jauers magic finder, a regular guide for a solid mf full mf for party or endgame solo. 4.11 gorge
Jauer index: Stream, guides, shops, service Twitch:http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe
erebus reaver: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/708066 flameblaster:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/963565 CI Magicfinder:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/962440 THEJAUER SHOP INDEX mirrorservice tread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/315870 regular gear:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/975715 endgame gear: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/777082 jewlery gems flasks: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/734910 Uniques: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/975692 Magic find servicehttp://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/981295 *update 13/12-14. after not updated the guide for long time.. i have been playing it beween leagues with icespear crit. simply more and safer dps+ freze and full screen range, running with 10k tooltip ice spear(means almost 3x more effective dps at range) with gmp. + shock +50% dps + dual curse ele weal and assasins mark.. so total calced around 100k dps gmp. now the new tree is out, with a severe hit to crit multi. i still think its viable and very effecint. ill on request fast link the new passive here however i havent tested it. status guide for 1.3 lowlife ice spear
as everthing i do i change stuff along the way. i vent lowlife since i got a good offer on my ci chest, i find ci just powerfull. more es offers more effective leach and surv
well here is the items currently in use. can still use iir shield but imo vs clearspeed and surf its not worth it the passive https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAW8EBwVCBx4OSA5cD8QQWBEvEVARlhcvGGobJR0UHU8fxyepKworeCycLR8tiy9vNbk3gTt8QZZFfkbXRwZJUUuuTLNV1lcpWAdca1yKXfJfKl9qZOdmnmjyavptGXBScLtw1XGFdFV4L3vXfEt85X5Zf8aApIKbhEiJ04t6jHaOZI9Gj_qVIJUulnSaO5uhnjyio6crrJivm7FCtoa297b6tzG4yrmTvYLAGsHzwwnDbdDQ0PXVptkT2Vvaudvn34ri9-Tr6QLr5Ov17BjsOO0g7Tzw1fId96b31_rS ofc its OP gear but any who put same amount of time and effort into it will have it.. its just a question of commitment http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBAW8EBwVCDlwPxBBYEVAV1xbzFy8YahpsGyUdFB1PHwIfxyY8K3gsnCy_LR8tiy9vL501uTbFO3xBlkV-RtdHBklRS65Ms1XWVmNXKVgHW6Bca18qX2pk52jyavptGXC7cYV4L3wOfEt85X5Zfsd_xoCkgpuESIaui3qMdo5kj0aP-pUglnSaO5uhna6ePKKjpwinK6dVr5uxQraGtvq3MbjKuZPAGsHFwfPDCcNt0NDQ9dWm2CTZE9lb2rna3dvn34rfsOL35CLli-kC6-Tr9ewY7DjtIO088NXyHfem98H52_rS Hello all. after getting this question alot on stream ill now post a guide for my toon. The build is not gamebreaking new or doing something different just a solid build thats viable and offers dps surv with max magic find. making me able to play anything from a dom culler to cull 78 maps and bosses and solo high maps and anything in between. I specialy like to solo maps. for this to be effective it requires a decent pase. its still abit squicy so knowing what u can take face on and what u need to range is also needed. the solo part gives me a constant way to farm currency since with my massive magic find i can usualy 1-2 Uniques some decent rare that can sell and alot of small currency.. so in decent roled maps i use all portals my self vendoring rares and crom items. The build have some very sick gear but less will do. its mostly a question about how much performance/surv vs magic find. i been running it for long time with small tests here and there. to a point i will now post it with the current skill setup.. many variations cud be made but this one im fund of. the toon is ci that makes alot of Things easy to fix with gear and so+ getting high enough pool. it cud also be done lowlife but i see no need for that. i depend on Leach, tryed regen that sux end of story. for maintaining the attack i rely on regen since its not able to controle mf pot effect els. for having balanced mana to keep pot up all time(i use 2) i balance with lvl of clarity and artic armor. AA is brilliant gives me movement speed+ alot of defence vs fire and phys even i dont run high lvl AA the new support gem Echo is also a big boost in terms of cast speed, shock stacking, dps and even saves mana. its aura based meaning i can run disciplin, purity of elements, clarity + 1 elemental aura. here purity of ligthing is great since it removes any reflect issue u wud ever have. PASSIVE tree.
lvl 94 """http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYABVsMfQ5cEHQQfxGWE54VUBXXFecW8xcvGYoabBqPHNwdFB2qJLAmPCepKPopTyy_LUcvby-dOtg74TyOQ2NFfkZxRtdHBk3YT31QQlXWVi1WY1fJWPVdxl9qYG1k52aebRlvnnB9cLtxTXOzfll_xoBWgKSBb4KbgwmGrobRi3qLjIw2jHaPRo_6kyeaz5u1nYCdrp3Enjyio6SRpwinK6x_tAy1BLcxuJPBxcHzwzrDbcaeykrVT9WB14bZE9vn3fPed-Fz4Yji9-Qi6XPquuvu7BjsOO0g8Gvz3fba-tL7CQ== old version before patch New passive.. !http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYBAW8C4wQHBx4HYwelDXwOSBFQEZYTnhXXFecWvxbzGGobJRzcHU8dqh3ZH8cmPCt4LJwspiy_LR8tiy9vL500CjW5Nok3ZkNURXxGcUcGSVFJskuuTLNPr1ZjWAdb9FxrXfJfKl9qZJ1nvW0ZcLtzs3RVeC985X4zf8aCEIIegwmESIauiEKLeow2j_qQ1pMnlSCVLpeXm6GkkacrrJi0DMHFwfPDbcu90NDZE9lb2-ffit-w4Yji9-aB6QLquuvk6_XsGPBr8NXyHfRx9On31_5J"" Gear
as u can see i use a lower lvl mana pot since i dont want to much mana if i need some and it gives me many charges for remove bleed i also run 2 set of weapons. the heartbreaker for culling in partys + mf shield. for solo i use the scepter since it gives ele prolif for coldsnap and 1%ll i also run a rathpit offhand that i can equip instead of mf shield for more dps survival setup. the azuri ligthing belt wud deffently also be a great item to use. its not always about pure mf its also about speed. and not dying. ** update the 19/7 i replaced the faster casting on flame totem with blind... a super change.. makes life much easyer. Videos*the big walkthrue is in main video
The main video walkthrue of build gem gear playstyle http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4609797 a regular shine boss kill http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4609838 doing Unique mountain ledge map http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4609870 gorge contests 4.11 time full mf http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe/c/4729972 bandits: point, cast speed, point a nice item u can make or buy that completly rock the build is TRATRATRA Leveling guide
here is the lvl 66 tree something around there u shud go ci. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYBEZYTnhXnGYUaOBpsHNwelCQ8JKomlSepKPopTy1HL2826TyORZ1GcUbXSVFQQlVLVcZXyVptXcZgbW17cLtzs3qqf8aCx4MJjDaPRpBVkyea4J2upJGnCKdcp4SsP7QMtQS4k89l0NDVT9kT3Ffd895342rkIuq66-7sOPBr8Xbz3fno i wud not use mf gear much yet better focus on getting lvl 80 fast then run around try to mf with shitty performance earlyer. items u wud want. just a need for u super neck gives even abit iir... but u wont to lvl as fresh ci not die. not getting stunned is vital. u want a resist shield. armor es version u shud get.. something with 4-500 armor and 300 + es + resists wud be awesom remember agein focus on surv. IGN jauertemplar Jauershadow Last edited by Jauer#2388 on Jul 8, 2015, 12:54:00 PM
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IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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finished added a few videos..
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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on question added a lvling tree.
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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I'm really liking this character so far, but what did you choose for your bandit quests?
Last edited by SavageCeral#3841 on Jul 12, 2014, 2:04:30 AM
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I don't think something that need 50+ Ex for work can be called a ''guide'' it's more of a show off on what is your character. if you can make this work with 10-15 ex, then call it a guide.
Sorry it's falling on you but same comment could apply to a lot of posts. |
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Been looking for a good Arc build since Spell Echo came out, maybe this will be the one I use, and it's even MF! I just worry that it'll take too long to get it to a good state as the guy above said. I'm not exactly the wealthiest of people yet, have around 10ex budget.
Also bumping the question about bandits. Should I assume kill/cast speed/kill? Last edited by sam6555#5430 on Jul 14, 2014, 9:18:25 PM
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I started this character and I must admit that I like it pretty much. However, I am nowhere near this equipment and I wont be getting it because I cant afford it. Hell, even for a simple quest gem spell echo people want 20 chaos - 1 exalt. It is ridiculous.
I am lvl 44 and I have 70 % quantity and 192 % rarity and already found 5 uniques yesterday. Too bad, all was low levels and useless Jauer I have some questions regarding this build. - Since I dont like armor on casters and I dont have any good armor/ES gear, do you think it will be playable with evasion/ES gear ? I have some in my stash and not that bad. - I have only a 5 link so what gems are the priorities ? Is spell echo over faster casting everytime ? - Is there any point going this build if I cant afford any of your gear and cant achieve that much IIQ/IIR ? |
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" well it is.. as i mention in guide u dont need the treshold of items i got. u can do with less es. and iir/iiq. its beeen a long process to upgrade it to its current form. dont u think i started with something avarage.. the toon was created in start of open beta. IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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" yee ure rigth on track. but acculy i wud at ure point maby scale Down the mf. get dps, surv at that point. u rather rush to lvl 80 with less mf then being stuck around lvl 50 how much u shud aim for is up to u. u can look at ure items a say how do i chose what items without nerfing my self to much. yee evade wud also Work. i pref armor. idk why the toon is not much aiming to mitigate much. faster casting vs Echo... potato, potato¨.. but Echo is better. IGN jauertemplar Jauershadow Last edited by Jauer#2388 on Jul 18, 2014, 11:47:24 AM
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