The Best CI+EB Build!

Sheriff's CI+EB Build

Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape, or form, a HC Build. For obvious reasons.

The Tree
Passives around Level 84

Bandits: Eramir, not-Alira, Oak

Everyone has, at one point or another, joked about the infamous "CI+EB Build." Some have even gone so far as to grab EVERY Keystone Node in the game for maximum [in]efficiency. But few, if any, have truly tried to push the limits of this mythical build, to attain the lofty height of an actually viable SC build. And that, my friends, is what I am proposing here today!

The concept is simple, and is three-pronged:

1) You stack as much avoidability as possible via Block, Evasion, and Dodge.
2) You use Fending+Knockback Gem to constantly keep enemies away from you and "stunlocked."
3) You make use of Immortal Call for immunity to Physical Damage, and the Vaal version for Bosses.

Key things to note:
- Since you have 1/1 Life, no matter what your Resists are, you will be one-shot should you be hit. Thus Resistance Nodes and Resistances on Gear is irrelevant, which makes Gearing all the more easier and fun. And dissolves the downsides of most Uniques. ~.^

- No need to waste Passives on Life Nodes, because they are useless as well. :P

- Not using Hatred or Added Fire Damage since they would kill yourself on Elemental Reflect, since you have RT and thus cannot Evade your own Reflected Damage, and as such they'd bypass Immortal Call's Physical immunity.

- Immune to Chaos Damage, so do not fret Poison Clouds.

- Arcane Vision is up to player preference, and is meant to add more flavor/suspense to the build. xD

Weapon: Soul Taker if you can afford it, or any One-Hander with decent DPS.

Can Corrupt for +1 Frenzy Charge for more Dodge, Evasion, and DPS.

Corrupted for +1 Frenzy Charge for Dodge, Evasion, and DPS.


Can Corrupt for +1 Endurance Charge for even longer [Vaal] Immortal Calls.



Could also use a 6L Chest with a lot of Evasion, but if you're poor, a Tabula Rasa would suffice.
Fun Uniques:
Here are some options:

If you think you don't need a longer Immortal Call, you can forgo Kaom's Sign for MF, DPS, or an extra Curse.

Although Abyssus doesn't really have a downside anymore Asenath gives a bunch of Attackspeed, so don't forget about that oft-forgotten gem of a Leveling Unique. ~.^

As for Veil of the Night, the Global Defences can greatly augment your Evasion Rating, and the downside is no longer pertinent. But the crème de la crème, is adding even MORE Reduced Light Radius, on top of Darkrays, and if you are truly a <manly adverb>, Arcane Vision. :P

Shackles of the Wretched is also an option, if you want to Curse yourself with Temporal Chains to double your [Vaal] Immortal Call duration. ~.^

There're a whole slew of DPS-giving Uniques, like Ondar's, that you wouldn't consider using that you can throw on since you don't have to worry about Life, Resists, or downsides. So have fun with it. ^.^
6L: Spectral Throw, LMP/GMP, PPAD, FA, Knockback, ML

GMP provides more spread, thus makes you safer.

With how many times ST hits, you're pretty much guaranteed a Knockback, and potentially even an extra hit. Can drop ML for something else if using a Soul Taker, Blind and Added Chaos Damage are nice safe options. (Blind increases survivability, and ACD poses no Reflect risks.)

Considered Reave w/ IncAoE, but ultimately I decided that having to start in Melee range to build up the AoE was too risky a prospect. But Reave has more DPS potential, especially with a Soul Taker, since you could use MPD and MPDoFL..
Other Gems
Hint: CwDT is useless for obvious reasons. :P

Auras, Haste and Grace. Hatred would be too risky vs Elemental Reflect.

Blood Rage, since you ARE CI after all, you are Immune to Chaos Damage (granted with 1 Life, it'd have rounded down to 0 Chaos Damage/sec anyway...) so enjoy the free Frenzy Charges! ^.^

Decoy Totem, or a "Skele-Bro" Totem could be employed for distraction purposes if one is so inclined.

Leap Slam/Whirling Blades for mobility as per usual.

For Curses, a 20/20 Enfeeble does WONDERS for an Evasion-based build. Temporal Chains is nice too, for making Mobs less likely to get near you, or finish swinging AT you (Also let's you curse it onto yourself if inside a Shackles.) Can always pop a Doedre's Damning on to use both.
After some thinking I'd probably change the boots.

I'd consider dropping Darkrays for Rainbowstrides to be honest, since Dodge is pointless if you have Immortal Call up most of the time, and since Frenzy is not our main form of DPS, the loss of a FC isn't that huge. Conversely, the Mana from Rainbowstrides allows a non-Soul Taker user to Leech enough Mana to sustain ST, and also further increases Spell Block. Which would probably contribute to more overall survivability.

Non-Legacy Soul Taker with a 5L would have ~4k tooltip DPS on ST, which'd hit 2-4 times, so it's not bad; ~5.6k with 2x Ming's Hearts. Adding Added Chaos would increase it further. More than viable DPS to clear low Level Maps.

This build makes the Softcore experience more challenging, while at the same time being different and fun. The true "Man Mode" build! :P

Let me know what you guys/girls think. Any and all constructive, or deconstructive, criticism is welcome! ^.^

Thanks for taking your time to check out my joke build idea, I hope you liked it. <3
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jun 6, 2014, 9:28:22 PM
It's a fun build. I guess you won't be able to reach high character level with it (90+) but it's a good and fun idea and i like unusual ideas.

P.S. Why Arcane Vision? You have Resolute technique ( so you don't need accuracy ) and you have Chaos Innoculation ( so you don't need light radius because you are always at 100% life and that means 100% light radius ) 2 points just for flavor are too much for me :P
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jun 6, 2014, 5:29:25 AM
KorgothBG wrote:
Why Arcane Vision? ...You have Chaos Innoculation ( so you don't need light radius because you are always at 100% life and that means 100% light radius ) 2 points just for flavor are too much for me :P

Because with EB you have 0 ES, thus you can barely see ANYTHING if you spec into Arcane Vision, add in Darkray Vectors' 25% Reduced Light Radius, and the game just got more intense/harder.. ~.^
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jun 6, 2014, 12:03:48 PM
Oh i see .. interesting ..
PoE : The horror survival Game

I like it! :D
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
KorgothBG wrote:
It's a fun build. I guess you won't be able to reach high character level with it (90+) but it's a good and fun idea and i like unusual ideas.

P.S. Why Arcane Vision? You have Resolute technique ( so you don't need accuracy ) and you have Chaos Innoculation ( so you don't need light radius because you are always at 100% life and that means 100% light radius ) 2 points just for flavor are too much for me :P

hahaha, i've not reached lvl90 even with normal and CI build /it needs a lot of time and tankiness and good dps, not just 5k life and capped resists/
nice funny build, gj

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