[1.1.1c INVASION] idiedbefore's Split Arrow/Frenzy Crit Acrobatics Ondars
Shophttp://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816751 RIP VODhttp://www.twitch.tv/datboishagg/c/4001818 I killed myself by vaal detonate dead golems on an elemental reflect map, the cause of death has nothing to do with any weaknesses in this build, i chose to use this gem to compliment a friend's vaal cyclone. 9907 Frenzy 2315 Split Arrow 40% physical damage taken as lightning damage(lightning coil) 42% Evade 84% Evade Projectiles 40% dodge attacks (54% with darkray) 30% spell dodge 24% block (rearguard quiver) 14% spell block (rearguard quiver)
Passive Tree Duelist and Ranger
I'm trying to avoid crit nodes until the end because the phys nodes are more reliable dps for grinding levels. Duelist Levels 1 - 50 Passive Tree Guide
Leveled with Spectral throw, goldrim/shiversting/geofri's baptism/rigvald's charge. Scion resist nodes allow capped resists with maximum life+defenses from gear for safety when pulling large packs at a time and staying a couple levels below the zone you are farming for the most xp. 31 points - Leather and steel first, with goldrim head to thick skin first, without goldrim grab the life nodes on the way to scion's resist nodes. 58 points - This is where you can choose to stay Spectral Throw with Rigvalds or move straight into bows with the best option being tabula rasa+split arrow if its available. Choose to grab heavy draw before or after acrobatics. 59 points - rigvalds until about level 50 where i used a 200 pdps bow with tabula rasa for my split arrow, scion resist nodes will still help alot to keep a high life pool(from items without good resist) but need to be removed asap. 67 point and 68 point target with list of differences. split arrow split decision ;] - Choose between heading to Ballistic Mastery/Heart of the Oak or you can head to Haste/Mental Acuity
I recommend the 67 point Mental Acuity route. 67 point Mental Acuity http://poeurl.com/yJ9BSSJ +18% life +20 int (for gem requirements) +5% Attack speed 18% Increased Frenzy charge duration +10% Physical bow dmg 68 point Heart of the Oak http://poeurl.com/yJ9HaZL +15% Projectile Damage +4% Evasion per frenzy charge +10% Accuracy +20% Projectile speed 30% chance to avoid stun 1% Life regen 100 point current tree level 82
yes i need to get rid of sentinel, using 3 uniques can be taxing on resists. 114/118 point finish for lightning coil Ranger 110/118 point finish for lightning coil
Damage and defense explained
will gain chaos resist as soon as possible, it was sacrificed for lightning coil. Level 83 ![]() ![]() ![]() Level 80 stats with 260pdps bow
level 80
Offense Frenzy 4L - 5350 dps Split Arrow 5L 6 charges chain 1626 dps fork 2277 dps pierce 2955 dps Split Arrow 4L 6 charges pierce 2424 dps chain 1336 dps fork 1870 dps Defense 4279 life, 1171 armor, 8080 evasion 42% evade which is doubled to 84% against projectiles 75% fire res 75% cold res 78% lightning res with purity of lightning 40% physical damage converted to lightning (lightning coil) 42% Evade 84% Evade Projectiles 40% dodge attacks (54% with darkray) 30% spell dodge 24% block (rearguard quiver) 14% spell block (rearguard quiver) This is the reason my 4279 life pool shines, its quality not quantity. reflect and physical mitigation, there is a 42%(84% Projectile) chance to stop it, if it does get through then there is another 54% chance that it will stop it, and if it gets through that, there is a 24% chance to stop it. so even when damage gets through, there will be time to life steal your way back up along with getting the granite up. i've been very lazy with my granites because this build allows it, but progressing into maps will require proper granite usage when encountering the mostly melee mobs that hit like a truck(oh yea, forgot this was a ranged build). dealing with spells is proving to be the hardest encounters so far. totems are our tank so not too many issues here other then poke down or skip.
In My Opinion. Fork has proved itself to me in the past as a heavy hitter that does not target the forked projectiles as well as chain targets it's own, leaving chain as being better overall. Chain causes more life gain on hit procs than pierce for survivability, while dealing smaller hits to continue to ignore any type of reflect. Weapon or Chest 4L = Split Arrow + Life Gain on hit/Faster Attacks + Blood Magic + Chain/Pierce 5L = Faster Attacks/Life Gain on hit 6L = Added Fire Damage/Physical Projectile Attack Damage 4L = Frenzy + Blood Magic + Life Leech + Faster Attacks 5L = Added Fire Damage/Physical Projectile Attack Damage/Increased Critical Damage 6L = Added Fire Damage/Physical Projectile Attack Damage/Increased Critical Damage 4-Link (Maligaro gloves or Blood Dance boots, Darkrays are armor/evasion so its easier to get RRRB) 4L RRGG = Reduced Mana + Grace + Hatred + Enduring Cry 4L RRGB = Reduced Mana + Grace + Hatred + Purity of Lightning Armor Helm, choose your cast when damage taken setup: 4L = lvl 1 cast when damage taken + Enduring cry + Immortal Call + increased duration enfeeble/temp chains/critical weakness/vulnerability/whatever curse matches your party or counters your opponent increased duration (immortal call duration) summon skeletons(fps lag for me) molten shell (fps lag for me) life+resist+MS or darkray/blood dance choose your tank: Searing Bond (currently using) totem resist gem works great against casters 4L RRRB = searing bond + blood magic + increased burning damage + Minion and Totem Elemental Resists Flame Totem (have not tested) 4L RRGG lvl 1 cast when damage taken/blood magic + flame totem + greater multiple projectiles + blind(support gems can be leveled past the cwdt lvl)
-Darkray vectors can become too dangerous in inside/dark maps, i'm swapping them out for this reason alone. Project bow i plan to et+ex or sell to a crafter Current Gear - 5L Lightning Coil+320dps Lioneye acquired
Old gear from the lvl 70's
Normal -Oak Cruel -Oak Merciless -Kraityn (Or Alira) *IMPORTANT* How evasion entropy works and why you cannot be consecutively hit with non-spell projectiles when capped thanks to ondars.
Evasion is not purely based on chance in the sense that each hit is independent. Instead, it uses a system of "entropy" to ensure that enemies won't get long strings of hits or misses by chance. Example -A player is fighting three monsters, one(A) with a 70% chance to hit and two(B,C) with a 45% chance to hit. -A attacks. The player's entropy is a random number between 0-99, in this case 37. -A adds 70 to the counter, raising it to 100 or greater, and hits. 100 is subtracted and the counter is now 7. -B attacks, adding 45. 52 -C attacks, adding 45. 97 -A attacks, adding 70. This hits and the counter becomes 67. It happens to be a critical strike, which means it has a 70% chance to do bonus damage. This roll is independent and doesn't affect entropy. The player runs away for >6 seconds, so a new entropy value will be rolled on the next attack. Entropy works more for us than against us, we cant afford to take 3 big hits in a row and this prevents it. In most cases entropy makes it impossible to be hit twice in a row which is where our life gain on hit/life leech shines. Special thanks for inspiring rearguard quiver and darkray vector boots along with great information for acrobatics/ondars users! =[1.1.1]= The New Overpowered (UPDATED!) - title explains it all. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/550606 GG GGG Last edited by datboishagg#5239 on Apr 4, 2014, 3:54:04 AM
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updated for level 80!
leveling passive trees update with lightning coil information current gear updated current stats updated, added dps minor changes GG GGG
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updated for level 82 and 320 pdps lioneye bow.
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Hi there,
i've been following your guide. Works for me. Thanks a lot. Just dinged lev 80 in invasion so i thought i could give some feedback. 2417 Split Arrow with 6 Frenzy (5L) 9353 Frenzy with 6 Frenzy (4L) Got around 4k hp, 75% elem resist, -36% Chaos 86% chance to hit Around 25% Crit with 260% crit mult Gonna link my gear & tree. If you think of any improvement, i'm taking any advice :) If you have any question about how i managed some stuff or if i had/have any problem, ask here or pm IGN:PetitCafeQuiRoxx.
Thanks again ! Last edited by todin#7621 on May 29, 2014, 2:02:05 PM
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Liking your build so far, level 74 in Hardcore though :d I'm wondering what gear I should change and what gear I should get later on. If you can give me some advice on the gear than I'll appreciate it :)
Thank You My Gear
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" I'm trying a SA/Frenzy build with the Duelist in Rampage, and was wondering what the tree for this build looks like now. I've never done a crit build, so please bear with me. Did you build suffer from a lack of mana? Does that make blood magic a requisite? I'm at level 46 right now, and mana is definitely an issue for me, especially in a sustained mini-boss/boss fight. |
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