[1.2.0] [Standard] Hrimsorrow/Nycta's Lantern GC Build (Updated for 1.2.0)



Well, I once found two unique items which seemed pretty interesting but didn't have any very good use at that moment. I wanted to use them so badly so I am glad GC was implemented.


In short

Do elemental damage as well as physical damage with GC and that fast. Kill stuff before it kills you.

Longer version of the concept

The items were collecting dust in my stash until this very nice skill gem came up. I decided to make a Hrimsorrow/Nycta's Lantern GC Build. The reason behind it is, that Glacial Cascade is a hybrid between physical and cold damage. 25% of physical damage gets transformed into cold damage thanks to Hrimsorrow which boosts the cold damage. Since GC is socketed into Nycta's Lantern part of the cold damage gets turned into firedamage. The Fire Penetration is a nice addition since GC now makes more than 50% Firedamage.

The DPS gets boosted a lot trough increased Spell damage and elemental damage since all the damage sorts of GC take bonus from those mods. The main passives are for cast speed, AoE/AD, spell damage and elemental damage. Crit chance can boost the damage too is optional though.

Since it is not just cold damage, you are ready to fight physical resistant monsters with the elemental part, cold resistant enemies with the fire & physical damage, fire resistant with cold & physical damage and lightning resistant, well, they are just helpless to be killed anyway.


One of the two hearts of the build. It gives great boni to GC and helps anyway. The increased Lightradius is a nice addition.


Glacial Cascade: The main skill. Does Fire, Cold and Physical Damage.

Faster Casting: To increase CpS and thus the DPS... it's fun to do so.

Spell Echo: To further increase the CpS and thus the DPS. Also, you manage to stunlock certain enemies with it.

The second heart of the build. It helps that you can use +% increased elemental damage to boost the elemental damage even more and thus increasing the fire damage too. GGG loves fire damage... It would be awesome if I got my hands on a Elemental Weakness Corrupted pair of these. It would be godly.


Ice Nova: Well, here could be any skillgem since you pretty much don't need anything but GC. VF was on CoD before but appearently you can't CoD Vaal Gems anymore...

Cold Penetration: Support for Ice Nova, had it just around so...

Increased AoE: Well, increased AoE...

Blind: To blind. -50w% Chance to being hit is a very nice bonus.

Yes, I fount that little gem of an item and it works very well with this build. It's not mandatory. You can have any helmet you see fit.


Flameblast: It is what it is. A very nice skill to kill some things fast.

Shockwavetotem: Just to knock some enemies back and/or distract them. Also usable for Ele reflect mobs. With the buff in 1.2.0. it's pretty rad.

Increased Area of Effect: Together with Carcass it really creates a very nice radius.

Added Lightning Damage: Just to shock. It doesn't do much but it does something.

Yes, lucky I found this. It is just to increase the AoE and Damage of GC, Icenova and Flameblast.
(Failed Vaal Orbing)


Herald of Ice: YES! This is one heck of a nice addition to the game. You can shatter with GC and deal a bit of damage around you.

Concentrated Effect: A bit damage. Also useful to switch to for single targets.

Blind: Blind stuff. Since you don't have a lot of survivability except ressistances, you can survive stuff because they don't hit you. The shattered enemies blind their bretheren.

Flammability: More than 50% of GC is Firedamage so nice to increase Fire damage even more.

Those boots are just a nice addition. The chance of Frenzycharge on kill is a nice addition to cast faster, even if only 6% more cast speed. It gives some regen and also inc. damage on enemie low life. All in all, some of my favourite boots.


Firestorm: Just for s* and Giggles.

Cast on Death: You don't want to go down without a fight. Cast on Death increases the Damage of Firestorm by some %. Very Giggely :D

Fire Penetration: Well, what else.

Increased Burning Damage: It can ignite and thus burn everything to ashes.

Spelldamage helps. Critchance a nice addition.


Clarity: The Main Aura, gives a ton of Manareg together with the passives. Needed with GC because of Manadrainage of the Skill. Since the Mana Cost got reduced, you can sustain it with just Clarity and MoK nodes.

Reduced Mana: To reduce the reserved Mana. I like to have some of it.

Just a nice Belt. Helps to Stun, physical damage boosts cold damage which boosts the fire damage which helps with overall damage of GC and inc. flaskcharges gained is a very nice bonus.

Increased Cold Damage, nice Crit chance addition.

Another Ring would be fine like this other one... uhm... that one with ignite chance and increased damage.

Increased Fire Damage, manareg & nice Crit chance addition.

Cast Speed and Crit chance. Can also be switched for a defensive one with spelldamage, resistances etc.


The main passives are for cast speed, AoE/AD, spell damage and elemental damage. The Chance to Freeze node is useful in combination with Herald of Ice.

It is by no means a Hardcorebuild and/or defensive. I play Softcore and I generally do not care about deaths that much.

Arch Enemy

Thistlesage, the Unique Monster of the Imperial Gardens will kill you though.

Suggestions are very welcome.



Some screenshots of the damage & defense at lvl 63

Uhm *öhöm* deathcount is 484 *uhum*
Last edited by JoBilly#7588 on Aug 28, 2014, 7:09:05 AM
Allways cool to see people use underused items. I had used the Nycta's Lantern, Hrimsorrow gloves, and chernobogs pillar with Avatar of fire. This gives 100% of physical and cold damage to fire.

I had socketed Ethereal knives, Chance to ignite, and Elemental Proliferation in the Lantern. I didnt grab any cast speed nodes because that would just detract from the burning between spell casts.

Very interesting build, but you should decide whether u are going full crit or not. So far u have only few crit nodes which dont basically anything. U also dont have any(!) life node, how much HP / phys reduction do you have? I think you should definitely add at least one cwdt setup - enduring cry, enfeeble or something similar to survive in maps. I remade the skill tree to have much more life nodes, removed some weak nodes and added Eldritch Battery to have much more mana+mana regen and you can also run Arctic Armour and higher level Clarity to be much more safe.

...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
Last edited by Shade444#3919 on Apr 26, 2014, 4:59:38 AM
Shade444 wrote:
Very interesting build, but you should decide whether u are going full crit or not. So far u have only few crit nodes which dont basically anything. U also dont have any(!) life node, how much HP / phys reduction do you have? I think you should definitely add at least one cwdt setup - enduring cry, enfeeble or something similar to survive in maps. I remade the skill tree to have much more life nodes, removed some weak nodes and added Eldritch Battery to have much more mana+mana regen and you can also run Arctic Armour and higher level Clarity to be much more safe.

Skilltree suggestion

I now added some screenshots of the Skills, Damage & Defense. Actually AA is a very good idea, why did I not think of that...


As you can see all my Mana, Life and ES are around 650-700. 270 Mana gets reserved with Clarity which gives me 91 Manareg which is actually quite sufficent atm. I want to keep my ES to give me at least some tiny bit of survivability. I also want to keep my Area & Faster Cast nodes as they allow me to make a tiny stunlock with GC at certain enemies and use Shockwavetotem to keep them at a good distance from me, eg. Voidbearer. 12% inc AoE does quite a bit. Shaper gives 40% Manareg and 1% Lifereg which I quite like too.

I will definitely use AA in the future.
Last edited by JoBilly#7588 on Apr 26, 2014, 6:59:53 PM

-Updated for 1.2.0
Neat concept. The multi-scaling should create some nice damage. Going to be making my own passive tree for it though, I like not dying alot ;).

edit: here's my mockup passive build I laid out in PST: Nycta's Sorrow Glacial Templar Mk. I

So I'm building armor, purely because I have some good armor pieces already. Taking moderate life, bit of ele resist, some shield nodes for block and the spell block by Witch, and bunches of elemental and spell damage(since GC in this will be doing cold, fire, and physical, it scales best with 'spell damage' and second best with 'elemental damage'- third best would be cold damage since the fire damage scales on that)

Going to use your faster casting-spell echo-GC(picked up a 14q for cheap) as my main attack, I'll probably slot in lightning warp, CWDT-skeletons-totem-curse, aura-aura-reduced mana-curse, and maybe cold snap or something to give me another damage option.

I'll be taking this guy to 65, and I'll report back.

edit 2: Level 30 tree, just killed normal vaal

I leveled up to and beat merveil with Spark and then switched to GC. I used a blue quartz sceptre and a rare spirit shield both with spell damage. Other notable items, I have an elreon's ring with -8 mana cost that is helping a lot, a wurm's molt belt for leveling and I just picked up a basic stone of lazhwar for 5c. I'm using zombies/skeletons/vaal skeletons as extra defense, and have leap slam for movement. Damage is starting to get low; my next move on the tree is to tag the spell damage nodes next to the witch start. Then I'm going to branch out to the flat health/regen and ele resist nodes near warrior. I'll probably tag shaper before I switch to nycta's.

edit 3: While I'm thinking of it, there's something that's worth mentioning. Any choices related to area of effect should be considered carefully. Glacial cascade can hit the same enemy multiple times. Look up Ziggy D's video on it for more info but basically, GC drops overlapping circles in a line. This means most monsters standing on that line will be hit twice- large mobs, *three* times. Increasing the size of the circles also moves them farther apart, making it easier for enemies to slip through the cracks and only take one hit. Put simply, you're sacrificing your potential single target dps in order to increase your crowd control and pack clearing ability. Concentrated effect does the opposite, making the skill much smaller but creating a sweet spot where a large mob could be hit four times per cast. I recommend keeping both increased AoE and conc effect gems slotted in your alternate weapon set, to swap in certain situations. For example you might wish to use conc effect on Piety since it's a 1v1 fight and her alternate forms are definitely large enough.

edit 4: level 44 52 points a2c, using nycta's but using a lot of mana pots: link

73 points. Level 58, Merciless oversoul down, no deaths so far. Using Stone of Lazhwar+Titucius' Span with tempest shield. Mana is no longer an issue; Since I'm taking so much strength I'm using iron will instead of FC. Need more health, armor and damage. It's a bit challenging, but I'm also using very few links, and four cheap uniques. I have definitely picked up more currency leveling this char than I spent on gear. Because of the multi-strike nature of GC, reflect is not much of an issue; but resist mobs take forever to kill.

At level 61, an interesting possibility opens up; another cheap unique, chernobog's pillar, which has 25% physical-fire conversion. I could also swap a ring for pyre, I hadn't thought of that until now for some reason. Add flammability to that and this starts to get interesting, making use of pyre's unique passive.
Last edited by Pixative#1338 on Oct 20, 2014, 11:42:07 PM
Well, here's the result:

That's piety dead, level 65, no deaths. My first piety kill on this char was 61, a personal best. Took it for a spin on some 66 maps without any trouble but I seriously doubt it's good for much past that to be honest. I feel like the damage isn't what it could be- Nycta's is technically a 6-link, but if you have a real six link, use that!

I'm satisfied with how this build cleared the main content, and its ability to make use of a number of cheap uniques. It took some fancy footwork to stay alive sometimes, but that just made it more fun to play. In total, I ended up only using 4 3-link sets.

final tree, 84 points

Here's my ending equip:
swapped in life leech occasionally for more health sustain

As you can see I did have a few good armor items beforehand so a brand new player might not be so lucky. Still, the gems and uniques involved cost very little, so I think this would make a good second character.

Two other cheap uniques are compatible here: hrimnor's resolve gives fire damage and good armor; gang's momentum gives ignite chance and extra damage against ignited targets. But it might be a stretch to fill your resists.

Since my approach to the game is very, very different from OP's, I might make my own thread after the league ends and I have time; but I have to say thanks for a fun idea.
Last edited by Pixative#1338 on Oct 21, 2014, 11:29:35 AM
Very nice build idea im gonna try it.
I tought about some modifications:
Looking at reave, or glacial hammer:
Reave, a claw in main hand would had some tankyness.
3 dragons for max shock stack.

The pyre option is good but do not synergize: you loose the cold to fire boost.

But the more insane idea is glacial hammer with, why not think about mjolner!

Cold to fire for herald of ice is a free boost!

More seriously im gonna try with a good physical claw using dual wield and crit scaling, actually a " simple" 2L ligtning strike is enough to clear 74 maps with a good claw and a lesser offhand one.. the build is mostly critt scaled for dual wield and can perform very well as cast on critt
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Last edited by WIKARINA#1936 on Dec 12, 2014, 11:58:52 AM
Thanks for the Idea, I had a bunch of unused uniques that I wanted to use and my build was fairly similar in type to your guide.

I corrupted a pair of hrimsorrow to have ele weakness and also had a defiance and aegis aurora collecting dust.

I threw 'em all together and ran GC on a character I needed to respec anyway and I have been very pleased by how it turned out.

IGN standard: Squirrely_Chaos

Last edited by Squirrely#0019 on Nov 22, 2014, 1:22:39 PM

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