VictorDoom's 2h Marauder, 7.7k life(no kaoms) huge dps[Uber Killed, with video] [2.0]
This is the first character to kill uber as 2h RT, the build for ubers is different than the normal build, i posted it at the end of the thread. Very tanky and lots of DPS, easily able to solo Atziri, its the first char i killed her on, and you can do 77 and 78 map bosses with it, just remember to pop IC and use resistance flasks This build also works with any skill, the only thing you want to change if you dont want to use cyclone is getting unwavering stance and if you want to use a projectile skill like lightning strike, molten strike or spectral throw remember to get iron grip. And of course if you want to use axes maces or staffs(if you go staffs you spec out of RT and grab the crit nodes + staffcrit nodes) you just get the nodes for that weapon instead of the sword nodes, the rest of the tree is the same, you should get a fast weapon preferably with more than 1.3 attacks per second. But Generally swords are the best weapon to use on this build. I am also offering mirror service for the best possible sword for any 2h sword RT char and this build here: (i get 100k cyclone tooltip solo with this weapon:
Current Build level 95
If you like more dps use this(its got ~600% IPD on tree so the dps will be huge):
Example Gear, this is not the gear i actually use anymore, its my old gear to show you what stats you can get with mid tier items
Im not showing my normal gear because i dont think theres any point in it, since few people can get that expensive stuff the sword is for sale btw With this gear i have 7.7k life and 30k cyclone tooltip, which translates to a lot more because of movement speed Screenshots of life,defense and dps with this gear: Detailed defense: Detailed dps: (the ring in these isnt a dream fragments, its just a skin on the twostone ring) In the chest you should link Vengeance-Life Gain on Hit-Curse on Hit-Enfeeble(or any other curse you want), use increased area if you have 5 links There are much better options than a rare chest of course but im showing my stats with all rare gear to show how strong the character is with stuff most people can get. Some good options here are, Belly of the Best for high life and its pretty cheap too,Lightning Coil if you can get enough light resist it offers nice damage reduction, carcass jack for bigger AoE and damage, Tabula rasa can be used for a free 6l(youd have about 7.5k life or something with a tabula), Incandescent Heart if you have nice chaos resistance gear, And the best possible option is Kaoms Heart which is expensive but it will get you to 9k+ life, 11k+ with a legacy version. you dont need to use any uniques but if you want to there are some that are worth looking are: -Devotos Devotion unique helm, this is pretty much your best helmet to go for but it does require you to get high resists on gear and a bit on tree -Ming's Heart is awesome, i didnt like that ring for quite some time because of the life reduction % and no other elemental resistances, but if you can handle the ele resist loss, the few hundred life you lose from wearing is totally worth the chaos resist, not to mention the nice damage increase, you get more damage from this than you can from any other rings, including mirrored ones(ive tried). -Doomsower sword is the unqiue i designed around this character(not necesarrily for cyclone though) but it is a great weapon choice and a cheap one too. -Belt of the Deciever is a great item if you want to get into PVP, -Rigvals Charge is very good for leveling -Goldrim is a great leveling unique too since youll be able to cap your resistances early
MF gear and build
120%item quantity + 232% item rarity with MF gear, its extremely strong, im doing 8 mod corrupted 78 maps for MF. build: Passive skill tree build
My actual gear, for the curious
Imortant Gem Links
Ill only link the important ones, teh rest you can see in the gear section 4L: Cyclone-Melee physical Damage-Life Gain on Hit-Blood Magic 5L: Cyclone-Melee physical Damage-Life Gain on Hit-Blood Magic-conc effect 6l: Cyclone-Melee physical Damage-Life Gain on Hit-Blood Magic-Concentrated Effect-Faster Attacks Cast When damage taken: Level this gem and its supports so it procs on reflect at your DPS, as your dps goes higher you level the gem higher, at around 15k cyclone it should be able to proc at level 10, level 20 when you have 25k+ cyclone. The links are in this order(it HAS to be in this order to work): Cast when damage Taken-Enduring Cry-Immortall Call-Increased Duration(this gem is a support so you should level it to 20 as soon as possible)
Build Progression
Remember to spec into diamond skin and other resistance nodes early if you dont have enough from your gear, i didnt put those nodes in because im maxed out without any reistance from tree, it was not easy to do that. level with molten strike or cleave, whichever you prefer ~Level 20: ~Level 40: In between elvel 40 and 60 you can switch to cyclone safely. ~Level 60: ~Level 80: level 100:
Bandit Choices
Help oak in normal
Help Kraytin in cruel Help oak in merciless if you want the endurance charge, if not kill them all for a point
A 2 hand weapon with high physical dps,preferably a sword if you can, focus more on the attack speed rather than the on hit damage because you will gain more life per second that way, i suggest something above 1.3 attacks per second. The rest of the gear just needs life and resists, maybe some physical damage mods or attack speed on rings if you can afford it, it will be just as good without those mods, they dont add much dps. You dont need any uniques for this build, but you can choose to use some instead of a rare chest if your resists are high enough you can either use a Belly of the Beast for a substantial boost in life for a low price OR Lightning Coil for high damage mitigation but it does require you to get a lot of light resist, it is worth it because the phys damage mitigation is very nice. Other chests that would be useful are Carcass jack, gear aoe and aoe damage, another one would be Incandescent heart, minimal use, only good if you have maximum chaos resist. Tabula rasa for a early 6link, youd sit at 7.5k life with a tabula so its a very useful armor in case you dont have enough links. And of course Kaoms Heart which is the best option because it will bring your total life to over 9k life. Devotos Devotion is a helm to go for in the lategame after you manage to max out your resists without weaing a helmet The only quality gems you should focus on getting are cyclone and life gain on hit, increased duration and immortal call are also very nice with quality because they increase the immortal call duration with more quality
Use Haste for an awesome dps and movespeed(very useful) increase or vitality if you want to be more defensive. Use Hatred and Herald of Ash because it increases your DPS by a lot. Use purity of fire and purity of lightning instead of haste and ash when fighting atziri when you get there. Uber Atziri Video and Build:
This was my first attempt as RT 2h, and it was succesful. I have done the first uber kill as 2h in general, but using crit, it was much easier. I really didnt know what to expect as 2h RT, so there are a lot of mistakes in the video since i was adapting to the situation right then and there, i couldnt properly kill the minion phase so i had to figure out what supports would be best while getting flambested and speared by uber. Eventually i decided that the best option is AoE instead of CE There are many fuck ups in the video and its very long, but on my next run it only took around 15-20 minutes since i knew what i was doing after the first, unfortunately i havent recorded that because fraps kills my FPS which is why i have to be so careful in the video. While running it and figuring out how exactly to do in this fight i came to the conclusion that this can be done without legacy kaoms and a lower pdps weapon, the run has major fuck ups but by doing it i figured out what tactic you want to use:
Tactics for Uber
Vaals:You just get one to lower life, then go damage the other one, try to finish them at the same time. use 2 topaz and a cold flask.
Trio: self cast enduring cry and IC all the way, its easy, you just have to stay on IC all of them time, the order of kill if you dont want to die is Duelist,does a lot of fire damage so you want to kill him first, then you kill cycloner, his chaos trail is nothing as long as you get around 50% chaos resist, and you keep titty bitch for last since she does pure phsyical damage. Atziri: the trick is just to dps her, as much as possible, you can tank flameblasts and a storm call or two because youll get to 97% rez on flask with this build, whcih makes her damage very low. Run from her double flameblast and storm calls if they stack. In split phase you want to run around a lot to avoid her spears, damage her when youre at full life, tank a flameblast if necessary and always run from the storm calls since they stack too much in split. At minion phase you just swap CE with AOE and you're fine, if you dont do enough dps that way just bring a searing touch/double doryani, use DD and youre gonna be ok. Flasks and auras:For Vaals i use remove bleed Life, Topaz, Quicksilver,Topaz,Cold flasks, use CWDT IC and Herald of ash + purity of lightning + hatred. For trio i use both life flasks, quicksilver, Ruby, Amethyst flasks. Swap to self cast EC and IC and Devotos+other chaos rez gear, use Purity of fire, herald of ash and Hatred for them. For atziri i use quicksilver, Topaz,Topaz,Ruby,Ruby, swap to CWDT IC and high leech BR, use Purity of light, fire and hatred. VIDEO:
BUILD at level 92, DO NOT USE THIS FOR MAPPING, its only good for uber
The jewlery is shit because i didnt have time to get a mirrored amulet which pretty much wrecked everything in the jewlery department, i had to use pretty bad rings and belt.. And again this can be done without legacy kaoms or a high pdps weapon since you have 97% fire resist and 96% lightning resist on flask, her damage is minimal, the only thing that killed me was her spear because i didnt pay attention.
Normal Atziri detailed guide with videos done with cheap gear and 5 links
I made these videos with 5 links and the example gear, a 500 dps sword + lowered life from devotos to show that the build is indeed affordable and very powerful Vaals: You use mostly damage auras, you can use purity of lightning if you think its necessary but in my opinion they dont do much damage in apex, you start to kill one and when its almost dead you move to the other so the second one doesnt become enraged, when theyre both low you finish them off safely. Trio: At trio you need enduring cry + spell echo + BM links and Immortal call -bm-increased duration so you can get endurance charges fast, as you can see i only have 4 charges and its pretty easy, you should get 1-2 charges from tree(i dont have any in this video). You kill the duelist or the cycloner first, then you kill the other one and leave the ranged titty bitch for last because she does pure physical damage which means you only have to stay on IC, which is very easy because you get the adds from the other two bosses. You want to use a fire resistance flask in case the duelist enrages and a promise/chaos rez flask for the cycloner guys trail. As you can see this tactic is a bit slower but i dont take any damage during this fight, this is where most people have problems, but by just using the EC-IC tactic it will be a piece of cake Atziri: For atziri you want to use purity of lightning and purity of fire + hatred, you dps her normally and use flasks against her flameblasts, run from the storm calls because if they stack they can do a lot of damage even through flasks. For her split phase you chose any copy apart from the one that holds a mirror above her head, you will die instantly if you hit that one so be careful. Remember to restart your bloodrage when she goes in split phase, chose a copy, as soon as they become alive you pop a fire resistance flask and start doing damage, if you run out of flasks like i do in that video you run around to get the flameblast to target another area before you attack the chosen split. For minion phase you want to use a Spell totem-temporal chains-BM-Inc duration to slow down the mobs and then just dps them down.
Other Videos
Im slow at running maps since i dont like rushing, but i tried my best to rush in some of these videos, you can do them a lot faster than me. Shipyard with a 5link and cheap gear, with beyond mod: But as you can see with just mediocre gear and 5 links you are pretty much immune to anything thanks to the combination of life regen, life leech and most importantly life gain on hit. If you want i will post videos with 6links on the weapon too, and i can also post videos with the high end gear i normally wear if you are curious to see what the build can do with top end stuff. If you have any questions or need more clarification on certain things just post it here and ill happily answer Standard Shop I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Jul 11, 2015, 4:20:01 AM
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Could you post your bandits choices?
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" added to the thread, oak in all difficulties I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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invasion viable?
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" yup I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on May 27, 2014, 6:28:24 PM
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Checked out your build victor :), quick question, why no quality life leach gem over Lgoh?
Given your life pool, i think the max leach per sec will far exceed the lgoh per sec. On another note, have you considered making this build with like MASSIVE amounts of str? (i am talking 800str here +-) that would be a really interesting theory craft that benefits almost all parts of this build :). Peace, looks like a good old fashion WW barb thing :D, nostalgia, fuck block and defenses just go whirlwind that shit! Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" I already have blood rage for that which provides 10% life leech, and even so, the life gain on hit is much better because there is not cap on how much life per hit you get, so if you hit 5 enemies at once you get 200+ instant life in 1 single hit, it works incredibly well with bosses especially. You gain a LOT more life per second with LGoH rather than life leech when using Cyclone Life leech gem has really no place in a physical build because you can already leech from bloodrage, passive and gear if needed, and with cyclone you get so much life on hit you dont even need to use bloodrage or get life leech on gear honestly. You can just go facetank dominus in a 78 map while he spams those ghosts, you regen it instantly with life on hit, with life leech the regen is just too slow to do that kind of tanking as a 2 hand build. Well i have checked out going STR but it is better to just use the life% nodes and get the IPD nodes, this way not only do you reach better dps but it will also let you use any gear you want rather than focus on STR and INT+DEX gear since you wont have much of those from tree. Yup, its exactly like the old d2 ww barb seriously, this is my tactic for atziri: 1.Walk up to her. 2.Spam cyclone 3.Swap conc effect for AoE in healing phase. 4.Spam cyclone its just the pure old fashioned barbarian I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on May 28, 2014, 8:10:02 AM
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cool stuff :),
i just made a draft btw with 500+- str from tree and same atack speed/ipd value's as your build. (but used a lot more points imo) I was thinking if you then are able to do like 300/400 str on gear you could use the boots that give 18% increased str. The total str value would be around 1000/1150 depending on gear value achieved. That would be some freakish flat hp amount/ipd increase :O! Very barbarian style :P This would allow you to reduce your %hp, or just go full retard and get around 9/10k hp without kaoms, lmao. What you think? Worth pursuing? :D, i might test this out because it sounds like fun! Peace man. Solid newbie craft, aldo the 5/6-link and items you utilized are not so "newbie friendly" :'). But the main concept is and the fact 2handers are quite cheap on the market should also help out a lot for a newbie. -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" Well the closest thing i could come with along the lines what youd want is this: It will obviously work, but i prefer the version im using because you dont need to focus on any specific gear when using it, just some int on amulet for using level 20 conc effect, its a lot easier to do too. And yeah id go full mongo and get like 9k life with this stuff if youre doing it, its really good, imagine getting a kaoms and already having like 8-9k life haha I think its worth pursuing but its quite expensive to get proper STR gear on every single slot, so keep that in mind. Well the items i got after months of playing in the league, i reckon most people will be able to get stuff like that, considering im the avreage player that doesnt find any expensive items i'm pretty sure if i managed to get this gear(which isnt really amazing) while only selling gear for like 5 chaos then everyone can do it. And of course the links arent necessary for the build to work, i dont even have anythng to put in my sword so i just slapped vaal cyclone in there cause why not, it works just fine with 4 and 5 links I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on May 28, 2014, 8:28:12 AM
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I agree with your assessment :), what i am proposing is like a build to work towards once your concept is realized. Basically your concept is a fully functioning build.
But if you want to keep interest in the game at that stage, it might be worth pursuing what i am suggesting. Like you say, my suggestion would be a step-up in item acquisition and cost, but it would be perfectly viable to slow-play towards that goal coming from your basis newbie friendly set-up :D! (i like transforming builds that have exponential potential the more you invest, i could see this be the case with your build, solid basis to work from, with good end-game potential if so desired) Peace, solid stuff -Boem- This was roughly what i came up with then, i started duelist for kicks. I don't know why but a duelist with 9/10k hp sounded like hilarious fun, and his leap slam animation with a sword cannot be discarded imo. Also to many points are used, but IPD nodes that dont give str can be kept for the really late-game, since the rough str will provide ipd already. You can see i opted for some bizare nodes/routes just to get the most out of the str they provide :). This might seem weird at first, but if you count the 18% increased str from those unique boots, these will provide exponential returns when these are equipped. I am very tempted to try this out in the time remaining on invasion just for kicks :D. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes Last edited by Boem#2861 on May 29, 2014, 12:46:22 PM