Exiles Everywhere

Why only an hour? I could have played EE all night long. At one point I was fighting 6 exiles in Lower Submerged, and it was glorious!

I'm not one for long races, but I'd definitely play a long EE race. I'd love to see a 3 hr or 24 hr EE race.
CycloneJack wrote:
Why only an hour? I could have played EE all night long. At one point I was fighting 6 exiles in Lower Submerged, and it was glorious!

I'm not one for long races, but I'd definitely play a long EE race. I'd love to see a 3 hr or 24 hr EE race.

Would like to see Turbo EE and have 6 turbo exiles spawn with Brutus, or better yet, Turbo EE Invasion Ancestral Cutthroat race... 6 exiles, one invader, 12 players, totems and brutus going crazy at one spot. (If both Invader and Exiles spawns in Brutus room.) All this = crash game, desynch and die...But in a Hilarious way.

Man... seriously... think about it... Just add in as a between season race for some madness without points. It would make me laugh so hard.
Turbo EE could be interesting. I was thinking Ancestral EE, but I'm a huge fan of Ancestral races.
CycloneJack wrote:
Turbo EE could be interesting. I was thinking Ancestral EE, but I'm a huge fan of Ancestral races.

For competetive race that sounds better, I Wonder if there could be a Invasion Ancestral EE race as competetive race, and the race I mentioned above just for some retarded madness fun. (No points.)
fblamt ee would be very interesting and fruitfullish combination. i could see blood magic turning into rather hard foe in addition to having regen totem next to summon skeletons totem. the possibilies are infinite
Would like to see Turbo EE and have 6 turbo exiles spawn with Brutus, or better yet, Turbo EE Invasion Ancestral Cutthroat race... 6 exiles, one invader, 12 players, totems and brutus going crazy at one spot.

Kick Ancestral and Invasion....
Ancestral a useless mod.

And also Turbo if Xandro still is in the exile pool.

EE showed how random this mode is 2 Ignas and Xandros next to each other and to outrun, outmaneuver or kill them is quiet a waste of time.

Also most 2 mod races are already labeled fun, so don't expect that be labeled as competive.

This is easily my favorite mod, can't wait to run another. The presence of exiles makes it much harder to rush through zones and just hit up big packs for exp (in my experience, anyway). It also carries a ton more risk if you do push further ahead as you can die pretty easily if several exiles get involved. The fact that I actually had to kite low level mobs to survive made it interesting. Good job GGG!

edit: I would not be opposed to other mods making this race even more challenging. It would be neat if we had a one hour race in which no one broke level 20.
Last edited by hjerk1782#4655 on Apr 3, 2014, 8:12:09 AM
FireSkull wrote:
Turbo EE Invasion Ancestral Cutthroat race

Ohhh, imagine Exiles Everywhere Cutthroat, that would be very interesting. With their microtransactions turned off. Have them flagged to attack other mobs as well but gain no xp.
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Apr 3, 2014, 2:09:46 PM
CycloneJack wrote:
I'd love to see a 3 hr or 24 hr EE race.

Oh man that would be even more funny XD for this one characters would/should probably end in void league and not in hardcore though
i dont think ggg wants us to race more
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