

Weapon: Cybil's Paw
This item translates into 90% spell damage due to 75 block. Also this item paired with a few other things allows us to use incinerate without life leech therefore freeing up a support gem slot for more dps.

Shield: Rathpith Globe, Boots: Rainbowstride
These two items will give you the spellblock required to survive against the dreaded lightning thorns. Only use rainbowstride if spellblock roll on Rathpith is low, otherwise use a life/movespeed/res es boots

Amulet: Stone of Lazwar or Anvil

Always have 40%+ mana regeneration, life, resistances.
Optional dex, mana/es

Armour: Armour has its own section as there are many choices to choose from with various degrees of synergy with this build. This section addresses the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is up to the player to choose which chest to use.

Armour choices

Cloak of Defiance:
+ Big boost to mana and mana regeneration
+ The only chest where the build does not have to spend passive points in the Mind over Matter keystone. These 4 passive points can be used elsewhere such as life for example.
+ Improved Mind over Matter

- No Life or resistances by itself

Infernal Mantle:
+ Big boost to mana
+ DPS oriented chest as it has +1 to fire gems and a healthy amount of spell damage

+/- Converts more fire damage to chaos. On the top side the build will leech more with atziri's flask, but downside is that there is no curse available to reduce chaos resistance.

- Known as a troll mantle for a reason, most likely the build will only run minimum amounts of auras to keep mana high or use a different gear setup to make this chest viable.
- No life or resistances

Lightning Coil:
+ Physical damage will be a laughing matter in most situations with the 40% damage converted to lightning.

- Negative lightning resistance forces the build to run purity of lightning at all times.
- Will be a nightmare getting 4 or more off color sockets

Tabula Rasa:
+ Extremely cheap 6 link that does not need chromatics.

- No life or resistance
- No other beneficial stats.... unless lucky with corrupting one

Other ES based chest:
+ Can choose from a wide variety of mods
+ Possible to give even more mana than any of the unique chest armours.

- Can be very expensive if the es is high as it is popular with CI builds.

Skill Links

---- Main Skill ----
Incinerate - LMP - Spell Echo - Faster Casting - Added Chaos
6th link can be fire pen or quality added lightning for shock stacks.

---- Auras ----
Tempest Shield + Life Leech + Reduced mana + clarity

Discipline - In the beginning you would want to run this to give you enough mana regen to sustain AA and incinerate. Once you have enough mana regen without it you may switch to other auras.

Purity - If you require additional resistances under elemental weakness or max resists against bosses.

Haste - Faster clear speed

---- Support ----
Whirling blades + faster attacks(enhance) and/or Lightning Warp + reduced duration(fast cast)

Arctic Armour(enhance/empower)

Vaal Haste + Increase duration

Elemental Weakness(increase duration)

Map Mods

For the most part all maps are doable except for no regen. Some of them are definitely harder than others so here is a list of them with a difficulty rating. (my opinion)
1 star walk in the park, 5 star RIP map
No Regeneration: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
Pretty much a RIP map of this build. This map takes away the heart and soul of this build and makes clearing this map next to impossible.

Bloodmagic: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆⋆
Surprisingly enough this map is possible to do unlike with other incinerate builds because this build has enough life regeneration to support a 5l incinerate without hitting anything. This map is still going to be difficult since any aura the build activates reserves life so it is recommended to go aura-less. AA and MoM are useless in this map and requires planning beforehand to run it successfully. Low level maps shouldn't be too much of a problem, however the high level maps would be extremely difficult. Life leech will be needed as a support gem on incinerate here.

Half Regeneration: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆⋆
This build needs a ton of mana regeneration here since any it does have is cut in half. This map needs planning beforehand such as using a lower level AA, using mana leech on incinerate, and making sure both discipline and clarity are up. Problems arise if the player's current gear setup has trouble keeping up with mana under normal circumstances before entering the map.

Lowered Maximum Resistances: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆
Be wary of the amount of damage spell casters can do in this map especially if the boss is also a caster.

Players are cursed with Vulnerability: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆
Stay out of the way of walls of charging rhoas and/or goatmen; they will hurt, alot. This is a bad mod to have if the boss is physical. Stunlocks everywhere if unwavering is not picked up.

Monsters deal X additional damage: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆
Adds to one of the builds weaknesses of being vulnerable to big hits. By itself not too bad, but it gets worse if paired with vulnerability or lower max resist.

Players are cursed with Temporal Chains: Difficulty - ⋆⋆⋆
This mod will affect the players reaction time to dodge bosses and kite. Vall might not have much trouble hitting all 3 of his lasers on the player if the player is not careful.

Enemies fire x additional projectiles: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
Do not let a pack of Birdmen consume corpses. They hurt a ton if they launch a gmp corpse projectile at the player at short range. Otherwise an easy map.

Players are Cursed with Elemental Weakness: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
Not hard, just run purity.

Patches of Desecrated ground: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
The build has low chaos res, but okay life regen. Depending on the level of the map the player may or may not take damage while standing in it, but it is very little.

Area has many Totems: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
Many buffs for the mobs, but for the most part very easy. Kill the totem straight away if a totem is next to a map boss.

Players are cursed with Enfeeble: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
The map boss will be alive much longer, and clear speed will be slower.

Enemies move/attack/cast faster: Difficulty - ⋆⋆
Only dangerous on bosses for the most part.

Enemies cannot be cursed: Difficulty - ⋆
Cannot use enfeeble to reduce monster damage.

Patches of Shocked ground: Difficulty - ⋆
Easy to not stand in it, just don't get caught in it in front of a mob.

Elemental Reflect: Difficulty - ⋆
This build is immune even to double reflect thanks to AA.

Patches of Burning Ground Difficulty - ⋆
Same as desecrated ground except the player will take no damage thanks to resistances and life regeneration.

Enemies have 75% additional fire resistance: Difficulty - ⋆
Easier than enfeeble maps since a big majority of the build's dps is also in chaos and lightning damage. Clear speed will still be noticeably affected however.

Players have elemental equilibrium: Difficulty - ⋆
Not as bad as enfeeble, almost identical to additional enemy fire resistance.

Monster's skills chain additional times: Difficulty - ⋆
Where are the skills going to chain to?

Last edited by Eyeburn101 on Aug 26, 2014, 1:38:44 AM
This is my very first guide I have ever written. Originally, the guide was released in a half-completed state so I'm constantly doing revisions until it is finished. Any suggestions are welcome.


July 16:
- basic draft of the guide is formed.

July 18:
- Added "Advantages/Disadvantages"
- Added "what to look for in gear" under "required gear"

July 19:
- Added a different end game lv 100 build tree. This build has a total of 272% life for those who think hp is too low in the current build.
- Expanded the chest armour section under "what to look for in gear"
- Added a visual of the gems used in the in-town dps screenshot under "current setup"
- Cleaned up the required gear section, eliminating one spoiler tag
- Added Map Mods
- Minor edits

Aug 21:
- skill tree updated for 1.2 patch ---theory craft status---

Aug 26:
- new screenshots
- cleaned up dead links
Last edited by Eyeburn101 on Aug 26, 2014, 1:40:54 AM
added a big chunk of updates
hey man nice build im trying that for 1mhc race and its doing good.. the block makes it very tanky
Last edited by Eyeburn101 on Aug 21, 2014, 9:33:47 AM

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