Remove Vaal Areas from regular races.

From my 12h CT race experience:

I guess there was a Vaal area behind the WP but this area just looks horrible.
I have more screens which just show how horrible maplayouts look now.

In that race I did poorly at the start because Coast(bigger than usual), Flats(the coastboss one made flats far bigger) and possibly lower passage all looked so terrible that I was still stuck in lower passage after 10 minutes.

Also Vaal areas don't offer much in compensation.
Most likely is a Vaal Gem drop you won't use or a fragment you can't even use.
There are only 4 useful Vaalgems at low level and they aren't made for competive racing.

I'm still going under the assumption that they will not be in races.
If they are, unless the race rewards are disgustingly godly, I'm out.
Isn't detecting that you have an altered, corruption map part of the skill of racing? As well as learning the various layouts that have a corrupted zone?

I realize that it's an additional element of (bad) luck, but there is skill as well. The best players will minimize their (time) losses even when getting corrupted maps. So it's actually another way to gain an edge.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Mar 24, 2014, 6:36:26 AM
unsane wrote:
Isn't detecting that you have an altered, corruption map part of the skill of racing? As well as learning the various layouts that have a corrupted zone?

I realize that it's an additional element of (bad) luck, but there is skill as well. The best players will minimize their (time) losses even when getting corrupted maps. So it's actually another way to gain an edge.

Yeah and if you just use zoomhack it doesn't matter for shit.

Make more changes that favor maphackers over legit players, same bullshit with Atziri kills, RMT your way to victory, this game is just a joke.

Honestly at this point you are better off just downloading a zoomhack, rather than endlessly remaking every single instance in the game to find all possible layouts with vaal zones and memorize them.

At some point pragmatics simply trump principles and if Vaal zones make it into season 7 I'm with boof, this game can suck my knob.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Mar 24, 2014, 7:39:34 AM
The dramma... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Vaal zones replace the large chests in indoors zones.
I'm not sure if the chance to get one is actually higher...if it isn't, there's no difference, people will skip them.

In non-indoor zones, you just ignore them.

I would rather hope they changed the layouts of prison, sins, waterfall cave and pyramid to be more linear. Its so frustrating to lose minutes just running into huge deadends.
So because large chest mess up zone layouts it's ok for vaal zones to mess up zone layouts aswell?

Nice logic.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
tagpt wrote:
The dramma... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Vaal zones replace the large chests in indoors zones.
I'm not sure if the chance to get one is actually higher...if it isn't, there's no difference, people will skip them.

In non-indoor zones, you just ignore them.

I would rather hope they changed the layouts of prison, sins, waterfall cave and pyramid to be more linear. Its so frustrating to lose minutes just running into huge deadends.

They are way more common. I've done a few runs and have ran into them in act 1 so many times that I usually just stop my run right there when I do one. I think i'd probably do the exact same if that happend to me in a race. The dead ends are ridiculously long if you find one in any of the indoor locations and even some of the outdoor ones too! Prisoners gate for example was one that literally trolled me all the time.
Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Mar 24, 2014, 9:16:18 AM
Rithz wrote:
tagpt wrote:
The dramma... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Vaal zones replace the large chests in indoors zones.
I'm not sure if the chance to get one is actually higher...if it isn't, there's no difference, people will skip them.

In non-indoor zones, you just ignore them.

I would rather hope they changed the layouts of prison, sins, waterfall cave and pyramid to be more linear. Its so frustrating to lose minutes just running into huge deadends.

They are way more common. I've done a few runs and have ran into them in act 1 so many times that I usually just stop my run right there when I do one. I think i'd probably do the exact same if that happend to me in a race. The dead ends are ridiculously long if you find one in any of the indoor locations and even some of the outdoor ones too! Prisoners gate for example was one that literally trolled me all the time.

Exactly, I'm doing a test run on an alt right now and I've run into 3 zones before even killing Brutus. And it's way more severe than finding a large chest, the dead ends are fucking huge, comparable to the first couple zones in Descent: Champions.

It makes racing so random, unless you are using a maphack there is a chance you could just get fucked by vaal zones messing up layouts.

Tag just doesn't understand how serious of an issue this is for the competitive nature of racing.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Look how I walked:

North dead end.
2nd way north dead end.-->Just great
Found wp-->Cool Upper passage must be north or south and be really close.
Way behind the WP looks strange corrupted zone?!--->Skill to detect corrupted zones(did I do something wrong?)
First way south dead end.
Oh wow found Upper Passage.

Time when I did screenshot 10 minutes-->Usually I am at Climb/Lower Prison with that time.

I got similar experiences in CT when I invaded somebody in Cavern of Anger and was like WTF he is in that instance there is no trace of corpses and ended up running to a corrupted zone.
Without a revealed map there is no indicator to find a zone.

Ledge and Sarn got a good access to corrupted zones.
But those dungeon areas are a pain in the ass.
Sure some areas don't effect gameplay but in several cases they do because regular exit spots spawn elsewhere(flats) or the area is a shitty maze you just hate.

The new layouts are way worse than random chests and since I didn't see a single one I bet they got removed and strongboxes are the new random chests.

Make more changes that favor maphackers over legit players, same bullshit with Atziri kills, RMT your way to victory, this game is just a joke.

I swear those guys doing Atziri even when I called them more or less directly RMT/JSP scum months ago didn't RMT fragments or items!

I'm not sure if the chance to get one is actually higher...if it isn't, there's no difference, people will skip them.

The spawn rate is way higher. I cleared all Vaalzones within 2 days before they increased the spawnrate.
People get banned for resetting sarn to often because all they do is chase from exit to wp.

It makes racing so random, unless you are using a maphack there is a chance you could just get fucked by vaal zones messing up layouts.

Look at the catch phrase for a caught zoomhacking streamer:

1st in event 12 Min Solo Burst 1 (S06F126A)

Seems legit.

The CT races showed a perfect example who are maphacking racers and who are legit racers.

I saw several better racers struggling in CT early on. Not because they got invaded but because they had instances with corrupted zones I bet.
Then there were others who just rush to merv, sins etc in no time without much playtime in SotV while the instance layouts clearly changed and old ways of walking down't work anymore.

Have you seen the new Pyramid layouts for example?
There isn't a connected center anymore you have to backtrace if you met a dead end and take another route.

I know my regular times with old layouts I know how the other changes affected my race times.
But there wasn't a single change that affected my racetimes so bad as Corrupted Zones did.
boof wrote:
I'm still going under the assumption that they will not be in races.
If they are, unless the race rewards are disgustingly godly, I'm out.

There is always reaper of souls
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.

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