Infernal Blow. Facebreakers. Brawl. A versatile and funny Lategame-Build
![]() Hello everyone, after I took a while off, my IB-Marauder got a tree reset and I had no idea what skills I took. A quick forum search showed me that most of the Infernal Blow-Facebreaker-Guides didn't got updated after the update, so I decided to share the knowledge I gained while leveling, equipping and playing this character!
The Pros and Cons of this Build
- This character will be able to run all available map moods, most of them without gear changes or great downsides. - Survivability and DPS are pretty balanced, leaning a bit towards DPS. - The AoE of this character is insane. - He is awesomely fun to play. Everything explodes while you stomp through some maps. Fist Fighting is cool! Cons - The amount of useable gems is limited. - Atziri is yet to kill. Tried it two times, both times didn't get pass the three demons. But i didn't read anything about Atziri-Killing before, I am confident it is doable with some preperation. - Requires some Legacy-Items to truley shine. He works well without them, but he is definitely better in Standard League. Not sure if Pro or Contra - This build will need some ressources to spend. The legacy-items will cost around 20 exalts and the jewelery can get expensive, too. - But it is still cheaper than a typical Soul Taker-Aegis Aurora-Build.
The Gear
We will need three core-items to assamble this build. If you don't have them, and can't afford them, you should consider switching to an other character. I will provide an alternative for the Bringer of Rain, but at least the belt and the gloves are required.
Facebreaker These are the one and only gloves you will be able to use. They are our main weapon, delivering pain to our foes. Who needs weapons when you have a fist? The Unarmed Physical Damage is HUGE on this Legacy-Facebreakers and the main reason the character works how he works. That being said, a non-legacy pair of Facebreakers should work almost as good as this legacy ones and reasonably cheaper (4 chaos for a ~800%-Roll). Since i store my auras in here, the ideal corruption would be +1 to gem leves. (Yet to achieve). Meginord's Girdle This is the go-for-belt for this build. The flat physical damage gets increased by the unarmed-multiplier. The 10% life are awesome. And the other stats are welcome additions. I don't think any other belt, if rare or not, can compete with Meginord's. Don't corrupt those, the strength is fine. Only thing better would be +1 to maximum Endurance Charges, i guess. Bringer of Rain This helmet comes with the huge downside of not being able to wear a chest. This a) cuts of a large amount of defenses and b) disables six more gem-slots. Well, the upside is everything else. The helmet provides huge amounts of survivability and a seven-linked skill in it. Flat physical damage, huge life and armor, 15% block, and Endurance Charges and Blind. I am not sure how well a non-legacy BoR competes with any other solution, but a legacy one is awesome. I corrupted those with the hope to get Chaos Resistance, but i don't think i will go through the pain of trading a new one to corrupt it again.
The Alternative
The alternative to Bringer of Rain would be to use Abyssus and a decent (or even a good one!) six-linked Chest. Since i own neither of these i sadly can't test how those would affect DPS and Survivability, but if i should take a guess i would say: Better DPS, lower survivability. Since you could use the Armor for life and resists it would shorten the things you absolutley require on your jewelery, making those better or cheaper, whatever you decide to chose. But: Less Block, less life, more physical damage taken.
The boots, the shield and the jewelery Those armor parts are used for mainly one thing: Resistances! At the moment, we have two gear slots blocked and three used, where we get 15% cold resistance. So we need to get a HUGE amount of resistances through the remaining gear slots. These boots are mid-tier at best. But they have a nice life roll and 20% movespeed on them, two things I value a lot. They are the first thing i am looking forward to upgrade, but for now, they are fine. Better boots would have increased armor and more resistances. These rings and amulets have one thing in common: They all feature flat physical damage. This is important, because this flat physical damage will again be increased by your Facebreakers. Other than that they feature life and resistances and slightly increased defenses. I would highly recommend using a Torquise Amulet, because those stats are required to level your auras to level 20. The additional Int isn't required, but that was the best amulet i could afford. My shield. It has everything it needs. Life, Armor, Resistances. Increased Block Chance instead of Reflect would be the dream, but well... whatever.
Saffel's Frame
Saffel's Frame is my secondary shield I always keep in my stash, ready to switch it out. It is used for high elemental-damage enemies, like dual-boss temple or for Dominus first phase. The second weapon slot Since all your gem-slots are blocked, the weapon switch is your chance to add some utility-gems. Most times i use the first setup, two Brightbeaks with Leapslam in one, and Portal one the other. An other idea would be use some Culling-IIQ-IIR-Setup. The Potions Pretty much what i would suggest. Sapping and Reflexes on the Sanctified, so it stacks with the armor flask and recoveres the maximum amount possible. Bubbling with Removes Bleeding, since you never know when you meet a Corrupting Blood Enemy. One Quicksilver for moving fast, one for Curse Immunity (i like to have my Curse Immunity on a Quicksilver, since they run longer than a Granite and are guaranteed to run the full time, other than life flasks). The Granite Flask is pretty straight forward with Increased Charge Recovery and Increased Armor, but since we don't hit max Block, using a Rumi's Concoction instead is possible. The Chest Yes, i use a chest. Even if BoR doesn't allow me to use a chest, and gems in here aren't useable, they still gain experience. This chest could be used to level an additional set of the important gems, so you could then make 20q-ones. Or level other gems, for other chars. Or level gems to sell them later. Whatever you want to level, do it here. First equip the chest, then the Bringer of Rain. The chest will turn red, the skills will disappear, but experience is gained!
The Gems
Since we are short of so many gem slots, we have to be careful with what skills to use. I am pretty confident that the following setup is the best you can come up with, but as always, preferred play styles differ, so feel free to use what works for you:
Infernal Blow Our main attack. Since Bringer of Rain features Faster Attacks and Meele Physical, you just need Multistrike and Meele Splash here. Blood Magic is required because our three auras reserve all our mana and our jewelery doesn't need mana leech or reg this way. It's one of two options you have to choose, Added Fire Damage instead of Blood Magic would boost your DPS way further, but require more specialized gear. Blood Magic enables the third aura, but cuts your DPS a bit. The Auras Hatred and Haste provide a huge DPS-Boost. Hatred over Anger here, since Anger just converts, but Hatred adds damage. Haste gives a nice AS- and MS-Boost. Purity of Elements is used to compensate my lacking resists on gear. If i manage to get Max-Res through my gear alone this will probably switched for Tempest Shield. The Cast When Damage Taken The double-CWDT-setup features a row of survivability-spells. I guess most of you have seen those things. CWDT1 casts Enduring Cry, Molten Shell and Warlords Mark, generating Armor, Life Leech and Endurance Charges (for a discussion about the curse, see further down). The second CWDT casts Immortal Call with Increased Duration added to it, making us immune to damage. The Enduring Cry CWDT is Level 3, the Immortal Call CWDT is level 10. This way Enduring Cry will trigger two times before Immortal Call, almost guaranteeing five charges, and a short time after Immortal Call, refreshing the charges after they were used. The Utility All the utility thats available, sadly. Which Gems to Quality first? I would suggest the following order of Q20-Gems, no matter if you buy them or vendor them: 1. Immortal Call - The bonus on Immortal Call is huge. 2/3. Infernal Blow / Meele Splash - both of those add more AoE, so the order doesn't matter. 4. Multistrike - More physical Damage. 5. Increased Duration - For even longer Immortal Calls. The others gems are either just nice to have quality on them (Enduring Cry, Molten Shell), or totally useless (Blood Magic, Reduced Mana, CWDT, Auras), so feel free to skip those.
The Tree This is my tree (currently level 85). I will add a level-by-level-tree sooner or later, but i thinks it's pretty straight forward. As you can see, using a Duelist is possible as well, but seriously, we want to play a real man, not a girlish fencer guy.
The Bandits
Treat Oak like he's your best friend on the whole world. Not only are you two Karui-Brothers, but also does he provide the best rewards. Life, Physical Damage and an Endurance Charge are all the things you are looking for.
A quick leveling guide
Get Level 16. Equip Facebreakers. Never stop the punching. This sounds like i would make a joke, but it is what it is. Facebreakers Level Requirement is 16, and from that point on you are totally overpowered. Normal and Cruel are no match for you if you have your Facebreakers! Just make sure to cap your resistances. Always look out for flat physical rings and amulets. Switch to Blood Magic as soon as possible, so you can activate Hatred and Purity of Elements. Punch, punch, punch.
A quick breakdown of Map Mods
This character has no real problem with any map mod. I have a personal problem with Temporal Chains, they are doable, but i would never bother to run a Temporal Chains Map. Ever. Some of the Mods require a little change in Gems or Stuff, which are noted here. Also i will discuss some mods that are problematic for other chars and why they aren't for this guy.
Punishing - Monsters reflect x% of Physical Damage This mod should be negated by a) Warlods Mark and b) Immortal Call. Your live leech is huge, as well as your life reg, and Immortal Call helps you even more than normal on this map. But! Be aware of rare mobs with the reflect aura, they seem to stack with the map mod. Be sure to not punch to many monster at the same time here! If you have problems on those maps, because your armor is too low or your Immortal Call not available, just switch Infernal Blow with a Level 1 Dominating Blow (maybe with Quality) and convert some mobs who do the work for you (same for ele reflect, btw). Undead - Area is inhabited by Undead A mod i hated on most other characters. The revivers are stupidly annoying, and the mobs could be annoying as well: Charge Roars, Tar Spitters, and so on. Thankfully Infernal Blow leaves no corpses, so the revivers are left without work! of Elemental Weakness - Players are cursed with Elemental Weakness and of Exposure - -x% maximum Player Resistances Both of those mods are countered by equipping Saffels instead of your normal shield. I would only reroll a map if both of those mods are on it. of Fracturing - Monsters Fracture No problem. The new mobs spawn before the IB-Explosion occurs, which means killing a monster almost kills the two new spawns as well. of Hemomancy - Players have Blood Magic Turn Haste and Hatred off. Switch your Blood Magic Gem with an Added Fire Damage Gem. Go for it. of Ice - Area has patches of chilled ground This mod requires some careful playing. While you stand on the ice your Attack Speed is super slowed. It is easy to get caught in a super long Multi strike animation during this time, making you unable to navigate. If you stay off the ice it is no problem. of Temporal Chains - Players are cursed with Temporal Chains A "no" from me as person, but the character is able to do it. of Stasis - Players cannot regenerate Life or Mana and of Smothering - Players recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield x% slower Because of Warlords Mark your potions refill faster than you can drink them. Totally no problem here. If there is one, just remove the first Quicksilver Flask for a high amount Hallowed Flask.
Warlords Mark vs other curses
First of all: I really like Warlords Mark. That was the first reason that counted towards it. Second of all: It offers a bunch of defensive options that are quite unique. First of all, the life leech. Getting 4% life leech from gear is totally possible, but since the rings are so limited in what they need to roll, i felt like there shouldn't be an other thing that is required. 4% is everything we need to substain forever. Second of all, the Flask Recovery. I think Flask Recovery is underrated. Neither my life flasks nor my Granite Flask is ever empty. You have drinks for days. And the third thing, the Endurance Charges. While we probably generate enough with Enduring Cry and BoR, it is nice to have an additional source of them. This is definitly no big thing, but a small thing that makes life better. The other options you have are Temporal Chains and Enfeeble. Which are totally viable and help you probably the same as Warlods Mark. I just like them less, which is why i decided to use Mark. Well, thats all that comes to my mind for now. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave any question, idea, hint or point of discussion in the comments. I am quite in love with this character and spent a serious amount of time min-maxing him, so feel free to add your input to this effort. Greetings and happy brawling! Last edited by Kopfnuss#3730 on Jul 8, 2014, 8:45:09 AM
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12 ex if anybody needs
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I want to kill that b***h of Atziri, please update if u managed to kill her...
P.S. I hate her!! Players gonna play play play, GGG gonna nerf nerf nerf
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1) No Unwavering Stance?
2) No Bloodless??? 3) Why bother with those +xx% physical damage nodes? 4) Sentinel is 2 nodes away... care for it? 5) not to mention 3x +18% resistance nodes... 6) how do you deal with chaos damage mobs? |
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thats evry thing i use and i found it all dident need to buy any of it [url=][img][/img][/url]
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