jauers 1month flameblaster"battlemage"

Jauer index: Stream, guides, shops, service Twitch:http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe
hi this is Jauer

ill release the spec ill be running for 1 month.

i always wanted to make a theme characther in the line of battlemage, basicly a heavyplate spellcaster. i find the result very pleasing.

since its a shorter League where to be efficent and not die, with very limited gear i made a toon for getting best performance and survivablity for least amount of gear and currency spend.

flameblast allows me to get good kill speed. play ranged and gear like a tank. also it requires no specific items or Uniques.

im not gonna waist alot of text since u can get details in videos


the main walkthruehttp://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4617463
killing crem boss
1 shot crem safe and fasthttp://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4622407
residence boss
ele reflect map.. super easy
unqiue necro map... first try ever on that map with no knowing tactic!

IGN jauertemplar
Last edited by Jauer on Aug 18, 2014, 12:45:08 AM
What's the Flameblast 6L going to be?
IGN: FrontierPsychiatrist_
well 6l it wud be. flameblast, Echo, ele prolif, burndamage, aoe/faster casting, empower or life Leach the point is it wud run fine on a 4l
IGN jauertemplar
added 1 shot crem boss video.
IGN jauertemplar
added residence and ele ref map
IGN jauertemplar
"with very limited gear" well, you've failed
the problem with flameblaster they generally use doryani scepter, But in 1 mounth league people don't farm atrizi how will you find it?
the scepter is no need at all
i farmed alot before i got it.

its for shure super nice. and i run with it..

i keept my tests pretty authentic.
same goes with the belt... i wud on hc take a defencive life belt anyday over the fire belt
IGN jauertemplar
Last edited by Jauer on Jul 10, 2014, 8:27:35 PM
added a kill on Unique necro map
IGN jauertemplar

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