[1.1.3] Self-Cast Incinerate Tank (Invasion) -A use for Kaom's Roots! *REVISED*
First off:
I must give credit where it is due.. I started this build off another guide (PewPewPews LW/Incinerator) and evolved it to my needs in Invasion. The original guide can be found here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/703843 The build in the above guide has a plethora of explanation of mechanics and just as much if not more discussion and interaction with the creator throughout the entirety of the thread. It is really well done and I do not hope to replace it but rather to offer a specialized version for Incinerating in Invasion. Mainly I wanted to have a go to point for my evolution of the build that I am running on the Invasion league, for reference sake. I can tell you that the main difference between the linked guide and mine, is that mine is much more focused on tanking and never dying.. while the original seems to be more focused on economy, higher DPS and creative maneuvering. On that note, this will not be a economy based build. You will have to dish out the exalts to get a desirable character for the Invasion League. All the same, I encourage you to check out the original build if you're interested in learning about specific mechanics or browsing the large amount of discussion in the thread. The Basics: The setup is focused on a GMP Incinerate self-caster that uses Mind-over-Matter(MoM), Eldritch Battery(EB), Arctic Armor(AA) and Iron Reflexes(IR) with Grace along with a solid build of health, %armor and resists to deal a respectable amount of damage while being as tanky as possible. Because we are running MoM and self-casting GMP Incinerate while maintaing AA, a high amount of Mana Regeneration% is required in gear and the talent tree as well. Also we will be dual leaching with gems on Incinerate so that we can sustain our health and mana pools. Gear Required: Kaom's Roots
Kaom's Roots is a new item introduced to the game in 1.1.3 that were made for standing still, perfect! It saves us 5 skill points by giving Unwavering Stance which we desperately need with the wide amount of areas of concern that need to be addressed in the skill tree. I was able to purchase a pair from Unhost @3ex, but there aren't many on Invasion league at the moment.. hopefully more will drop soon. You will need unwavering stance as a self-cast Incinerator, there's not much way around it. So either you can be 5 levels behind in skill points or get your hands on a pair of these 'sweet looking kicks'.
Dream Fragments
Dream Fragments addresses two areas of concern in this build (well 3 actually). First, it increases our mana pool which inherently increases our regen. Then it increases our %Mana Regen even more! Finally, it prevents us from being frozen. As a tank that is often jumping into the middle of the mix, it is very important that we consistently cast while taking hits. This keeps a steady flow of life and mana leach that keeps us topped off. If at any point we were to stop casting the lack of damage done to mobs would be the least of our worries. Not being stunned or frozen is essential to the survivability of our build.
Saffel's Frame
(more to come)
5-6 Link High Energy-Shield(400+) Chest
In my initial version of this build I followed PewPewPew's strategy of using the Infernal Mantle, but simply put it is not feasible to use a Troll Mantle with a MoM build and auras. However we still need a high Engergy-Shield(ES) chest to get a decent mana pool from EB so at least a 5 link high ES chest will be needed. I suggest a Carnal 5L for starters and then try to build a 6L for late game mapping. It can be difficult to roll a high ES carnal but it will for sure be worth it since you'll also be getting the additional evasion thus converted to armor by IR. A 6L Carnal will put out higher DPS than a 5L Infernal Mantle, so it's not much of a DPS loss and a ton of survivability gained.
Suggested Stats for other Gear Pieces: Wand- You will need high projectile speed (+30%) to get good reach with incinerate, this is probably most important. Also you will want decent %cast-speed (+15%) and %spell-damage (+60%) since not many skill nodes will be focused on raising your DPS. Helmet & Gloves- You want HIGH armor (+1k armor between the two) for these mostly red-socket pieces. Other than that you will need high health (+70) on each and high resistances to help cap off your max resists. Ring & Ammy- You want high health and %mana-regen on both, as well as high resists. Belt- Same tune, different gear piece. HIGH health (+100) and resistances. The Skill-Tree: http://tinyurl.com/k4rc9xa Skill Links: Chest: (by priority) Incinerate - GMP - Life Leech - Mana Leech - Added Chaos - Faster Casting more to come.. My Gear: Main pieces and Gem Links-
Off pieces-
Last edited by Daowna#4253 on May 28, 2014, 2:46:37 PM
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Stream: @http://www.twitch.tv/velaic
Feel free to ask questions on the stream or of course here on the forum post. Videos: Grouped Shrine Piety at only level 80, this is my first ever attempt on Shrine Piety: http://www.twitch.tv/velaic/c/4346613 Grouped Crematorium Boss + Shrapnel (Dancing in Rain of Fire w/ no Ruby Flask) level 79: http://www.twitch.tv/velaic/c/4346748 Last edited by Daowna#4253 on May 28, 2014, 1:34:46 PM
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5/28/2014: Revised the build to not use Infernal Mantle. Using MoM with auras simply keeps your mana too low to use an item that causes '+100% Spell Damage Taken on Low Mana.' Last edited by Daowna#4253 on May 28, 2014, 1:09:10 PM
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